How to reproduce the H2o GBM class probability calculation - r

I've been using h2o.gbm for a classification problem, and wanted to understand a bit more about how it calculates the class probabilities. As a starting point, I tried to recalculate the class probability of a gbm with only 1 tree (by looking at the observations in the leafs), but the results are very confusing.
Let's assume my positive class variable is "buy" and negative class variable "not_buy" and I have a training set called "dt.train" and a separate test-set called "dt.test".
In a normal decision tree, the class probability for "buy" P(has_bought="buy") for a new data row (test-data) is calculated by dividing all observations in the leaf with class "buy" by the total number of observations in the leaf (based on the training data used to grow the tree).
However, the h2o.gbm seems to do something differently, even when I simulate a 'normal' decision tree (setting n.trees to 1, and alle sample.rates to 1). I think the best way to illustrate this confusion is by telling what I did in a step-wise fashion.
Step 1: Training the model
I do not care about overfitting or model performance. I want to make my life as easy as possible, so I've set the n.trees to 1, and make sure all training-data (rows and columns) are used for each tree and split, by setting all sample.rate parameters to 1. Below is the code to train the model.
base.gbm.model <- h2o.gbm(
x = predictors,
y = "has_bought",
training_frame = dt.train,
model_id = "2",
nfolds = 0,
ntrees = 1,
learn_rate = 0.001,
max_depth = 15,
sample_rate = 1,
col_sample_rate = 1,
col_sample_rate_per_tree = 1,
seed = 123456,
keep_cross_validation_predictions = TRUE,
stopping_rounds = 10,
stopping_tolerance = 0,
stopping_metric = "AUC",
score_tree_interval = 0
Step 2: Getting the leaf assignments of the training set
What I want to do, is use the same data that is used to train the model, and understand in which leaf they ended up in. H2o offers a function for this, which is shown below.
train.leafs <- h2o.predict_leaf_node_assignment(base.gbm.model, dt.train)
This will return the leaf node assignment (e.g. "LLRRLL") for each row in the training data. As we only have 1 tree, this column is called "T1.C1" which I renamed to "leaf_node", which I cbind with the target variable "has_bought" of the training data. This results in the output below (from here on referred to as "train.leafs").
Step 3: Making predictions on the test set
For the test set, I want to predict two things:
The prediction of the model itself P(has_bought="buy")
The leaf node assignment according to the model.
test.leafs <- h2o.predict_leaf_node_assignment(base.gbm.model, dt.test)
test.pred <- h2o.predict(base.gbm.model, dt.test)
After finding this, I've used cbind to combine these two predictions with the target variable of the test-set. <- h2o.cbind(dt.test[, c("has_bought")], test.pred, test.leafs)
The result of this, is the table below, from here on referred to as ""
Unfortunately, I do not have enough rep point to post more than 2 links. But if you click on "table "" combined with manual
probability calculation" in step 5, it's basically the same table
without the column "manual_prob_buy".
Step 4: Manually predicting probabilities
Theoretically, I should be able to predict the probabilities now myself. I did this by writing a loop, that loops over each row in "". For each row, I take the leaf node assignment.
I then use that leaf-node assignment to filter the table "train.leafs", and check how many observations have a positive class (has_bought == 1) (posN) and how many observations are there in total (totalN) within the leaf associated with the test-row.
I perform the (standard) calculation posN / totalN, and store this in the test-row as a new column called "manual_prob_buy", which should be the probability of P(has_bought="buy") for that leaf. Thus, each test-row that falls in this leaf should get this probability.
This for-loop is shown below.
for(i in 1:nrow(dt.test)){
leaf <-[i, leaf_node]
totalN <- nrow(train.leafs[train.leafs$leaf_node == leaf])
posN <- nrow(train.leafs[train.leafs$leaf_node == leaf & train.leafs$has_bought == "buy",])[i, manual_prob_buy := posN / totalN]
Step 5: Comparing the probabilities
This is where I get confused. Below is the the updated "" table, in which "buy" represents the probability P(has_bought="buy") according to the model and "manual_prob_buy" represents the manually calculated probability from step 4. As for as I know, these probabilities should be identical, knowing I only used 1 tree and I've set the sample.rates to 1.
Table "" combined with manual probability calculation
The Question
I just don't understand why these two probabilities are not the same. As far as I know, I've set the parameters in such a way that it should just be like a 'normal' classification tree.
So the question: does anyone know why I find differences in these probabilities?
I hope someone could point me to where I might have made wrong assumptions. I just really hope I did something stupid, as this is driving me crazy.

Rather than compare the results from R's h2o.predict() with your own handwritten code, I recommend you compare with an H2O MOJO, which should match.
See an example here:
You can run that simple example yourself, and then modify it according to your own model and new row of data to predict on.
Once you can do that, you can look at the code and debug/single-step it in a java environment to see exactly how the prediction gets calculated.
You can find the MOJO prediction code on github here:

The main cause of the large difference between your observed probabilities and the predictions of h2o is your learning rate. As you have learn_rate = 0.001 the gbm is adjusting the probabilities by a relatively small amount from the overall rate. If you adjust this to learn_rate = 1 you will have something much closer to a decision tree, and h2o's predicted probabilities will come much closer to the rates in each leaf node.
There is a secondary difference which will then become apparent as your probabilities will still not exactly match. This is due to the method of gradient descent (the G in GBM) on the logistic loss function, which is used rather than the number of observations in each leaf node.


Latent class growth modelling in R/flexmix with multinomial outcome variable

How to run Latent Class Growth Modelling (LCGM) with a multinomial response variable in R (using the flexmix package)?
And how to stratify each class by a binary/categorical dependent variable?
The idea is to let gender shape the growth curve by cluster (cf. Mikolai and Lyons-Amos (2017, p. 194/3) where the stratification is done by education. They used Mplus)
I think I might have come close with the following syntax:
lcgm_formula <- as.formula(rel_stat~age + I(age^2) + gender + gender:age)
lcgm <- flexmix::stepFlexmix(.~ .| id,
k=nr_of_classes, # would be 1:12 in real analysis
nrep=1, # would be 50 in real analysis to avoid local maxima
control = list(iter.max = 500, minprior = 0),
model = flexmix::FLXMRmultinom(lcgm_formula,varFix=T,fixed = ~0))
,which is close to what Wardenaar (2020,p. 10) suggests in his methodological paper for a continuous outcome:
stepFlexmix(.~ .|ID, k = 1:4,nrep = 50, model = FLXMRglmfix(y~ time, varFix=TRUE), data = mydata, control = list(iter.max = 500, minprior = 0))
The only difference is that the FLXMRmultinom probably does not support varFix and fixed parameters, altough adding them do produce different results. The binomial equivalent for FLXMRmultinom in flexmix might be FLXMRglm (with family="binomial") as opposed FLXMRglmfix so I suspect that the restrictions of the LCGM (eg. fixed slope & intercept per class) are not specified they way it should.
The results are otherwise sensible, but model fails to put men and women with similar trajectories in the same classes (below are the fitted probabilities for each relationship status in each class by gender):
We should have the following matches by cluster and gender...
...but instead we have
That is, if for example men in class one and women in class three would be forced in the same group, the created group would be more similar than the current first row of the plot grid.
Here is the full MVE to reproduce the code.
Got similar results with another dataset with diffent number of classes and up to 50 iterations/class. Have tried two alternative ways to predict the probabilities, with identical results. I conclude that the problem is most likely in the model specification (stepflexmix(...,model=FLXMRmultinom(...) or this is some sort of label switch issue.
If the model would be specified correctly and the issue is that similar trajectories for men/women end up in different classes, is there a way to fix that? By for example restricting the parameters?
Any assistance will be highly appreciated.
This seems to be a an identifiability issue apparently common in mixture modelling. In other words the labels are switched so that while there might not be a problem with the modelling as such, men and women end up in different groups and that will have to be dealt with one way or another
In the the new linked code, I have swapped the order manually and calculated the predictions with by hand.
Will be happy to hear, should someone has an alternative approach to deal with the label swithcing issue (like restricting parameters or switching labels algorithmically). Also curious if the model could/should be specified in some other way.
A few remarks:
I believe that this is indeed performing a LCGM as we do not specify random effects for the slopes or intercepts. Therefore I assume that intercepts and slopes are fixed within classes for both sexes. That would mean that the model performs LCGM as intended. By the same token, it seems that running GMM with random intercept, slope or both is not possible.
Since we are calculating the predictions by hand, we need to be able to separate parameters between the sexes. Therefore I also added an interaction term gender x age^2. The calculations seems to slow down somewhat, but the estimates are similar to the original. It also makes conceptually sense to include the interaction for age^2 if we have it for age already.
varFix=T,fixed = ~0 seem to be reduntant: specifying them do not change anything. The subsampling procedure (of my real data) was unaffected by the set.seed() command for some reason.
The new model specification becomes:
lcgm_formula <- as.formula(rel_stat~ age + I(age^2) +gender + age:gender + I(age^2):gender)
lcgm <- flexmix::flexmix(.~ .| id,
k=nr_of_classes, # would be 1:12 in real analysis
#nrep=1, # would be 50 in real analysis to avoid local maxima (and we would use the stepFlexmix function instead)
control = list(iter.max = 500, minprior = 0),
model = flexmix::FLXMRmultinom(lcgm_formula))
And the plots:

Cross-Validation in R using vtreat Package

Currently learning about cross validation through a course on DataCamp. They start the process by creating an n-fold cross validation plan. This is done with the kWayCrossValidation() function from the vtreat package. They call it as follows:
splitPlan <- kWayCrossValidation(nRows, nSplits, dframe, y)
Then, they suggest running a for loop as follows:
dframe$ <- 0
# k is the number of folds
# splitPlan is the cross validation plan
for(i in 1:k) {
# Get the ith split
split <- splitPlan[[i]]
# Build a model on the training data
# from this split
# (lm, in this case)
model <- lm(fmla, data = dframe[split$train,])
# make predictions on the
# application data from this split
dframe$[split$app] <- predict(model, newdata = dframe[split$app,])
This results in a new column in the datafram with the predictions, per the last line of the above chunk of code.
My doubt is thus whether the predicted values on the data frame will be in fact averages of the 3 folds or if they will just be those of the 3rd run of the for loop?
Am I missing a detail here, or is this exactly what this code is doing, which would then defeat the purpose of the 3-fold cross validation or any-fold cross validation for that matter, as it will simply output the results of the last iteration? Shouldn't we be looking to output the average of all the folds, as laid out in the splitPlan?
Thank you.
I see there is confusion about the scope of K-fold cross-validation. The idea is not to average predictions over different folds, rather to average some measure of the prediction error, so to estimate test errors.
First of all, as you are new on SO, notice that you should always provide some data to work with. As in this case your question is not data-contingent, I just simulated some. Still, it is a good practice helping us helping you.
Check the following code, which slightly modifies what you have provided in the post:
# Simulating data.
X = matrix(rnorm(2000, 0, 1), nrow = 1000, ncol = 2)
epsilon = matrix(rnorm(1000, 0, 0.01), nrow = 1000)
y = X[, 1] + X[, 2] + epsilon
dta = data.frame(X, y, = NA)
# Folds.
nRows = dim(dta)[1]
nSplits = 3
splitPlan = kWayCrossValidation(nRows, nSplits)
# Fitting model on all folds but i-th.
for(i in 1:nSplits)
# Get the i-th split.
split = splitPlan[[i]]
# Build a model on the training data from this split.
model = lm(y ~ ., data = dta[split$train, -4])
# Make predictions on the application data from this split.
dta$[split$app] = predict(model, newdata = dta[split$app, -4])
# Now compute an estimate of the test error using
mean((dta$y - dta$^2)
What the for loop does, is to fit a linear model on all folds but the i-th (i.e., on dta[split$train, -4]), and then it uses the fitted function to make predictions on the i-th fold (i.e., dta[split$app, -4]). At least, I am assuming that split$train and split$app serve such roles, as the documentation is really lacking (which usually is a bad sign). Notice I am revoming the 4-th column (dta$ as it just pre-allocates memory in order to store all the predictions (it is not a feature!).
At each iteration, we are not filling the whole dta$, but only a subset of that (corresponding to the rows of the i-th fold, stored each time in split$app). Thus, at the end that column just stores predictions from the K iteration.
The real rationale for cross-validation jumps in here. Let me introduce the concepts of training, validation, and test set. In data analysis, the ideal is to have such a huge data set so that we can divide it in three subsamples. The first one could then be used to train the algorithms (fitting models), the second to validate the models (tuning the models), the third to choose the best model in terms on some perfomance measure (usually mean-squared-error for regression, or MSE).
However, we often do not have all these data points (especially if you are an economist). Thus, we seek an estimator for the test MSE, so that the need for splitting data disappears. This is what K-fold cross-validation does: at once, each fold is treated as the test set, and the union of all the others as the training set. Then, we make predictions as in your code (in the loop), and save them. What you miss is the last line in the code I provided: the average of the MSE across folds. That provides us with as estimate of the test MSE, where we choose the model yielding the lowest value.
That being said, I never heard before of the vtreat package. If you are into data analysis, I suggest to have a look at the tidiyverse and the caret packages. As far as I know (and I see here on SO), they are widely used and super-well documented. May be worth learning them.

Display more nodes in decision tree in R?

Base on the result I have 7 nodes, I wanted to have more than 2 nodes displayed in the result, but existing it seemed that I keep on having 2 nodes displayed.
Is there a way to display more nodes and in a nicer way?
tr1<-rpart(leaveyrx~marstx.f+age+jobtitlex.f+organizationunitx.f+fteworkschedule+nationalityx.f+eesubgroupx.f+lvlx.f+sttpmx.f+ staff2ndtpmx.f+staff3rdtpmx.f+staff4thtpmx.f, method="class",data=btree)
plot(tr1, uniform=TRUE, margin = 0.2, main="Classification Tree for Exploration") text(tr1, use.n=TRUE, all=TRUE, cex=.5)
*A repost
Your problem probably is not your plot, but rather your decision tree model. Can you clarify why you expect 7 nodes? When you only have two (leaf) nodes, it probably means that your model is only using one predictor variable and using a binary classification as the response variable. This is probably caused by the predictor variable having a 1:1 relation with the response variable. For example, if you are predicting Gender (Male, Female) and one of your response variables is Sex (M,F). In this case, a decision tree model is not needed because you can just use the predictor variable. Maybe something happened in the pre-processing of your data that copied the response variable. Here are a few things to look for:
1) Calculate the Correct Classification Rate (CCR). If it is 0, then you have a perfect model.
yhat<-predict(tr1, type="class") # Model Predictions
sum(yhat != btree$leaveyrx)/nrow(btree) # CCR
2) See which predictor your model is using. Double check that this variable has been processed correctly. Try excluding it from the model.
3) If you are absolutely sure the variable is calculated correctly and that it should be used in the model, try increasing your cp value. The default is 0.01. But decision trees will run quickly even with high cp values. While you are tinkering with the cp values, also consider the other tuning parameters. ?rpart.control
control <- rpart.control(minbucket = 20, cp = 0.0002, maxsurrogate = 0, usesurrogate = 0, xval = 10)
tr1 <- rpart(leaveyrx~marstx.f+age+jobtitlex.f+organizationunitx.f+fteworkschedule+nationalityx.f+eesubgroupx.f+lvlx.f+sttpmx.f+ staff2ndtpmx.f+staff3rdtpmx.f+staff4thtpmx.f,
method = "class",
control = control)
4) Once you have a tree with many nodes, you will need to trim it back. It may that your best model is really only driven off of one variable and hence will only have two nodes
# Plot the cp
printcp(tr1) # Printing cp table (choose the cp with the smallest xerror)
# Prune back to optimal size, according to plot of CV r^2
tr1.pruned <- prune(tr1, cp=0.001) #approximately the cp corresponding to the best size
5) the rpart libary is a good resource for plotting the decision trees. There are are lots of great articles out there, but here is one a good one on rpart:
It may also be helpful to post a bit of the summary of your model.

How is xgboost cover calculated?

Could someone explain how the Cover column in the xgboost R package is calculated in the xgb.model.dt.tree function?
In the documentation it says that Cover "is a metric to measure the number of observations affected by the split".
When you run the following code, given in the xgboost documentation for this function, Cover for node 0 of tree 0 is 1628.2500.
data(agaricus.train, package='xgboost')
#Both dataset are list with two items, a sparse matrix and labels
#(labels = outcome column which will be learned).
#Each column of the sparse Matrix is a feature in one hot encoding format.
train <- agaricus.train
bst <- xgboost(data = train$data, label = train$label, max.depth = 2,
eta = 1, nthread = 2, nround = 2,objective = "binary:logistic")
#agaricus.test$data#Dimnames[[2]] represents the column names of the sparse matrix.
xgb.model.dt.tree(agaricus.train$data#Dimnames[[2]], model = bst)
There are 6513 observations in the train dataset, so can anyone explain why Cover for node 0 of tree 0 is a quarter of this number (1628.25)?
Also, Cover for the node 1 of tree 1 is 788.852 - how is this number calculated?
Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks.
Cover is defined in xgboost as:
the sum of second order gradient of training data classified to the
leaf, if it is square loss, this simply corresponds to the number of
instances in that branch. Deeper in the tree a node is, lower this
metric will be
Not particularly well documented....
In order to calculate the cover, we need to know the predictions at that point in the tree, and the 2nd derivative with respect to the loss function.
Lucky for us, the prediction for every data point (6513 of them) in the 0-0 node in your example is .5. This is a global default setting whereby your first prediction at t=0 is .5.
base_score [ default=0.5 ] the initial prediction score of all
instances, global bias
The gradient of binary logistic (which is your objective function) is p-y, where p = your prediction, and y = true label.
Thus, The hessian (which we need for this) is p*(1-p). Note: the Hessian can be determined without y, the true labels.
So (bringing it home) :
6513 * (.5) * (1 - .5) = 1628.25
In the second tree, the predictions at that point are no longer all .5,sp lets get the predictions after one tree
p = predict(bst,newdata = train$data, ntree=1)
[1] 0.8471184 0.1544077 0.1544077 0.8471184 0.1255700 0.1544077
sum(p*(1-p)) # sum of the hessians in that node,(root node has all data)
[1] 788.8521
Note , for linear (squared error) regression the hessian is always one, so the cover indicates how many examples are in that leaf.
The big takeaway is that cover is defined by the hessian of the objective function. Lots of info out there in terms of getting to the gradient, and hessian of the binary logistic function.
These slides are helpful is seeing why he uses hessians as a weighting, and also explain how xgboost splits differently from standard trees.

Search for corresponding node in a regression tree using rpart

I'm pretty new to R and I'm stuck with a pretty dumb problem.
I'm calibrating a regression tree using the rpart package in order to do some classification and some forecasting.
Thanks to R the calibration part is easy to do and easy to control.
#the package rpart is needed
# Loading of a big data file used for calibration
my_data <- read.csv("my_file.csv", sep=",", header=TRUE)
# Regression tree calibration
tree <- rpart(Ratio ~ Attribute1 + Attribute2 + Attribute3 +
Attribute4 + Attribute5,
method="anova", data=my_data,
control=rpart.control(minsplit=100, cp=0.0001))
After having calibrated a big decision tree, I want, for a given data sample to find the corresponding cluster of some new data (and thus the forecasted value).
The predict function seems to be perfect for the need.
# read validation data
validationData <-read.csv("my_sample.csv", sep=",", header=TRUE)
# search for the probability in the tree
predict <- predict(tree, newdata=validationData, class="prob")
# dump them in a file
write.table(predict, file="dump.txt")
However with the predict method I just get the forecasted ratio of my new elements, and I can't find a way get the decision tree leaf where my new elements belong.
I think it should be pretty easy to get since the predict method must have found that leaf in order to return the ratio.
There are several parameters that can be given to the predict method through the class= argument, but for a regression tree all seem to return the same thing (the value of the target attribute of the decision tree)
Does anyone know how to get the corresponding node in the decision tree?
By analyzing the node with the path.rpart method, it would help me understanding the results.
Benjamin's answer unfortunately doesn't work: type="vector" still returns the predicted values.
My solution is pretty klugy, but I don't think there's a better way. The trick is to replace the predicted y values in the model frame with the corresponding node numbers.
tree2 = tree
tree2$frame$yval = as.numeric(rownames(tree2$frame))
predict = predict(tree2, newdata=validationData)
Now the output of predict will be node numbers as opposed to predicted y values.
(One note: the above worked in my case where tree was a regression tree, not a classification tree. In the case of a classification tree, you probably need to omit as.numeric or replace it with as.factor.)
You can use the partykit package:
fit <- rpart(Kyphosis ~ Age + Number + Start, data = kyphosis)
library("partykit") <-
predict(, newdata = kyphosis[1:4, ], type = "node")
For your example just set
predict(, newdata = validationData, type = "node")
I think what you want is type="vector" instead of class="prob" (I don't think class is an accepted parameter of the predict method), as explained in the rpart docs:
If type="vector": vector of predicted
responses. For regression trees this
is the mean response at the node, for
Poisson trees it is the estimated
response rate, and for classification
trees it is the predicted class (as a
treeClust::rpart.predict.leaves(tree, validationData) returns node number
also tree$where returns node numbers for the training set
