lm function gives estimate for the y-variable also - r

I am trying to run a simple lm model. I am using the following
dt <- data.table(
y_var2 <- names(dt)[names(dt)%like%"y"]
x_var2 <- names(dt)[names(dt)%like%"x"]
tmp2 <- summary(a <- lm(get(y_var2)~.,dt[,c(x_var2,y_var2),with=F]))
coefs2 <- as.data.table(tmp2$coefficients,keep.rownames = T)
So in the end, coefs2 should contain the estimates, p-values etc. But in the last row of the coefs2 i also see the y-variable.
But if I use
tmp2 <- summary(a <- lm(y~.,dt[,c(x_var2,y_var2),with=F]))
Then this does not happen. Why is that ?

This has to do with how R stores variables. y_var2 is a character "y" and you fill it into the formula as a character variable which you wish to model with all variables in your data.table dt. However, you have to tell R that you wish to evaluate the formula y~. and not "y"~. which are two different expressions for R.
lm( formula(paste(y_var2,"~.")),dt[,c(x_var2,y_var2),with=F])
will do the trick. formula constructs a formula out of the string variable with which a contructed the expression.

Actually it would probably be cleaner just to make the formula with reformulate() and the data= parameter of lm
tmp2 <- summary(a <- lm(reformulate(x_var2, y_var2), dt))


using lm function in R with a variable name in a loop

I am trying to create a simple linear model in R a for loop where one of the variables will be specified as a parameter and thus looped through, creating a different model for each pass of the loop. The following does NOT work:
model <- lm(test_par[i] ~ weeks, data=all_data_plant)
If I tried the same model with the "test_par[i]" replaced with the variable's explicit name, it works just as expected:
model <- lm(weight_dry ~ weeks, data=all_data_plant)
I tried reformulate and paste ineffectively. Any thoughts?
Maybe try something like this:
n <- #add the column position of first variable
m <- #add the column position of last variable
lm_models <- lapply(n:m, function(x) lm(all_data_plant[,x] ~ weeks, data=all_data_plant))
You can pass the argument "formula" in lm() as character using paste(). Here a working example:
test_par <- names(trees)
model <- lm(Girth ~ Height, data = trees)
model <- lm("Girth ~ Height", data = trees) # character formula works
model <- lm(paste(test_par[1], "~ Height"), data=trees)

Looping over objects in R

I am trying to loop over objects in R.
myfunc.linear.pred <- function(x){
linear.pred <- predict(object = x)
w <- exp(linear.pred)/(1+exp(linear.pred))
The function here works perfectly as it should. It returns a vector of 48 rows and it comes from the object x. Now 'x' is nothing but the full regression model from a GLM function (think: mod.fit <- glm (dep~indep, data = data)). The problem is that I have 20 different such ('mod.fit') objects and need to find predictions for each of these. I could literally repeat the code, but I was looking to find a neater solution. So what I want is a matrix with 48 rows and 20 columns for the above function. This is probably basic for an advanced user, but I have only ever used "apply" and "for" loops for numbers and never objects. I looked into lapply but couldn't figure it out.
I tried: (and this is probably dumb)
allmodels <- c(mod.fit, mod.fit2, mod.fit3)
lpred.matrix <- matrix(data=NA, nrow=48, ncol=20)
for(i in allmodels){
lpred.matrix[i,] <- myfunc.linear.pred(i)
which obviously won't work because allmodels has a class of "list" and it contains all the stuff from the GLM function. Hope someone can help. Thanks!
In order to use lapply, you must have a list object not a vector object. Something like this should work:
## Load data
# fit models
mod.fit1 <- glm (mpg~disp, data = mtcars)
mod.fit2 <- glm (mpg~drat, data = mtcars)
mod.fit3 <- glm (mpg~wt, data = mtcars)
# build function
myfunc.linear.pred <- function(x){
linear.pred <- predict(object = x)
w <- exp(linear.pred)/(1+exp(linear.pred))
# put models in a list
allmodels <- list("mod1" = mod.fit1, "mod2" = mod.fit2, "mod2" =
# use lapply and do.call to generate matrix of prediction results
df <- do.call('cbind', lapply(allmodels, function(x){
a <- myfunc.linear.pred(x)
Hope this helps

Using Vector of Character Variables within certain Part of the lm() Function of R

I am performing a regression analysis within R that looks the following:
lm_carclass_mod <- lm(log(count_faves+1)~log(views+1)+dateadded+group_url+license+log(precontext.nextphoto.views+1)+log(precontext.prevphoto.views+1)+log(oid.Bridge+1)+log(oid.Face+1)+log(oid.Quail+1)+log(oid.Sky+1)+log(oid.Car+1)+log(oid.Auditorium+1)+log(oid.Font+1)+log(oid.Lane+1)+log(oid.Bmw+1)+log(oid.Racing+1)+log(oid.Wheel+1),data=flickrcar_wo_country)
The dependent variable as well as some of the independent variables are quite variable throughout my analysis, which is why I would like to keep inserting them manually.
However, I am looking for a way to replace all of the "oid. ..." variables with one single function.
So far I have come up with the following:
g <- paste("log(",variables,"+1)", collapse="+")
Unfortuntaley this does not work inside the lm() function. Neither does a formula like this:
g <- as.formula(
paste("log(",variables,"+1)", collapse="+")
The vector variables has the following elements in it:
variables <- ("oid.Bridge", "oid.Face", "oid.Quail", "oid.Off-roading", "oid.Sky", "oid.Car", "oid.Auditorium", "oid.Font", "oid.Lane", "oid.Bmw", "oid.Racing", "oid.Wheel")
In the end my regression model should look something like this:
lm_carclass_mod <- lm(log(count_faves+1)~log(views+1)+dateadded+group_url+license+log(precontext.nextphoto.views+1)+log(precontext.prevphoto.views+1)+g,data=flickrcar_wo_country)
Thanks for your helpm in advance!
You would need to convert both of the parts into a string and then make the formula:
#the manual bit
manual <- "log(count_faves+1)~log(views+1)+dateadded+group_url+license+log(precontext.nextphoto.views+1)+log(precontext.prevphoto.views+1)"
#the variables:
oid_variables <- c("oid.Bridge", "oid.Face", "oid.Quail", "oid.Off-roading", "oid.Sky", "oid.Car", "oid.Auditorium", "oid.Font", "oid.Lane", "oid.Bmw", "oid.Racing", "oid.Wheel")
#paste them together
g <- paste("log(", oid_variables, "+1)", collapse="+")
#make the formula
myformula <- as.formula(paste(manual, '+', g))
Then you add the formula into lm:
lm_carclass_mod <- lm(myformula, data=flickrcar_wo_country

Use string of independent variables within the lm function

I have a dataframe with many variables. I want to apply a linear regression to explain the last one with the others. So as I had to much to write I thought about creating a string with the independent variables e.g. Var1 + Var2 +...+ VarK. I achieved it pasting "+" to all column names except for the last one with this code:
ExVar <- toString(paste(names(datos)[1:11], "+ ", collapse = ''))
I also had to remove the last "+":
ExVar <- substr(VarEx, 1, nchar(ExVar)-2)
So I copied and pasted the ExVar string within the lm() function and the result looked like this:
m1 <- lm(calidad ~ Var1 + Var 2 +...+ Var K)
The question is: Is there any way to use "ExVar" within the lm() function as a string, not as a variable, to have a cleaner code?
For better understanding:
If I use this code:
m1 <- lm(calidad ~ ExVar)
It is interpreting ExVar as a independent variable.
The following will all produce the same results. I am providing multiple methods because there is are simpler ways of doing what you are asking (see examples 2 and 3) instead of writing the expression as a string.
First, I will generate some example data:
n <- 100
p <- 11
dat <- array(rnorm(n*p),c(n,p))
dat <- as.data.frame(dat)
colnames(dat) <- paste0("X",1:p)
If you really want to specify the model as a string, this example code will help:
ExVar <- toString(paste(names(dat[2:11]), "+ ", collapse = ''))
ExVar <- substr(ExVar, 1, nchar(ExVar)-3)
model1 <- paste("X1 ~ ",ExVar)
fit1 <- lm(eval(parse(text = model1)),data = dat)
Otherwise, note that the 'dot' notation will specify all other variables in the model as predictors.
fit2 <- lm(X1 ~ ., data = dat)
Or, you can select the predictors and outcome variables by column, if your data is structured as a matrix.
dat <- as.matrix(dat)
fit3 <- lm(dat[,1] ~ dat[,-1])
All three of these fit objects have the same estimates:
if you have a dataframe, and you want to explain the last one using all the rest then you can use the code below:
or you can use
lm(rev(dat))#Only if the last column is your response variable
Any of the two above will give you the results needed.
To do it your way:
EXV=as.formula(paste0("calidad~",paste0(names(datos)[-12],collapse = '+')))
There is no need to do it this way since the lm function itself will do this by using the first code above.

apply series of commands to split data frame

I'm having some difficulties figuring out how to approach this problem. I have a data frame that I am splitting into distinct sites (link5). Once split I basically want to run a linear regression model on the subsets. Here is the code I'm working with, but it's definitely not correct. Also, It would be great if I could output the model results to a new data frame such that each site would have one row with the model parameter estimates - that is just a wish and not a necessity right now. Thank you for any help!
les_events <- split(les, les$link5)
result <- lapply(les_events) {
lm1 <-lm(cpe~K,data=les_events)
coef <- coef(lm1)
q.hat <- -coef(lm1)[2]
les_events$N0.hat <- coef(lm1[1]/q.hat)
You have a number of issues.
You haven't passed a function (the FUN argument) to lapply
Your closure ( The bit inside {} is almost, but not quite the body you want for your function)
something like th following will return the coefficients from your models
result <- lapply(les_events, function(DD){
lm1 <-lm(cpe~K,data=DD)
coef <- coef(lm1)
This will return a list of data.frames containing columns for each coefficient.
lapply(les_events, lm, formula = 'cpe~K')
will return a list of linear model objects, which may be more useful.
For a more general split / apply / combine approaches use plyr or data.table
DT <- data.table(les)
result <- les[, {lm1 <- lm(cpe ~ K, data = .SD)
as.list(lm1)}, by = link5]
result <- ddply(les, .(link5), function(DD){
lm1 <-lm(cpe~K,data=DD)
coef <- coef(lm1)
# or to return a list of linear model objects
dlply(les, link5, function(DD){ lm(cpe ~K, data =DD)})
