Speed of Localhost Server - wordpress

I have built my wordpress/woocommerce and hosted it on Localhost via WAMP.
Since day one, before I had loaded any plugins etc and only had the wordpress CMS installed, it has ran very, very slow.
I have been advised that it should be no where near as slow as it is and could be a variety of reasons for this such as bad coding.
I am very new to web design etc and was wondering if someone would be able to advise as to how to check what might be slowing things down?
I have installed jquery monitor and it shows a few different things but all are plugins which are relatively new and the problem has been there since day one...
I have been looking for a free host to try on but my website exceeds the size as it is at 1.6gb which people have said could be the problem, however the problem as I have mentioned has been there since day one with only the basic CMS shell and no uploads.
My comuter is also relatively fast and I have no issues with how it runs i general.
Any help would be much appreciated.

Do you use http://localhost for accessing the website and "localhost" as MySQL host? If yes, try accessing the website through and in your wp-config.php for your MySQL host. Depending upon your Windows version and network settings it is possible that your DNS resolution fails.
Do you have Antivirus solutions enabled? Try to disable them temporarily and check if the problem still exists.
Check with tools like Wireshark and procmon which of the components (webserver, network, client) take how long for processing the HTTP requests.

If all directories hosted on your local server are slow then this means your WAMP is the one causing the issue.
Try backing up everything and resolve this by following this instructions here
This worked for me.


Resource limits has been reached on GoDaddy (wordpress site)

I have an issue with my "Multisite WordPress":
the load time is too slow due to resource limitation on the hosting.
I am using, GoDaddy, 512 MB (Memory). Its a linux server.
As far as I know, for a linux server, this is not a problem to handle 1 WordPress website. There is a little trafic on the web site (20 visitors per day). I optimised the database. All pictures are compressed, PHP 5.6 installed (its the latest one available), cache is enable.
Can you please help me resolve this issue?
Here is some screenshots to better explain the situation. screenshot from cPanel
I'm having that same issue. GoDaddy wants me to pay to upgrade my resource limits, but I know it shouldn't use that much of my resources (my other similarly low-used sites are hosted with GoDaddy on Level 1 just fine). I have tracked it down so far to the PHP processes. A temporary solution: in cPanel, scroll down to the Software section, click PHP Processes, then click the "Kill Processes" button. However, I am still looking for a plugin or something that keeps causing this recurring issue.

Trying To Access A Wordpress Site Over The Internet

I have a wordpress site on the Ubuntu computer that I am using as a webserver. I have the wordpress system installed in /var/www/html. I have created pages which display nicely from any computer, tablet or handheld within my lan environment.
I am going crazy trying to access my website from the internet. Can anybody please help?
I have a noip address and a BTHub which allows me to set up dynamic dns to inform my noip account automatically when the ip changes and this works fine.
I have set up port forwarding for http and https to the computer hosting my wordpress site
I have tried assigning DMZ to my wordpress hosting computer
I have made sure I own the wordpress folders and files within them
my LAMP installed without a hitch and over the LAN access is no problem with one exception - I can only use the default permalinks or wordpress can not find my pages - no idea why? I had to cut wordpress into var/www/html as it initially went into www and could not be found
I have spent DAYS with this! It is a part of a bigger project where I want to run some projects across the internet. I dispair that if I cant get a simple wordpress site to work that my projects are doomed! lol.
When I try to access my site from another location across the internet, I get the first page, but without the media picture that should be on it. When I try to change pages I get the not found message. I also get the initial page without a style sheet in some instances. I have no clue about how to fix this. I took up Linux about three months ago, having been a windows and OSx man for years. I am in love, but have a steep learning curve!
It looks like a location issue or a WAN address issue or something I cant figure out!
I would appreciate any help that anyone out there can give me.
Thank you for your feedback. I have just this moment sorted it out. I read up the permalinks wiki thoroughly and I found out how to change the URLs from within the wp- files in the theme I was using. After a few refreshes it now works. I will post up a how-to for any others who may be experiencing the same frustration.

Wordpress Development Domain

We are developing Wordpress sites and due to some issues with some plugins once the domain is changed (from dev.domain.com to www.domain.com), we have been using a practice of editing host files in house so that we can develop the site on the www.domain.com domain.
This solution works fine for us in house, however when a client wishes to see their site in development we have to walk them through the editing of their host files to see the development site and then back so they can see their live site.
Does anyone have a better idea or solution. Is there a way to make this work at the Apache level? Maybe a Chrome app? It needs to be super simple and automated (scripted) if possible.
You could create an VPN connection to your "house" so that the fake www.domain.com will be avaible for them.
So, the issue is that some plugins think they're on www (or will only behave correctly on www)?
Then quite possibly your best quick bet is a Chrome/Firefox extension, although obviously that does require the client to have them installed.
I'd recommend looking at HostAdmin for Chrome and/or fire-hostadmin for Firefox. These should allow you to amend the hosts without too much hassle or direct editing of protected system files.
It is always worth noting that, depending on the client's computer's security, they may run into potential read-only issues (I believe SpyBot Search & Destroy and similar tools lock the hosts file by default).

Wordpress login locks up my cPanel/WHM vps

I've recently been hacked on my VPS, and have since then installed some extra security plugins in WHM. Well I'm not exactly sure, but sometime after that happened, each time I tried to login to any wordpress installation on my VPS, it just hangs until it times out. During this time my VPS is totally inaccessible, as well as the sites hosted on it. Then approx 15 minutes later, the VPS is back p again.
Does anyone have any ideas or tips for me to rectify this?
To take a WAG without being able to see your config and source, I would say you still have a problem in your code. I.e. Some source code is messed up. Maybe from the hack?
I would do a full reinstall of Wordpress (the latest version).
Once your server was exploited, who knows what code got changed.
Some examples of what could be happening...
PHP goes into some crazy loop utilizing and blocking all resources (wouldn't be unheard of).
So, I'd do a fresh reinstall of Wordpress.
Honestly though, your whole VPS could be compromised. I'd get a new one and start rebuilding your server on that. Yes, it'll take a lot of time, but it's the most guaranteed way to make sure your server is clean and free of additional security issues.

An Unexpected HTTP Error occurred during the API request in wordpress

I get this error on my wordpress blog hosted on my server each time i search for plugins or try to upgrade wordpress and on the dashboard. I have tried changing the timeout from 5 to 30 in the http.php file in wp-includes. This did NOT help. My blog works perfectly fine. This problem is really annoying as I have to manuall copy plugins and themes and upgrades.
I had this problem the other day. It was due to my server's firewall settings not allowing outbound connections to port 80 (which is what the Wordpress plugin install stuff uses)
I just restarted the firewall and fail2ban (to be sure) and it started working.
Is your web server behind a firewall?
It seems that your host can't see the WordPress server in order to query it for searches and updates. This will be because of some configuration of your host or its network, controlled by your hosting company.
Raise a support request with your hosting company, telling them that your hosting machine has a problem connecting to api.wordpress.org (which is almost certainly the server you're having trouble connecting to) and asking them to look into the problem.
You may have more luck asking on ServerFault; this isn't really a programming question.
I had the same problem and it drove me mad!! The issue was actually in /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini and nothing to do with the time out problem everyone is going on about (for me at least) I was convinced it wasn't a time out issue because I was presented with the problem immediately upon requesting the download, so here is the solution and I hope it helps others:
sudo nano /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini
change: allow_url_fopen = Off
to: allow_url_fopen = On
Then restart apache server: sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
If I'm honest, I'm at a bit of a loss. I googled the error and there seemed quite a few resources on it (admittedly most suggesting the timeout fix). But I did find a comment that might help?
What's your PHP memory_limit? I recently ran into problems when enabling plugins as my limit was set to 24M, upping it to 64M solved all the problems.
