Message: [Vertica][VJDBC](4650) ERROR: Schema "information_schema" does not exist - flyway

I am not exactly sure why this schema is been searched for. Any flyway experts who worked with vertica ?

Even though the information_schema is defined as a standard implemented by most RDBMSs like MySQL, it is not implemented by Vertica.
In Vertica, the information_schema equivalent SQL structure is the v_catalog SQL schema.
The error returned by the Vertica JDBC driver means you are querying erroneously the information_schema. If you are not doing it yourself, it may be a library you're using inadequately (ex : Hibernate would query the information_schema).


How to use R DBI to create a view?

I'm trying to use R's DBI library to create a view on an Athena database, connected via JDBC. The dbSentStatement command, which is supposed to submit and execute arbitrary SQL without returning a result, throws an error when no result set is returned:
DBI::dbSendStatement(athena_con, my_query)
Error in .verify.JDBC.result(r, "Unable to retrieve JDBC result set", :
Unable to retrieve JDBC result set
JDBC ERROR: [Simba][JDBC](11300) A ResultSet was expected but not generated from query <query repeated here>
In addition, the view is not created.
I've tried other DBI commands that seemed promising (dbExecute, dbGetQuery, dbSentQuery), but they all throw the same error. (Actually, I expect them all to - dbSendStatement is the one that, from the manual, should work.)
Is there some other way to create a view using DBI, dbplyr, etc.? Or am I doing this right and its a limitation of RJDBC or the driver?
RJDBC pre-dates the more recent DBI specification and uses a different function to access this functionality: RJDBC::dbSendUpdate(con, query) .
DBI's dbSendStatement() doesn't work here yet. For best compatibility, RJDBC could implement this method and forward it to its dbSendUpdate() .
Without given more details of your query, I cannot promise this helps:
But for my case:
nrow <- dbExecute(con, paste0("CREATE VIEW ExampleView AS",
"Random statements"))
Would help you create a view on your backend.
Difference: I'm using SQLite.

Oracle SQL Developer create SDO_GEOMETRY invalid datatype

I am trying to create a spatial database in SQL Developer, which is connected to Oracle 11g Release 2 on AWS.
When I do this
CREATE TABLE cola_markets (
name VARCHAR2(32),
and compile, I always get this:
name VARCHAR2(32),
Error at Command Line : 4 Column : 7
Error report -
SQL Error: ORA-00902: invalid datatype
00902. 00000 - "invalid datatype"
It seems that SQL Developer cannot find the sdo_geometry datatype. How can I resolve this issue?
That should work. Are you sure your database does have Oracle Spatial or Oracle Locator installed.
Databases provided on AWS typically don't.
Please check the version of your database.
For oracle 12c onwards all of SDO_GEOM package is available to oracle locator users. Thus your should work.
However, in 12c you may need to deinstall spatial part as mentioned here :
In case this happens to anyone with oracle spatial or locator or anything needed correctly installed in MDSYS, and it still doesn't work, you can try granting EXECUTE privileges from MDSYS to your user as I read on
It worked for us.

Invalid column definition error when using four part name to access Oracle DB as SQL Server linked server

I have setup a linked server in SQL Server 2008 R2 in order to access an Oracle 11g database. The MSDASQL provider is used to connect to the linked server through the Oracle Instant Client ODBC driver. The connection works well when using the OPENQUERY with the below syntax:
However, went I try to use a four part name using the below syntax:
I receive the following error:
Msg 7318, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
The OLE DB provider "MSDASQL" for linked server "LINKED_SERVER" returned an invalid column definition for table ""SCHEMA"."TABLE"".
Does anyone have any insight on what my be causing the four part name query to fail while the OPENQUERY one works without any problems?
The correct path to follow is to use OPENQUERY function because your linked server is Oracle: the four name syntax will work fine for MSSQL servers, essentially because they understand T-SQL.
With very simple queries, a 4 part name can accidentally work but not often if you are in a real scenario. In your case, the SELECT * is returning all the columns, and in your case one of the column definition is not compatible with SQL Server. Try another table or try to select a single simple column (e.g. a CHAR or a NUMBER), maybe it will work without problem.
In any case, using distributed queries can be tricky sometime. Database itself does some optimizations before executing commands, so it is important for the database to know what it can do and what it can't. If the DB thinks the linked server is MSSQL, it will take some action that may not work with Oracle.
When using four part name syntax with a linked DB different from MSSQL, you will have other problems as well, for example using database builtin functions (i.e. to_date() Oracle function will not work because MSSQL would want to use its own convert() function, and so on).
So again, if the linked server is not a MSSQL, the right choice is to use OPENQUERY and passing it a query that use a syntax valid against the linked server SQL dialect.
If you use the OLEDB provider for Oracle you can query without using openquery

Querying a linked SQLite DB in SSMS

I'm trying to use a SQLite database a linked server in SSMS. I've managed to get the ODBC driver installed and a linked server created, but I can't seem to find a way to get queries to work. I think it's just a matter of not understanding the proper syntax for it. Here's what I've tried:
exec sp_tables_ex 'SQLITE'
This works as expected, showing all of the tables in the database.
select * from SQLITE.[default].dbo.TRANSLATION
Fails with this error message
Invalid use of schema or catalog for OLE DB provider "MSDASQL" for
linked server "SQLITE". A four-part name was supplied, but the
provider does not expose the necessary interfaces to use a catalog or
Taking a clue from that, I tried removing the schema:
select * from SQLITE.[default].TRANSLATION
But this gives me another error message:
Invalid object name 'SQLITE.default.TRANSLATION'.
Likewise, the following give the same error (with slight changes for the object name):
select * from SQLITE.[default].TRANSLATION
select * from SQLITE.dbo.TRANSLATION
Any ideas? I'm not quite sure what to try from here.

Issuing PRAGMA statement in AIR app

When I use the routines to issue a SQLite "PRAGMA encoding" statement, I get an error suggesting that this isn't supported:
'Error #3115: SQL Error.', details:'PRAGMA is not allowed in SQL.', operation:'execute', detailID:'2005
Is there a workaround?
In a word no. See for supported and unsupported features.
However on that page however you will see...
System table access is not available
The system tables including sqlite_master and other tables with the "sqlite_" prefix are not available in SQL statements. The runtime includes a schema API that provides an object-oriented way to access schema data. For more information see the SQLConnection.loadSchema() method.
For a more detailed help in using loadSchema have a look at,
and consider using, In fact
