Python operators of unequality - python-3.6

i have a code, not written by me . I am learning python and at very basics
codes are below:
ten_things = "Apples Oranges Crows Telephone Light Sugar"
print("Wait there are not 10 things in that list. Let's fix that.")
stuff = ten_things.split(' ')
more_stuff = ["Day", "Night", "Song", "Frisbee",
"Corn", "Banana", "Girl", "Boy"]
while len(stuff) != 10:
next_one = more_stuff.pop()
print("Adding: ", next_one)
print(f"There are {len(stuff)} items now.")
print("There we go: ", stuff)
print("Let's do some things with stuff.")
print(stuff[-1]) # whoa! fancy
print(' '.join(stuff)) # what? cool!
print('#'.join(stuff[3:5])) # super stellar!
my question is we use while len(stuff) !=10 but it runs till 10 only, it should skip 10 and go ahead until it pops the whole list but why it runs till 10? there are 11,12,13 and 14 which are also not equal to 10.It should also include them.
ideally, it should be while len(stuff) => 10: but we used != which is also not equal
can anyone help me?


MS Project formula calculation returns inconsistent results

In MS Project Professional I have a custom field that returns the correct value...sometimes, no value at other times, and an #ERROR at still other times with no apparent rhyme or reason.
The goal: I need to capture the [Resource Names] field for use in an external application - easy enough - but when I have a fixed units task with limited resource units I need to exclude the "[##%]" portion of the name. Example: Sam[25%] but I need just, "Sam"
The formula: IIf(IsNumeric(InStr(1,[Resource Names],"[")),LEFT([Resource Names],Len([Resource Names])-5),[Resource Names])
The results are in summary:
Marian == M
Sam == #ERROR
Sam[25%] == Sam
Core Dev == Cor
Bindu == Bindu
Bindu[50%] == Bindu
Michele == Mi
Michele[25%] == Michele
Disha == empty
Disha[33%] == Disha
Stuart[50%] == Stuart
Stuart == S
Strangely enough, Summary Tasks show no value which is correct.
The need: can someone help me fix the formula? Or, should I just suck it up and manually delete the offending brackets and numbers?
If you only ever have one resource assigned to a task, this formula will work: IIf(0=InStr(1,[Resource Names],"["),[Resource Names],Left([Resource Names],InStr(1,[Resource Names],"[")-1)).
However, building a formula to handle more than one resource would be extremely tedious with the limited functions available. In that case a macro to update the field would work much better:
Sub GetResourceNames()
Dim t As Task
For Each t In ActiveProject.Tasks
Dim resList As String
resList = vbNullString
Dim a As Assignment
For Each a In t.Assignments
resList = resList & "," & a.Resource.Name
Next a
t.Text2 = Mid$(resList, 2)
Next t
End Sub

is it possible to get a new instance for namedtuple pushed into a dictionary before values are known?

It looks like things are going wrong on line 9 for me. Here I wish to push a new copy of the TagsTable into a dictionary. I'm aware that once a namedtuple field is recorded, it can not be changed. However, results baffle me as it looks like the values do change - when this code exits all entries of mp3_tags[ any of the three dictionary keys ].date are set to the last date of "1999_03_21"
So, two questions:
Is there a way to get a new TagsTable pushed into the dictionary ?
Why doesnt the code fail and not allow the second (and even third) date to be written to the field (since it seems to be references to the same namedtuple) ? I thought you could not write a second value ?
from collections import namedtuple
2 TagsTable = namedtuple('TagsTable',['title','date','subtitle','artist','summary','length','duration','pub_date'])
3 mp3files = ['42-001.mp3','42-002.mp3','42-003.mp3']
4 dates = ['1999_01_07', '1999_02_14', '1999_03_21']
6 mp3_tags = {}
8 for mp3file in mp3files:
9 mp3_tags[mp3file] = TagsTable
11 for mp3file,date_string in zip(mp3files,dates):
12 mp3_tags[mp3file].date = date_string
14 for mp3file in mp3files:
15 print( mp3_tags[mp3file].date )
looks like this is the fix I was looking for:
from collections import namedtuple
mp3files = ['42-001.mp3','42-002.mp3','42-003.mp3']
dates = ['1999_01_07', '1999_02_14', '1999_03_21']
mp3_tags = {}
for mp3file in mp3files:
mp3_tags[mp3file] = namedtuple('TagsTable',['title','date','subtitle','artist','summary','length','duration','pub_date'])
for mp3file,date_string in zip(mp3files,dates):
mp3_tags[mp3file].date = date_string
for mp3file in mp3files:
print( mp3_tags[mp3file].date )

R - Regex whitespace pattern matches excessively

I have what seems like a simple regular expression I want to match on and replace. I'm processing a bunch of free form text and respondents have a variety of ways of denoting a line break. One such is at least 4 sequential bits of whitespace. Another is a heavy dot. However, in R (perl=FALSE) I get some very strange behavior. The regex \\s{4,}|• replaces the whole string with one <br>, if I change the repetition to be just 4 (\\s{4}|•) then it returns 19 <br>. If I remove the |• then it works fine. If I explicitly call out 4 whitespace characters or the heavy dot, \\s\\s\\s\\s+|•, it works fine.
What is it about repeating \\s or checking for a heavy dot • that causes such erratic behavior?
x = "Call Narrative <br>11/15/2017 19:53:00 J574511 <br> <br>"
replacement = "<br>"
orig_pattern = "\\s{4,}|•"
alt1 = "\\s\\s\\s\\s+|•"
alt2 = "\\s{4,}"
alt3 = "\\s{4,}|<p>"
alt4 = "\\s{4}|•"
#> [1] "<br>"
#> [1] "Call Narrative <br>11/15/2017<br>19:53:00<br>J574511 <br> <br>"
#> [1] "Call Narrative <br>11/15/2017<br>19:53:00<br>J574511 <br> <br>"
#> [1] "Call Narrative <br>11/15/2017<br>19:53:00<br>J574511 <br> <br>"
#> [1] "<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>"
It seems to be associated with the OS. The problem originated on Amazon Linux 2 but works fine on Windows.

Arranging text lines in R

My data is in this format. It's a text file and the class is "character". I have posted few lines from the file. There are about 14000 lines.
"KEY: Aback"
"SYN: Backwards, rearwards, aft, abaft, astern, behind, back."
"ANT: Onwards, forwards, ahead, before, afront, beyond, afore."
"KEY: Abandon"
"SYN: Leave, forsake, desert, renounce, cease, relinquish,"
"discontinue, castoff, resign, retire, quit, forego, forswear,"
"depart_from, vacate, surrender, abjure, repudiate."
"ANT: Pursue, prosecute, undertake, seek, court, cherish, favor,"
"protect, claim, maintain, defend, advocate, retain, support, uphold,"
"occupy, haunt, hold, assert, vindicate, keep."
Line 6 and 7 is the continuation of line 5. Line 9 and 10 is the continuation of line 8. My struggle is how can I bring up line 6 and 7 to line 5 and similarly line 9 and 10 to line 8.
Any hints gratefully received.
First thing that comes to mind (your text is stored as x):
#prefix each line starter (identifies as pattern: `CAPS:`) with a newline (\n)
strsplit(gsub("([A-Z]+:)", "\n\\1", paste(x, collapse = " ")),
split = "\n")[[1L]][-1L]
# [1] "KEY: Aback "
# [2] "SYN: Backwards, rearwards, aft, abaft, astern, behind, back. "
# [3] "ANT: Onwards, forwards, ahead, before, afront, beyond, afore. "
# [4] "KEY: Abandon "
# [5] "SYN: Leave, forsake, desert, renounce, cease, relinquish, discontinue, castoff, resign, retire, quit, forego, forswear, depart_from, vacate, surrender, abjure, repudiate. "
# [6] "ANT: Pursue, prosecute, undertake, seek, court, cherish, favor, protect, claim, maintain, defend, advocate, retain, support, uphold, occupy, haunt, hold, assert, vindicate, keep."

Dictionary with a running total

This is for a homework I am doing.
I have a .txt file that looks like this.
What I'm trying to do is keep a running total, when you type in the word "Eggs" then the word "bread" it needs to add the cost of both and keep going until "EXIT" also I'm going to run into a 'KeyError' and need help with that also.
def main():
key = ''
infile = open('shoppinglist.txt', 'r')
total = 0
count = infile.readline()
grocery = ''
groceries = {}
print('This program keeps a running total of your shopping list.')
print('Use \'EXIT\' to exit.')
while grocery != 'EXIT':
grocery = input('Enter an item: ')
for line in infile:
line = line.strip()
if key == '':
key = line
groceries[key] = line
key = ''
print ('Your current total is $'+ groceries[grocery])
Does the file contain the prices of each of the different groceries?
The user input statement should have a .strip() at the end too as sometimes line ending characters can be included from user input.
You should only need to read the file once, not in the loop.
When the user enters a grocery item it should as you say check that it exists:
if grocery in groceries:
#grocery name not recognised
I think you should have a separate dictionary to store the counts of each grocery something like this:
import collections
quantitiesWanted = collections.Counter()
Then any grocery can be asked for like this quantitiesWanted['eggs'] which will return 0 by default. Doing something like quantitiesWanted['eggs'] += 1 will increase it to 1 and so on.
To get the current total you can do:
total = 0
for key, value in quantitiesWanted:
total += groceries[key] * value
