Replace some text after a string with Regex and Gsub in R - r

It's a simple question, but I'm not good with Regex. (I tried many expressions without success)
I want to replace all the text (replace for nothing) after a pattern.
My pattern is something like this:
My data is:
The desired result is:
How can I do it with gsub?

You may use the following sub:
x <- c("/canais/b3/conheca-o-pai-dos-indices-da-b3/","/canais/cpbs/cvm-abre-audiencia-publica-de-instruc","/canais/stocche-forbes/dividendo-controverso/")
sub("^(/canais/[^/]+/).*", "\\1", x)
See the online R demo
^ - start of string
(/canais/[^/]+/) - Group 1 (later referred to with \1) capturing:
/canais/ - a substring /canais/
[^/]+ - 1 or more chars other than /
/ - a slash
.* - any 0+ chars up to the end of string.


Positive Lookbehind and Lookahead to the end of string

My string patterns looks like this:
UNB+UNOC:3+4399945681577+_GLN_Company__+180101:0050+10870 and I am trying to extract everything after the second last +, i.e. 180101:0050+10870.
Thus far, I managed to address the second last block 180101:0050 with this expression (?<=\+)[^\+]+(?=\+[^\+]*$) but fail to include the last block including the last +. Here is my sample: regex101
The expression is meant for R and I still need to escape the characters later on. This format it just for testing purposes in Regex101.
We could capture group based on the occurrence of + from the end ($) of the string.
sub(".*\\+([^+]+\\+[^+]+$)", "\\1", str1)
#[1] "180101:0050+10870"
str1 <- "UNB+UNOC:3+4399945681577+_GLN_Company__+180101:0050+10870"
You may use
Or, if you would like to use it with stringr::str_extract:
See the regex demo. Details:
\+ - a + char
\K - match reset operator
(?<=\+) - location right after a + symbol
[^+]+ - one or more chars other than +
\+ - a +
[^+]+ - one or more chars other than +
$ - end of string.
See R demo online:
x <- "UNB+UNOC:3+4399945681577+_GLN_Company__+180101:0050+10870"
regmatches(x, regexpr("\\+\\K[^+]+\\+[^+]*$", x, perl=TRUE))
## => [1] "180101:0050+10870"
str_extract(x, "(?<=\\+)[^+]+\\+[^+]*$")
## => [1] "180101:0050+10870"
Another way you can do in this case:
str_extract("UNB+UNOC:3+4399945681577+_GLN_Company__+180101:0050+10870", "\\d+:\\d+\\+\\d+")

Extract substring between two colons / special characters

I want to extract "SUBSTRING" with sub() from the following string:
attribute <- "S4Q7b1_t1_r1: SUBSTRING: some explanation: some explanation - ..."
I used the following code, but unfortunately it didn't work:
sub(".*: (.*) : .*", "\\1", attribute)
Does anyone know an answer for that?
You may use
sub("^[^:]*: ([^:]*).*", "\\1", attribute)
See the regex demo
You need to rely on negated character classes, [^:] that matches any char but :, since .* matches greedily any 0 or more chars. Also, your pattern contains a space before : and it is missing in the string.
^ - start of string
[^:]* - any 0+ chars other than :
: - a colon with a space
-([^:]*) - Capturing group 1 (\1 refers to this value): any 0+ chars other than :
.* - the rest of the string.
R Demo:
attribute <- "S4Q7b1_t1_r1: SUBSTRING: some explanation: some explanation - ..."
sub("^[^:]*: ([^:]*).*", "\\1", attribute)
## => [1] "SUBSTRING"

Remove hashtags from beginning and end of tweets in R

I am trying to remove hashtags from beginning of strings in R.
For example:
x<- "I didn't know it could be #boring. guess I need some fun #movie #lateNightThoughts"
I want to remove the hashtags at the end of string which are #lateNightThoughts and #movie. Result:
- "I didn't know it could be #boring. guess I need some fun"
I tried :
but it removes only the very last hashtag.
- "I didn't know it could be #boring. guess I need some fun #movie "
Any idea how to get the expected result?
How about removing hashtag from beginning of text ?
x<- "#Thomas20 I didn't know it could be #boring. guess I need some fun #movie #lateNightThoughts"
You may use
> x<- "I didn't know it could be #boring. guess I need some fun #movie #lateNightThoughts"
> sub("\\s*\\B#\\w+(?:\\s*#\\w+)*\\s*$", "", x)
[1] "I didn't know it could be #boring. guess I need some fun"
Or, if you do not care about the context of the first # you want to start matching from, you may even use
sub("(?:\\s*#\\w+)+\\s*$", "", x)
See the regex demo.
\s* - zero or more whitespaces
\B - right before the current location, there can be start of string or a non-word char (this is usually used to ensure you do not match # inside a "word", so if you do not need it, you may remove this non-word boundary)
# - a # char
\w+ - 1 or more word chars (letters, digits or _)
(?:\s*#\w+)* - zero or more occurrences of:
\s* - zero or more whitespaces
# - a # char
\w+ - 1+ word chars
\s* - zero or more whitespaces
$ - end of string.

Keep text between 2nd dash and first flash in R

I have a vector of strings that look like this:
a - bc/def_g - A/mn/us/ww
opq - rs/ts_uf - BC/wx/yza
Abc - so/dhie7u - XYZ/En/xy/jkq - QWNE
I'd like to get the text after 2nd dash (-) but before first flash (/), i.e. the result should look like
What is the best way to do it (the vector has more than 500K rows.)
Suppose your string is defined like this:
string <- c("a - bc/def_g - A/mn/us/ww",
"opq - rs/ts_uf - BC/wx/yza",
"Abc - so/dhie7u - XYZ/En/xy/jkq - QWNE")
Then you can use sub
> sub(".*\\-\\s+([A-Z]+)/.*", "\\1", string)
[1] "A" "BC" "XYZ"
See regex in use here
^ Assert position at the start of the line
[^-]* Match any character except - any number of times
- Match this literally
[^-]* Match any character except - any number of times
- Match this literally
\s* Match any number of whitespace characters
\K Resets the starting point of the pattern. Any previously consumed characters are no longer included in the final match
[^/]+ Match any character except / one or more times
Alternatively, as suggested by Jan in the comments below (I believe it has since been deleted) ^(?:\[^-\]*-){2}\s*\K\[^/\]+ may be used. It's shorter and easily scalable, but more adds steps.
See code in use here
x <- c("a - bc/def_g - A/mn/us/ww", "opq - rs/ts_uf - BC/wx/yza", "Abc - so/dhie7u - XYZ/En/xy/jkq - QWNE")
m <- regexpr("^[^-]*-[^-]*-\\s*\\K[^/]+", x, perl=T)
regmatches(x, m)
Result: [1] "A" "BC" "XYZ"

Extract digits after matching the certain string second time

I want to extract the digits after second occurance of under score _ from a pattern.
by following the similar posts here
Matching different digits after a lookahead
regex - return all before the second occurrence
I tried
pattern <- c("1/2/3_500k/855kk_1400k/AVBB")
str_extract(pattern, "(^_){2}(\\d+\\.*\\d*)")
which outputs
[1] NA
instead of 1400. Could you help?
You may use a base R solution with regexpr/regmatches:
regmatches(x, regexpr("^(?:[^_]*_){2}[^_0-9]*\\K\\d*\\.?\\d+", x, perl=TRUE))
Or, with sub:
sub("^(?:[^_]*_){2}[^_0-9]*(\\d*\\.?\\d+).*", "\\1", x)
See the R demo online.
The regex is
See the online regex demo.
^ - start of string
(?:[^_]*_){2} - 2 repetitions of
[^_]* - any 0+ chars other than _
_ - an underscore
[^_0-9]* - any 0+ chars other than _ and digits
\K - match reset operator discarding all text matched so far
\d*\.?\d+ - a float or integer number pattern (0+ digits, an optional . and then 1+ digits).
In the sub regex variation, the \K is not necessary, the number pattern is captured into a capturing group and the rest of string is matched with .* pattern. The result is the contents of Group 1, referred to with the \1 placeholder.
One option could be as:
pattern <- c("1/2/3_500k/855kk_1400k/AVBB")
sub(".*_*_(\\d+).*","\\1", pattern, perl = TRUE)
[1] "1400"
The regex is:
.*_ anything before first _
.*_ anything after first _ and before 2nd _
\\d+ look for digits and take those as selection.
.* anything afterwards.
\\1 replaces matching strings with values found for 1st group.
