Consider all Binary Search Trees of height ≤H that can be created using the first N natural numbers. Find the sum of the roots of those Binary Search Trees.
For example, for N = 3, H = 3: There are 2 trees with 1 as root, 1 tree with 2 as root and 2 trees with 3 as root.
Hence, Sum = 2∗(1)+1∗(2)+2∗(3)=10
I am trying to solve this problem by writing a function f(n,h) which is related to f(n−1,h−1) and f(n−1,h) in some way, but unable to find the solution.
Note: All numbers [1,N] must be present in the tree and the height should be ≤H
Ok let us start with basics.
The number of BST that can be created using first N natural numbers can be very easily calculated using the following algorithm.
natural_number compute_no_of_BST(N)
return 1;
for(root = 1 to N)
left = compute_no_of_BST(root-1);
right = compute_no_of_BST(N-root);
sum = sum + (left*right);
return sum;
The key to understand this algorithm is this:
No matter what the distinct keys are, the number of BST only depends on number of distinct keys
So, this is what we use in recursion.For the left subtree number of distinct values are root-1 and for the right subtree the number of distinct values are N-root.Also we give every key the chance of being the root using the for loop.
Now, let us handle the constraint of height H.I am assuming the height to be the number of edges from root to leaf path. This can also be handled by focusing on the above algorithm and the trick is:
We will not call the recursive function calls for height > H and for this we must keep track of the number of edges traversed from root, which initially is 0.
So that kind of narrows it down to what are new function call will look like.
natural_number compute_no_of_BST(N,H,0);
And every time we make a recursive call, we increment the third variable to indicate an edge traversal.
We will also use an extra data structure, which is an array of length N where
arr[i] = number of BST with root i+1.
Here goes the algorithm for this
natural_number compute_no_of_BST(N,H,l)
return 1;
for(root = 1 to N)
left = compute_no_of_BST(root-1,H,l+1);
right = compute_no_of_BST(N-root,H,l+1);
arr[root-1] = (left*right);
sum = sum + (left*right);
return sum;
Now sum can be easily computed as
arr[0]*1 + arr[1]*2 + ..... arr[N-1]*N.
Here is just a DP conversion of the above recursive algorithm.
int bottom_up_specific_height(int n,int h){
int i,j,l;
int s=0;
if(l==0 && i==n)
return s;
Here complexity reduces to O(h*n^2).
Is it possible to optimize it further!!
How can i make it simple? I have predefined numbers under L0 to L9. When program gets number for example 32 i need to write it under LX as L3 and under LY as L2. Anyone has an idea how to do this ? I need to make it form 0 to 64
if(number == 64){LX=L6;LY=L4;}
if(number == 63){LX=L6;LY=L3;}
if(number == 62){LX=L6;LY=L2;}
You don't give any details on what the type of LX, LY and L0..L9 is, but from what I can see, you want to use each digit of number to look up your corresponding "predefined number" and then put the tens digit in LX and the ones digit in LY.
A straight-forward way is to do the lookup explicitly with a switch
in a function
/* Convert x (in [0..9]) to corresponding "predefined number" */
L_type get_L_num(int x)
switch(x) {
case 0: return L0;
case 9: return L9;
default: if needed, some error handling...
(where L_type is whatever type your predefined number variables are) and use that for each digit as in
{LX = get_L_num(number/10]; LY = get_L_num[number%10]}
Another alternative is to put L0..L9 in an array Lnumbers and then index that as
{LX = Lnumbers[number/10]; LY = Lnumbers[number%10]}
and, if you need to, add range checks for number.
Please note that the use of just /10 to find the tens and %10 to find the ones assumes that number is in [0..99], (which it should be since you asked about [0..64])
I have written an algorithm that calculates the number of zero-crossings within a signal. By this, I mean the number of times a value changes from + to - and vice-versa.
The algorithm is explained like this:
If there are the following elements:
v1 = {90, -4, -3, 1, 3}
Then you multiply the value by the value next to it. (i * i+1)
Then taking the sign value sign(val) determine if this is positive or negative. Example:
e1 = {90 * -4} = -360 -> sigum(e1) = -1
e2 = {-4 * -3} = 12 -> signum(e2) = 1
e3 = {-3 * 1} = -3 -> signum(e3) = -1
e4 = {1 * 3} = 3 -> signum(e4) = 1
Therefore the total number of values changed from negative to positive is = 2 ..
Now I want to put this forumular, algorithm into an equation so that I can present it.
I have asked a simular question, but got really confused so went away and thought about it and came up with (what I think the equation should look like).. It's probably wrong, well, laughably wrong. But here it is:
Now the logic behind it:
I pass in a V (val)
I get the absolute value of the summation of the signum from calculating (Vi * Vi+1) .. The signum(Vi * Vi+1) should produce -1, 1, ..., values
If and only if the value is -1 (Because I'm only interested in the number of times zero is crossed, therefore, the zero values.
Does this look correct, if not, can anyone suggest improvements?
Thank you :)!
Is this correct now?
You are doing the right thing here but your equation is wrong simply because you only want to count the sign of the product of adjacent elements when it is negative. Dont sum the sign of products since positive sign products should be neglected. For this reason, an explicit mathematical formula is tricky as positive products between adjacent elements should be ignored. What you want is a function that takes 2 arguments and evaluates to 1 when their product is negative and zero when non-negative
f(x,y) = 1 if xy < 0
= 0 otherwise
then your number of crossing points is simply given by
sum(f(v1[i],v1[i+1])) for i = 0 to i = n-1
where n is the length of your vector/array v1 (using C style array access notation based on zero indexing). You also have to consider edge conditions such as 4 consecutive points {-1,0,0,1} - do you want to consider this as simply one zero crossing or 2??? Only you can answer this based on the specifics of your problem, but whatever your answer adjust your algorithm accordingly.
I am wondering if someone have done this already, to send me into right direction..
The issue is as follow : I have a 2 dimensional array, on which i hold integer numbers, if the number is 0 - the item shall not be included into the graph, if it is 1 - it must be included.
The result graph shall be used for patfinding ( the shortest path ) to some element.
how to turn this 2 dimensional array into the graph ? ( with classes if possible ),
I am currently trying with classes. any suggestions and points into the right direction is more than appreciated.
This is the 2 dimensional structure. The red cells is prohibited to walk on, and there must be found optimal path from "start" to the "end". But 1st things 1st - i need to turn this 2 dimensional structure into a graph now :|
The way I see it, your 2D array is already a graph. A node of the graph is represented by a pair (i, j) and may have neighbor nodes such as (i + 1, j), (i, j + 1), etc. You can write a utility function for your array that hides these low-level neighbor definitions and skips the cells that are occupied.
The de.polygonal.ds API for the Graph data structure contains this example for the construction of a graph:
var graph = new de.polygonal.ds.Graph<String>();
var a = graph.addNode("a");
var b = graph.addNode("b");
var c = graph.addNode("c");
graph.addSingleArc(a, b, 1.0);
graph.addSingleArc(b, a, 1.0);
graph.addMutualArc(a, c, 1.0);
Adjust the example to construct a 2D array that contains a node for each free (i, j) of the original 2D array. Then traverse the 2D array of nodes and call addMutualArc() to connect adjacent nodes.
Recently I have been studying recursion; how to write it, analyze it, etc. I have thought for a while that recurrence and recursion were the same thing, but some problems on recent homework assignments and quizzes have me thinking there are slight differences, that 'recurrence' is the way to describe a recursive program or function.
This has all been very Greek to me until recently, when I realized that there is something called the 'master theorem' used to write the 'recurrence' for problems or programs. I've been reading through the wikipedia page, but, as usual, things are worded in such a way that I don't really understand what it's talking about. I learn much better with examples.
So, a few questions:
Lets say you are given this recurrence:
r(n) = 2*r(n-2) + r(n-1);
r(1) = r(2)
= 1
Is this, in fact, in the form of the master theorem? If so, in words, what is it saying? If you were to be trying to write a small program or a tree of recursion based on this recurrence, what would that look like? Should I just try substituting numbers in, seeing a pattern, then writing pseudocode that could recursively create that pattern, or, since this may be in the form of the master theorem, is there a more straightforward, mathematical approach?
Now, lets say you were asked to find the recurrence, T(n), for the number of additions performed by the program created from the previous recurrence. I can see that the base case would probably be T(1) = T(2) = 0, but I'm not sure where to go from there.
Basically, I am asking how to go from a given recurrence to code, and the opposite. Since this looks like the master theorem, I'm wondering if there is a straightforward and mathematical way of going about it.
EDIT: Okay, I've looked through some of my past assignments to find another example of where I'm asked, 'to find the recurrence', which is the part of this question I'm having the post trouble with.
Recurrence that describes in the best
way the number of addition operations
in the following program fragment
(when called with l == 1 and r == n)
int example(A, int l, int r) {
if (l == r)
return 2;
return (A[l] + example(A, l+1, r);
A few years ago, Mohamad Akra and Louay Bazzi proved a result that generalizes the Master method -- it's almost always better. You really shouldn't be using the Master Theorem anymore...
See, for example, this writeup:
Basically, get your recurrence to look like equation 1 in the paper, pick off the coefficients, and integrate the expression in Theorem 1.
Lets say you are given this
r(n) = 2*r(n-2) + r(n-1); r(1) = r(2)
= 1
Is this, in fact, in the form of the
master theorem? If so, in words, what
is it saying?
I think that what your recurrence relation is saying is that for function of "r" with "n" as its parameter (representing the total number of data sets you're inputting), whatever you get at the nth position of the data-set is the output of the n-1 th position plus twice whatever is the result of the n-2 th position, with no non-recursive work being done. When you try to solve a recurrence relation, you're trying to go about expressing it in a way that doesn't involve recursion.
However, I don't think that that is in the correct form for the Master Theorem Method. Your statement is a "second order linear recurrence relation with constant coefficients". Apparently, according to my old Discrete Math textbook, that's the form you need to have in order to solve the recurrence relation.
Here's the form that they give:
r(n) = a*r(n-1) + b*r(n-2) + f(n)
For 'a' and 'b' are some constants and f(n) is some function of n. In your statement, a = 1, b = 2, and f(n) = 0. Whenever, f(n) is equal to zero the recurrence relation is known as "homogenous". So, your expression is homogenous.
I don't think that you can solve a homogenous recurrence relation using the Master Method Theoerm because f(n) = 0. None of the cases for Master Method Theorem allow for that because n-to-the-power-of-anything can't equal zero. I could be wrong, because I'm not really an expert at this but I don't that it's possible to solve a homogenous recurrence relation using the Master Method.
I that that the way to solve a homogeneous recurrence relation is to go by 5 steps:
1) Form the characteristic equation, which is something of the form of:
x^k - c[1]*x^k-1 - c[2]*x^k-2 - ... - c[k-1]*x - c[k] = 0
If you've only got 2 recursive instances in your homogeneous recurrence relation then you only need to change your equation into the Quadratic Equation where
x^2 - a*x - b = 0
This is because a recurrence relation of the form of
r(n) = a*r(n-1) + b*r(n-2)
Can be re-written as
r(n) - a*r(n-1) - b*r(n-2) = 0
2) After your recurrence relation is rewritten as a characteristic equation, next find the roots (x[1] and x[2]) of the characteristic equation.
3) With your roots, your solution will now be one of the two forms:
if x[1]!=x[2]
c[1]*x[1]^n + c[2]*x[2]^n
c[1]*x[1]^n + n*c[2]*x[2]^n
for when n>2.
4) With the new form of your recursive solution, you use the initial conditions (r(1) and r(2)) to find c[1] and c[2]
Going with your example here's what we get:
r(n) = 1*r(n-1) + 2*r(n-2)
=> x^2 - x - 2 = 0
2) Solving for x
x = (-1 +- sqrt(-1^2 - 4(1)(-2)))/2(1)
x[1] = ((-1 + 3)/2) = 1
x[2] = ((-1 - 3)/2) = -2
3) Since x[1] != x[2], your solution has the form:
c[1](x[1])^n + c[2](x[2])^n
4) Now, use your initial conditions to find the two constants c[1] and c[2]:
c[1](1)^1 + c[2](-2)^1 = 1
c[1](1)^2 + c[2](-2)^2 = 1
Honestly, I'm not sure what your constants are in this situation, I stopped at this point. I guess you'd have to plug in numbers until you'd somehow got a value for both c[1] and c[2] which would both satisfy those two expressions. Either that or perform row reduction on a matrix C where C equals:
[ 1 1 | 1 ]
[ 1 2 | 1 ]
Recurrence that describes in the best
way the number of addition operations
in the following program fragment
(when called with l == 1 and r == n)
int example(A, int l, int r) {
if (l == r)
return 2;
return (A[l] + example(A, l+1, r);
Here's the time complexity values for your given code for when r>l:
int example(A, int l, int r) { => T(r) = 0
if (l == r) => T(r) = 1
return 2; => T(r) = 1
return (A[l] + example(A, l+1, r); => T(r) = 1 + T(r-(l+1))
Total: T(r) = 3 + T(r-(l+1))
Else, when r==l then T(r) = 2, because the if-statement and the return both require 1 step per execution.
Your method, written in code using a recursive function, would look like this:
function r(int n)
if (n == 2) return 1;
if (n == 1) return 1;
return 2 * r(n-2) + r(n-1); // I guess we're assuming n > 2
I'm not sure what "recurrence" is, but a recursive function is simply one that calls itself.
Recursive functions need an escape clause (some non-recursive case - for example, "if n==1 return 1") to prevent a Stack Overflow error (i.e., the function gets called so much that the interpreter runs out of memory or other resources)
A simple program that would implement that would look like:
public int r(int input) {
if (input == 1 || input == 2) {
return 1;
} else {
return 2 * r(input - 2) + r(input -1)
You would also need to make sure that the input is not going to cause an infinite recursion, for example, if the input at the beginning was less than 1. If this is not a valid case, then return an error, if it is valid, then return the appropriate value.
"I'm not exactly sure what 'recurrence' is either"
The definition of a "recurrence relation" is a sequence of numbers "whose domain is some infinite set of integers and whose range is a set of real numbers." With the additional condition that that the function describing this sequence "defines one member of the sequence in terms of a previous one."
And, the objective behind solving them, I think, is to go from a recursive definition to one that isn't. Say if you had T(0) = 2 and T(n) = 2 + T(n-1) for all n>0, you'd have to go from the expression "T(n) = 2 + T(n-1)" to one like "2n+2".
1) "Discrete Mathematics with Graph Theory - Second Edition", by Edgar G. Goodair and Michael M. Parmenter
2) "Computer Algorithms C++," by Ellis Horowitz, Sartaj Sahni, and Sanguthevar Rajasekaran.