I need to do exactly the graph that has been made on this page (the second one)
Here is my actual code :
timemax<-151737 # number of frames (and observations - so no interpolation needed)
vis<-100 # how many time points are on the screen at one time
gdata<-data.frame('Temps'= data$time,'RH_Xacc'= data$RH_Xacc)
gname<-paste("g",1:timemax,".tif", sep="") # holds the names of the picture files
right<-(((1:timemax)<=vis)*100)+(((1:timemax)>vis)*1:timemax) # rightmost time on screen
left<- right-vis+2 # leftmost time on screen
leftlab<-200*ceiling((left-1)/200) # leftmost x label
rightlab<-200*floor(right/200) # rightmost x label
# draw graphs
for (i in 1:timemax) {
# call FFMPEG and make the video
shell("C:/Users/victo/Downloads/ffmpeg/ffmpeg/bin/ffmpeg.exe -codecs -i g%d.tif -b:v 2048k gdata.mpg",mustWork=FALSE)
My code seems to work until the shell function. I don't get an error. The code just never stops running. I am not able to get the video with all the data. Can someone tell me where is the problem ? How can I get the video or if there is an other to get the same result ? I've tried the library gganimate but i didn't succeed either... I am doing this in Rstudio and using sweave.
Thanks a lot

Actually, the first thing you should do is probably run the command :
C:/Users/victo/Downloads/ffmpeg/ffmpeg/bin/ffmpeg.exe -codecs -i g%d.tif -b:v 2048k gdata.mpg directly and not with a calling shell from RStudio. You would have a more verbose output.
Original post
Do you have any CPU performance profiling tool ? I suspect that the shell command might take a lot of time to run on your computer since in your example : timemax<-151737 whereas the example has a shorter timemax timemax<-1000
Try your program with a low value of timemax (=1000) and time the execution of the code. I guess you could extrapolate the total time needed to execute multiplying by 150 (I am not an expert of ffmpeg, it might actually be longer)


emacs ess-indent-or-complete sends newline to R process

Occasionally, for reasons I can not determine, ess-indent-or-complete sends an input to the R console. In other words, I will be typing something, hit tab to autocomplete (or company autocompletes for me), and the R process will update with a newline (.R file on the left "buffer", R process on the right):
x <- mea█ | >
... and then I hit tab to complete "mean":
x <- mean█ | >
| > ## note the new line here
This can be really annoying for at least two reasons:
It fills up the process buffer with blank lines.
If I am using a browser(), it advances lines which is often undesirable.
I have tried to diagnose this myself to no avail. Restarting emacs fixes it every time, however it seems to start happening at random throughout the day. Once it starts it does not stop until emacs restarts.
I am running emacs 27.1, ess-20210818.843 (though this has been a thing for a long time, so I don't believe it is version-specific), and am in ESS[R] mode.
Calling M-: (ess-command "") from my .R file buffer replicates the undesired behavior once it starts happening in a particular session. I have no insight beyond this.
I think you solved it yourself, with your GH issue suggestion:
I've changed things in my own version of ESS, and will commit after a few days of testing it.
Thank you VERY VERY much for persevering and (I think) finding the fault .. a simple typo inside the internal (ess--command-make-restore-function)

Trouble concatenating netcdf files with ncrcat

I have a list of netcdf files that I am trying to concatenate along the time dimension.
I am attempting to use the steps outlined here, which seem simple enough. However, I am running into some errors (likely some small/stupid oversight on my part...)
When I try to first make time a record dimension, I am using the following command:
ncks -O --mk_rec_dmn time
This, however, give me the following error:
ncks: invalid option -- '-'
It seems like this is just some simple syntax/typo error on my part, but try as I might I can' find anything wrong.
Just to be sure, when I run a ncdump -h on the file, it confirms that there is indeed a time dimension
ncdump -h
netcdf TiMREX_20080526_000001 {
time = 1 ;
bounds = 2 ;
x0 = 300 ;
y0 = 300 ;
z0 = 40 ;
Additionally, if I try to skip this step and just go right to the ncrcat part...
ncrcat -O
I get the following error:
ncopen: filename "": Not a netCDF file
Which is especially odd...I'm pretty confident it is indeed at netCDF file (I just ran ncdump on it after all, and have no problem viewing it with ncview...)
Any thoughts? What simple step am I embarrassingly missing?
This is a weird error as your command looks syntactically correct. To be sure, I copied it to my machine where it ran as expected, with no 'invalid option' error. Thus I am unable to reproduce the problem. Based on the error message you report, it seems as though you might (somehow) be using a character that the system does not understand as a dash. In other words, the error you report is what I would expect if ncks received a funky character that looks like a dash but is not really a dash. Maybe when you copy it to stackoverflow it gets converted to a dash, so it works for me (try copying your own command above back into your console). Make sure the dash character you type is the same as the minus sign on a normal keyboard, and something else. Some keyboard/character sets make characters that look similar to dashes but are not ASCII dashes. Good luck.

How to limit the number of output lines in a given cell of the Ipython notebook?

Sometimes my Ipython notebooks crash because I left a print statement in a big loop or in a recursive function. The kernel shows busy and the stop button is usually unresponsive. Eventually Chrome asks me if I want to kill the page or wait.
Is there a way to limit the number of output lines in a given cell? Or any other way to avoid this problem?
You can suppress output using this command:
‘;’ at the end of a line
Perhaps create a condition in your loop to suppress output past a certain threshold.
For anyone else stumbling across:
If you want to see some of the output rather than suppress the output entirely, there is an extension called limit-output.
You'll have to follow the installation instructions for the extensions at the first link. Then I ran the following code to update the maximum number of characters output by each cell:
from import ConfigManager
cm = ConfigManager().update('notebook', {'limit_output': 10})
Note: you'll need to run the block of code, then restart your notebook server entirely (not just the kernel) for the change to take effect.
Results on jupyter v4.0.6 running a Python 2.7.12 kernel
for i in range(0,100):
print i
limit_output extension: Maximum message size exceeded

Kill a calculation programme after user defined time in R

Say my executable is c:\my irectory\myfile.exe and my R script calls on this executeable with system(myfile.exe)
The R script gives parameters to the executable programme which uses them to do numerical calculations. From the ouput of the executable, the R script then tests whether the parameters are good ore not. If they are not good, the parameters are changed and the executable rerun with updated parameters.
Now, as this executable carries out mathematical calculations and solutions may converge only slowly I wish to be able to kill the executable once it has takes to long to carry out the calculations (say 5 seconds)
How do I do this time dependant kill?
My question is a little related to this one: (time non dependant kill)
how to run an executable file and then later kill or terminate the same process with R in Windows
You can add code to your R function which issued the executable call:
setTimeLimit(elapse=5, trans=T)
This will kill the calling function, returning control to the parent environment (which could well be a function as well). Then use the examples in the question you linked to for further work.
Alternatively, set up a loop which examines Sys.time and if the expected update to the parameter set has not taken place after 5 seconds, break the loop and issue the system kill command to terminate myfile.exe .
There might possibly be nicer ways but it is a solution.
The assumption here is, that myfile.exe successfully does its calculation within 5 seconds
try.wtl <- function(timeout = 5)
y <- evalWithTimeout(system(myfile.exe), timeout = timeout, onTimeout= "warning")
if(inherits(y, "try-error")) NA else y
case 1 (myfile.exe is closed after successfull calculation)
g <- try.wtl(5)
case 2 (myfile.exe is not closed after successfull calculation)
g <- try.wtl(0.1)
MSDOS taskkill required for case 2 to recommence from the beginnging
if (class(g) == "NULL") {system('taskkill /im "myfile.exe" /f',show.output.on.console = FALSE)}
PS: inspiration came from Time out an R command via something like try()

Bind query resolution time in munin

Is it possible to graph the query resolution time of bind9 in munin?
I know there is a way to graph it in a unbound server, is it already done in bind? If not how do I start writing a munin plugin for that? I'm getting stats from in the bind9 server.
I don't believe that "query time" is a function of BIND. About the only time that I see that value (with individual lookups) is when using dig. If you're willing to use that, the following might be a good starting point:
case $1 in
cat <<'EOM'
graph_title Red Hat Query Time
graph_vlabel time
time.label msec
exit 0;;
echo -n "time.value "
dig|grep Query|cut -d':' -f2|cut -d\ -f2
Note that there's two spaces after the "-d\" in the second cut statement. If you save the above as "querytime" and run it at the command line, output should look something like:
root#pi1:~# ./querytime
time.value 189
root#pi1:~# ./querytime config
graph_title Red Hat Query Time
graph_vlabel time
time.label msec
I'm not sure of the value in tracking the above though. The response time can be affected: if the query is an initial lookup, if the answer is cached locally, depending on server load, depending on intervening network congestion, etc.
Note: the above may be a bit buggy as I've written it on the fly, but it should give you a good starting point. That it returned the above output is a good sign.
In any case, recommend reading the following before you write your own:
