Displaying progress of fetching in MailKit - fetch

When I have a lot of messages in mailbox client.Inbox.Fetch() method last a long time and users think that program is not responding. Can I display progress of fetched messages?
IList<IMessageSummary> allMailList = client.Inbox.Fetch(0, -1, MessageSummaryItems.Envelope | MessageSummaryItems.UniqueId, cancellationToken);

You can connect to the ImapFolder.MessageSummaryFetched event and, based on the number of times that's been called compared to the number of messages you are fetching summary information for, you can provide some progress reporting.


Function getUnreadCount is not updated at runtime - Mesibo iOS SDK

In the chat history (summary) page of my app I'm using the function getUnreadCount() on MesiboProfile to get the number of messages currently unread so that I can show an indicator near the message.
The problem is that count is only correct the first time I read the summary from the read session. If it arrives a new message when I already read the summary, that count is not updated.
I saw that the counter gets fixed if I read the summary again but is this the recommended way to update that counter?
I'm using the iOS SDK v1.9.55
In 1.x, the unread count can be updated manually. Set the unread count to zero once you read it or increment it every time you receive a new message. This avoids database access. Here is the 1.x code which does the same.
Update: you can also use getUnreadMessageCount() in the user or group readsession (not the summary session) to get it from the database.
In 2.x, we have moved this to API with additional logic.

telegram.error.BadRequest: Message to edit not found

What kind of event should trigger the functionality?
A user presses an InlineKeyboardButton within the bot itself
What kind of chat is the functionality supposed to work in?
The button is on a message that is from a bot to the user. (i.e inside chat with a bot. NOT in a group/channel)
How do you want your bot to react?
I wish to read the text of the message using text = str(update['callback_query']['message']['text'])
I then wish to edit that message using query.edit_message_text(text=text, reply_markup = keyboard)
What is the problem?
In step 1, that 'text' field is completely missing in the 'Update' dictionary.
As a result, the 'edit_message' in step 2 dont work and throw "Message to edit not found telegram"
The above behavior occurs for posts about 48hours from today. Meaning the inlinebutton works normally first, then after ____ period of time passed, the error described above is observed.
What is my hypothesis?
Telegram side deletes that information and dont allow me to call it after ____ period in time.

How to create an alert to notify an user when some amount % of threshold reached DailyAsyncApex Executions

On 2 occasions in the past month, we have managed to hit our daily limit on asynchronous apex executions. Salesforce temporarily increased our limit to 425000 but it will be scaled down to 250000 in a week's time. Once we reach the limit, a lot of the SF functions will fail and this has tremendously impacted both internal staff and external customers.
So to prevent this from happening in the future, we need to create some kind of alert in Salesforce to monitor our daily asynchronous apex method executions. Our maximum daily limit is 250000. The alert will need to create a P3 helpdesk ticket and notify couple of users say USER A and USER B once it reaches 70% threshold.
Kindly advise what is possible to achieve the same
Thanks & Regards,
There's a promising Limits method but it doesn't seem to work currently ("reserved for future use"): System.debug(Limits.getAsyncCalls() + ' / ' + Limits.getLimitAsyncCalls());
There's an idea you can upvote: https://success.salesforce.com/ideaView?id=0873A0000003VIFQA2 ;)
You could query SELECT COUNT() FROM AsyncApexJob WHERE ... but that sounds like a bad idea ;)
I think your best course of action is to use SF REST API. There's a "limits" resource you can fetch. You could do it from SF itself (bad idea because if you'd schedule it to run every hour then well, of course it will contribute to the limit consumption too ;)) or from some external app that'd connect to your SF...
You can quickly try it out for example in workbench.developerforce.com before you decide you do want to deep dive into coding it.
Of course if you have control over your batch jobs, queuable, schedulable & #future calls you could implement some rough counter of executions in a helper object for example... won't help you much if most of the jobs are coming from managed packages though...
Got 1 more idea but it's pretty hardcore - you should be able to make a REST API call from javascript. so you could create a simple VF page (even without any apex controller), put JS callout on it, have it check every 5 mins and do something if threshold is hit... But that means IT person would have to have this page open all the time (perhaps as a home page component)... Messy :)
I was having the exact same issue so I created a simple JsForce script in NodeJS to monitor the call to the /limits endpoint.
You can connect a Free Monitoring service like UpTimerobot.com or PingDom.com and get an email when you find the Word "Warning" >50% or "Error" > 80%.
async function getSfLimits() {
try {
//Let's login into salesforce
const login = await conn.login(SF_USERNAME, SF_PASSWORD+SF_SECURITY_TOKEN);
//Call the API
const sfLimits = await conn.requestGet('/services/data/v51.0/limits');
return sfLimits;
} catch(err) {

Telegram API: How do I get messages from a public channel, which I am not participant of?

I am able to successfully retrieve messages from a channel via channels.getMessages request, once I know their message IDs. I find channel id by contacts.search, by the way.
At the moment, mesage IDs are consequtive integers, so getting max_id would solve the issue.
I am sure it possible, since official clients do this (view a channel without joining it). I will try to find out how official desktop app does this by reading its sources, but any help will be much appreciated.
I need this because am writing a simple public telegram channel -> rss/web interface.
Please do not confuse Telegram Client API with Telegram Bot API. Bot API allows to receive 'push' messages on new messages, but no 'reading historical logs'.
Here are the steps you have to do in order to get messages from a channel you're not joined:
Resolve the username into ID and access_hash with contacts.resolveUsername
Invoke messages.getHistory to get your desired messages
Here is a short description of messages.getHistory parameters:
peer: The channel from whom to retrieve the message history
limit: Number of messages to be retrieved
offset_date: Offset date (messages *previous* to this date will be retrieved)
offset_id: Offset message ID (only messages *previous* to the given ID will be retrieved)
max_id: All the messages with a higher (newer) ID or equal to this will be excluded
min_id: All the messages with a lower (older) ID or equal to this will be excluded
add_offset: Additional message offset (all of the specified offsets + this offset = older messages)
It turns out messages.getHistory is just okay, gives you last N messages + total count.

Dynamics AX 2009 AIF Tables

I have an issue where roughly once a month the AIFQueueManager table is populated with ~150 records which relate to messages which had been sent to AX (where they "successfully failed"; i.e. errorred due to violation of business rules, but returned an exception as expected) over 6 months ago.
What tables are involved in the AIF inbound message process / what order to events occur in? e.g. XML file is picked up and recorded in the AifDocumentLog, data's extracted and added to the AifQueueManager and AifGatewayQueue tables, records from here are then inserted in the AifMessageLog, etc.
Thanks in advance.
There are 4 main AIF classes, I will be talking about the inbound only, and focusing on the included file system adapter and flat XML files. I hope this makes things a little less hazy.
AIFGatewayReceiveService - Uses adapters/channels to read messages in from different sources, and dumps them in the AifGatewayQueue table
AIFInboundProcessingService - This processes the AifGatewayQueue table data and sends to the Ax[Document] classes
AIFOutboundProcessingService - This is the inverse of #2. It creates XMLs with relevent metadata
AIFGatewaySendService - This is the inverse of #1, where it uses adapters/channels to send messages out to different locations from the AifGatewayQueue
For #1
So #1 basically fills the AifGatewayQueue, which is just a queue of work. It loops through all of your channels and then finds the relevant adapter by ClassId. The adapters are classes that implement AifIntegrationAdapter and AifReceiveAdapter if you wanted to make your own custom one. When it loops over the different channels, it then loops over each "message" and tries to receive it into the queue.
If it can't process the file for some reason, it catches exceptions and throws them in the SysExceptionTable [Basic>Periodic>Application Integration Framework>Exceptions]. These messages are scraped from the infolog, and the messages are generated mostly from the receive adaptor, which would be AifFileSystemReceiveAdapter for my example.
For #2
So #2 is processing the inbound messages sitting in the queue (ready/inprocess). The AifRequestProcessor\processServiceRequest does the work.
From this method, it will call:
Various calls to Classes\AifMessageManager, which puts records in the AifMessageLog and the AifDocumentLog.
This key line: responseMessage = AifRequestProcessor::executeServiceOperation(message, endpointActionPolicy); which actually does the operation against the Ax[Document] classes by eventually getting to AifDispatcher::callServiceMethod(...)
It gets the return XML and packages that into an AifMessage called responseMessage and returns that where it may be logged. It also takes that return value, and if there is a response channel, it submits that back into the AifGatewayQueue
AifQueueManager is actually cleared and populated on the fly by calling AifQueueManager::createQueueManagerData();.
