I am using huxtable to display tables in RMarkdown for output: pdf_document.
When I put a label in the table
huxtable(mytable) %>%
and then make a reference in the body text like
See Table \#ref(tab:mylabel) for more details
It displays "See Table #ref(tab:mylabel) for more details" rather than giving the table number.
This was covered for Bookdown in
Huxtable package for R: How to correctly reference huxtables in bookdown?
Do I need some special option or other setting to make it work for a regular PDF document?
Seems so. The rmarkdown guide says you will need "a bookdown format" to use cross-referencing in that way. However, there's an alternative: use embedded TeX, rather than this rmarkdown format. A MWE:
hux("A huxtable") %>%
set_label("tab:foo") %>%
set_caption("You'll need a caption too")
Here's a reference to \ref{tab:foo}.
I used stargazer for some regression tables in my r markdown document. I would like some of the tables to appear on a particular page.
The code for my regressions/stargazer tables is located near text that I want them to appear next to. However, the tables display toward the bottom of the document.
As answered here already, first, you would have to include table.placement = "H" argument into stargazer() function. You may need to put header-includes - \usepackage{float} in the YAML section, too.
I am creating an Rmarkdown document.
My code chunk checks for the number of columns/rows in the dataset and saves the information in a variable.
{r, echo=FALSE, warning=FALSE}
df_dimenzions <- dim(demo)
I want to use the data/information stored in the variable in the rmarkdown text.
For example... outside of the code chunk, to write plain text such as:
The number of columns is {{df_dimensions[1]}} and the number of rows
is {{df_dimension[2]}}
Is something like this possible in rmarkdown? Again, I'm asking for data that is processed within the rmarkdown, not stored outside of the document?
Also, I am aware that I can paste a concatinated string with the code-chunk. That is not what I am trying to achieve.
Use `r df_dimensions[1]` in the main text.
I was looking for a way to change the setting in my Rmd file so that the html output contains all the columns and the table does not break. I tried to change the css properties as in this solution (Output table width in Rmarkdown) but this does not affect my output.
I have currently 17 columns and using a pandoc.table, but only 5 coloumns are shown before the table is broken and the next 5 columns are displayed below.
What changes do I need to make so that the entire table can be shown in my html output?
Thanks for your help.
I can't use the pandoc package because is not currently available for R version 3.2.0. Instead, I used knitr with the kable() function. This code works fine:
{r, echo=FALSE, results='asis'}
examp <- data.frame(matrix(rep("Unicorn"), nrow=5, ncol=100))
I think, because you don't provide an example, that you need to specify the results='asis' chunk option.
Try ?kable for further information.
Anyway ?pandoc.table shows that there is an option split.table that may help.
I am using knitr to write my thesis and compiling it as a latex document. I have successfully included figures with the appropriately labeled caption; however, in addition to the caption I would like to include additional lines of text directly below the caption and associated with the figure. For example, below the caption I would like to hove: "NOTE: These data are distributed with mu=0 and sd=1" and "SOURCE: These data were randomly generated in R."
EDIT 1 to question: I also need to have a list of figures page with just the caption information included not any of the NOTE or SOURCE information. In addition the caption under the figure must be centered, while the NOTE and SOURCE are left hand justified.
I believe that many publications have figures with notes about the figure or information about the source of the data that is separate from the caption title; so, I believe this question is not just applicable to me.
EDIT 1 to code. Here is a synthesis of the code that #user29020 provided and the link they suggested, as well as the .pdf work around I have assembled from other posts. The advantage of the "pure" knitr method provided by #user29020 is that the plot is beautiful with the text scaled consistently with the body of the text. The disadvantage is a lack of control of the caption information: I would like to center the "Caption" element and left justify the and sub-caption lines and I do not know how to accomplish this; so, if anybody knows how to do this that would be great. The advantage of the pdf work around is that I have greater control over the captions. In addition to not taking full advantage of knitr's ability to create and track figures, the disadvantage is that while the font matches, by using "Ghostscript" the scaling appears a little off and needs to be adjusted in an ad-hoc fashion in the R code.
\usepackage{tikz}%Draw Graphs
scap="This is a Caption."
NOTE="NOTE: Here is a note with one linebreak from above."
SOURCE="SOURCE: Here is my source with an extra linebreak to separate it."
EXTRA="{\\tiny EXTRA: Here is smaller text. You could explore more text sizing in \\LaTeX.} And bigger again."
cap<- paste(
In Figure \ref {fig:fig1}, we see a scatter plot.
<<fig1, echo=FALSE,fig.cap=cap, fig.scap=scap,fig.pos="!h", >>=
%Loading R Packages
font_install("fontcm") #this gets the cm roman family from package extrafont for pdf output in r to match latex
<<fig-pdf,echo=FALSE, include=FALSE,fig.cap=paste("This is a Caption"),fig.pos="!h", >>=
Sys.setenv(R_GSCMD="C:/Program Files/gs/gs9.15/bin/gswin64c.exe") #this needs to go inside every r code chunk to call GhostScript for embedding latex font "computer modern roman" (so R font in pdfs matches latex document font)
pdf("tikz-plot-pdf.pdf", family="CM Roman")
embed_fonts("tikz-plot-pdf.pdf") #this embeds the pdf font so that when graphicx calls the pdf the fonts from R to latex match
In Figure \ref{fig:scatter}, we see a scatter plot.
\caption{This is also a Caption}\label{fig:scatter}
NOTE: Here is a note with one linebreak from above.\\
SOURCE: Here is my source with an extra linebreak to separate it.\\
EXTRA:{\tiny EXTRA: Here is smaller text. You could explore more text sizing in \LaTeX.} And bigger again.
I would like to have the "NOTE" and "SOURCE" lines below the caption line, EDIT 1: only the caption included in the \listoffigures and the caption centered, while the NOTE and SOURCE are left justified (like the output from the pdf workaround):
I have not asked a question on this forum before, although I have found many answers, so any meta-feedback on my question EDIT 1: or how I am editing is also appreciated.
Thank You
This answer assumes that multiline captions are sufficient for your purposes. I used your method of passing an R variable to the Knitr fig.cap= argument. This lets us compose the caption ahead of time in other code chunks before use.
The tricks were that A) we need to find out how to add line break to caption without using caption package, and B) know how to pass literal "\" (backslash) characters to the resulting Latex document.
The reference about adding captions suggests adding \\\hspace{\textwidth} to start a new line within the caption (in the Latex file). So, we escape it in the Knitr file like this \\\\\\hspace{\\textwidth}.
Indeed, almost any Latex code you want to end up in the Latex file will have to be escaped this way. When writing your thesis, you'll want to refer to your Figures, no doubt. You can use the Latex references by putting the figure \label into the caption and then using a \ref{} elsewhere.
See the modified version of your file below for multiline captions and figure references:
\documentclass[12pt]{article}%12 Pt font, article document class
\usepackage{tikz}%Draw Graphs
x <- paste(
"This is a Caption.",
"NOTE: Here is a note with one linebreak from above.",
"SOURCE: Here is my source with an extra linebreak to separate it.",
"{\\tiny EXTRA: Here is smaller text. You could explore more text sizing in \\LaTeX.} And bigger again.",
"\n" )
We can also show the variable "x" in the "asis" formate here:
This text right here (now) is a new paragraph, so it is indented.
Below, in \textbf{Figure~\ref{figure:demo-of-multiline-captions}}, we use the "x" variable in the "fig.cap=" argument to Knitr.
<<fig1, echo=FALSE,fig.cap=x,fig.pos="!h", >>=
Results give this: