GA / GTM Enhanced Ecommerce | Measuring Product & Product Details Impressions - google-analytics

I have been trying to correctly implement Google Analytics' Enhanced Ecommerce in our Shopify Store and Checkout as well as our own custom recurring checkout. And for the most part I got it working really well.
But I can't figure out how to implement Measuring Product Clicks and Measuring Views of Product Details 100% correctly as the Tag Configuration for those measurements has to be tracked as a Pageview with the trigger set to event equals gtm.dom and that causes the error "Same web property ID is tracked twice." in the Google Tag Aassistant.
I'll gladly pay for help with this if anyone would be so kind to take a look at this.
Currently on page load of our Shop 3 Tags fire.
GA Pageview
Pageview Product Impressions
Pageview Product Details Views
Which presumanly causes the aforementioned error in GTA. ("Same web property ID is tracked twice.")
How do I correctly implement Measuring Product Clicks and Measuring Views of Product Details in this case?
I alredy tried loading the regular GA Pageview on DOM Ready and set an execption for the Firing Triggers so that GA Pageview is not fired if Pageview Product Impressions or Pageview Product Details Views is fired.
But that still leaves me with 2 fired tags, which still causes the error. And also I am not positive that this is the correct way of doing it.
Please let me know if I can further explain something or improve this question somehow. Again, I am new here and I am happy to pay for help.
Been at this for 2 days 😅.
Thank you in advance for all your help and inputs! I appreciate it!
All the best,

You have two options when it comes to measuring product detail impressions:
Send the product detail impression data along with the existing page view tag that fires on this page.
Send the product detail impression data in a separate GA event tag after the page has loaded.
Which option you choose depends on whether you're able to push the product detail impression data onto the GTM dataLayer before the GTM container code or not. If you can push the product detail impression data onto the dataLayer, then you would use method (1) above. If, for whatever reason, you're not able to push the product detail impression data onto the dataLayer before the GTM container code, then you would use method (2) above.
For method (1), your code would look as follows:
'ecommerce': {
'detail': {
'actionField': {'list': 'Apparel Gallery'}, // 'detail' actions have an optional list property.
'products': [{
'name': 'Triblend Android T-Shirt', // Name or ID is required.
'id': '12345',
'price': '15.25',
'brand': 'Google',
'category': 'Apparel',
'variant': 'Gray'
//Your GTM container container code goes here
You when then simply setup a regular GA page view tag with trigger "All Pages" and make sure that the ecommerce option is checked in the tag configuration:
Method (1) is the recommended method but if this isn't possible for you, then method (2) would be as follows:
'event' : 'productDetailImpression',
'ecommerce': {
'detail': {
'actionField': {'list': 'Apparel Gallery'}, // 'detail' actions have an optional list property.
'products': [{
'name': 'Triblend Android T-Shirt', // Name or ID is required.
'id': '12345',
'price': '15.25',
'brand': 'Google',
'category': 'Apparel',
'variant': 'Gray'
As you can see, the difference here is that we have now added a custom event named productDetailImpression to the dataLayer push. The sole purpose of this custom event is to allow us to trigger a separate GA event tag in GTM whose sole responsibility is to pick up this enhanced ecommerce data and send it to GA. We achieve this as follows in GTM:
Notice the following things:
The track type of the tag is Event (not Page View)
The category and action of the event don't really matter. We're simply using this event to send enhanced ecommerce data to GA.
The ecommerce setting is enabled for this tag.
The tag has a custom event trigger defined as follows:


Send events from main view to view with a custom filter

I have two views in my GA account, main view, that collects all of data, and second view with custom filter that collect information only from directory. But i need to collect events to both of them, how do i send only events to my view with /example/ filter, that exlude all other data from other directories. And all events in this path also shoud goto both of views, main view and view with filter.
Maybe someone already ask this simmilar question, but i can't found it with search.
If you want to make this on topic by solving it via code you should be able to override the page path for the event, so it is not excluded by your filter. Example in analytics.js:
ga('send', {
'hitType': 'event',
'eventCategory': 'Category',
'eventAction': 'Action',
'eventLabel': 'Label',
You could of course try to do the same via the filter (advanced filter to rename the page path where the event category matches your desired value) as long as you do it before the exclude filter.
Of course this will mess up the "pages" report in the event reports.

Is the documentation for Google Tag Manager Enhanced Ecommerce wrong?

The documentation for implementing Enhanced Ecommerce says to use pageviews to capture data for things like product-detail views and events for things like product clicks.
But the advice I've seen from everyone else is to send events for everything. And furthermore, where I've followed the documentation for capturing data through pageviews instead of passing an event, the data does NOT get passed to GA. For triggers, I tried with a custom event named gtm.dom and the built-in DOM Ready events to no avail.
For product-detail views, for example, dataLayer looks exactly as it should when the page loads. This is dataLayer[0]:
"ecommerce": {
"detail": {
"products": [
"quantity": 1,
"price": "69.95",
"brand": "Acme",
"id": "SKU",
"name": "Quasitronic Fluxicator"
And in GTM I can verify that Enable Enhanced Ecommerce and Use Data Layer are checked.
use pageviews to capture data for things like product-detail views and events for things like product clicks
This is still probably the case but you can still set things up to track everything through events (though sometimes it might not be the best). With the former method, you would probably want to use a PV tag that fires on the All Pages trigger (which is essentially the gtm.js event) for things like impressions and prod detail views, and then use an event for click events like ATC or prod click (so things that don't need to be tracked by viewing them). Make sure that if you use the All Pages trigger, your data is available in the dataLayer BEFORE your GTM container code loads. This is very important.
In the latter method, if you choose to use an event for everything (which is possible), you need to make sure that you push an event along with the DL data, and then use that event to fire your tag. So if you are using an event to replace a pageview for tracking EE data, then make sure you have an event associated with the data in the dataLayer to trigger off of.
I've followed the documentation for capturing data through pageviews instead of passing an event, the data does NOT get passed to GA ... I tried with a custom event named gtm.dom and the built-in DOM Ready events to no avail
What might be happening is that your data is not available yet by the time your pageview fires. If you are using the gtm.dom event, then you need to make sure all your data is in the dataLayer by the time that event happens. You can use GTM debug mode to see when your data is available by clicking on the events in the left panel. If you click a particular event for which you want to track ecomm data and the data is not in the dataLayer already, then you'll get nothing.

Google Tag Manager callback

I have received some dataLayer definitions to place on a website. Most of them concern clicking e.g. on main menu links. But I see the following problem:
I do the dataLayer.push(some data...)
then GTM invokes AJAX hits to the connected services, like Google Analytics
but then the page reloads (this is not a SPA like angularjs site) to the new location and those hits are (in my opinion) aborted - no data is saved
I was googling some solutions but it seems that no one had such an issue - quite strange, it looks like a basic problem. Maybe GTA handles it automatically and I don't have to think about this?
Thanks for help.
GTM does not invoke AJAX (unless you put Ajax calls in custom HTML tags).
Google Analytics takes all configured tags, triggers and variables and wraps them into a huge javascript file. This file is loaded into your page and evaluated in the context of your page. If a trigger matches the respective tags are inserted into the DOM of the page. By that time there is no big difference between tags from GTM and tags that are coded into the source code of the page.
And like with hardcoded tags it does happen that hits are aborted when a page reloads. That's why GTM has a feature called "event callback", where you can pass a function that is executed only after all tags that are triggered by the event have been fired. Look at this example from the Google Analytics Enhanced E-Commerce Documentation:
function(productObj) {
'event': 'productClick',
'ecommerce': {
'click': {
'actionField': {'list': 'Search Results'}, // Optional list property.
'products': [{
'name':, // Name or ID is required.
'price': productObj.price,
'brand': productObj.brand,
'variant': productObj.variant,
'position': productObj.position
'eventCallback': function() {
document.location = productObj.url
Here the event callback is a function that redirects to another Url only after the tags all have been fired.
It might be wort mentioning that Google Analytics tries to avoid data loss by sending hits via the sendBeacon API (if applicable), which does not have to wait for a server response, so hits will go through even if the user navigates away from the page (however sendBeacon is not available on IE/Edge).

Google Tag Manager - Enhanced Ecommerce and ajax

In my product page detail, i have a crosselling section which loads a product list when user scroll down. I can trigger a custom event when products in this section are loads (like productsDowloaded).
How can i send product impressions with google tag manager ?
Implement the data layer following these specifications to track product impressions. If you are sending the data asynchronously, push an event to the data layer (eg: event: 'crossSellReady') and fire your custom event GA tag with a rule based on event = crossSellReady. In the custom event tag, make sure to enable enhanced eCommerce tracking, and the tag should automatically pick up the product impression data contained in the data layer. Let me know if you encounter any issue.
When the page is first loaded the first batch of cross sell products are pushed to the dataLayer as impressions and a GA pageview is sent. The GA pageview is a simple GA tag that is fired after the page is loaded.
After that, when the cross sell products are loaded asynchronously, i.e. whenever the user scrolls down, only those products are pushed to the dataLayer and a custom dataLayer event is fired in the success handler of the ajax request. For example:
// Inside Ajax success handler...
'event': 'Custom'
'eventCategory': 'ecommerce',
'eventAction': 'ajax-load'
'eventLabel': 'cross sell'
You create a separate generic GA tag that sends events and is fired when the Custom event is pushed to the dataLayer. Inside the generic GA event tag you set all the of the following macros which are of type dataLayer variable:
{{event category}} -> eventCategory
{{event action}} -> eventAction
{{event label}} -> eventLabel
You can also add a nonInteraction macro in the generic GA event tag as well. Your use case, in my opinion, is considered a user interaction (user scrolled down) so the nonInteraction macro should not be set.
If you are using product lists, be careful of the positions of the cross sell items. Whenever those products are asynchronously loaded, you should note down their positions so you can track their positions in the product list tab of the GA dashboard correctly.
P.S. The generic GA event tag has multiple benefits, you can find more information about what I'm saying by reading the relevant article in Simo Ahava's blog.

Google Tag Manager (GTM) intermittently not firing in ASP

The Google Analytics / Conversions / Transactions indicate that the Tag only works sometimes - if I perform the tasks and watch what happens and/or debug it always works but when the public/others do it sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't
The implementation is a step by step, wizard approach, Rental Car Booking. At the end of the process, we store the booking in a database, draw up a Thankyou page, firing te GTM to record the transaction in GA, and we send a confirmation email to the user.
The Setup:
Created Tag "Booking Value Transaction" - Type=Universal Analytics, Enabled Display Advert Features, Track Type = Transaction
Added 2 Rules
Rule Name = "BookNow" - Conditions {{url}} contains thankyou + {{event}} contains gtm.dom
Rule Name = "BookNow_Mobile" - Conditions {{url}} contains mobileBooking + {{event}} contains gtm.dom
ASP page
At the beginning of the
<!-- Google Tag Manager - data layer def only -->
dataLayer = [{
'transactionId': '',
'transactionTotal': 0.00}];
transactionProducts = [{
'name': '',
'sku': '',
'price': 0.00,
'quantity': 0 }];
<!-- End Google Tag Manager - data layer def only -->
Later in the page various ASP code calls database functions etc to store data and retrieve data for display and builds the data to populate the GTM datalayer
Eventually it produces the following (with appropriate values set):
<script>dataLayer = [{ 'transactionId': '1234', 'transactionTotal': 1000.00}];
transactionProducts = [{'name': 'Some Product Name', 'sku': '5678', 'price': 1000.00, 'quantity': 1 }];
Following the above and before the end of the (because putting it at the top beneath the datalayer definition looked like an issue) the rest of the GTM script is inserted
<!-- Google Tag Manager -->
<% 'at the bottom of the page because the gtm.DOM async might not be performing like we want %>
<noscript><iframe src="//" height="0" width="0" style="display:none;visibility:hidden"></iframe></noscript>
w[l].push({'gtm.start': new Date().getTime(),event:'gtm.js'});
var f=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],j=d.createElement(s),dl=l!='dataLayer'?'&l='+l:'';
<!-- End Google Tag Manager -->
I have tried all sorts to get to the bottom of this but I am completely stumped.
How do I get this to reliably fire all the time?
The dataLayer.push() only gets the data into the dataLayer; it does not send the data to Google. You need some sort of tag that fires to carry the dataLayer data with it.
Usually this is done with the standard page view tracker, but you have to have all of the data in the dataLayer BEFORE the page view tracker fires. In a standard GTM implementation, the page view tracker fires as soon as the GTM container code is finished loading. The loading order in your thank you page should be as follows:
Declare dataLayer with all e-commerce information. Do not use
dataLayer.push(). You should have all of the necessary data to
populate dataLayer in your e-commerce system before the the page
loads. Retrieve this data and put it into dataLayer.
Load your GTM container. This is the standard code provided by GTM.
All of this should be done immediately after the <body> open tag and not at the bottom of the page code before the </body> close tag.
If you can not populate dataLayer before the GTM container code loads, then you will have to fire a GA event tag on gtm.dom to carry the transaction data.
It's likely that your inconsistent firing of the transaction data is due to the race conditions caused by improper GTM implementation.
