Using ggplot2 to plot an already-existing linear model - r

Let's say that I have some data and I have created a linear model to fit the data. Then I plot the data using ggplot2 and I want to add the linear model to the plot. As far as I know, this is the standard way of doing it (using the built-in cars dataset):
fit <- lm(dist ~ speed, data = cars)
p <- ggplot(cars, aes(speed, dist))
p <- p + geom_point()
p <- p + geom_smooth(method='lm')
However, the above violates the DRY principle ('don't repeat yourself'): it involves creating the linear model in the call to lm and then recreating it in the call to geom_smooth. This seems inelegant to me, and it also introduces a space for bugs. For example, if I change the model that is created with lm but forget to change the model that is created with geom_smooth, then the summary and the plot won't be of the same model.
Is there a way of using ggplot2 to plot an already existing linear model, e.g. by passing the lm object itself to the geom_smooth function?

What one needs to do is to create a new data frame with the observations from the old one plus the predicted values from the model, then plot that dataframe using ggplot2.
# create and summarise model
cars.model <- lm(dist ~ speed, data = cars)
# add 'fit', 'lwr', and 'upr' columns to dataframe (generated by predict)
cars.predict <- cbind(cars, predict(cars.model, interval = 'confidence'))
# plot the points (actual observations), regression line, and confidence interval
p <- ggplot(cars.predict, aes(speed,dist))
p <- p + geom_point()
p <- p + geom_line(aes(speed, fit))
p <- p + geom_ribbon(aes(ymin=lwr,ymax=upr), alpha=0.3)
The great advantage of doing this is that if one changes the model (e.g. cars.model <- lm(dist ~ poly(speed, 2), data = cars)) then the plot and the summary will both change.
Thanks to Plamen Petrov for making me realise what was needed here. As he points out, this approach will only work if predict is defined for the model in question; if not, one has to define it oneself.

I believe you want to do something along the lines of :
# install.packages('dplyr')
fit <- lm(dist ~ speed, data = cars)
cars %>%
mutate( my_model = predict(fit) ) %>%
ggplot() +
geom_point( aes(speed, dist) ) +
geom_line( aes(speed, my_model) )
This will also work for more complex models as long as the corresponding predict method is defined. Otherwise you will need to define it yourself.
In the case of linear model you can add the confidence/prediction bands with slightly more work and reproduce your plot.


Adding fixed effects regression line to ggplot

I am plotting panel data using ggplot and I want to add the regression line for my fixed effects model "fixed" to the plot. This is the current code:
# Fixed Effects Model in plm
fixed <- plm(progenyMean ~ damMean, data=finalDT, model= "within", index = c("sireID", "cropNum"))
# Plotting Function
plotFunction <- function(Data){
ggplot(Data, aes(x=damMean, y=progenyMean)) +
geom_point() +
geom_smooth(method = "lm", se = T, formula=fixed)
However, the plot doesn't recognise the geom_smooth() and there is no regression line on the plot.
Is it possible to plot a regression line for a fixed effects model here?
OP. Please, include a reproducible example in your next question so that we can help you better. In this case, I'll answer using the same dataset that is used on Princeton's site here, since I'm not too familiar with the necessary data structure to support the plm() function from the package plm. I do wish the dataset could be one that is a bit more dependably going to be present... but hopefully this example remains illustrative even if the dataset is no longer available.
Panel <- read.dta("")
fixed <-plm(y ~ x1, data=Panel, index=c("country", "year"), model="within")
my_lm <- lm(y ~ x1, data=Panel) # including for some reference
Example: Plotting a Simple Linear Regression
Note that I've also referenced a standard linear model - this is to show you how you can extract the values and plot a line from that to match geom_smooth(). Here's an example plot of that data plus a line plotted with the lm() function used by geom_smooth().
plot <- Panel %>%
ggplot(aes(x1, y)) + geom_point() + theme_bw() +
geom_smooth(method="lm", alpha=0.1, color='gray', size=4)
If I wanted to plot a line to match the linear regression from geom_smooth(), you can use geom_abline() and specify slope= and intercept=. You can see those come directly from our my_lm list:
> my_lm
lm(formula = y ~ x1, data = Panel)
(Intercept) x1
1.524e+09 4.950e+08
Extracting those values for my_lm$coefficients gives us our slope and intercept (realizing that the named vector has intercept as the fist position and slope as the second. You'll see our new blue line runs directly over top of the geom_smooth() line - which is why I made that one so fat :).
plot + geom_abline(
intercept = my_lm$coefficients[1], color='blue')
Plotting line from plm()
The same strategy can be used to plot the line from your predictive model using plm(). Here, it's simpler, since the model from plm() seems to have an intercept of 0:
> fixed
Model Formula: y ~ x1
Well, then it's pretty easy to plot in the same way:
plot + geom_abline(slope=fixed$coefficients, color='red')
In your case, I'd try this:
ggplot(Data, aes(x=damMean, y=progenyMean)) +
geom_point() +

plotting an interaction term in moderated regression using MICE imputation

I'm using imputed data to test a series of regression models, including some moderation models.
imp_data <- mice(data,m=20,maxit=20,meth='cart',seed=12345)
I then convert this to long format so I can recode / sum variables as needed, beore turning back to mids format
Example model:
model1 <- with(impdatlong_mids,
lm(Outcome ~ p1_sex + p2 + p3 + p4
+ p5+ p6+ p7+ p8+ p9+ p10
+ p11+ p1_sex*p12+ p1_sex*p13 + p14)
in non-imputed data, to create a graphic representation of the significant ineraction, I'd use (e.g.)
interact_plot (model=model1, pred = p1_sex, modx = p12)
This doesn't work with imputed data / mids objects.
Has anyone plotted an interaction using imputed data, and able to help or share examples?
EDIT: Reproducible example
# library(reprex) does not work with this
# Data preparations
# loading an editing data
d <- mtcars
d <- d %>% mutate_at(c('cyl','am'),factor)
# create missing data and impute it
mi_d <- d
nr_of_NAs <- 30
for (i in 1:nr_of_NAs) {
mi_d[sample(nrow(mi_d),1),sample(ncol(mi_d),1)] <- NA
mi_d <- mice(mi_d, m=2, maxit=2)
# regressions
#not imputed
lm_d <- lm(qsec ~ cyl*am + mpg*disp, data=d)
#imputed dataset
lm_mi <- with(mi_d,lm(qsec ~ cyl*am + mpg*disp))
lm_mi_pool <- pool(lm_mi)
# interaction plots
# not imputed
interactions::interact_plot(lm_d, pred=mpg,modx=disp, interval=T,int.width=0.3)
interactions::cat_plot(lm_d, pred = cyl, modx = am)
# interaction plots
# imputed
interactions::interact_plot(lm_mi_pool, pred=mpg,modx=disp, interval=T,int.width=0.3)
# Error in model.frame.default(model) : object is not a matrix
interactions::cat_plot(lm_mi_pool, pred = cyl, modx = am)
# Error in model.frame.default(model) : object is not a matrix
The problem seems to be that neither interact_plot, cat_plot or any other available package allows for (at least categorical) interaction plotting with objects of class mipo or pooled regression outputs.
I am using the walking data from the mice package as an example. One way to get the interaction plot (well version of one type of interaction plot) is to use the gtsummary package. Under the hood it will take the model1 use pool() from mice to average over the models and then use a combo of tbl_regression() and plot() to output a plot of the coefficients in the model. The tbl_regression() function is what is calling the pool() function.
imp_data <- mice(mice::walking,m=20,maxit=20,meth='cart',seed=12345)
model1 <- with(imp_data,
lm(age ~ sex*YA))
model1 %>%
tbl_regression() %>%
The package emmeans allows you to extract interaction effects from a mira object. Here is a gentle introduction. After that, the interactions can be plotted with appropriate ggplot. This example is for the categorical variables but could be extended to the continous case - after the emmeans part things get relatively straighforward.
lm_mi <- with(mi_d,lm(qsec ~ gear*carb))
#extracting interaction effects
emcatcat <- emmeans(lm_mi, ~gear*carb)
tidy <- as_tibble(emcatcat)
pd <- position_dodge(0.5)
ggplot(tidy, aes(y=gear, x=emmean, colour=carb)) +
geom_linerangeh(aes(xmin=lower.CL, xmax=upper.CL), position=pd,size = 2) +
geom_point(position=pd,size = 4)+
ggtitle('Interactions') +
labs (x = "aggreageted interaction effect") +
scale_color_bright() +
this can be extended to a three-way interaction plot with facet_grid as long as you have a third categorical interaction term.

Not getting a smooth curve using ggplot2

I am trying to fitting a mixed effects models using lme4 package. Unfortunately I cannot share the data that i am working with. Also i couldn't find a toy data set is relevant to my problem . So here i have showed the steps that i followed so far :
First i plotted the overall trend of the data as follows :
p21 <- ggplot(data = sub_data, aes(x = age_cent, y = y))
p21+ geom_point() + geom_smooth()
Based on this , there seems to be a some nonlinear trend in the data. Hence I tried to fit the quadratic model as follows :
m1= lmer(y ~ 1 + age_cent + age_centsqr +(1 | id) , sub_data, REML = TRUE)
In the above model i only included a random intercept because i don't have enough data to include both random slope and intercept.Then i extracted the predictions of these model at population level as follows :
Next I plotted these predictions along with a smooth quadratic function like this
p21+ geom_point() + geom_smooth(method = "lm", formula = y ~ I(x) + I(x^2)
,col="red")+geom_line(aes(y=pred1,group = id) ,col="blue", lwd = 0.5)
In the above plot , the curve corresponds to predictions are not smooth. Can any one helps me to figure out the reason for that ?
I am doing anything wrong here ?
Update :
As eipi10 pointed out , this may due to fitting different curves for different people.
But when i tried the same thing using a toy data set which is in the lme4 package , i got the same curve for each person as follows :
m1 <- lmer(Reaction ~ 1+I(Days) + (1+ Days| Subject) , data = sleepstudy)
p21 <- ggplot(data = sleepstudy, aes(x = Days, y = Reaction))
p21+ geom_point() + geom_smooth()
p21+ geom_point() + geom_smooth()+ geom_line(aes(y=pred1new1,group = Subject) ,col="red", lwd = 0.5)
What may be the reason the for different results ? Is this due to unbalance of the data ?
The data i used collected in 3 time steps and some people didn't have it for all 3 time steps. But the toy data set is a balanced data set.
Thank you
tl;dr use expand.grid() or something like it to generate a balanced/evenly spaced sample for every group (if you have a strongly nonlinear curve you may want to generate a larger/more finely spaced set of x values than in the original data)
You could also take a look at the sjPlot package, which does a lot of this stuff automatically ...
You need both an unbalanced data set and a non-linear (e.g. polynomial) model for the fixed effects to see this effect.
if the model is linear, then you don't notice missing values because the linear interpolation done by geom_line() works perfectly
if the data are balanced then there are no gaps to get weirdly filled by linear interpolation
Generate an example with quadratic effects and an unbalanced data set; fit the model
dd <- expand.grid(id=factor(1:10),x=1:10)
dd$y <- simulate(~poly(x,2)+(poly(x,2)|id),
## subsample randomly (missing values)
dd <- dd[sort(sample(nrow(dd),size=round(0.7*nrow(dd)))),]
m1 <- lmer(y ~ poly(x,2) + (poly(x,2)|id) , data = dd)
Naive prediction and plot:
dd$pred1 <- predict(m1,re.form=NA)
p11 <- (ggplot(data = dd, aes(x = x, y = y))
+ geom_point() + geom_smooth(method="lm",formula=y~poly(x,2))
p11 + geom_line(aes(y=pred1,group = id) ,col="red", lwd = 0.5)
Now generate a balanced data set. This version generates 51 evenly spaced points between the min and max - this will be useful if the original data are unevenly spaced. If you have NA values in your x variable, don't forget na.rm=TRUE ...
pframe <- with(dd,expand.grid(id=levels(id),x=seq(min(x),max(x),length.out=51)
Make predictions, and overlay them on the original plot:
pframe$pred1 <- predict(m1,newdata=pframe,re.form=NA)
p11 + geom_line(data=pframe,aes(y=pred1,group = id) ,col="red", lwd = 0.5)

R plot confidence interval with lm and leveragePlots

I m using R lm() function to make a multiple linear regression
lmfit <- lm(formula = `Var1` ~
+ `Var3`
+ `Var4`,
Then the leveragePlots function from car library
This gives me plots with linear regression for each Var but I haven't find a way to display the confidence interval. Can you please help?
This will probably seem like a very round about way of doing what you want as I don't know how to do it in leveragePlots() but here I used ggplot2 which provides a lot of flexibility. You will need all of these packages installed which you can do with install.packages(c('ggplot2', 'magrittr', 'gridExtra', 'purrr')). I use the mtcars dataset in this example because it comes built in with R. So you can run this code as is and see what is happening. Just replace the mtcars and my variables with yours, and you should get what you want.
# Load packages
# provide the data, x variable, y variable and this function will
# create a scatterplot with a linear model fit
create_plots <- function(df, xvar, yvar) {
if (!is.character(xvar) | !is.character(yvar)) {
stop('xvar and yvar must but characters/strings')
plot <- df %>%
ggplot(aes_string(x = xvar, y = yvar)) +
geom_point() +
geom_smooth(method = 'lm', se = T)
# map over all the variables for which you would like to create plots
graphs <- purrr::map(c('disp', 'wt'), create_plots, df = mtcars,
yvar = 'hp')
first_plot <- graphs[[1]] # save the results in variables
second_plot <- graphs[[2]]
grid.arrange(first_plot, second_plot) # combine the plots

Plotting a multiple logistic regression for binary and continuous values in R

I have a data frame of mammal genera. Each row of the column is a different genus. There are three columns: a column of each genus's geographic range size (a continuous variable), a column stating whether or not a genus is found inside or outside of river basins (a binary variable), and a column stating whether the genus is found in the fossil record (a binary variable).
I have performed a multiple logistic regression to see if geographic range size and presence in/out of basins is a predictor of presence in the fossil record using the following R code.
Regression<-glm(df[ ,"FossilRecord"] ~ log(df[ ,"Geographic Range"]) + df[ ,"Basin"], family="binomial")
I am trying to find a way to visually summarize the output of this regression (other than a table of the regression summary).
I know how to do this for a single variable regression. For example, I could use a plot like if I wanted to see the relationship between just geographic range size and presence in the fossil record.
However, I do not know how to make a similar or equivalent plot when there are two independent variables, and one of them is binary. What are some plotting and data visualization techniques I could use in this case?
Thanks for the help!
Visualization is important and yet it can be very hard. With your example, I would recommend plotting one line for predicted FossilRecord versus GeographicRange for each level of your categorical covariate (Basin). Here's an example of how to do it with the ggplot2 package
##generating data
ssize <- 100
dat <- data.frame(
Basin = rbinom(ssize, 1,.4),
GeographicRange = rnorm(ssize,10,2)
dat$FossilRecord = rbinom(ssize,1,(.3 + .1*dat$Basin + 0.04*dat$GeographicRange))
##fitting model
fit <- glm(FossilRecord ~ Basin + GeographicRange, family=binomial(), data=dat)
We can use the predict() function to obtain predicted response values for many GeographicRange values and for each Basin category.
##getting predicted response from model
plotting_dfm <- expand.grid(GeographicRange = seq(from=0, to = 20, by=0.1),
Basin = (0:1))
plotting_dfm$preds <- plogis( predict(fit , newdata=plotting_dfm))
Now you can plot the predicted results:
##plotting the predicted response on the two covariates
pl <- ggplot(plotting_dfm, aes(x=GeographicRange, y =preds, color=as.factor(Basin)))
pl +
geom_point( ) +
ggtitle("Predicted FossilRecord by GeoRange and Basin") +
ggplot2::ylab("Predicted FossilRecord")
This will produce a figure like this:
You can plot a separate curve for each value of the categorical variable. You didn't provide sample data, so here's an example with another data set:
# Data
mydata <- read.csv("")
# Model. gre is continuous. rank has four categories.
m1 = glm(admit ~ gre + rank, family=binomial, data=mydata)
# Predict admit probability
newdata = expand.grid(gre=seq(200,800, length.out=100), rank=1:4)
newdata$prob = predict(m1, newdata, type="response")
ggplot(newdata, aes(gre, prob, color=factor(rank), group=rank)) +
UPDATE: To respond to #Provisional.Modulation's comment: There are lots of options, depending on what you want to highlight and what is visually clear enough to understand, given your particular data and model output.
Here's an example using the built-in mtcars data frame and a logistic regression with one categorical and two continuous predictor variables:
m1 = glm(vs ~ cyl + mpg + hp, data=mtcars, family=binomial)
Now we create a new data frame with the unique values of cyl, five quantiles of hp and a continuous sequence of mpg, which we'll put on the x-axis (you could also of course do quantiles of mpg and use hp as the x-axis variable). If you have many continuous variables, you may need to set some of them to a single value, say, the median, when you graph the relationships between other variables.
newdata = with(mtcars, expand.grid(cyl=unique(cyl),
hp = quantile(hp)))
newdata$prob = predict(m1, newdata, type="response")
Here are three potential graphs, with varying degrees of legibility.
ggplot(newdata, aes(mpg, prob, colour=factor(cyl))) +
geom_line() +
facet_grid(. ~ hp)
ggplot(newdata, aes(mpg, prob, colour=factor(hp), linetype=factor(cyl))) +
ggplot(newdata, aes(mpg, prob, colour=factor(hp))) +
geom_line() +
facet_grid(. ~ cyl)
And here's another approach using geom_tile to include two continuous dimensions in each plot panel.
newdata = with(mtcars, expand.grid(cyl=unique(cyl),
hp =seq(min(hp),max(hp),length=100)))
newdata$prob = predict(m1, newdata, type="response")
ggplot(newdata, aes(mpg, hp, fill=prob)) +
geom_tile() +
facet_grid(. ~ cyl) +
If you're looking for a canned solution, the visreg package might work for you.
An example using #eipi10 's data
mydata <- read.csv("")
m1 = glm(admit ~ gre + rank, family=binomial, data=mydata)
visreg(m1, "admit", by = "rank")
Many more options described in documentation.
