Understanding the logic of R code [closed] - r

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I am learning R through tutorials, but I have difficulties in "how to read" R code, which in turn makes it difficult to write R code. For example:
dir.create(file.path("testdir2","testdir3"), recursive = TRUE)
dup.names <- as.character(data.combined[which(duplicated(as.character(data.combined$name))), "name"])
While I know what these lines of code do, I cannot read or interpret the logic of each line of code. Whether I read left to right or right to left. What strategies should I use when reading/writing R code?

dup.names <- as.character(data.combined[which(duplicated(as.character(data.combined$name))), "name"])
Don't let lines of code like this ruin writing R code for you
I'm going to be honest here. The code is bad. And for many reasons.
Not a lot of people can read a line like this and intuitively know what the output is.
The point is you should not write lines of code that you don't understand. This is not Excel, you do not have but 1 single line to fit everything within. You have a whole deliciously large script, an empty canvas. Use that space to break your code into smaller bits that make a beautiful mosaic piece of art! Let's dive in~
Dissecting the code: Data Frames
Reading a line of code is like looking at a face for familiar features. You can read left to right, middle to out, whatever -- as long as you can lock onto something that is familiar.
Okay you see data.combined. You know (hope) it has rows and columns... because it's data!
You spot a $ in the code and you know it has to be a data.frame. This is because only lists and data.frames (which are really just lists) allow you to subset columns using $ followed by the column name. Subset-by the way- just means looking at a portion of the overall. In R, subsetting for data.frames and matrices can be done using single brackets[, within which you will see [row, column]. Thus if we type data.combined[1,2], it would give you the value in row 1 of column 2.
Now, if you knew that the name of column 2 was name you can use data.combined[1,"name"] to get the same output as data.combined$name[1]. Look back at that code:
dup.names <- as.character(data.combined[which(duplicated(as.character(data.combined$name))), "name"])
Okay, so now we see our eyes should be locked on data.combined[SOMETHING IS IN HERE?!]) and slowly be picking out data.combined[ ?ROW? , Oh the "name" column]. Cool.
Finding those ROW values!
Anytime you see the which function, it is just giving you locations. An example: For the logical vector a = c(1,2,2,1), which(a == 1) would give you 1 and 4, the location of 1s in a.
Now duplicated is simple too. duplicated(a) (which is just duplicated(c(1,2,2,1))) will give you back FALSE FALSE TRUE TRUE. If we ran which(duplicated(a)) it would return 3 and 4. Now here is a secret you will learn. If you have TRUES and FALSES, you don't need to use the which function! So maybe which was unnessary here. And also as.character... since duplicated works on numbers and strings.
What You Should Be Writing
Who am I to tell you how to write code? But here's my take.
Don't mix up ways of subsetting: use EITHER data.frame[,column] or data.frame$column...
The code could have been written a little bit more legibly as:
dupes <- duplicated(data.combined$name)
dupe.names <- data.combines$name[dupes]
or equally:
dupes <- duplicated(data.combined[,"name"])
dupe.names <- data.combined[dupes,"name"]
I know this was lengthy but I hope it helps.

An easier way to read any code is to break up their components.
dup.names <-
), "name"]
For each of the functions - those parts with rounded brackets following them e.g. as.character() you can learn more about what they do and how they work by typing ?as.character in the console
Square brackets [] are use to subset data frames, which are stored in your environment (the box to the upper right if you're using R within RStudio contains your values as well as any defined functions). In this case, you can tell that data.combined is the name that has been given to such a data frame in this example (type ?data.frame to find out more about data frames).

"Unwrapping" long lines of code can be daunting at first. Start by breaking it down into parenthesis , brackets, and commas. Parenthesis directly tacked onto a word indicate a function, and any commas that lie within them (unless they are part of another nested function or bracket) separate arguments which contain parameters that modify the way the function behaves. We can reduce your 2nd line to an outer function as.character and its arguments:
dup.names <- as.character(argument_1)
Just from this, we know that dup.names will be assigned a value with the data type "character" off of a single argument.
Two functions in the first line, file.path() and dir.create(), contain a comma to denote two arguments. Arguments can either be a single value or specified with an equal sign. In this case, the output of file.path happens to perform as argument #1 of dir.create().
Brackets are a way of subsetting data frames, with the general notation of dataframe_object[row,column]. Within your second line is a dataframe object, data.combined. You know it's a dataframe object because of the brackets directly tacked onto it, and knowing this allows you to that any functions internal to this are contributing to subsetting this data frame.
data.combined[row, column]
So from there, we can see that the internal functions within this bracket will produce an output that specifies the rows of data.combined that will contribute to the subset, and that only columns with name "name" will be selected.
Use the help function to start to unpack these lines by discovering what each function does, and what it's arguments are.


summary of row of numbers in R

I just hope to learn how to make a simple statistical summary of the random numbers fra row 1 to 5 in R. (as shown in picture).
And then assign these rows to a single variable.
enter image description here
Hope you can help!
When you type something like 3 on a single line and ask R to "run" it, it doesn't store that anywhere -- it just evaluates it, meaning that it tries to make sense out of whatever you've typed (such as 3, or 2+1, or sqrt(9), all of which would return the same value) and then it more or less evaporates. You can think of your lines 1 through 5 as behaving like you've used a handheld scientific calculator; once you type something like 300 / 100 into such a calculator, it just shows you a 3, and then after you have executed another computation, that 3 is more or less permanently gone.
To do something with your data, you need to do one of two things: either store it into your environment somehow, or to "pipe" your data directly into a useful function.
In your question, you used this script:
I don't think it's possible to repair this strategy in the way that you're hoping -- and if it is possible, it's not quite the "right" approach. By typing the numbers on individual lines, you've structured them so that they'll evaluate individually and then evaporate. In order to run the summary() function on those numbers, you will need to bind them together inside a single vector somehow, then feed that vector into summary(). The "store it" approach would be
my_vector <- c(1, 3, 7, 2, 6)
The importance isn't actually the parentheses; it's the function c(), which stands for concatenate, and instructs R to treat those 5 numbers as a collective object (i.e. a vector). We then pass that single object into my_vector().
To use the "piping" approach and avoid having to store something in the environment, you can do this instead (requires R 4.1.0+):
c(1, 3, 7, 2, 6) |> summary()
Note again that the use of c() is required, because we need to bind the five numbers together first. If you have an older version of R, you can get a slightly different pipe operator from the magrittr library instead that will work the same way. The point is that this "binding" part of the process is an essential part that can't be skipped.
Now, the crux of your question: presumably, your data doesn't really look like the example you used. Most likely, it's in some separate .csv file or something like that; if not, hopefully it is easy to get it into that format. Assuming this is true, this means that R will actually be able to do the heavy lifting for you in terms of formatting your data.
As a very simple example, let's say I have a plain text file, my_example.txt, whose contents are
In this case, I can ask R to parse this file for me. Assuming you're using RStudio, the simplest way to do this is to use the File -> Import Dataset part of the GUI. There are various options dealing with things such as headers, separators, and so forth, but I can't say much meaningful about what you'd need to do there without seeing your actual dataset.
When I import that file, I notice that it does two things in my R console:
my_example <- read.table(...)
The first line stores an object (called a "data frame" in this case) in my environment; the second shows a nice view of how it's rendered. To get the summary I wanted, I just need to extract the vector of numbers I want, which I see from the view is called V1, which I can do with summary(my_example$V1).
This example is probably not helpful for your actual data set, because there are so many variations on the theme here, but the theme itself is important: point R at a file, as it to render an object, then work with that object. That's the approach I'd recommend instead of typing data as lines within an R script, as it's much faster and less error-prone.
Hopefully this will get you pointed in the right direction in terms of getting your data into R and working with it.

good practice to use "$" and run a function in one line in R [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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Today i have seem a "strange" thing and am wondering if this is a good practice. Basically there is a list:
testList <- list("columnA" = c(1, 2, 3),
"columnB" = c(11,22,33))
and then a function:
calculateMean <- function(input){
out <- lapply(input, mean)
and the this:
resultTest <- calculateMean(testList)$columnA
Question: Is this a good practice to refer to functions result without storing the results of a function in an intermediate step?
We may use sapply and return a named vector and store it as a single vector and use that for other cases i.e. suppose we want to take the max of that vector, it can be applied directly instead of unlist the list.
calculateMean <- function(input){
out <- sapply(input, mean)
columnA columnB
2 22
Regarding storing the output, it depends i.e. if we want to extract the output of 'columnB', we may need to run it again and do $. Instead, save it as a single object and extract as needed
You ask if this is good practice. I'd say there are good and bad aspects to it.
On the positive side, it keeps your code simpler than if you defined a new variable to hold calculateMean(testList) when all you are interested in is one element of it. In some cases (probably not yours though) that could save a lot of memory: that variable might hold a lot of stuff that is of no interest, and it takes up space.
On the negative side, it makes your code harder to debug. Keeping expressions simple makes it easier to see when and why things aren't working. Each line of
temp <- calculateMean(testList)
resultTest <- temp$columnA
is simpler than the one line
resultTest <- calculateMean(testList)$columnA
In some situations you could use an informative name in the two-line version to partially document what you had in mind here (not temp!), making your code easier to understand.
If you were trying to single step through the calculation in a debugger, it would be more confusing, because you'd jump from the calculateMean source to the source for $ (or more likely, to the final result, since that's a primitive function).
Since the one-line version is relatively simple in your case, I'd probably use it, but in other situations I might split it into two lines.

closed/fixed:Interpertation of basic R code

I have a basic question in regards to the R programming language.
I'm at a beginners level and I wish to understand the meaning behind two lines of code I found online in order to gain a better understanding. Here is the code:
... where y and n are given. I do understand that the results are transformed into a data frame by the function as.data.frame() but what about the rest? I'm still at a beginners level so pardon me if this question is off-topic or irrelevant in this forum. Thank you in advance, I appreciate every answer :)
Looks like you understand the as.data.frame() function so let's look at what is happening inside of it. We're looking at y[1:(n-k)]. Here, y is a vector which is a collection of data points of the same type. For example:
> y <- c(1,2,3,4,5,6)
Try running that and then calling back y. What you get are those numbers listed out. Now, consider the case you want to just call out the number 1 in that vector. How would you do that? Well, this is where the brackets come into play. If you wanted to just call the number 1 in y:
> y[1]
[1] 1
Therefore, the brackets are a way of calling out or indexing specific items in the vector. Note that the indexing starts at the value 1 and goes up to the number of items in the vector, or length. One last thing before we go back to the example you gave. What if we want to index the numbers 1, 2, and 3 from the vector but not the rest?
> y[1:3]
[1] 1 2 3
This is where the colon comes into play. It allows us to reference a subset of the numbers. However, it will reference all the numbers between the index left of the colon and right of it. Try this out for yourself in R! Play around and see what happens.
Finally going back to your example:
How would this work based on what we discussed? Well, the colon means that we are indexing all values in the vector y from two index values. What are those values? Well, they are the numbers to the left and right of the colon. Therefore, we are asking R to give us the values from the first position (index of 1) to the (n-k) position. Therefore, it's important to know what n and k are. If n is 4 and k is 1 then the command becomes:
The same logic can apply to the second as.data.frame() command in your question. Essentially, R is picking out different numbers from a vector y and multiplying them together.
Hope this helps. The best way to learn R is to play around with a command, throw different numbers at it, guess what will happen, and then see what happens!

how to view head of as.data.frame in R? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have a huge data set with 20 columns and 20,000 rows, according to the manual of a program I use, we have to put the data as a data frame, though I'm not I understand what it does.. and I can't seem to view the head data frame I created.
I wrote in Bold the part that I don't understand, I'm very new with R, can a kind mind explain to me how the following works?
First I read the CSV file
vData = read.csv("my_matrix.csv");
1) Here we create the data frame as per the manual, what does -c(1:8) do exactly??
dataExpr0 = as.data.frame(t(vData[, -c(1:8)]))
2) Here, to understand what the above part does, I tried to view only the header of the data frame, with the following line, but it display the first 2 columns for the 20,000 rows of data. Is there a way to view only the first 2 rows?
head(dataExpr0, n = 2)
Let's disect what your call is doing, from the inside out.
Basic Indexing
When indexing a data.frame or matrix (assuming 2 dimensions), you access a single element of it with the square bracket notation, as you're seeing. For instance, to see the value in the fourth row, fifth column, you'd use vData[4,5]. This can work with ranges of rows and/or columns as well, such as vData[1:4,5] returning the first 4 rows and the 5th column as a vector.
Note: the range 1:4 can also be an arbitrary vector of numbers, such as vData[c(1,2,5),c(4,8)] which returns a 3 by 2 matrix.
BTW: by default, when the resulting slice/submatrix has one of its dimensions reduced to 1 (as in the latter example), R will drop it to the lower structure (e.g., matrix -> vector -> scalar). In this case, it will drop vData[1:4,5] to a vector. You can prevent this from happening by adding what appears to be a third dimension to the square brackets: vData[1:4,5,drop=FALSE], meaning "do not drop the simplified dimension". Now, you should get a matrix of 4 rows and 1 column in return.
You can read a much more thorough explanation of how to subset data.frames by reading (for example) some of the "Hadleyverse". If you do that, I highly encourage you to make it an interactive session: play in R as you read, to help cement the methods.
Negative Indexing
Negative indices mean "everything except what is listed". In your example, you are subsetting the data to extract everything except columns 1:8. So your vData[,-c(1:8)] is returning all rows and columns 9 through 20, a 20K by 12 matrix. Not small.
You probably already know what t() does: transpose the matrix so that it is now 12 by 20K.
A word of warning: if all of your data.frame columns are of the same class (e.g., 'character', 'logical'), then all is fine. However, the fact that data.frames allow disparate types of data in different columns is not a feature shared by matrices. If one data.frame column is different than the others, they will be converted to the highest common format, e.g., logical < integer < numeric < character.
Back to a data.frame
After you transpose it (which converts to a matrix), you convert back to a data.frame, which may or may not be necessary depending on how to intend to deal with the data later. For instance, if the row names are not meaningful, then it may not be that useful to convert into a data.frame. That's relatively immaterial, but I'm a fan of not over-converting things. I'm also a fan of using the simpler data structure, and matrices are typically faster than data.frames.
... merely gives you the top n rows of a data.frame or matrix. In your case, since you transposed it, it is now 20K columns wide, which may be a bit unwieldy on the command line.
Based on what I provided earlier, perhaps you just want to look at the top few rows and first few columns? dataExpr0[1:5,1:5] will work, as will (identically) head(dataExpr0[,1:5], n=5).
More Questions?
I strongly encourage you to read more of the Hadleyverse and become a little more familiar with subsetting and basic data management. It is fundamental to using R, and StackOverflow is not always patient enough to answer baseline questions like this. This forum is best suited for those who have already done some research, read documentation and help pages, and tried some code, and only after that cannot figure out why it is not working. You provided some basic code with is good, but SO is not ideally suited to teach how to start with R.

Executing for loop in R

I am pretty new to R and have a couple of questions about a loop I am attemping to execute. I will try explain myself as best as possible reguarding what I wish the loop to do.
for(i in (1988:1999,2000:2006)){
binding=do.call("rbind.fill",x[grep(names(x), pattern ="1988.* 4._ data=")])
First I wish for the loop to iterate over file names of data.
Specifically over the years 1988-2006 in the place where 1988 is
placed right now in the binding statement. x is a list of data files
inputted into R and the 1988 is part of the file name. So, I have
file names starting with 1988,1989,...,2006.
yields is a numeric vector and I would like to input the indices of
the vector into the function RMSE2 as indicated in the loop. For
example, over the first iteration I wish for the indices 1 to the
number of columns in binding to be used. Then for the next iteration
I want the first index to be 1 more than what the previous iteration
ended with and continue to a number equal to the number of columns in the next binding
statement. I just don't know if what I have written will accomplish
Finally, I wish to store each of these results in the vector
yearerrors and then access this vector afterwards.
Thanks so much in advance!
OK, there's a heck of a lot of guesswork here because the structure of your data is extremely unclear, I have no idea what the RMSE2 function is (and you've given no detail). Based on your question the other day, I'm going to assume that your data is in .csv files. I'm going to have a stab at your problem.
I would start by building the combined dataframe while reading the files in, not doing one then the other. Like so:
#Set your working directory to the folder containing the .csv files
#I'm assuming they're all in the form "YEAR.something.csv" based on your pattern matching
filenames <- list.files(".", pattern="*.csv") #if you only want to match a specific year then add it to the pattern match
years <- gsub("([0-9]+).*", "\\1", filenames)
df <- mdply(filenames, read.csv)
df$year <- as.numeric(years[df$X1]) #Adds the year
#Your column mean dataframe didn't work for me
cmeans <- as.data.frame(t(colMeans(df[,2:ncol(df)])))
It then gets difficult to know what you're trying to achieve. Since your datcmeans is a one row data.frame, datcmeans[1,] doesn't change anything. So if a one row from a dataframe (or a numeric vector) is an argument required for your RMSE2 function, you can just pass it datcmeans (cmeans in my example).
Your code from then is pretty much indecipherable to me. Without know what yields looks like, or how RMSE2 works, it's pretty much impossible to help more.
If you're going to do a loop here, I'll say that setting kk=kk+ncol(binding) at the end of the first iteration is not going to help you, since you've set kk=0, kk is not going to be equal to ncol(binding), which is, I'm guessing, not what you want. Here's my guess at what you need here (assuming looping is required).
yearerrors=vector("numeric", ncol(df)) #Create empty vector ahead of loop
for(i in 1:ncol(df)) {
yearerrors[i] <- RMSE2(yields[i:ncol(df)], finvec)
I honestly can't imagine a function that would work like this, but it seems the most logical adaption of your code.
