Is there a way to define a trigger that runs reliably at a datetime specified as a field in the updated/created object? - firebase

The question
Is it possible (and if so, how) to make it so when an object's field x (that contains a timestamp) is created/updated a specific trigger will be called at the time specified in x (probably calling a serverless function)?
My Specific context
In my specific instance the object can be seen as a task. I want to make it so when the task is created a serverless function tries to complete the task and if it doesn't succeed it updates the record with the partial results and specifies in a field x when the next attempt should happen.
The attempts should not span at a fixed interval. For example, a task may require 10 successive attempts at approximately every 30 seconds, but then it may need to wait 8 hours.

There currently is no way to (re)trigger a Cloud Function on a node after a certain timespan.
The closest you can get is by regularly scheduling a cron job to run on the list of tasks. For more on that, see this sample in the function-samples repo, this blog post by Abe, and this video where Jen explains them.
I admit I never like using this cron-job approach, since you have to query the list to find the items to process. A while ago, I wrote a more efficient solution that runs a priority queue in a node process. My code was a bit messy, so I'm not quite ready to share it, but it wasn't a lot (<100 lines). So if the cron-trigger approach doesn't work for you, I recommend investigating that direction.


Firestore : Maintaining the count of a collection. Trigger function vs transaction

Let's say I have a collection called persons and another collection called cities with a field population. When a Person is created in a City, I would like to increment the population field in the corresponding city.
I have two options.
Create a onCreate trigger function. Find the city document and increment using FieldValue.increment(1).
Create an HTTPS callable cloud function to create the person. The cloud function executes a transaction in which the person is created and the population is incremented.
The first one is simpler and I am using it right now. But, I am wondering if there could be cases where the onCreate is not called due to some glitch...
I am thinking of moving to the second option. I am wondering if there are any disadvantages. Does HTTPS callable function cost more?
The only problem I see with the HTTPS callables would be that if something fails you would need to handle that on your client side. That would be (at least for me) a little bit to much logic for the client side.
What I can recommend you after almost 4 years experience with exactly that problem is a solution with a virtual queue. I had a long dicussion on that theme here and even with the Firebase ppl on the last in person Google IO and Firebase Summit.
Our problem was that there where those glitches and even if they happend sometimes the changes and transaction failed due to too much requests. After trying every offical recommendation like the shard counters etc. we ended up creating a virtual queue where each onCreate adds an entry to just a Firestore or RTD list/collection and another function that runs eaither by crone or another trigger (that doesn't matter). That cloud function handles each entry in the queue one by one and starts again for each of them to awoid timouts and memeroy limits. We made sure one handler/calculation is enought for a single function to handle it.
This method was the only bullet proof one that could handle thousands of new entries in a second without having an issue. The only downside is that it takes more time than an usual trigger because each entries is calculated one by one. If your calculations are smaller you could do them in batches (that is how we started to).

Firebase, how to implement scheduler?

When some information is stored in the firestore, each document is storing some specific time in the future, and according to that time, the event should occur in the user's app.
The first way I could find was the Cloud Function pub sub scheduler. However, I could not use this because the time is fixed.
The second method was to use Cloud Function + Cloud Task. I have referenced this.
This perfectly performed the function I really wanted, but there was a fatal drawback in the Cloud Task, because I could only save the event within 30 days. In other words, future time exceeding 30 days did not apply to this.
I want this event to be saved over the long term. And I want it to be somewhat smooth for large traffic.
I`m using Flutter/Firebase, how to implement this requirements above?
thank you for reading happy new year
You could check in the function that gets activated on document creation if the task is due in more than 30 days, and if so, store it somewhere else (maybe another document). Then have another process that checks if the task is now within the 30 days range and then have it do the same as the newly created ones. This second process could be run every week or two weeks.

Schedule function in firebase

The problem
I have a firebase application in combination with Ionic. I want the user to create a group and define a time, when the group is about to be deleted automatically. My first idea was to create a setTimeout(), save it and override it whenever the user changes the time. But as I have read, setTimeout() is a bad solution when used for long durations (because of the firebase billing service). Later I have heard about Cron, but as far as I have seen, Cron only allows to call functions at a specific time, not relative to a given time (e.g. 1 hour from now). Ideally, the user can define any given time with a datetime picker.
My idea
So my idea is as following:
User defines the date via native datepicker and the hour via some spinner
The client writes the time into a seperate firebase-database with a reference of following form: /scheduledJobs/{date}/{hour}/{groupId}
Every hour, the Cron task will check all the groups at the given location and delete them
If a user plans to change the time, he will just delete the old value in scheduledJobs and create a new one
My question
What is the best way to schedule the automatic deletion of the group? I am not sure if my approach suits well, since querying for the date may create a very flat and long list in my database. Also, my approach is limited in a way, that only full hours can be taken as the time of deletion and not any given time. Additionally I will need two inputs (date + hour) from the user instead of just using a datetime (which also provides me the minutes).
I believe what you're looking for is node schedule. Basically, it allows you to run serverside cron jobs, it has the ability to take date-time objects and schedule the job at that time. Since I'm assuming you're running a server for this, this would allow you to schedule the deletion at whatever time you wish based on the user input.
An alternative to TheCog's answer (which relies on running a node server) is to use Cloud Functions for Firebase in combination with a third party server (e.g. to schedule their execution. See this video for more or this blog post for an alternative trigger.
In either of these approaches I recommend keeping only upcoming triggers in your database. So delete the jobs after you've processed them. That way you know it won't grow forever, but rather will have some sort of fixed size. In fact, you can query it quite efficiently because you know that you only need to read jobs that are scheduled before the next trigger time.
If you're having problems implementing your approach, I recommend sharing the minimum code that reproduces where you're stuck as it will be easier to give concrete help that way.

xProc - Pausing a pipeline and continue it when certain event occurs

I'm fairly new to xProc and xPath, but I've been asked to solve the following problem:
Step 2 receives data via the secondary port from step 1. Step 2 contains a p:for-each, which saves a document into a folder for each element that passes the for-each.
(Part A)
These documents (let's say I receive 6 documents from for-each) lay in the same directory and get filtered by p:directory-list and are eventually stored in one single document, containing the whole path of every document the for-each created. (Part B)
So far, so good.
The problem is that Part A seems to be too slow. Part B already tries to read the data Step A
stores while the directory is still empty. Meaning, I'm having a performance / synchronization problem.
And now comes the question:
Is it possible to let the pipeline wait and to let it continue as soon as a certain event occurs?
That's what I'm imagining:
Step B waits as long as necessary until the directory, which Step A stores the data in, is no longer empty. I read something about
dbxml:breakpoint, but unfortunately I couldn't find more information than the name and
a short description of what it seems to do:
Set a breakpoint, optionally based upon a condition, that will cause pipeline operation to pause at the breakpoint, possibly requiring user intervention to continue and/or issuing a message.
It would be awesome if you know more about it and could give an example of how it's used. It would also help if you know a workaround or another way to solve this problem.
After searching google for half an eternity, I found SMIL which's timesheets seem to do the trick. Has anyone experience with throwing XML / xProc and SMIL together?
Back towards the end of 2009 I proposed the concept of 'Orchestrating XProc with SMIL' in a blog post on the O'Reilly Network.
However, I'm not sure that this (XProc + Time) is the solution to your problem. It's not entirely clear, to me, from you description what's happening. Are you implying that you're trying to write something to disk and then read it in a subsequent step? You need to keep stuff in the pipeline in order to ensure you can connect outputs to subsequent inputs.

Flex: Calculate hours between 2 times?

I am building a scheduling system. The current system is just using excel, and they type in times like 9:3-5 (meaning 9:30am-5pm). I haven't set up the format for how these times are going to be stored yet, I think I may have to use military time in order to be able to calculate the hours, but I would like to avoid that if possible. But basically I need to be able to figure out how to calculate the hours. for example 9:3-5 would be (7.5 hours). I am open to different ways of storing the times as well. I just need to be able to display it in an easy way for the user to understand and be able to calculate how many hours it is.
Any ideas?
Quick dirty ugly solution
public static const millisecondsPerHour:int = 1000 * 60 * 60;
private function getHoursDifference(minDate:Date, maxDate:Date):uint {
return Math.ceil(( maxDate.getTime() - minDate.getTime()) / millisecondsPerHour);
Ok it sounds like you're talking about changing from a schedule or plan that's currently developed by a person using an excel spreadsheet and want to "computerize" the process. 1st Warning: "Scheduling is not trivial." How you store the time isn't all that important, but it is common to establish some level of granularity and convert the task time to integer multiples of this interval to simplify the scheduling task.
If you want to automate the process or simply error check you'll want to abstract things a bit. A basic weekly calendar with start and stop times, and perhaps shift info will be needed. An exception calendar would be a good idea to plan from the start. The exception calendar allows holidays and other exceptions. A table containing resource and capacity info will be needed. A table containing all the tasks to schedule and any dependencies between tasks will be needed. Do you want to consider concurrent requirements? (I need a truck and a driver...) Do you want to consider intermittent scheduling of resources? Should you support forward or backward scheduling? Do you plan to support what if scenarios? (Then you'll want a master schedule that's independent of the planning schedule(s)) Do you want to prioritize how tasks are placed on the schedule? (A lot of though is needed here depending on the work to be done.) You may very well want to identify a subset of the tasks to actually schedule. Then simply provide a reporting mechanism to show if the remaining work can fit into the white space in the schedule. (If you can't get the most demanding 10% done in the time available who cares about the other 90%)
2nd Warning: "If God wrote the schedule most companies couldn't follow it."
