How to create User Resgistration Page - wordpress

How do i create user resgistration form using Wordpress and point to my Database on Localhost. I tried to installed Login Plugin and activate it, but after that i dont now how it will work and connect with my local database.

Plugin use: User registration & user profile – Profile Builder


is there plugin Predefined users to login wordpress front end only

I want to pre-define user list who can allow to enter site front there any plugin for that in wordpress.So that the specified members can login in to the front website.not admin panel
Below plugin is useful for make user login access for front can extend plugin as plugin use custom table for save user detail in DB.
Front-End Only Users
User registration & user profile - Profile Builder plugin is useful to make user login access for front end.

Wordpress User Registration from c-panel with notification mail

User is registered in my WordPress application but we need to create new email account of registered user from cpanel(with the same domain name we use for WordPress application).
User also get the notification on new created email on cpanel after he registered to my WordPress site from the application.
Basically I want to integrate cpanel email creation facility from the my WordPress application.
Any such API or Plugin exist for it?
Following plugins might helpful
Hope this helps you!!!

Wordpress multi user

I have a site where I need to create users (apart from admin) and these users can login and exchange messages between them. They can also upload files that can be downloaded by other users.
So I am not sure if there is any plugin for this. also most important out of below two which is good option:
User can login from newly created login panel on "front end" and use messaging/file upload from front end developed functionality.
User uses admin panel login and after logging in see admin panel with some restriction, and here can perform messaging/file upload.
You can use a combination of WP-Filebase Download Manager plugin (allows users to upload files from the front-end) and Private Messages For WordPress

Custom dashboard page in Wordpress

I am working on a client project now,its on Wordpress .I need to do following things
1.Each logged user should redirect to a custom dashboard page(Not usual Wordpress dashboard).
2.Each logged user able to upload the PDF from Dashboard and store them.
Right now I am kinda struck like where to start,I have login system,registration and profile page implemented using User Profile Plugin from codecanyon.
Someone please advise me to implement the Custom Dashboard for each logged user,
How to upload the PDF for each user and how to store them?.
I don't know hows your codecanyon scirpts working, but the scenario to achieve this is:
Make Custom PostType/Custom Template that only works with logged-in users, Or you can check if detect the logged in user's session on that particular dashboard so that other users can't access it.
Make custom login form and after success logged in, redirect the logged in user to that particular PostType/Template that you make for logged in users.
I don't think the default WordPress upload works in front, so you have to create a custom upload scripts that upload the pdf files and store the credential of the user in wp_options table, with update_option()
This thread helps you to use default wordpress media uploader in front end Front End Media Uploading in Wordpress

Login to Wordpress from another website

I have a Simple PHP Website at and I have a wordpress blog at and both of them have user login pages. I would like the user to logged into the wordpress blog as well when the user logs in using login.
Please help
The proper way of doing it is
Create a wordpress plugin
Use the plugin to listen for the wordpress engine initiation
On initiation check for the user session in the browser or in your external application
If a user session is found (assuming your usernames and emails are unique for both systems, so that a single registration is allowed with it) check for a wordpress user with matching username or email
If a wpuser is found, set the current user as that
If no user is found create a new wordpress user and set him as the current user
There are neat API's available for doing this in wordpress. We have used it to integrate wordpress with many external websites, CMS and Social networking sites like Elgg.
You should have a look at the bbPress Integration plugin that does the same thing to integrate WordPress and BBPress forums.
Basically you will simply need to create some cookies on the user browser crypted with the appropriate secret keys.
