How to open a Julia Jupyter Qtconsole from an IJulia notebook? - julia

With the IPython Jupyter notebook, I use the magic %qtconsole to open a Qtconsole connected to the same IPython kernel as the notebook.
How does one do this with the IJulia notebook?

To open a console:
jupyter console --kernel=julia-0.4
jupyter console --kernel=julia-0.6
To open a qtconsole:
jupyter qtconsole --kernel=julia-0.4
jupyter qtconsole --kernel=julia-0.6


How to type in Anaconda promt after opening Jupyter notebook through Anaconda promt

I opened the jupyter notebook through anaconda promt and I need to install some packages however I could not type in the anaconda promt after opening the notebook through promt.
How I can type again?

Jupyter notebook extensions tab not showing up using poetry as dependency manager

I am using poetry as my dependency manager and the extensions tab is not showing up when I launch jupyter notebooks. How do I get the tab to show up?
My pyproject.toml has these dependencies
python = ">=3.8,<3.11"
ipython = "^8.10.0"
jupyter = "^1.0.0"
jupyter-contrib-nbextensions = "^0.7.0"
And I ran
poetry run jupyter contrib nbextension install --user
poetry run jupyter nbextensions_configurator enable --user
poetry run jupyter notebook
But there's no extensions tab:
screenshot of jupyter notebook UI.
The poetry-installed jupyter notebook version is 6.5.2 and my poetry version is 1.2.2.
As an aside, I'm also wondering how to add extensions from the command line. I know the command is poetry run jupyter nbextension enable <nbextension> but, in general, where can I find the <nbextension>? E.g., for "Snippets Menu", what's the <nbextension>?

Opening Jupyter Notebook in python 3.8.8 in Windows 10

I have installed Anaconda. I want to open Jupyter notebook in python 3.8.8 in Windows 10
I ran conda install spyder-notebook -c spyder-ide in Anaconda cmd and I am getting All requested Packages already installed.
Even after restarting the Spyder, I am not able to see the Notebook option in view pane.
What more should I do so that I can open and run Jupyter notebook in Spyder

I have installed jupyter notebook (wind 10) with pip, but when I type jupyter notebook in cmd.exe I get "nonrecognized"

I have installed jupyter notebook (wind 10) with pip, but when I type jupyter notebook in cmd.exe I get "nonrecognized as internal command"

Jupyter kernel not starting

My Jupyter kernel moves between dead, starting, connected status but can’t run any cell. I am running the kernel on the cluster and everything worked fine. I can use ipython from the terminal. A similar thing happens in both Jupyter lab and notebook.
I have reinstalled ipython and tested it with iptest, reinstalled Jupyter also.
pip uninstall ipykernel ipython jupyter_client jupyter_core traitlets ipython_genutils -y
pip install ipykernel ipython jupyter_client jupyter_core traitlets ipython_genutils
Jupyter core : 4.5.0
Jupyter-notebook : 5.7.8
Qtconsole : 4.4.3
Ipython : 7.8.0
Ipykernel : 5.1.0
Jupyter client : 5.2.4
Jupyter lab : 1.1.4
Here is the log file when running Jupyter lab.
