How do I find the attribute image in vc_single_image - wordpress

Suppose I have a footer that is writen in shortcode with visual compose and I wanna put an image:
[vc_single_image image="8469" img_size="full" alignment="center"]
where do I find the image value 8469?

You can go to your WP admin and go to Media.
Click the image you want to use. It should open up in a Modal with the image on one side and details on the other. when this happens the url of the page changes to something like:
Or if it opens up in its own page then you will see link like: /wp-admin/post.php?post=180&action=edit.
Where 180 is the image's id stored in the database. Which is exactly what you need to replace in your shortcode's image attribute

go to media library from side menu and select the image you want to insert. The url look like wp-admin/upload.php?item=4499
Put the value of the item (in image url) in the vc_single_image component
which look like
[vc_single_image image="4499"  img_size="200*200" alignment="center"]

on a dashboard, go-to media library then select an image click on edit more details than on a Permalink you will get the id of that image


Image link in wordpress

How can I get the image link in WordPress media?
Thank you!!
It shows that you need to put a custom link here if you want to connect to any site with this image. For example, you displayed this image in your site's content area where you want to click on that image and it will redirect to that specific page. Also you can put a custom link to another site whare you can set the link target, it will open in same window or in a new window. Hope it will make a sense for you.

How to assign an image to a specific Wordpress-page

I want to use something like Feature Image in Wordpress 5.2.2 so I can optionally use that image as a thumbnail whn that page gets displayed in a parent category page.
Actually though I don't see that option anywhere on my page, neither in the document nor in the blocks sidebar. Is it something I need to activate and if so - where?
Just to explain what I understand with Feature image:
A page may get assigned 1 image that can be then used as e.g. a visual excerpt for that page and must not be displayed on the page itself.
Sometimes the featured image won't show up if it isn't checked in the screen options tab.
Once checked you'll then be fine to add your featured image to the page/post.

I want the wordpress post image to have the post link

I am new to Wordpress
I am implementing a custom theme that is derived from the parent theme tewnty twelve.
I want something like bellow:
I am uploading media that will be inserted inside the post. We know that when we click on the post title, it takes us to the full post page. But when i click on the image inside the post, it takes me to the url like this: which i don't want. I want the image click takes me to the full post page as the title click does.
Is there anyone who can help me on this issue
Any help is appreciated.
Yeah it's pretty straightforward. Just select the image in your post editing window, select the hyperlink icon, and paste the URL you want the link to go to. Update and then check. When clicking the image it should go to that link.

How to insert an image into a post without linking to the attachment page

I'm displaying the content in wordpress, I'm usint the_content inside of the loop and everything is working great, I get an image and the text of the post.
The only thing that I don't want is that the image link would take you to the attachment page, I want the user to be directed to post permalink.
You can control the nature of the image inserted into the post via the Visual Editor. Click on the image, and select "Edit Image". Then, find the option for "image links to" (file, page, or none). Change from "page" to either "file" or "none".
Edit the post and change the URL the image points to. You can do this by clicking the little edit icon when you click on the image.
Alternatively, remove the image link altogether.

Need to access an image from HTML Page Editor

I have an image called "image-a.gif" in my WP images directory.
My question is, I am inside a page in the WP dashboard, specifically within the HTML editor page and need to access this image-a.gif from within the editor.
I am placing inside a div using img src="image-a.gif" but unsure how to get to it from here.
While your in the WordPress page editor you can add images from the media library by clicking the add image icon.
Next choose add image from media library choose the image and click insert and WordPress will add the code to the page editor.
