calculate precision and recall for SVM model in R - r

I use census-data to build logistic regression model and SVM model, first, I convert <=50K to 0, >50K to 1 to make the data binomial. I try to calculate precision and recall for both models and compare which model perform better. But table(test$salary,pred1 >0.5) for SVM model only gives fault values and no true values ( FALSE
0 26
1 8) . Does anyone know what the the problem is?
I am new to R software, I hope that I can get help from here.Thanks a lot. Any help is welcome. I hope the question is clear enough.
Censusdata <- read.csv(file="census-data.csv", header=TRUE, sep=",")
library("dplyr", lib.loc="~/R/win-library/3.4")
# convert <=50K to 0, >50K to 1
data = Censusdata
data <- Censusdata
indexes <- sample(1:nrow(data),size=0.7*nrow(data))
test <- data[indexes,]
train <- data[-indexes,]
#logistic regression model fit
model <- glm(salary ~ education.num + hours.per.week,family = binomial,data = test)
pred <- predict(model,data=train)
# calculate precision and recall
table(test$salary,pre >0.5)
# I get
0 26 0
1 6 2
# for SVM model
model1 <- svm(salary ~ education.num + hours.per.week,family = binomial, data=test)
pred1 <- predict(model1,data=train)
table(test$salary,pred1 >0.5)
# I get the following
0 26
1 8


SVM performance not consistent with AUC score

I have a dataset that contains information about patients. It includes several variables and their clinical status (0 if they are healthy, 1 if they are sick).
I have tried to implement an SVM model to predict patient status based on these variables.
Index <-
order(Ytrain, decreasing = FALSE)
SVMfit_Var <-
svm(Xtrain[Index, ], Ytrain[Index],
type = "C-classification", gamma = 0.005, probability = TRUE, cost = 0.001, epsilon = 0.1)
preds1 <-
predict(SVMfit_Var, Xtest, probability = TRUE)
preds1 <-
attr(preds1, "probabilities")[,1]
samples <- !
pred <- prediction(preds1[samples],Ytest[samples])
prediction <- predict(SVMfit_Var, Xtest)
xtab <- table(Ytest, prediction)
To test the performance of the model, I have calculated the ROC AUC, and with the validation set I obtain an AUC = 0.997.
But when I view the predictions, all the patients have been assigned as healthy.
AUC = 0.997
> xtab
Ytest 0 1
0 72 0
1 52 0
Can anyone help me with this problem?
Did you look at the probabilities versus the fitted values? You can read about how probability works with SVM here.
If you want to look at the performance you can use the library DescTools and the function Conf or with the library caret and the function confusionMatrix. (They provide the same output.)
# for the training performance with DescTools
Conf(table(SVMfit_Var$fitted, Ytrain[Index]))
# svm.model$fitted, y-values for training
# training performance with caret
confusionMatrix(SVMfit_Var$fitted, as.factor(Ytrain[Index]))
# svm.model$fitted, y-values
# if y.values aren't factors, use as.factor()
# for testing performance with DescTools
# with `table()` in your question, you must flip the order:
# predicted first, then actual values
Conf(table(prediction, Ytest))
# and for caret
confusionMatrix(prediction, as.factor(Ytest))
Your question isn't reproducible, so I went through this with iris data. The probability was the same for every observation. I included this, so you can see this with another data set.
# make it binary
df1 <- iris %>% filter(Species != "setosa") %>% droplevels()
# check the subset
set.seed(395) # keep the sample repeatable
tr <- sample(1:nrow(df1), size = 70, # 70%
replace = F)
# create the model <- svm(df1[tr, -5], df1[tr, ]$Species,
type = "C-classification",
gamma = .005, probability = T,
cost = .001, epsilon = .1)
# look at probabilities <- predict(, df1[-tr, -5], probability = T)
# this shows EVERY row has the same outcome probability distro <- attr(, "probabilities")[,1]
# look at performance
performance(prediction(, df1[-tr, ]$Species), "auc")#y.values[[1]]
# [1] 0.03555556 that's abysmal!!
# test the model = predict(, df1[-tr, -5])
confusionMatrix(, df1[-tr, ]$Species)
# 93% accuracy with NIR at 50%... the AUC score was not useful
# check the trained model performance
confusionMatrix($fitted, df1[tr, ]$Species)
# 87%, with NIR at 50%... that's really good

`table` not showing in matrix format

I'm trying to generate a confusion table using the HMDA data from the AER package. So I ran a probit model, predict on testing set, and use table() function to generate a 2 by 2 plot, but R just returns me a long list, not showing the 2 by 2 matrix that I wanted.
Could anyone tell me what's going on>
# load required packages and data (HMDA)
# again, check variable columns
# convert dependent variables to numeric
HMDA$deny <- ifelse(HMDA$deny == "yes", 1, 0)
# subset needed columns
subset <- c("deny", "hirat", "lvrat", "mhist", "unemp")
# subset data
data <- HMDA[complete.cases(HMDA), subset]
# do a 75-25 train-test split
train_row_numbers <- createDataPartition(data$deny, p=0.75, list=FALSE)
training <- data[train_row_numbers, ]
testing <- data[-train_row_numbers, ]
# fit a probit model and predict on testing data <- glm(deny ~ ., family = binomial(link = "probit"), data = training)
probit.pred <- predict(, testing)
confmat_probit <- table(Predicted = probit.pred,
Actual = testing$deny)
You need to specify the threshold or cut-point for predicting a dichotomous outcome. Predict returns the predicted values, not 0 / 1.
And be careful with the predict function as the default type is "link", which in your case is the "probit". If you want predict to return the probabilities, specify type="response".
probit.pred <- predict(, testing, type="response")
Then choose a cut-point; any prediction above this value will be TRUE:
confmat_probit <- table(`Predicted>0.1` = probit.pred > 0.1 , Actual = testing$deny)
Predicted>0.1 0 1
FALSE 248 21
TRUE 273 53

issue with calculating precision and recall for SVM model in R

I use census-data to build logistic regression model and SVM model, first, I convert <=50K to 0, >50K to 1 to make the data binomial. I try to calculate precision and recall for both models and compare which model perform better? But table(test$salary,pred1 >0.5) for SVM model in r says < table of extent 2 x 0 >
Warning message:
In Ops.factor(pred1, 0.5) : ‘>’ not meaningful for factors
but similar code is working for logistic regression model. I am new to R software, I hope that I can get help from here.Thanks a lot. Any help is welcome.
I hope the question is clear enough.
Censusdata <- read.csv(file="census-data.csv", header=TRUE, sep=",")
library("dplyr", lib.loc="~/R/win-library/3.4")
df <- Censusdata[,]
# convert <=50K to 0, >50K to 1
df$salary <- as.numeric(factor(df$salary))-1
data <- Censusdata
indexes <- sample(1:nrow(data),size=0.7*nrow(data))
test <- data[indexes,]
train <- data[-indexes,]
#logistic regression model fit
model <- glm(salary ~ education.num + hours.per.week,family = binomial,data = test)
pred <- predict(model,data=train)
# calculate precision and recall
table(test$salary,pre >0.5)
# for SVM model
model1 <- svm(salary ~ education.num + hours.per.week,family = binomial, data=test)
pred1 <- predict(model1,data=train)
table(test$salary,pred1 >0.5)

Why is predict.glmnet not predicting probabilities?

I'm working on a model to predict the probability that college baseball players will make the major leagues. My dataset has 633 observations and 13 predictors with a binary response. The code below generates smaller reproducible examples of training and testing datasets:
OBP <- rnorm(50, mean=1, sd=.2)
HR.PCT <- rnorm(50, mean=1, sd=.2)
AGE <- rnorm(50, mean=21, sd=1)
CONF <- sample(c("A","B","C","D","E"), size=50, replace=TRUE)
CONF <- factor(CONF, levels=c("A","B","C","D","E"))
df.train <- data.frame(OBP, HR.PCT, AGE, CONF)
df.train <- df.train[order(-OBP),]
df.train$MADE.MAJORS <- 0
df.train$MADE.MAJORS[1:10] <- 1
OBP <- rnorm(10, mean=1, sd=.2)
HR.PCT <- rnorm(10, mean=1, sd=.2)
AGE <- rnorm(10, mean=21, sd=1)
CONF <- sample(c("A","B","C","D","E"), size=10, replace=TRUE)
CONF <- factor(CONF, levels=c("A","B","C","D","E"))
MADE.MAJORS <- sample(0:1, size=10, replace=TRUE, prob=c(0.8,0.2))
df.test <- data.frame(OBP, HR.PCT, AGE, CONF, MADE.MAJORS)
I then used glmnet to perform the lasso with logistic regression and generate predictions. I want the predictions to be in the form of probabilities (that is, between 0 and 1).
train.mtx <- with(df.train, model.matrix(MADE.MAJORS ~ OBP + HR.PCT + AGE + CONF)[,-1])
glmmod <- glmnet(x=train.mtx, y=as.factor(df.train$MADE.MAJORS), alpha=1, family="binomial")
cv.glmmod <- cv.glmnet(x=train.mtx, y=df.train$MADE.MAJORS, alpha=1)
test.mtx <- with(df.test, model.matrix(MADE.MAJORS ~ OBP + HR.PCT + AGE + CONF)[,-1])
preds <- predict.glmnet(object=glmmod, newx=test.mtx, s=cv.glmmod$lambda.min, type="response")
cv.preds <-, newx=test.mtx, s="lambda.min")
Here are the predictions:
> preds
1 -3.2589440
2 -0.4435265
3 3.9646670
4 0.3772816
5 0.9952887
6 -7.3555661
7 0.2283675
8 -2.3871317
9 -8.1632749
10 -1.3563051
> cv.preds
1 0.1568839
2 0.3630938
3 0.7435941
4 0.4808428
5 0.5261076
6 -0.1431655
7 0.4123054
8 0.2207381
9 -0.1446941
10 0.2962391
I have a few questions about these results. Feel free to answer any or all (or none) of them. I'm most interested in an answer for the first question.
Why are the predictions from predict.glmnet (the preds vector) not in the form of probabilities? I put the preds values through the inverse logit function and got reasonable probabilities. Was that correct?
The predictions from (the cv.preds vector) mostly look like probabilities, but some of them are negative. Why is this?
When I use the glmnet function to create the glmmod object, I include the family="binomial" argument to indicate that I'm using logistic regression. However, when I use the cv.glmnet function to find the best value for lambda, I'm not able to specify logistic regression. Am I actually getting the best value for lambda if the cross-validation doesn't use logistic regression?
Similarly, when I use the function, I'm not able to specify logistic regression. Does this function produce the predictions that I want?
I am not 100% sure on the following because the package does seem to operate counter to its documentation, as you've noticed, but it may produce some indication whether your thinking is along the right path.
Question 1
Yes, you're right. Note that,
> predict.glmnet(object=glmmod, newx=test.mtx, s=cv.glmmod$lambda.min, type="link")
1 -3.2589440
2 -0.4435265
3 3.9646670
4 0.3772816
5 0.9952887
6 -7.3555661
7 0.2283675
8 -2.3871317
9 -8.1632749
10 -1.3563051
which is the same output as type="response". Thus, putting it through the inverse logit function would be the right way to get the probabilities. As to why is this happening, I have not clue -perhaps a bug.
Question 2...4
For the cv.preds, you're getting something along the lines of probabilities because you're fitting a Gaussian link. In order to fit a logit link, you should specify the family parameter. Namely:
cv.glmmod <- cv.glmnet(x=train.mtx, y=df.train$MADE.MAJORS, alpha=1, family="binomial")
> cv.preds
1 -10.873290
2 1.299113
3 15.812671
4 3.622259
5 5.621857
6 -24.826551
7 1.734000
8 -5.420878
9 -26.160403
10 -4.496020
In this case, cv.preds will output along the real line and you can put those values through the inverse logit to get the probabilities.

Create a binary outcome with random forest

I have a dataset that looks like this:
ADO Den Haag Groningen 1.5950 1.2672 1
I now try to predict the column Gewonnen based on EXPG1 and EXPG2. Therefore I created a training and test set and am creating the following model (all using rcaret):
modFit <- train(Gewonnen~ EXPG1 + EXPG2, data=training, method="rf", prox=TRUE)
I can't make a confusion matrix now because my data has more references. That's true because when I do:
pred <- predict(modFit, testing)
It says: 0.5324000 0.7237333 0.2811333 0.8231000 0.8299333 0.9792000
Because I want to make a confusion matrix I can't turn them into on 0/1 but I have the feeling that there should be an option to do this in the model as well.
Any thoughts on what I should change in this model to create 0/1 values. I couldn't find it in the documentation:
modFit <- train(Gewonnen~ EXPG1 + EXPG2, data=training, method="rf", prox=TRUE)
First of all, as Tim Biegeleisen says, you should convert your Gewonnen variable to a factor (in both training & test sets), if it is not already:
training$Gewonnen <- as.factor(training$Gewonnen)
testing$Gewonnen <- as.factor(testing$Gewonnen)
After that, the type option in the caret function predict determines what type of response you get for a binary classification problem, i.e. class labels or probabilities. Here is a reproducible example from the caret documentation using the Sonar dataset from the package mlbench:
# Factor w/ 2 levels "M","R": 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
inTraining <- createDataPartition(Sonar$Class, p = .75, list = FALSE)
training <- Sonar[ inTraining,]
testing <- Sonar[-inTraining,]
modFit <- train(Class ~ ., data=training, method="rf", prox=TRUE)
pred <- predict(modFit, testing, type="prob") # for class probabilities
# M R
# 5 0.442 0.558
# 10 0.276 0.724
# 11 0.096 0.904
# 12 0.360 0.640
# 20 0.654 0.346
# 21 0.522 0.478
pred2 <- predict(modFit, testing, type="raw") # for class labels
# [1] R R R R M M
# Levels: M R
For the confusion matrix, you will need class labels (i.e. pred2 above):
confusionMatrix(pred2, testing$Class)
# Confusion Matrix and Statistics
# Reference
# Prediction M R
# M 25 6
# R 2 18
This answer is a bit speculative as you omitted some critical details about your data set and I have not worked extensively with the caret package. That being said, it appears that you are running random forests in regression mode, which means that you will end up with a continuous function. This means that predictions can have a response value of 0, 1, or anything in between 0 and 1. If your Gewonnen column only has values of 0 or 1, and you want predicted values to also behave this way, then you can try turning Gewonnen into a categorical variable. As this article discusses, this might tell random forests to run in classification mode instead of regression mode.
Gewonnen <- as.factor(Gewonnen)
This builds the random forest as you did before, and you should have the responses you want.
