How to replay a previous request in Paw? - paw-app

I've left Postman behind and have been loving Paw. One thing I cannot figure out how to do, though, is replay previous requests.
I have a new request, and I frequently tinker with the JSON. I would like to get back to a previously-sent request and replay it.
I see the clock button on the response section, and can view previous responses. However, is there a way to resend that request without copy-pasting the payload, etc.?

Its not the answer I hoped for, but I hit this question trying to find out the same thing (I got sick of Postman creating a new tab for every request)
As far as I can tell you need to create a new request in the left hand side bar and reuse that. Seems you can duplicate for fiddling and keep them, but the Postman(esque) request history doesn't seem to exist.
Putting this here for the next person to stop looking!

You can click the little refresh icon on the right of the URL box.


Long delay after button is clicked

I'm just learning ASP.NET using VB 2010, and although I've had a lot of good progress, I am stumped by one issue that I can't resolve. I've also the web for answers, but I haven't found anything that is exactly what I am dealing with. ...though I may not be using the correct search terms.
Anyway, this is an app that will run on our company internet site which requires users to enter information into text boxes and click a button to accept it. Then it will show a modal pop-up asking the user to confirm. The pop-up has a "Confirm" button and a "Cancel" Button. The cancel button works immediately (hides the confirmation pop-up), but the confirm button hangs up for several seconds before it moves to the next step, which is a modal "Thank You" pop-up. The Confirm button writes data to a database.
Now, that's how it works inside the development environment. However, when it's on the production server, it will sit there for who-knows-how-long before it does anything. I can tell that it is writing to the database, and then displaying the data on the page, but the Confirmation pop-up stays up, and the Thank You pop-up never shows up. Also, the app is supposed to send an email to the user as acknowledgement, but it doesn't do that.
When it hangs up like this, I have never waited long enough to see when it catches up. And when it's live like that, I don't know of a way to debug it.
More info about the page: There are several update panels, one that responds to a timer tick every second to update fields on the page. The others are set to "conditional," being updated by other events. For example, the Confirmation and Thank You modals are in conditional update panels which respond to different events.
So I have two questions: Can anyone advise me about the hangup, and is there a way to debug from a live site? Oh, and maybe a third: Can you have too many update panels?
Update: Follow up question: Can it be going off on a different thread, going off track from the correct thread? I've never really understood threading, but this seems like a possibility.
This could be any number of things, so it's going to probably be something you're going to need to dive into and troubleshoot and it's probably not something we'll be able to help with too much.
First, the obligatory request: please post your code :)
Now, something that works quickly and dev and slowly in production is usually a resource issue or a code/data issue. First, take a quick look at the server and make sure it's up to the task for multiple users and all of that. It's worth a quick look, but it's usually an issue with the code or data.
What is that update command doing? Is the SQL behind it written well and efficiently? Are there any database locks that might be happening where another user is doing something and your code is actually waiting for it to complete before doing the updating? How many rows are in the database / how many are being effected?
I'd start by running a SQL trace to see what's really happening and to get an ideas as to how many database calls there are an how long each one takes to execute. If that's not the answer, look at the VB code and see if it's efficiently written. If not, go back to the server resources. Without seeing any code or having any idea what the application is supposed to do, I'd bet on the database queries being the culprit.
My bad. I hadn't mentioned one aspect, because I had no idea it would be a factor, but it is. Part of the process was to log certain events into a log file. The way it's set up in our IIS, that's a big no-no. So it was throwing an error, but the error was only manifesting itself as a long delay. I commented out the code that opens, writes to, and closes the log file, and it's all good.

quick demo for dashboard ticking over

I have to mock up a ticking dashboard which is part of a proposal. I am looking for ideas other than the HTTP Refresh option that I am thinking of. The objective is to quickly mock up a look and feel and a working dashboard that ticks over. It only had to provide new content every five seconds. EG there are a bunch of KPI's and their outputs which are percentages have to be updated..
A simple bunch of HTML pages using HTTP Refresh is on my mind. Is there a better option anyoine can think of. EG can HTML5 do this better? Is CSS an option? Thank you in advance for any ideas
I would be going for an ajax call back to the server to get the latest update and then embed that wherever it needs to go - you could set the ajax function on a timer to run every 5 seconds or 1 second or whatever. This way your entire page is not being refreshed, and additionally you can be calling back to the server for a new update even while the previous on is still being rendered.
Downside is that you won't have a page history (i.e. the users will not be able to navigate 'back' to previous ajax updates) unless you explicitly create one; I can't see that being necessary though.
Please post a comment if you need more info about ajax.

Error trapping on the Response.Redirect

We are using the Response.Redirect to send users to a web site to take a questionnaire. We have a database that stores information about the user's eligibility to take a survey and if they are eligible, a 'Take Survey' button appears on their home page and a variable stores the URL for the Survey.
On the TakeSurvey_Click event, the code originally the following:
Pretty straight forward and worked great for years. Recently, we have changed the web site to which the user was being redirected. There have been no issues for many thousands of users; however, for a reasonably significant group (2-3%), nothing happens when they press the 'Take Survey' button.
I am reasonably certain after searching the internet, that I have tried all of the recommended methods for handling this situation, but none really does what I want. What I would like to happen is, that if the Take Survey doesn't send the user to the link (BTW, we have checked the link being generated for the non-working links, and they are good links), I want an informational page to appear telling them that we are having issues and if they could send us some information about their environment, it would be useful in fixing the issue. Seems simple enough, but no matter what I try, I either can't get the page to not display, or, if I use the override and send a false, it never displays and never redirects.
Anyone have any ideas?
Response.Redirect sends a "302 Moved" response to the browser. The browser is responsible for navigating to the destination URL.
Thus, once you've issued the Response.Redirect, it's out of your hands and there is no easy way to detect that the browser has not successfully navigated to your chosen URL.
Now, there are a few different ways (that I can think of do deal with this):
You might be able to set document.location from client-side JavaScript.
The page that issues the redirect could refresh itself periodically (using JavaScript or meta refresh). If it finds itself still on the same page after it should have gone somewhere else, then it can issue a warning.
Or, more simply, the page that issues the redirect could just have instructions stating "We're sending you to take the survey. If, after 30 seconds, you're still looking at this message, something went wrong.".


Currently reading Bloch's Effective Java (2nd Edition) and he makes a point to state, in bold, that overusing POSTs in web applications is inherently bad. Unfortunately, he doesn't specify why.
This startled me, because when I do any web development, all I ever use are POSTs! I have always steered clear of GETs for security reasons and because it felt more professional (long, unsightly URLs always bother me for some reason).
Are there performance differentials between GET and POST? Can anyone elaborate on why overusing POSTs is bad, and why? My understanding - and preliminary searches - seem to all indicate that these two are handles very similarly by the web server. Thanks in advance!
You should use HTTP as it's supposed to be used.
GET should be used for idempotent, read queries (i.e. view an item, search for a product, etc.).
POST should be used for create, delete or update requests (i.e. delete an item, update a profile, etc.)
GET allows refreshing the page, bookmark it, send the URL to someone. POST doesn't allow that. A useful pattern is post/redirect/get (AKA redirect after post).
Note that, except for long search forms, GET URLs should be short. They should usually look like, or even
You should almost always use GET when requesting content. Only use POST when you are either:
Transmitting sensitive information which should not appear in the URL bar, or
Changing the state on the server (adding/changing/deleting stuff, altough recently some web applications use POST to change, PUT to add and DELETE to delete.)
Here's the difference: If you want to give the link to the page to a friend, or save it somewhere, or even only add it to your bookmarks, you need the full URL of the page. Just like your address bar should say at the moment. You can Ctrl-C that. You can save that. Enter that link again, you're back at this page.
Now when you use any action other than GET, there is simply no URL to copy. It's like your browser would say you are at You can't copy that. You can't bookmark that. Besides, if you would try to reload this page, your browser would ask you whether you want to send the data again, which is rather confusing for the non-tech-savy users of your page. And annoying for the entire rest.
However, you should use POST/PUT when transferring data. URL's can only be so long. You can't transmit an entire blog post in an URL. Also, if you reload such a page, You'll almost certainly double-post, because the above described message does not appear.
GET and POST are very different. Choose the right one for the job.
If you are using POST for security reasons, I might drop a mention of other security factors here. You need to ensure that you send the data from a form submit in encrypted form even if you are using POST.
As for the difference between GET and POST, it is as simple as GET is used to send a GET request. So, you would want to get data from a page and act upon it and that is the end of everything.
POST on the other hand, is used to POST data to the application. I am talking about transactions here (complete create, update or delete operations).
If you have a sensitive application that takes, say and ID to delete a user. You would not want to use GET for it because in that case, a witty user may raise mayhem simply changing the ID at the end of the URL and deleting all random uses.
POST allows more data and can be hacked to send streams of files as well. GET has a limited size though.
There is hardly any tradeoff in using GET or POST.

How to create a dynamic image that updates when requested?

So I'm trying to make my own forum signature generator for some friends, and I've gotten most of the work done. My real issue now is refreshing the information when the image is requested from my server.
I have almost no clue how to even go about it, so I'm sorry if my question is poorly written. Basically, I'm looking for someone to push me in the right direction on how to have the image refresh from the datasource when it gets requested, but only if it has been more than 5 minutes to prevent an overload.
Thank you. I'll post code here, as I try to make it work once I get my start.
You will have to create a new HTTP handler. Check out this msdn post.
