Saving rows into variables in R - r

I have a 18-by-48 matrix.
Is there a way to save each of the 18 rows automatically in a separate variable (e.g., from r1 to r18) ?

I'd definitely advise against splitting a data.frame or matrix into its constituent rows. If i absolutely had to split the rows up, I'd put them in a list then operate from there.
If you desperately had to split it up, you could do something like this:
toy <- matrix(1:(18*48),18,48)
variables <- list()
for(i in 1:nrow(toy)){
variables[[paste0("variable", i)]] <- toy[i,]
list2env(variables, envir = .GlobalEnv)
I'd be inclined to stop after the for loop and avoid the list2env. But I think this should give you your result.

I believe you can select a row r from your dataframe d by indexing without a column specified:
var <- d[r,]
Thus you can extract all of the rows into a variable by using
var <- d[1:length(d),]
Where var[1] is the first row, var[2] the second. Etc.. not sure if this is exactly what you are looking for. Why would you want 18 different variables for each row?

result <- data.frame(t(mat))
colnames(result) <- paste("r", 1:18, sep="")
your matrix is mat


Refering to columns of a dataframe that have almost the same name inside a loop in r

I am just a beginner in R and I am working with the following very simple setting. My data-frame has 10 variables labeled as x.1,x.2,...,x.10, and 100 observations.
I need to run a loop over these variables and observations like this
T<- 10
N <- 100
for(j in 1:T){
for(i in 1:N){
df1$x.j[*some condition over i*] = def2$y[*some condition over i*]
The only thing I need to know is how to make R understand that when j = 2 (say) in this loop, df1$x.j = df1$x.2 and so on until T=10.
Thanks in advance.
There are two methods to generate column names
Using grep to find relevant columns
cols <- grep("^x\\.", names(col), value = TRUE)
Generating columns by using paste
cols <- paste("x", 1:10, sep = ".")
Once you get the column names, you can access the particular column using df[[colname]]. You can index a particular observation by df[[colname]][observation_index].

Data.frame of Data.frames

I'm using a data.frame that contains many data.frames. I'm trying to access these sub-data.frames within a loop. Within these loops, the names of the sub-data.frames are contained in a string variable. Since this is a string, I can use the [,] notation to extract data from these sub-data.frames. e.g. X <- "sub.df"and then df[42,X] would output the same as df$sub.df[42].
I'm trying to create a single row data.frame to replace a row within the sub-data.frames. (I'm doing this repeatedly and that's why my sub-data.frame name is in a string). However, I'm having trouble inserting this new data into these sub-data.frames. Here is a MWE:
#Set up the data.frames and sub-data.frames
sub.frame <- data.frame(X=1:10,Y=11:20)
df <- data.frame(A=21:30)
df$Z <- sub.frame
Col.Var <- "Z"
#Create a row to insert <- data.frame(X=40,Y=50)
#This works:
df$Z[3,] <-
#These don't (even though both sides of the assignment give the correct values/dimensions):
df[,Col.Var][6,] <- #Gives Warning and collapses df$Z to 1 dimension
df[7,Col.Var] <- #Gives Warning and only uses first value in both places
#This works, but is a work-around and feels very inelegant(!)
eval(parse(text=paste0("df$",Col.Var,"[8,] <-")))
Are there any better ways to do this kind of insertion? Given my experience with R, I feel like this should be easy, but I can't quite figure it out.

How to do a complex edit of columns of all data frames in a list?

I have a list of 185 data frames called WaFramesNumeric. Each dataframe has several hundred columns and thousands of rows. I want to edit every data frame, so that it leaves all numeric columns as well as any non-numeric columns that I specify.
for(i in seq_along(WaFramesNumeric)) {
WaFramesNumeric[[i]] <- WaFramesNumeric[[i]][,sapply(WaFramesNumeric[[i]],is.numeric)]
successfully makes each dataframe contain only its numeric columns.
I've tried to amend this with lines to add specific columns. I have tried:
for (i in seq_along(WaFramesNumeric)) {
a <- WaFramesNumeric[[i]]$Device_Name
WaFramesNumeric[[i]] <- WaFramesNumeric[[i]][,sapply(WaFramesNumeric[[i]],is.numeric)]
and in an attempt to call the column numbers of all integer columns as well as the specific ones and then combine based on that:
for (i in seq_along(WaFramesNumeric)) {
f <- which(sapply(WaFramesNumeric[[i]],is.numeric))
m <- match("Cost_Center",colnames(WaFramesNumeric[[i]]))
n <- match("Device_Name",colnames(WaFramesNumeric[[i]]))
combine <- c(f,m,n)
These all return errors and I am stumped as to how I could do this. WaFramesNumeric is a copy of another list of dataframes (WaFramesNumeric <- WaFramesAll) and so I also tried adding the specific columns from the WaFramesAll but this was not successful.
I appreciate any advice you can give and I apologize if any of this is unclear.
You are mistakenly assuming that the last commmand in a for loop is meaningful. It is not. In fact, it is being discarded, so since you never assigned it anywhere (the cbind and the indexing of WaFramesNumeric...), it is silently discarded.
Additionally, you are over-indexing your data.frame in the third code block. First, it's using i within the data.frame, even though i is an index within the list of data.frames, not the frame itself. Second (perhaps caused by this), you are trying to index three dimensions of a 2D frame. Just change the last indexing from [,i,combine] to either [,combine] or [combine].
Third problem (though perhaps not seen yet) is that match will return NA if nothing is found. Indexing a frame with an NA returns an error (try mtcars[,NA] to see). I suggest that you can replace match with grep: it returns integer(0) when nothing is found, which is what you want in this case.
for (i in seq_along(WaFramesNumeric)) {
f <- which(sapply(WaFramesNumeric[[i]], is.numeric))
m <- grep("Cost_Center", colnames(WaFramesNumeric[[i]]))
n <- grep("Device_Name", colnames(WaFramesNumeric[[i]]))
combine <- c(f,m,n)
WaFramesNumeric[[i]] <- WaFramesNumeric[[i]][combine]
I'm not sure what you mean by "an attempt to call the column numbers of all integer columns...", but in case you want to go through a list of data frames and select some columns based on some function and keep given a column name you can do like this:
df <- data.frame(a=rnorm(20), b=rnorm(20), c=letters[1:20], d=letters[1:20], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
WaFramesNumeric <- rep(list(df), 2)
Selector <- function(data, select_func, select_names) {
select_func <-
idx_names <- match(select_names, colnames(data))
idx_names <- idx_names[!]
idx_func <- which(sapply(data, select_func))
idx <- unique(c(idx_func, idx_names))
return(data[, idx])
res <- lapply(X = WaFramesNumeric, FUN = Selector, select_names=c("c"), select_func = is.numeric)

R programming - Adding extra column to existing matrix

I am a beginner to R programming and am trying to add one extra column to a matrix having 50 columns. This new column would be the avg of first 10 values in that row.
randomMatrix <- generateMatrix(1,5000,100,50)
randomMatrix51 <- matrix(nrow=100, ncol=1)
for(ctr in 1:ncol(randomMatrix)){
randomMatrix51.mat[1,ctr] <- sum(randomMatrix [ctr, 1:10])/10
This gives the below error
Error in randomMatrix51.mat[1, ctr] <- sum(randomMatrix[ctr, 1:10])/10 :incorrect
number of subscripts on matrix
I tried this
cbind(randomMatrix,sum(randomMatrix [ctr, 1:10])/10)
But it only works for one row, if I use this cbind in the loop all the old values are over written.
How do I add the average of first 10 values in the new column. Is there a better way to do this other than looping over rows ?
a <- matrix(1:5000, nrow=100)
a <- cbind(a,apply(a[,1:10],1,mean))
On big datasets it is however faster (and arguably simpler) to use:
cbind(a, rowMeans(a[,1:10]) )
Methinks you are over thinking this.
a <- matrix(1:5000, nrow=100)
a <- transform(a, first10ave = colMeans(a[1:10,]))

R: t tests on rows of 2 dataframes

I have two dataframes and I would like to do independent 2-group t-tests on the rows (i.e. t.test(y1, y2) where y1 is a row in dataframe1 and y2 is matching row in dataframe2)
whats best way of accomplishing this?
I just found the format: dataframe1[i,] dataframe2[i,]. This will work in a loop. Is that the best solution?
The approach you outlined is reasonable, just make sure to preallocate your storage vector. I'd double check that you really want to compare the rows instead of the columns. Most datasets I work with have each row as a unit of observation and the columns represent separate responses/columns of interest Regardless, it's your data - so if that's what you need to do, here's an approach:
#Fake data
df1 <- data.frame(matrix(runif(100),10))
df2 <- data.frame(matrix(runif(100),10))
#Preallocate results
testresults <- vector("list", nrow(df1))
#For loop
for (j in seq(nrow(df1))){
testresults[[j]] <- t.test(df1[j,], df2[j,])
You now have a list that is as long as you have rows in df1. I would then recommend using lapply and sapply to easily extract things out of the list object.
It would make more sense to have your data stored as columns.
You can transpose a data.frame by
df1_t <-
df2_t <-
Then you can use mapply to cycle through the two data.frames a column at a time
t.test_results <- mapply(t.test, x= df1_t, y = df2_t, SIMPLIFY = F)
Or you could use Map which is a simple wrapper for mapply with SIMPLIFY = F (Thus saving key strokes!)
t.test_results <- Map(t.test, x = df1_t, y = df2_t)
