Disable cache sharing among websites - http

Is there a way to tell the browser not to share a cached resource among websites?
I want to give websites a link to some JavaScript on my server and I want to make the response be different for each domain using the Referer header as check.
The response which will be cached should be available to the domain that requested it and when the end users visit another site that uses the script link, another request should be made.

I don't know whether I understand your question.
Does your scenario like: stackoverflow.com and yourwebsite.com use the same script called "https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.12.4/jquery.min.js", but you don't want to share the cached script with stackoverflow.com
This is under the control of googleapis.com's web server.
So if the cached resource's origin server(googleapis.com) want to implement the feature as you said, it may use the Vary response header. Vary Header define the secondary key of cache.
Maybe "Vary: Origin" but only work for CORS
Maybe "Vary: referer" but referer contains url path
It still doesn't solve your problem but I hope it helps.
see MDN HTTP Cache Doc and [RFC 7234 Section 4.1]


Is there another way to set cookies than through HTTP headers?

I'm writing some http client code to interact with a website, and I need to set some cookies. Simply visiting the website sets 4 cookies (as seen in Chrome Settings).
However, when I look at the HTTP response headers for when those cookies were set (using Live HTTP Headers extension), there is no Set-Cookie header anywhere. How were those cookies set? Is there another way than through Set-Cookie?
Edit: Some of the cookies are HttpOnly.
If you load a site in your browser, it might also load other assets that can also set cookies (given that they are on the same domain).
But there is a second way to set cookies: with Javascript via document.cookies.
As far as I know, if your javascript or python code sets a cookie for that domain, then the response will include the SET-COOKIE field. You can view that from at least the inspect console.
So I see that you're using HTTP live extension, but it doesn't look like it shows that field in the response.
I tried looking for other extensions that could show it, but I wasn't able to find one as far as I know. I suppose we both can always fall back to the chrome inspect console. If you go to the network tab, you should actually see the req-resp.

How to ensure my CDN caches CORS requests by origin?

I currently use Akamai as a CDN for my app, which is served over multiple subdomains.
I recently realized that Akamai is caching CORS requests the same, regardless of the origin from which they were requested.
This of course causes clients that make requests with a different Origin than the cached response to fail (since they have a different response header for Access-Control-Allow-Origin than they should)
Many suggest supplying the Vary: Origin request header to avoid this issue, but according to Akamai's docs and this Akamai community post, this isn't supported by Akamai.
How can I force Akamai to cache things uniquely by Origin if an Origin header is present in the request?
I did some research, and it appears this can be done by adding a new Rule in your Akamai config, like so:
Note that if you do this - REMEMBER - this changes your cache key at Akamai, so anything that was cached before is essentially NOT CACHED anymore! Also, as noted in the yellow warning labels, this can make it harder to force reset your cache using Akamai's url purging tools. You could remove the If block, and just include Origin header as a similar Cache ID Modification rule too, if you were ok with changing the cache key for all your content that this rule would apply to.
So in short, try this out on a small section of your site first!
More details can be found in this related post on Stack Overflow
We have hosted an API on Akamai. I had similar requirement, but we wanted to use the cached response on Akamai for all the touchpoints. But without CORS settings, it used to cache the response from first origin, and then keep it in cache, and the following requests from other touch points use to fail due to cached origin header.
We solved the problem with using API Gateway feature provided by Akamai. You can find it under API Definition. Custom cache parameters can also be defined here. Please see the screen shot for the CORS settings. Now it cached the response from backend and serve to the requester as per the allowed origin list.
CORS Setting in API Definition

Securing HTTP referer

I develop software which stores files in directories with random names to prevent unauthorized users to download a file.
The first thing we need about this is to store them in a separate top-level domain (to prevent cookie theft).
The second danger is HTTP referer which may reveal the name of the secret directory.
My experiments with Chrome browser shows that HTTP referer is sent only when I click a link in my (secret) file. So the trouble is limited only to files which may contain links (in Chrome HTML and PDF). Can I rely on this behavior (not sending the referer is the next page is opened not from a current (secret) page link but with some other method such as entering the URL directly) for all browsers?
So the problem was limited only to HTML and PDF files. But it is not a complete security solution.
I suspect that we can fully solve this problem by adding Content-Disposition: attachment when serving all our secret files. Will it prevent the HTTP referer?
Also note that I am going to use HTTPS for a man-in-the-middle not to be able to download our secret files.
You can use the Referrer-Policy header to try to control referer behaviour. Please take note that this requires clients to implement this.
Instead of trying to conceal the file location, may I suggest you implement proper authentication and authorization handling?
I agree that Referrer-Policy is your best first step, but as DaSourcerer notes, it is not universally implemented on browsers you may support.
A fully server-side solution is as follows:
User connects to .../<secret>
Server generates a one-time token and redirects to .../<token>
Server provides document and invalidate token
Now the referer will point to .../<token>, which is no longer valid. This has usability trade-offs, however:
Reloading the page will not work (though you may be able to address this with a cookie or session)
Users cannot share URL from URL bar, since it's technically invalid (in some cases that could be a minor benefit)
You may be able to get the same basic benefits without the usability trade-offs by doing the same thing with an IFRAME rather than redirecting. I'm not certain how IFRAME influences Referer.
This entire solution is basically just Referer masking done proactively. If you can rewrite the links in the document, then you could instead use Referer masking on the way out. (i.e. rewrite all the links so that they point to https://yoursite.com/redirect/....) Since you mention PDF, I'm assuming that this would be challenging (or that you otherwise do not want to rewrite the document).

CDN: Forward to a different resource instead of redirect

I need to send different resources (specially images) for same urls depending on a complex logic based on different factors (cookie, IP, time, random). I want to take advantage of CDNs (cache, availability, proximity). So, I want this CDN to make a call to my server in order to decide which resource serve to any request. It is very important to not use redirects, so the user will never see a 30X status code.
For clarification:
User makes a request to http://resources.mydomain.com/img/a.jpg, which domain is under CDN
CDN makes a call to my server, sending url requested, cookies and user IP
My server returns the name of the real resource to serve (http://hidden.mydomain.com/img/a-version3.jpg)
CDN requests that image if not in cache
CDN responds to user request sending a-version3.jpg data, but without any redirect
Is it possible using any current commercial solution?
Yes, I think it is already supported by CDNetworks long time ago.
It is called "Origin Logic Control" now. You can check the description from http://www.cdnetworks.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/CDNetworks-ContentAccel-DS-EN2.pdf:
Allows a customer’s domain to require checking with the origin on every request.
You can return a special HTTP header (or special HTTP body, I am not sure now) to tell CDNetworks to return resources directly (and using cached version if available), not 30x status code.
You can enable Redirect Chasing to get what you are looking for. Alternatively, look at the Akamai blog post on Edge Redirect for a faster option.

What is the point of the Access-Control-Allow-Origin http header?

I have difficulties in seeing the point of the Access-Control-Allow-Origin http header.
I thought that if a client (browser) gets a "no" from a server once, than it will not send any further requests. But chrome and firefox keep sending requests.
Could anyone tell me a real life example where a header like this makes sense?
The Access-Control-Allow-Origin header should contain a list of origins which are "allowed" to access the resource.
Thus, determining which domains can make requests to your server for resources.
For example, sending back a header of Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * would allow all sites to access the requested resource.
On the other hand, sending back Access-Control-Allow-Origin: http://foo.example.com will allow access only to http://foo.example.com.
There's some more information on this over at the Mozilla Developer Site
For example
Let's suppose we have a URL on our own domain that returns a JSON collection of Music Albums by Artist. It might look like this:
We might use some AJAX on our website to get this JSON data and then display it on our website.
But what if someone from another site wishes to use our JSON object for themselves? Perhaps we have another website http://subdomain.ourdomain.com which we own and would like to use our feed from ourdomain.com.
Traditionally we can't make cross-domain requests for this data.
By specifying other domains that are allowed access to our resource, we now open the doors to cross-domain requests.
CORS implements a two-part security view of cross-origin. The problem it is trying to solve is that there are many servers sitting out there on the public internet written by people who either (a) assumed that no browser would ever allow a cross-origin request, or (b) didn't think about it at all.
So, some people want to permit cross-origin communications, but the browser-builders do not feel that they can just unlock browsers and suddenly leave all these websites exposed. To avoid this, they invented a two-part structure. Before a browser will permit a cross-origin interaction with a server, that server has to specifically indicate that it is willing to allow cross-origin access. In the simple cases, that's Access-Control-Allow-Origin. In more complex cases, it's the full preflight mechanism.
It's still true that servers have to implement appropriate resource access control on their resources. CORS is just there to allow the server to indicate to browsers that it is aware of all the issues.
