Users Realms Access or One Public Realm - realm

Let's assume I want to create an app like Instagram. Every user of my app has his own realm file where he keeps his profile data, pictures, likes of pictures and comments.
What if I want to create a wall where are visible latest pictures of all users of my app? Should I somehow access every single realm file of my users and get a picture or maybe should I create one big shared realm file where I will keep all pictures of all my users?

You should keep them all in one place.
May be it's better to have offline version also (for the user's convenience) but if you want every single user have online access to the database you should't get pictures from the users only everytime you need them. Imagine if someone is offline what then? Or at least some pictures would get downloaded faster than the others due to some people have better internet than the others.


Is there a way to customize the text content of Google One Tap prompt?

Our application has a multi-tenant architecture where we have multiple different websites deployed using a single codebase. Is there a way to edit the application name (ie. show Sign in to <Website 1> with Google instead of Sign in to <App name> with Google) without needing to create a separate project in Google Console for each website?
If editing the app name is impossible, is there a way to just show Sign in with Google instead?
I don't think Google allows you to do that, basically due to some legal/UX concerns. Take below UX as an example.
Users go to website1, and see prompt for "App Name 1". Then grant it.
Users go to website2, and see prompt for "App Name 2". And it'd be a big surprise, to some of them, that the permission has arleady been granted. Users may think 1)Google granted it without user's consent, or 2) someone had stolen his credentials and granted it, etc.
In summary, you need to make a decision first:
if you think end users should treat your different origins as different apps, you should create different projects for them(, so that their UX are isolated from each others).
if you think users should treat your different origins as a single app, then using same app name is not an issue at all.

Sharing a page with specific result shows no data

I am trying to make multiple pages with the name of users which will then be shared with each them. However, once I tested it by adding one of them, they managed to get to the page, but no results are shown when clicking at the button for pulling the data from the Drive Sheet. The circle is doing a single circle and that's it - no data, only the headers are shown.
Is it required for the users to have the file shared with them in Drive in order to pull it on Google App Maker or is there any security setting that I have to adjust?
Settings in the publish menu:
User roles in Security in the PAGE and DATA:
There are no errors in the Developer or Preview tab.
If you go down with Spreadsheet approach, then you'll face with implementing CRUD operations almost from scratch, what is opposite from the App Maker mission.
only the Admins want to see everything
Out of the box deployment Admins can see all data
employees access only for the accounts assigned to them
You can achieve such security configuration by adding Owner field to your model (Record Permissions).
Take a look at App Maker Templates, there are lots permission configuration samples.

What are the steps of putting a video into a SQL database and retrieving it from a web application?

I'm developing a website in VB.Net that allows a user to submit a form that can include a video. In speaking with our server administrator, there are no write permissions for files, so I was instructed to put any videos into the MS SQL database.
I know this is inefficient, but they don't seem to care.
I think any type of file can be stored in a database by specifying the field in the DB as varbinary and then converting the file to a bitstring before uploading. But I have no idea how to actually do this, nor have I been able to find any direction from the MS site that isn't simply uploading an Image.
So what I need to know or find a resource for is:
The steps involved with accessing file chosen by the user and converting it to a useable data type to stick in the db.
The steps involved with pulling that video back from the DB and displaying it for the user in the db.
I wish I could simply tell all the users to upload it to Youtube and then just use the link, but that isn't an option either.
If I need more clarification, I can do my best.

Push facebook images to website?

Does anyone know if it is possible to develop a facebook application which could detect images uploaded into a specific album and somehow upload them to an website automatically?
Any input would be much appreciated as I don't have any experience of FB development yet.
I am not aware of an application existing already to accomplish this, however; it is very possible to develop an app to do this. The reasonable steps may be as follows:
Retrieve data (to database) from album for current images
Poll the album at a certain interval to check for changes
If change exists, compare the album contents with the saved data
Download (to the desired location) the images that did not exist already
Update application records (database) to reflect the new items
This could be produced rather quickly if desired for personal use, and you dont need the finishing touches that an application for general consumption may need.
If this is the route you decide to take, the FB api Facebook Developers reference is very complete, as well as the information available at stackoverflow.

How would you allow users to edit attachments in a web application?

We have created a web application, using ASP.NET, that allows users to upload documents and attach them to business entities, like customers, contacts and so on.
The application runs on the intranet and all files are uploaded through the web application into a shared folder on the server.
I would like, right from the web page, for the user to open the actual file, edit it and then save the changes back to the original location. This is a piece of cake in a Windows environment, I'm just wondering what, if any, is the best way to handle this in a web environment?
The files are usually Word documents, Excel documents and images.
We would display all the attachments in a list format. We would like it so that the user would click on an edit link and the file would be opened in the appropriate application, for example, Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel. I think the file associations in Windows would already handle this. We are just trying to save our user the time to download the original file, make their changes, delete the old file, and the upload the new file.
SharePoint does this by exposing FrontPage extensions which Word and Excel know how to deal with.
If you want to look at a commercial product for ASP.NET that allows you to edit images with AJAX (no need for installed software), I work for a company that has one (Atalasoft)
WebDAV is probably what you want. (Free)
If all your client computers are Windows, map a shared folder on the server to the same drive letter on every client and use the file:// format.
Let's say you share \ServerName\ShareName to H: on every client's computer, the you can make the link as file://h:\pat_to_the_file_under_your_share\fileName.doc
If not every one of the client's computers are in Windows, then you might try to make your links as follows (not sure if ot works):
I'm trying to do something with using file:// instead of http:// but it's real sporadic based on the browser. Seems to work fine in IE, okay in Firefox, and goes nowhere in Chrome.
Looks like I may just be stuck with downloading, editing, and re-uploading the document.
It sounds like you want something similar t eRoom, where the browser works in conjunction with a component that intercepts a stream from http, stores it in a temp folder, then fires up Word or Excel and allows you to edit the stream.
You may have to create a component that will intervene and create a temporary local copy of the file.
This tool should do what you need.
