Redux Saga not triggering API call when action is dispatched - redux

I've used redux saga before but i'm still fairly new to it. Anyways, I seem to be running into a problem in the code below.
At the top, you will see the action creator I am using to fire off this AJAX request. Redux is properly dispatching this action and is logging the LOAD_USER_REQUEST type in my console however the function chain stops there. In the code below, you will see that LOAD_USER_REQUEST should call the loadUserDetails generator which should then call the userLogin with the payload received in my action creator.
Let me know if I can supply any additional info that may help. Thanks in advance :)
// Action Creator for LOAD_USER_REQUEST.
export const getExistingUser = ({email = '', password = '12345'} = {}) => ({
payload: {email, password}
// API call being used in loadUserDetails Saga
export const userLogin = ({email = '', password = '12345'} = {}) => {
return`${API}auth/login`, {
.then(res => {
let user =;
return user;
.catch(err => new Error('userLogin err', err));
// Sagas
// loadUserDetails Saga - Should call fn above userLogin with payload from action creator
function* loadUserDetails(payload) {
const user = yield call(userLogin(payload));
yield put({type: LOAD_USER_SUCCESS, user}); // Yields effect to the reducer specifying the action type and user details
export function* watchRequest() {
yield* takeLatest(LOAD_USER_REQUEST, loadUserDetails);

At first, does your entry point to saga configured well? You should add saga-middleware in store creation, and don't forget to invoke saga process manager by runSaga method.
At second, why you re-delegate generator instance to up-level? Maybe it's meant to yield takeLatest(LOAD_USER_REQUEST, loadUserDetails); without yield* operator? Is has quite different semantics.
At third, by API reference, call effect takes function or generator reference, but you provide promise object. Maybe it's meant const user = yield call(() => userLogin(payload)); or const user = yield call(userLogin, payload);?


NextJs Auth0 - get user_metadata from user session middleware

i'm trying to get a user_metadata from the useUser hook. Here is what i've tried.
Auth Action
exports.onExecutePostLogin = async (event, api) => {
const namespace = '';
api.idToken.setCustomClaim(`${namespace}/user_metadata`, event.user.user_metadata);
api.accessToken.setCustomClaim(`${namespace}/user_metadata`, event.user.user_metadata);
NextJs Middleware.
const afterCallback = (req, res, session, state) => {
session.user.idToken = session.idToken;
session.user.testVar = JSON.stringify(session);
return session;
No user_metadata in session variable.
Also when i console.log(session) inside afterCallback for some reason the console.log() isn't printing anything.
This is actually working, i was just missing one step which is 'activating' the action. On the dashboard under actions/flows/login/.
Drag and drop the action.

How to know if Firebase Auth is currently retrieving user?

I am using GoogleAuthProvider, with the default LOCAL persistence.
When I navigate to the page, I do:
firebase.auth().currentUser // this is always null
firebase.auth().onAuthStateChanged(user => {
console.log("authStateChanged", user)
If the user is logged in, the callback is called once, with the user.
If the user is not logged in, the callback is also called once, with null.
This suggests I could wait until the first callback after navigating to the page to get the real login state before deciding what view to display, for instance. (I originally thought that it would not get called with null, and so I could end up waiting indefinitely)
Would that be idiomatic usage? Does it seem like it will be robust against updates to firebase? Where can I find this discussed in the official documentation?
2022 Edit: in firebase web SDK 9, it's
import { getAuth, onAuthStateChanged } from "firebase/auth";
const auth = getAuth();
export const isReady = new Promise(resolve => {
const unsubscribe = onAuthStateChanged(auth, (/* user */) => {
resolve(/* user */)
P.S: The reason I don't resolve with the user is because it is available at auth.currentUser, while the promise would retain an outdated value.
Looking at similar questions such as Pattern for Firebase onAuthStateChanged and Navigation Guards - Quasar app it seems this is indeed the way it's done.
So I have come up with the following to differentiate the initial condition:
export const isReady = new Promise(resolve => {
const unsubscribe = firebase.auth().onAuthStateChanged(() => {
I export this Promise from the module where I wrap firebase, so I can begin other initialization while waiting for an authoritative authentication state.
this worked for me instead. NB: For those user Quasar
export default async ({ app, router, store }) => {
return new Promise(resolve => {
const unsubscribe = auth.onAuthStateChanged((user) => {
auth.authUser = user

Perform Ajax Fetch in a Redux Reducer?

I'm trying to wrap my head around accessing the state inside Redux actionCreators; instead did the following (performed ajax operation in the reducer). Why do I need to access the state for this — because I want to perform ajax with a CSRF token stored in the state.
Could someone please tell me if the following is considered bad practice/anti-pattern?
export const reducer = (state = {} , action = {}) => {
// back-end ops
const formData = new FormData();
formData.append('csrf' , state.csrfToken);
fetch('/delete-comment/' + action.commentId , {
credentials:'include' ,
headers:new Headers({
}) ,
method:'POST' ,
// return new state
return {
...state ,
comments:state.comments.filter(comment => !== action.commentId)
default: {
return state;
From the redux documentation:
The only way to change the state is to emit an action, an object describing what happened. Do not put API calls into reducers. Reducers are just pure functions that take the previous state and an action, and return the next state. Remember to return new state objects, instead of mutating the previous state.
Actions should describe the change. Therefore, the action should contain the data for the new version of the state, or at least specify the transformation that needs to be made. As such, API calls should go into async actions that dispatch action(s) to update the state. Reducers must always be pure, and have no side effects.
Check out async actions for more information.
An example of an async action from the redux examples:
function fetchPosts(subreddit) {
return (dispatch, getState) => {
// contains the current state object
const state = getState();
// get token
const token = state.some.token;
// Perform the API request
return fetch(`${subreddit}.json`)
.then(response => response.json())
// Then dispatch the resulting json/data to the reducer
.then(json => dispatch(receivePosts(subreddit, json)))
As per guidelines of redux.
It's very important that the reducer stays pure. Things you should never do inside a reducer:
Mutate its arguments;
Perform side effects like API calls and routing transitions;
Call non-pure functions, e.g. or Math.random().
If you are asking whether it is anti-pattern or not then yes it is absolutely.
But if you ask what is the solution.
Here you need to dispatch async-action from your action-creators
Use "redux-thunk" or "redux-saga" for that
You can access the state and create some async action
e.g inside your action-creator ( Just for example )
export function deleteCommment(commentId) {
return dispatch => {
return Api.deleteComment(commentId)
.then( res => {
export function updateCommentList(commentList) {
return {
Edit: You can access the state -
export function deleteCommment(commentId) {
return (dispatch, getState) => {
const state = getState();
// use some data from state
return Api.deleteComment(commentId)
.then( res => {

Redux - Jest: Testing functions that have void return

New to Jest and Redux and I'm having trouble with testing functions that are dispatching to the store but don't yield a return value. I'm trying to follow the example from the Redux website does this
return store.dispatch(actions.fetchTodos()).then(() => {
// return of async actions
however I have several "fetchtodos" functions that don't return anything which causes the error TypeError:
Cannot read property 'then' of undefined due to returning undefined
I'm wondering what I can do to test that my mock store is correctly updating. Is there a way to dispatch the function, wait for it to finish and then compare the mock store with expected results?
Edit: We're using typescript
action from tsx
export function selectTopic(topic: Topic | undefined): (dispatch: Redux.Dispatch<TopicState>) => void {
return (dispatch: Redux.Dispatch<TopicState>): void => {
type: SELECT_Topic,
payload: topic,
const middlewares = [thunk];
const mockStore = configureMockStore(middlewares);
describe('Select Topic action', () => {
it('should create an action to select .', () => {
const topic: Topic = mockdata.example[0];
const expectedAction = {
type: actions.SELECT_TOPIC,
payload: topic,
const store = mockStore(mockdata.defaultState);
return store.dispatch(actions.selectTopic(topic)).then(() => {
The action is what I'm given to test(and there are many other functions similar to it. I'm getting that undefined error when running the test code, as the function isn't returning anything.
In Redux, the store's dispatch method is synchronous unless you attach middleware that changes that behavior, ie: returns a promise.
So this is likely a redux configuration problem. Be sure you are setting up your test store with the same middleware that allows you to use the promise pattern in production.
And as always, be sure to mock any network requests to avoid making api calls in test.

async/await with firebase .on() database listener

I'm designing a messaging application with redux as my state manager and firebase to store my data. I've started writing my database listeners in this fashion:
const fetchMessages = roomKey => async dispatch => {
const db = firebase.database();
let { messages } = await db.ref(`messages/${roomKey}`).on('value');
payload: messages,
All this basically does is fetch messages by a room key and then dispatch an action that sets the messages in the redux state.
Traditionally, this would be written as such:
db.ref(`messages/${roomKey}`).on('value', snapshot => {
const messages = snapshot.messages;
payload: messages,
And everytime something changes in messages/${roomKey}, my dispatch function would be executed. I'm wondering if this will work the same using the async await syntax, and if not, how I could make it work.
Hope this was enough detail!
The reference's on method does not return a promise. The callback it's passed can be invoked multiple times, so a promise does not fit with the method's contract.
However, the reference's once method method does return a promise, as the (optional) callback it's passed is invoked only once - after which the promise resolves. The once method is likely the one you want to use.
