XPages CSS and id-attributes - css

Normally I can get around the fact xpages hijacks the id-attribute on fields etc by using the x$ jQuery selector...
However, I'm building a sylesheet using the #print media query to make a normal form into a pretty version when printed. I have a scenario, where I have a custom control, have given it an ID of GuidanceArea, and under normal circumstances would be able to reference it in my style sheet with #GuidanceArea, just to simply hide it for example for this scenario.
However this isn't working, I assume because of the ID hijacking? It's not too much of a big deal, as I have workaround where for all elements I don't want to print I just append no-print to the elements styleClass and have .no-print set to display:none in my #media print within the style sheet.
However out of curiosity more than anything, I wondered if there's an easy way to get a hold of an elements ID for use in CSS?

The short answer: don't
The longs answer: JSF and XPages manage the id attribute to ensure it is unique on a page. So you don't have actual knowledge what it will be.
The easiest way is to use the class attribute to mark the element of interest, so your selector would be .someclass instead of #someid
But if you absolutely have to: use an XPages output element to send a piece of computed inline css where you use expression language to obtain the actual id. Browsers or libraries might cough on the : in the id, so your result requires lots of testing. VanillaJS should work.


Using IDs in LESS

I've started using LESS recently and it's really convenient, and I have a question: as it's really convenient to place element inside the brackets to clarify the style structure, in .CSS file that's being generated I end up seeing things like this:
#second-block .side-menu #category .content{...}
Is this okay to have id elements inside other id elements, even though I use LESS?
Yes. It's ok to have id element inside other id elements.
The generated .css will work.
Personally, I like to use as few id elements in my code as possible. The reasoning behind this, is how some browsers don't like it when you have multiple instances of the same id on the page. I find that using classes is more flexible.
Here's a relevant stack overflow question that mentions on ids vs. classes:
Is there any pros and cons if i use always CSS Class instead CSS ID for everything?

Difference between id and class [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
What's the difference between an id and a class?
(17 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
<div id="stockexchange-id" class="stockexchange-class">Text</div>
In the example above I added both a class and an id into the div statement. Is there a difference between them? If I call .stockexchange-class CSS instead of #stockexchange-id CSS does it make any difference? If it doesn't then what it the point of having both of them? Also which one would be better to use?
The biggest difference is that a document can have multiple elements with the same class, but not with the same ID. An Identifier must be specific to a certain element within a document (i.e. full HTML page).
When applying CSS styling, some experts have recommended using classes over IDs to avoid specificity wars. CSS Lint (http://csslint.net/) recommends this.
The reason is that stylesheets are read from top to bottom, but IDs take precedence over class. This means that:
#stockexchange-id {
color: blue;
.stockexchange-class {
color: red;
Would color the text blue, even though red comes later. Here's a good graphic explaining specificity: https://stuffandnonsense.co.uk/archives/images/specificitywars-05v2.jpg.
If everything has the same specificity, and most styles are applied via a single class, it makes the CSS easier to reason about, since it will read from top to bottom without extra styles being mixed in different orders. It also makes it easier to override classes, which can be useful.
Finally, if you style based on classes, you can re-use the styling on the same page by applying the class to another element on the page. With IDs, since they are unique, you cannot do this. Even if you think an element is unique on a page (e.g. a Buy Button), this may not always be the case. A designer may request the same element again later in the page.
You can only use an ID name once in any XHTML or HTML document. Duplicate ID tags will cause your page to fail validation, and can have negative effects when using JavaScript with them. Simply put, an ID is like the sticker that says "you are here" on a mall directory, and there can only ever be one of those.
Classes, like ID's, can also be used to in JavaScript scripts, but unlike ID's, they can be used multiple times in the same HTML document. This separation of content from presentation is what makes sites powered by CSS more robust, but some don't know the full extent to which they can use classes.

Is it improper to use an ID as a CSS selector? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
What is the difference between id and class in CSS, and when should I use them? [duplicate]
(15 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
So I often use a website LiveWeave.com to test HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code that I've written. It has a syntax checker, and whenever I use an ID as a selector in the CSS section, it says that it is improper to use an ID as a selector.
I have demonstrated it in this Weaver. To the right of line three in the CSS window is a yellow icon, which, when hovered over, says that it is improper to use IDs as a selector. I was under the impression that that is specifically for the purpose of being used as a selector for a single DOM element, as opposed to classes, which are designed to be applied to multiple DOM elements.
Am I wrong? IS it improper to use an ID as a selector?
The only other instance I can think of an ID being used is for JavaScript document.getElementById(), and similar functions. What is the proper use of an ID?
Note that I am NOT asking the difference between an ID and a Class, but rather whether it is proper to use an ID as a selector.
Using an ID is the most efficient way of selecting a DOM node in both CSS and Javascript. I personally like to use classes for all repeated items and ids for unique items, or unique configurations of repeated modules. There are many CSS patterns, I use a style called BEM (Block, Element, Modifier as seen here) which is a class based naming convention. Look at your favorite websites, right click or inspect. You will find that there is no one right answer to your question, only many right answers.
May I also say that both exist in the standard for a reason and serve a purpose depending on your applications needs.
Below is the order of efficiency for selectors. IDs are the most efficient and pseudo classes and pseudo elements are the least efficient.
id (#myid)
class (.myclass)
tag (div, h1, p)
adjacent sibling (h1 + p)
child (ul > li)
descendent (li a)
universal (*)
attribute (a[rel=”external”])
pseudo-class and pseudo element (a:hover, li:first)
See here...
It is not improper to use ID's as selectors, so long as the ID being used corresponds to only one element in the DOM (document object model).
If you'd like a selector that is multi-purpose, and able to be applied to multiple elements in the DOM, use a class. Although I'm sure you knew that.
The main reason ID's are frowned upon by some CSS developers, and full stack designers, is simply because they aren't as versatile and they have a higher specificity than classes, which can either help or hinder development (based on CSS knowledge).
For more information on CSS specificity, read here: https://css-tricks.com/specifics-on-css-specificity/
It's valid, it's just considered bad practice by some developers because it can make it difficult to maintain your CSS if you're not disciplined about it. I'm no expert on CSS but I'm pretty sure it's all to do with #'s having a really high specificity rating and if you have them dotted around your CSS files it makes it difficult to manage the cascade i.e. inheritance of style rules. So it's considered best by some to use IDs only for referencing elements in your JavaScript.
I've actually heard this argument before.
Some people push the idea of using solely classes for pure css stuff and keeping id for javascript and other id specific functionality.
It would seem that website follows that ideology, so they are trying to get their users to adopt it. I'm not sure if it is yet best practice to keep id out of css
You can decide for yourself whether an id is worth using, when you could just use a class instead.
If you used an ID as a selector and your using it in your Javascript too then you could make situation where if you decide to rename it then you've created a dependency that wouldn't be there if you had used a class name in your CSS.
Also, though using the ID is faster, it isn't faster if you then use #text a - since CSS reads right to left and has to check all the anchor elements first and then find the one with the ID of #text.
This also means the style isn't reusable and you can't use multiple classes either.
So I think the answer really is, based on all the pros and cons of using an ID as the selector, the best practice to keep you out of possible future problems is to not do it. Of course, this all really depends on how you code, the scope of the project and how many other people are working in the project. It's not against the rules, just not really best practice due to possible issues you might be building in that could bite you later.
On top of what has already been mentioned, even in CSS, ID's can be useful depending on what is the structural design.
For example; if every page in your website requires a header and a footer, I don't see why it would not be useful to make it an id.
What is wrong with doing:
#header {}
#footer {}
If you know for sure that your page has only one header and one footer, I don't see the point in using a class.
Mentioning the id is very specific and the page structure is undubious in this case.
Moreover, I also don't see what is wrong by doing something for example like:
#header .menu li{}
#footer .menu li{}
To add specific styling depending on the page segment. Seems very legit to me.
Ultimately, I even think that using ID's to indicate page sections might be more beneficial by ´knowing´ that they are unique (although they might be recurrent across different pages).
Reading an id in a CSS file should give the CSS designer the benefit of immediately knowing what page segment the following css rules are referring to.
A sheet with only classes would in that case seem less clear than using ID's imo.

How to reset all styles of a div and decedents back to Chrome defaults

I'm not sure this is possible, but id like to set all user styles back to chrome defaults for div and descendants.
I'm building a Chrome plugin that creates a popup on any web page, however due to the fact every page has a plethora of custom styles, trying to track down every inconsistency and overwrite it with my divs (and descendants) custom style, it is becoming a nightmare.
Every time I think I've covered all bases another site implements something else that needs to be overridden.
What would be the easiest approach to standardize my popup in this situation?
One approach I can think of is to (bite the bullet) and get a hold of the the default Chrome CSS styles and implement them into a series of catch all descendant selectors, however surely there is a better way.
If you want to be absolutely sure that the styling of your elements is not affected by the web-page's CSS, there are 2 possible solutions:
Use an iframe to implement your popup. (This solution is "safe" and simple enough, but based on the kind of interaction between the popup and the web-page it might become cumbersome.)
Utilize the Shadow DOM. (This is probably the "proper" solution, but the implementation might be a little more complicated.)
Some resources regarding the 2nd solution:
An introductory tutorial.
An actual example of incorporating the "Shadow DOM" concept into a Chrome extension:
RobW's Display Anchors extension
There is a third option worth discussing and rejecting, which is to reset all the style properties of the div and its descendents to its default value. Pseudo-code:
#my-div, #my-div * {
#for-every-css-property {
%propertyName: initial !important;
This answer shows an attempt at such a solution. It uses specific values instead of initial which will work in older browsers without the initial keyword, but will not correctly reset elements which have a different default from the base (e.g. user566245 mentions that textarea elements should have a border).
Unfortunately initial is not actually the browser's default value.
If we don't use !important above then there is a risk that the page might have provided a rule with a more specific elector which overrides our own. For example if the page specified properties for table > tr > td then this would be applied over our rule because that selector is more specific than #my-div *.
Since we do use !important, any custom styling we want to do after the reset must also use !important on every property.
If the page happens to inject any additional CSS styles after ours that uses !important then these can override our reset.
It is rather inefficient. We are asking the browser to apply a huge bunch of CSS rules to every element under our div.
Vendor-specific properties should also be reset. (E.g. -webkit-animation-name.)
If new CSS properties come into existence in future, you will need to update your list.
Whilst this solution can be applied to current browsers, it is rather horrible, so roll on Shadow DOM! I would recommend the <iframe> solution in the meantime.
I don't know if anyone has tried this, but a more efficient solution might be to use Javascript to detect what site-defined CSS properties could be problematic, and reset only those.

CSS gets messed when script is injected

I built an extension which, whenever user visits some specific sites, I inject my script on the top of there web pages. I used
document.body.insertBefore(wrapperDiv, document.body.firstChild)
to do so.
Now problem: CSS of injected script gets messed up for each and every site(differ from one site to another).
How should I maintain single css structure for all sites?
You should be able to solve this problem by using unique IDs for your html tags with CSS.
That is, if your DIV CSS properties are interfering with their DIV CSS add a #uniqueNameHere ID to your DIV and set the CSS for the #ID.
This page on the use of the !important keyword may be useful too.
Use unique selectors for your elements (be it classes with specific prefix or similarly constructed IDs), but you probably try to include CSS along with your script, which may not be a good idea.
In some cases the inline styling is the best idea - it will overwrite all the styles for your elements and will make sure the outlook of these elements is consistent across different pages.
So, I would say, go with inline styling.
For documentation on how the styles are overwritten in CSS 2.1, please see the following page: http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/cascade.html#specificity
