Last screen seen on cursor position after moving to a new screen - qt

I'm running Qt 5.5.1 on my embedded Linux machine. When a mouse is connected the cursor is visible and work as expected, but, when I'm pressing on a widget to move to another screen the new screen is presented with the old screen view inside a small square (mouse background at the time of the press). Example:
It seems like it's a rendering issue. Your help is most welcome.


Full screen in Safari

I am developing a H5 Canvas game using PIXI js.
I am struggling in implementing the ios Safari swipe up to full screen message.
Added a new div with window.width + 1000 px.
It does remove the safari address bars but i am not sure when to remove the div. i.e. i am not able to identify if i am in full mode or not.
Also, what should i do to get back the div enabled if someone accidentally or forcefully comes out of full screen mode?
I am open to use any opensource lib as well but wasn't able to find one except screenfull.js which doesn't supports safari mobile

Right to left flow direction on MasterDetailPage when the screen is wide

I'm using Xamarin.Forms 3.1. and the app i'm working on has a MaterDetailPage as desktop and it could be use in right to left mode. In normal screen size everything is OK but when the screen of device is wide (like Tablets) the default behavior of Xamarin is to set MasterBehavior to Split and the outcome is like this:
MasterBehavior = Split
Another option is to set MasterBehavior to Popover manually but it makes the problem even worse. The master page comes out form the right side of the screen and goes to somewhere near the left side of screen and detail page will be unreachable, like this:
MasterBehavior = Popover
Is there a way to solve this problem or must wait until Xamarin.Forms team solve this bug?
Here is the solution:
You could try to give a specific width size in Tablets device

JavaFX Scene Builder - Preview stays in fullscreen mode

I've encountered what might be a bug, but I do want to ensure there isn't a setting I missed somewhere...
I'm using JavaFX Scene Builder (this has the same behavior in Gluon Scene Builder), on macOS X High Sierra.
The Scene Builder application is operating in fullscreen mode, and when I press cmd+P to launch a preview window for the FXML project loaded, it opens normally, like so:
But if I put the preview into fullscreen (fills the screen space, not in fullscreen mode like scene builder app) by pressing the green plus at the top left, and then close it (or shrink back to normal size and then close), it reopens back in fullscreen.
My informal solution is to shrink the fullscreen window to normal size, then minimize the window (which also makes the screen black), then reopen the preview and then close it. That makes it open at normal size again.
My question is whether or not this is a bug. Is there a more simple solution or is this even the intended behavior?

QML: Issue while renderring qml screen

I am facing problem while rendering QML screen on one of the development boards
On some of the screens I have throbber gif image where I can see the background color of the screen as shown in this image.
on some screen I have list view which I am updating through JavaScript, which is not taking effect as I am not able to see the updated image/text in the list view elements.
Is this some kind of issue related to refreshing screen .
The same code runs fine on Ix86 when compiled with QML on IX86.
If the same code is fine when compiled for another platform, I expect the first platform has a buggy library.

Why UIImageView moves from its original place (interface builder) during runtime?

I have placed 3 images into UIImageViews using xcode4 interface builder: background, and two pictures. Background image fills the whole visible area and it looks the same in interface builder, in simulator and on device. In addition, I'm placing another image at the very bottom (stick to) of visible area, and another one on top of it. Both looks as I want in interface builder. The problem is both bottom image and on top of bottom image moves approximately by 50 pixels up when running in simulator or iphone4 device. Interesting part is that background image fill whole visible area. I should note that I'm using UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight orientation so the status bar in my orientation should appear on top but I have disabled it in plist, so I guess it's not related to this problem. Both of my problematic UIImageView's have mode "Bottom". Also, all of three images have #2x image twin. But why can see everything OK in interface builder and then some shift on simulator and device? Also, strange why background is not moved. Does anybody had the same problem?
Try hiding all elements in your nib. (status bar, tool bar, etc)
Make sure you have your springs adjust for your desired effect.
Hope this helps!
