Parse Server Cloud code keeps sending push notifications - push-notification

I've developed an app that sends push notifications using Parse Server Cloud code. These notifications are received correctly in the devices but hours later they are automatically sent from Parse Server again (and they are received again). This happens 3 or 4 times for each push notifications.
If push notifications are sent from Parse Dashboard they are only sent once, so it seems it's a problem of my cloud code.
This is my code:
Parse.Cloud.define("sendPushNotification", function(request, response) {
var userId = request.params.userId;
var message = request.params.message;
var queryUser = new Parse.Query(Parse.User);
queryUser.equalTo('objectId', userId);
var query = new Parse.Query(Parse.Installation);
query.matchesQuery('user', queryUser);
where: query,
data: {
alert: message,
badge: 0,
sound: 'default'
}, {
success: function() {
console.log('##### PUSH OK');
error: function(error) {
console.log('##### PUSH ERROR');
useMasterKey: true
I had a similar issue sending emails from another cloud code function (not included in the question) and my problem was because I forgot to add response.success(); and response.error('ERROR'); methods.
So this time I was sure to include these 2 calls in the responses of "sendPushNotification" method.
After sending a push notification the logs show this:
2017-07-09T15:38:02.427Z - Ran cloud function sendPushNotification for user undefined with:
Input: {"message":"This is my message","userId":"myUserIdInParse"}
Result: undefined
I think that this "Result: undefined" could be related with the problem because success and error functions are not called.
What could be the problem with this code? Why the code doesn't receive a success() when the notifications are received correctly in the devices?


Flutter: How do I send a push notification from the device itself?

I'm new to programming and I'm developing an app in which the user is suppose to get a notification 30 minutes before an event that's scheduled on the app. The schedule is saved in the firebase database and the device checks every 30 minutes to see if it's time to send an alert. If that condition becomes true, I want the device to send the notification so that the user will be alerted about the event. Every tutorial I saw only showed how to send notification through firebase itself. None of them covered how you can send them from the device.
I came across this code:
final postUrl = Uri.parse('');
final data = {
"registration_ids": tokens, //list of tokens
"collapse_key": "type_a",
"notification": {
"title": 'title',
"body": 'body',
"data": {
"data1": 'data 1', //data passed
final Map<String, String> headers = {
'content-type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': serverKey, //..................FCM server key
final response = await,
body: json.encode(data),
encoding: Encoding.getByName('utf-8'),
headers: headers);
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
print('test ok push CFM');
return true;
} else {
print(' CFM error');
return false;
But isn't this bad practice since your server key is exposed? Are there any better and safe methods to do this using flutter??
I think checking the firebase database every 30 minutes from the device is not a good decision.
You can use/write a firebase cloud function. Using a firebase cloud function you can watch any document/field and try to write notification trigger logic like if a event is before 30 minutes then this cloud function will throw a notification via firebase messaging.
See for more information.

Trying to respond to Slack depending on response other API

I'm have difficulties of responding to Slack using Node Red. The response should wait on the response of another REST call.
I guess I need something with async await? But I can't figure out how to create the flow.
This is how the process should work
sent an interactive message to Slack
User clicks on a button (decline or Approve)
message is sent to Slack that request is being processed in other system
the request is transformed and posted to an other API /other system
When the response is received, then it should send the response back to Slack.
Can someone help me on this? (I'm trying to learn Node Red)
The nodejs that does exactly what I'm intent to do:'/review', urlencodedParser, async (req,res) => {
try{res.send(`Contract is currently being processed`)
var request = JSON.parse(req.body.payload);
var slackmessage = await SlackContractReviewContent(request);
var response = await sendContractReview(slackmessage.entity, slackmessage.status);
var Slackresponse = await sendSlackDelayedMessage(slackmessage,response);
} catch (err) {
console.log(`Could not be processed!`);

How to update the UI on firebase realtime database "push" in offline mode

I'm using react-native-firebase in my app. The problem i'm facing is how to handle the UI updates when user tries to push data when offline.
If the user is online we can use the on() method to get realtime updates but what to do when they are offline. We know that the pushed data is stored in the cache and pushed when user is online again. Can this cached data be used to do what i aim at achieving?
Here's the code i used to receive realtime updates:
var ref333 = firebase.database().ref(`/user-posts/${uid}/`)
ref333.on('value',function (snap) {
var s = snap.val();
console.log("NEW POSTS "+JSON.stringify(s))
The code i use to push the data.
var postData = {
uid: uid,
body: 'body',
title: 'title',
starCount: 0
// Get a key for a new Post.
var newPostKey = firebase.database().ref().child('posts').push().key;
var ref222 = firebase.database().ref(`/posts/${newPostKey}`)
var ref333 = firebase.database().ref(`/user-posts/${uid}/${newPostKey}`)
ref222.push(postData, function (onComplete) {
ref333.push(postData,function (onComplete) {
console.log("NEXT COMPLETED")
}, function (error) {
console.log("ERROR IN ",error)
}, function (error) {
console.log("error == "+error)
The .on snspashot listener should be triggered even if in offline mode.
According to the docs:
You can use the value event to read a static snapshot of the contents
at a given path, as they existed at the time of the event. This method
is triggered once when the listener is attached and again every time
the data, including children, changes.
This should work in offline mode as well. If you are not receiving updates - something else is wrong.
This problem was solved by adding this lines of code to your native code:

Google Calendar API watch channels not stopping

Stopping a watch channel is not working, though it's not responding with an error, even after allowing for propagation overnight.  I'm still receiving 5 notifications for one calendarlist change.  Sometimes 6.  Sometimes 3.  It's sporadic. We're also receiving a second round of notifications for the same action after 8 seconds.  Sometimes 6 seconds.  Sometimes a third set with a random count.  Also sporadic. Received a total of 10 unique messages for a single calendar created via web browser.
You can perform infinite amount of watch requests on specific calendar resource, Google will always return the same calendar resource Id for the same calendar, but the uuid you generate in the request will be different, and because of that, you will receive multiple notifications for each watch request that you've made. One way to stop all notifications from specific calendar resource, is to listen for notifications, pull out "x-goog-channel-id" and "x-goog-resource-id" from notification headers, and use them in Channels.stop request.
"id": string,
"resourceId": string
Every time you perform a watch request, you should persist the data from the response, and check if the uuid or resource id already exist, if yes don't perform watch request for that resource id again (if you don't want to receive multiple notifications).
e.g."/calendar/listen", async function (req, res) {
var pushNotification = req.headers;
res.writeHead(200, {
'Content-Type': 'text/html'
res.end("Post recieved");
var userData = await dynamoDB.getSignInData(pushNotification["x-goog-channel-token"]).catch(function (err) {
console.log("Promise rejected: " + err);
if (!userData) {
console.log("User data not found in the database");
} else {
if (!userData.calendar) {
console.log("Calendar token not found in the user data object, can't perform Calendar API calls");
} else {
oauth2client.credentials = userData.calendar;
await calendarManager.stopWatching(oauth2client, pushNotification["x-goog-channel-id"], pushNotification["x-goog-resource-id"])
module.exports.stopWatching = function (oauth2client, channelId, resourceId) {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
auth: oauth2client,
resource: {
id: channelId,
resourceId: resourceId
}, async function (err, response) {
if (err) {
console.log('The API returned an error: ' + err);
return reject(err);
} else {
console.log("Stopped watching channel " + channelId);
await dynamoDB.deleteWatchData(channelId)
Not a google expert but I recently implement it in my application,
I am trying to answer some of your questions for future readers:
It's sporadic
Tha's because you have create more than 1 channels for watching events.
We're also receiving a second round of notifications for the same action after 8 seconds
Google doesn't say anything about the maximum delay for sending a push notification.
When you create a new channel, always save the channel_id and channel_resource in your database.
When you want to delete a channel just use stop API endpoint with the channel data saved in your database
As you have noticed the channels do expire, so you need to update them once in a while. To do that create a crone in your server that is going to STOP all previous channels and it will create new one.
Comment: Whenever something is going wrong please read the error message sent from the Google API calendar. Most of the time, it tells you what is wrong.
Use Channels.stop which is mentioned in the docs. Supply the following data in your request body:
"id": string,
"resourceId": string
id is the channel ID when you created your watch request. Same goes with resource ID.
Read this SO thread and this github forum for additional reference.

cordova-plugin-fcm - FCMPlugin is not defined

I am using Ionic 2, and am trying to get Push Notifications working.
I have registered my app with Firebase, and can push notifications to it successfully.
I now need to set up, so that I can push notifications from my app. So I decided to use the following Cordova Plugin (cordova-plugin-fcm).
Question 1
When I follow it's instructions, by doing the following in my Ionic app:
declare var FCMPlugin;
initializeApp() {
this.platform.ready().then(() => {
function (token) {
I get the following Error at runtime:
EXCEPTION: Error: Uncaught (in promise): ReferenceError: FCMPlugin is
not defined
How do I solve this please?
Question 2
In order to send notifications from your app, the Cordova Plugin (cordova-plugin-fcm) instructs the following:
//HEADER: Content-Type: application/json
//HEADER: Authorization: key=AIzaSy*******************
"title":"Notification title", //Any value
"body":"Notification body", //Any value
"sound":"default", //If you want notification sound
"click_action":"FCM_PLUGIN_ACTIVITY", //Must be present for Android
"icon":"fcm_push_icon" //White icon Android resource
"param1":"value1", //Any data to be retrieved in the notification callback
"to":"/topics/topicExample", //Topic or single device
"priority":"high", //If not set, notification won't be delivered on completely closed iOS app
"restricted_package_name":"" //Optional. Set for application filtering
This is not even Typescript or Javascript. So where does it go? I just don't understand. Any advise appreciated.
You should have FCMPlugin.js included in your HTML index file
find the path for js file into plugins directory of the app
Example : MyFCM\plugins\cordova-plugin-fcm\www\FCMPlugin.js
app.controller('AppCtrl', function(FCMPlugin,$scope,$cordovaToast,$cordovaDialogs,ionPlatform) {
// call to register automatically upon device ready
ionPlatform.ready.then(function (device) {
console.log('I am working');
//Notification was received on device tray and tapped by the user.
//Notification was received in foreground. Maybe the user needs to be notified.
//$cordovaToast.showShortCenter( JSON.stringify(data) );
$cordovaToast.showShortCenter('onNotification callback successfully registered: ' + msg);
$cordovaToast.showShortCenter('Error registering onNotification callback: ' + err);
