Function not working on larger dataset - r

I'm trying to find a total count of a certain value in a large dataset. Specifically, I want to create a new variable called "diabetes" coded 0/1 for no/yes. Here is an example:
Test <- data.frame(
s_1_1 = c(1223, NA, 1223, NA, NA),
s_1_2 = c(NA, 1223, NA, NA, NA),
s_1_2 = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA))
Disease0 <- paste("s_1_", 1:2, sep = "")
Test$Tp2Diabetes_0_0 <- apply(Test, 1, function(Db) as.integer(any(Db[Disease0] == 1223, na.rm = TRUE)))
When I run this code on my small example it works fine and gives me the results that I want.
diabetes = 1,1,1,0,0
The issue is that I am running this on a dataset of over 500k and it does not produce the desired results. For example, It shows that only 200 people out of the 500k have diabetes, but the overall data showcase indicates I should have closer to 3,000. I don't understand what is going on here and what I am doing wrong.

You should go for something simpler like this:
Test <- data.frame(
s_1_1 = c(1223, NA, 1223, NA, NA),
s_1_2 = c(NA, 1223, NA, NA, NA),
s_1_2 = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA))
Test$Tp2Diabetes_0_0 <- rowSums(Test==1223,na.rm=TRUE)>0
s_1_1 s_1_2 s_1_2.1 Tp2Diabetes_0_0
1 1223 NA NA TRUE
2 NA 1223 NA TRUE
3 1223 NA NA TRUE
Or if you need only the first two columns as indicators:
Test$Tp2Diabetes_0_0 <- rowSums(Test[,1:2]==1223,na.rm=TRUE)>0


Replace NA between two values without loop

I have the following data frame:
data <- structure(list(Date = structure(c(-17897, -17896, -17895, -17894,
-17893, -17892, -17891, -17890, -17889, -17888, -17887, -17887,
-17886, -17885, -17884, -17883, -17882, -17881, -17880, -17879,
-17878, -17877, -17876, -17875, -17874, -17873, -17872, -17871,
-17870, -17869, -17868, -17867, -17866, -17865, -17864), class = "Date"),
duration = c(NA, NA, NA, 5, NA, NA, NA, 5, NA, NA, 1, 1,
NA, NA, 3, NA, 3, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,
NA, NA, 4, NA, NA, 4, NA, NA), name = c(NA, NA, NA, "Date_beg",
NA, NA, NA, "Date_end", NA, NA, "Date_beg", "Date_end", NA,
NA, "Date_beg", NA, "Date_end", NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,
NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, "Date_beg", NA, NA, "Date_end", NA, NA
)), row.names = c(NA, -35L), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"
And looks like:
Date duration name
<date> <dbl> <chr>
1 1921-01-01 NA NA
2 1921-01-02 NA NA
3 1921-01-03 NA NA
4 1921-01-04 5 Date_beg
5 1921-01-05 NA NA
6 1921-01-06 NA NA
7 1921-01-07 NA NA
8 1921-01-08 5 Date_end
9 1921-01-09 NA NA
10 1921-01-10 NA NA
I want to replace the NA values in column name that are between rows with Date_beg and Date_end with the word "event".
I have tried this:
data %<>% mutate(name = ifelse(((lag(name) == 'Date_beg')|(lag(name) == 'event')) &
But only the first row after Date_beg changes. It is quite easy with a for-loop, but I wanted to use a more R-like method.
There is probably a better way using data.table::nafill, but as you're using tidyverse functions, I would do it by creating an extra event column using tidyr::fill and then pulling it through to the name column where name is NA:
data %>%
events = ifelse(
fill(data, name)$name == "Date_beg",
name = coalesce(name, events)
) %>%
You can do it by looking at the indices where there have been more "Date_beg" than "Dat_end" with:
data$name[lag(cumsum(data$name == "Date_beg" & !$name))) -
cumsum(data$name == "Date_end" & !$name)) >0] <- "event"
print(data, n=20)
# # A tibble: 35 x 3
# Date duration name
# <date> <dbl> <chr>
# 1 1921-01-01 NA NA
# 2 1921-01-02 NA NA
# 3 1921-01-03 NA NA
# 4 1921-01-04 5 Date_beg
# 5 1921-01-05 NA event
# 6 1921-01-06 NA event
# 7 1921-01-07 NA event
# 8 1921-01-08 5 Date_end
# 9 1921-01-09 NA NA
# 10 1921-01-10 NA NA
# 11 1921-01-11 1 Date_beg
# 12 1921-01-11 1 Date_end
# 13 1921-01-12 NA NA
# 14 1921-01-13 NA NA
# 15 1921-01-14 3 Date_beg
# 16 1921-01-15 NA event
# 17 1921-01-16 3 Date_end
# 18 1921-01-17 NA NA
# 19 1921-01-18 NA NA
# 20 1921-01-19 NA NA
# # ... with 15 more rows
Lagging the first index by one is required so that you don't overwrite the "Date_beg" at the start of each run.
Another dplyr approach using the cumsum function.
If the row in the name column in NA, it'll add 0 to the cumsum, otherwise add 1. Therefore the values under Date_beg will always be odd numbers (0 + 1) and the values under Date_end will always be even numbers (0 + 1 + 1). Then replace values that are odd in the ref column AND not NA in the name column with "event".
data %>%
mutate(ref = cumsum(ifelse(, 0, 1)),
name = ifelse(ref %% 2 == 1 &, "event", name)) %>%

Looping loading spreadsheets, making a new dataframe from specific cells, and then merging into one dataframe - R

Read in all xlsm files from a folder (my working directory)
Pull specific cells from each file and make a new, clean dataframe OR pull the values into a vector
Combine these into one dataframe
I have a large number of excel "forms" that I need to import into r for analysis. Unfortunately, the form was not designed with this goal in mind, so when reading it into r, the dataframe is not in any shape for analysis. Here is an example dataframe:
df_ex <- data.frame(Form.Title = c(NA, "Name:", "ID:", NA, NA, "Result 1:", "Result 2:", "Result 3:", NA, NA, NA),
X = c(NA, "a", 12345, NA, NA, 4, 7, 2, NA, "Count 1:", "Count 3:"),
Additional.Form.Title = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, 9, 3),
X.1 = c(NA, "Title:", "Phone Number:", "email:", NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA),
X.2 = c(NA, "x", "123-456-7890", "", NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, "Count2:", "Count4:"),
X.3 = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, 16, 12)
Which would look like:
Form.Title X Additional.Form.Title X.1 X.2 X.3
1 <NA> <NA> NA <NA> <NA> NA
2 Name: a NA Title: x NA
3 ID: 12345 NA Phone Number: 123-456-7890 NA
4 <NA> <NA> NA email: NA
5 <NA> <NA> NA <NA> <NA> NA
6 Result 1: 4 NA <NA> <NA> NA
7 Result 2: 7 NA <NA> <NA> NA
8 Result 3: 2 NA <NA> <NA> NA
9 <NA> <NA> NA <NA> <NA> NA
10 <NA> Count 1: 9 <NA> Count2: 16
11 <NA> Count 3: 3 <NA> Count4: 12
My goal is to take certain cells and move them into a proper dataframe. For example, "Name:" [2,1] would become a column name and "a" [2,2] would be a value in the row under that column. I would then want to loop this process for the rest of the forms and merge the rows into one dataframe.
I started with this, but it did not work
test <- list.files(pattern = "*xlsm") %>%
map(., ~ read_excel(.x, sheet = 1)) %>%
map(., ~ data.frame(Name = .x[2,2], Result1 = .x[6,2], Result2 = .x[7,2], Result3 = .x[8,2])) %>%
Trying a different way, but stuck at the attempted loop. Any help with how to proceed or a better route is greatly appreciated.
#Read in all spreadsheets in working directory
list_xlsms <- list.files(pattern = "*.xlsm") %>%
map(., ~ read_excel(.x, sheet = 1))
#Make empty dataframe. I'll add rows later
df <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = 3, nrow = 0))
colnames(df) <- c('Name', 'Result1', 'Result2')
#Pull specific values from spreadsheets and create vector to add row to empty dataframe.
#Need to do this with all spreadsheets in list_xlsms
#Will then add all the vectors as rows to the empty dataframe
for (i in list_xlsms)
c(i$X[2], i$X[6], i$X[7])

If column A has a value, summarise variables in column B, until next variable in column A appears

I have performed an experiment in which people are moving around cubes until they made a figure they like. When they like a figure, they save if and creates a new one. The script tracked time and number of moves between all figures safes.
I now have a column (A) with number of moves between each save and a column (B) with the time between each move until the figure is saved. Thus column A is filled with NA's and then a number (signifies figure safe) and column B has time in seconds in all rows (except from first row) signifing all the moves made.
Excerpt of data:
NA 1.6667798
NA 3.3326443
NA 3.5506110
NA 11.4995562
NA 1.4334849
NA 4.9502637
NA 2.1161980
NA 4.7833326
NA 2.8500842
NA 4.0331373
NA 4.3498785
12 5.0910905 Sum
NA 4.2424078
NA 1.7332665
NA 1.5341006
3 4.8923275 Sum
NA 4.1064621
NA 3.3498289
NA 1.6002373
3 6.0122170 Sum
I have tried several loop options, but I cannot seem make it work properly.
I made this loop, but it is not doing the correct calculation in column C.
data$C <- rep(NA, nrow(data))
for (i in unique(data$id)) {
C <- which(data$id == i & data$type == "moveblock")
for (e in 1:length(C)){
if (e == 1){
data$C[C[e]] = C[e] - which(data$id == i)[1]
else if (e > 1){
data$C[C[e]] = C[e] + C[e+1]+1}
d_times <- which(data$id == i)
for (t in 2:length(d_times)){
data$B[d_times[t]] <- data$time[d_times[t]] - data$time[d_times[t-1]]
I want a new column (C) which has the sum of all rows from column B until a figure has been saved = a number in column A. In other words, I want to calculate the total time it took the subject to make all the moves before saving the figure.
Hope anyone can figure this out!
We can create groups based on occurrence of non NA values and take sum
df %>%
group_by(group = lag(cumsum(!, default = 0)) %>%
summarise(sum = sum(B, na.rm = TRUE))
# group sum
# <dbl> <dbl>
#1 0 49.7
#2 1 12.4
#3 2 15.1
In base R, we can use aggregate to do the same
aggregate(B~c(0, head(cumsum(!, -1)), df, sum, na.rm = TRUE)
df <- structure(list(A = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,
NA, 12L, NA, NA, NA, 3L, NA, NA, NA, 3L), B = c(1.6667798, 3.3326443,
3.550611, 11.4995562, 1.4334849, 4.9502637, 2.116198, 4.7833326,
2.8500842, 4.0331373, 4.3498785, 5.0910905, 4.2424078, 1.7332665,
1.5341006, 4.8923275, 4.1064621, 3.3498289, 1.6002373, 6.012217
)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -20L))
You could create a matrix out of the periods (i.e. sequences) and sum the values of column B accordingly. For this create vector saved that indicates where a subject has "saved" and list sequences using apply(). Finally the sapply() loops over the sequences in the periods list.
saved <- which(!$A))
periods <- apply(cbind(c(1, (saved + 1)[-3]), saved), 1, function(x) seq(x[1], x[2]))
dat$C[saved] <- sapply(periods, function(x) sum(dat$B[x]))
# [10] NA NA 49.65706 NA NA NA 12.40210 NA NA
# [19] NA 15.06875
dat <- structure(list(A = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,
NA, 12L, NA, NA, NA, 3L, NA, NA, NA, 3L), B = c(1.6667798, 3.3326443,
3.550611, 11.4995562, 1.4334849, 4.9502637, 2.116198, 4.7833326,
2.8500842, 4.0331373, 4.3498785, 5.0910905, 4.2424078, 1.7332665,
1.5341006, 4.8923275, 4.1064621, 3.3498289, 1.6002373, 6.012217
), C = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,
NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA)), row.names = c(NA, -20L), class = "data.frame")

fixing a messy dataframe with tidyr in R

I have a dataset with observations about households; within each household there are individuals. The number of individuals per household differs. Households are identified with an id and members of the household are identified according to the order they were interviewed. So if household 1 had 4 members, the variable id is the same across all of them, but variable order goes from 1 to 4. The problem I have is that, for some variables, only the first member of the household answered for the rest of the members; therefore I have a mixture of long and wide format within my dataset.
What I need to do is to assign to the correspondent members of the household the values that were answered by the first member of the household. To explain further the structure of my data I´ll give the following toy example:
df <- data.frame( id = c(rep(1,4), rep(2,5)), order = c(1:4,1:5),
age = c(54,20,23,17, 60,57,28,33,19),
educDebt1 = c(1, NA, NA, NA, 3, NA, NA, NA, NA),
educDebt2 = c(3, NA, NA, NA, 5, NA, NA, NA, NA),
educDebt3 = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, 4, NA, NA, NA, NA),
educDebt1t = c("student loan", NA,NA,NA,
"student loan", NA, NA, NA, NA),
educDebt2t = c("student fund", NA, NA, NA,
"bank credit", NA, NA, NA, NA),
educdebt3t = c(NA, NA, NA, NA,
"bank credit", NA, NA, NA, NA),
educDebt1t_r = c("yes", NA,NA,NA, "no",NA,NA,NA,NA),
educDebt2t_r = c("no", NA, NA, NA, "no", NA,NA,NA,NA),
educDebt3t_r = c(NA,NA,NA,NA, "yes", NA,NA,NA,NA),
bankDebt1 = c(1, NA, NA, NA, 3, NA, NA, NA, NA),
bankDebt2 = c(4, NA, NA, NA, 2, NA, NA, NA, NA),
bankDebt3 = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA),
bankDebt1t = c("car loan", NA,NA,NA,
"consumer loan", NA, NA, NA, NA),
bankDebt2t = c("car loan", NA, NA, NA,
"car loan", NA, NA, NA, NA),
bankdebt3t = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA),
bankDebt1t_r = c("yes", NA,NA,NA, "yes",NA,NA,NA,NA),
bankDebt2t_r = c("no", NA, NA, NA, "no", NA,NA,NA,NA),
bankDebt3t_r = c(NA,NA,NA,NA, NA, NA,NA,NA,NA))
I only show some of the columns, for not cluttering the page.
id order age educDebt1 educDebt2 educDebt3 educDebt1t educDebt2t educdebt3A
1 1 54 1 3 NA student loan student fund NA
1 2 20 NA NA NA NA NA NA
1 3 23 NA NA NA NA NA NA
1 4 17 NA NA NA NA NA NA
2 1 60 3 5 4 student loan bank credit bank credit
2 2 57 NA NA NA NA NA NA
2 3 28 NA NA NA NA NA NA
2 4 33 NA NA NA NA NA NA
2 5 19 NA NA NA NA NA NA
In the toy example from above, I have a household level variable id and individual level variables: order corresponds to the order of the individual in the household; age is their age. The other variables correspond to debts. A household can report at most three debts for each type of debt. In this case there are two types of debt, educational debt educDebt or bank debt bankdebt(only one type is shown above).
So in each household, only the member corresponding to order == 1 answer for the rest of the members in the household. In educDebt1 till educDebt3, the value corresponds to the member of the household with the debt, therefore, if we take a look at the first row, it says that household member 1 of household 1 has an educational debt, as well as household member 3. Then, from educDebt1t to educDebt3t, it tells which type of debt the household member has. In household 2, three are the members with debts, household members: 3, 5 and 4.
Then we have another type of debt, bank debt, and the logic is the same as before.
What I want to accomplish, is to have every member of the household and their debts in a row, something like this:
id order age educDebt educDebt_r bankDebt bankDebt_r
1 1 54 student loan yes car loan yes
1 2 20 NA NA NA NA
1 3 23 student fund no NA NA
1 4 17 NA NA car loan no
2 1 60 NA NA NA NA
2 2 57 NA NA car loan no
2 3 28 student loan no consumer loan yes
2 4 33 bank credit yes NA NA
2 5 19 bank credit no NA NA
For accomplishing this I actually divided the data in different tables, one with the first three variables, and others for each type of debt. For the debt tables I only kept the row of the interviewed member, and reshape the data to long format so each row became a household member, and then I merged the tables by household and household member id, but there are many debt types, and my aproach is quite inefficient. Is there a way I could achieve the same result with the tidyr package?
My approach was the following:
First, I created three data frames, that extracted different column indexes for each row. I did it with a for loop.
newdf1 <- data.frame()
ind <- c(1,seq(4,19, 3))
for(j in 1:nrow(df)){
fila <- c()
for(i in 1:length(ind)){
dato <- as.character(df[j,ind[i]])
fila <- c(fila, dato)
newdf1 <- rbind(newdf1, fila, stringsAsFactors = FALSE )
newdf2 <- data.frame()
ind <- c(1,seq(5,20, 3))
for(j in 1:nrow(df)){
fila <- c()
for(i in 1:length(ind)){
dato <- as.character(df[j,ind[i]])
fila <- c(fila, dato)
newdf2 <- rbind(newdf2, fila, stringsAsFactors = FALSE )
newdf3 <- data.frame()
ind <- c(1,seq(6,21, 3))
for(j in 1:nrow(df)){
fila <- c()
for(i in 1:length(ind)){
dato <- as.character(df[j,ind[i]])
fila <- c(fila, dato)
newdf3 <- rbind(newdf3, fila, stringsAsFactors = FALSE )
Then I rowbinded them:
NewDfs <- rbind(newdf1,setNames(newdf2, names(newdf1)),
setNames(newdf3, names(newdf1)))
names(NewDfs ) <- c("id", "order", "educDebt", "educDebt_r",
"order", "bankDebt", "bankDebt_r")
From this dataframe, I extracted the debts regarding education in one dataframe, and the debts regarding bank in another, keep only the compelte cases, and merge them together by id and order.
educ <- NewDfs [,c(1:4)]
bank <- NewDfs [,c(1,5:7)]
educ <- educ[complete.cases(educ), ]
bank <- bank[complete.cases(bank), ]
I also created a datarame with the first three columns of the original dataset.
df_household <- df[,1:3]
And merged it with the educ_bank data frame.
dfMerged <- merge(df_hog, educ_bank, by = c("id", "order"), all.x = TRUE)
id order age educDebt educDebt_r bankDebt bankDebt_r
1 1 54 student loan yes car loan yes
1 2 20 <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA>
1 3 23 student fund no <NA> <NA>
1 4 17 <NA> <NA> car loan no
2 1 60 <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA>
2 2 57 <NA> <NA> car loan no
2 3 28 student loan no consumer loan yes
2 4 33 bank credit yes <NA> <NA>
2 5 19 bank credit no <NA> <NA>
Evidently, this doen´t seem to be the most straightforward way of doing it, and I was wondering if there was a simplier way of achieving the same with tidyr.
I don't have a solution that is completely tidyr (and dplyr), though perhaps somebody more familiar with it can assist. (There is room to include more of the tidyverse, specifically purrr, to replace some of the base R code, but I thought it unnecessary.) I'll walk through each step with the solution at the bottom.
First, I think some of the columns are misnamed (lower-case "debt"), so I fixed it; that's not absolutely critical, but it makes some things much easier. I also disable factors, as some operations (on debt, below) require strings. If having factors is important, I suggest you re-factor after this process.
df <- data.frame(
id = c(rep(1,4), rep(2,5)), order = c(1:4,1:5),
age = c(54,20,23,17, 60,57,28,33,19),
educDebt1 = c(1, NA, NA, NA, 3, NA, NA, NA, NA),
educDebt2 = c(3, NA, NA, NA, 5, NA, NA, NA, NA),
educDebt3 = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, 4, NA, NA, NA, NA),
educDebt1t = c("student loan", NA,NA,NA, "student loan", NA, NA, NA, NA),
educDebt2t = c("student fund", NA, NA, NA, "bank credit", NA, NA, NA, NA),
educDebt3t = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, "bank credit", NA, NA, NA, NA),
educDebt1t_r = c("yes", NA,NA,NA, "no",NA,NA,NA,NA),
educDebt2t_r = c("no", NA, NA, NA, "no", NA,NA,NA,NA),
educDebt3t_r = c(NA,NA,NA,NA, "yes", NA,NA,NA,NA),
bankDebt1 = c(1, NA, NA, NA, 3, NA, NA, NA, NA),
bankDebt2 = c(4, NA, NA, NA, 2, NA, NA, NA, NA),
bankDebt3 = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA),
bankDebt1t = c("car loan", NA,NA,NA, "consumer loan", NA, NA, NA, NA),
bankDebt2t = c("car loan", NA, NA, NA, "car loan", NA, NA, NA, NA),
bankDebt3t = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA),
bankDebt1t_r = c("yes", NA,NA,NA, "yes",NA,NA,NA,NA),
bankDebt2t_r = c("no", NA, NA, NA, "no", NA,NA,NA,NA),
bankDebt3t_r = c(NA,NA,NA,NA, NA, NA,NA,NA,NA),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
Eventually, we're going to merge in age, and since all respondents are identified by both id and order, so we separate the three:
maintbl <- select(df, id, order, age)
The first thing to realize (for me) is that you need to convert from wide-to-tall, but individually for each three column group. I'll start with the first bunch of three:
grp <- "educDebt"
select(df, id, matches(paste0(grp, "[0-9]+$"))) %>%
gather(debt, order, -id) %>%
filter(! %>%
arrange(id, order)
# id debt order
# 1 1 educDebt1 1
# 2 1 educDebt2 3
# 3 2 educDebt1 3
# 4 2 educDebt3 4
# 5 2 educDebt2 5
(BTW 1: the reason I'm using grp will be apparent later.)
(BTW 2: I used the regex [0-9]+ to match one or more digit, in case this is expanded to include either more than 9 or "arbitrary" numbering. Feel free to omit the +.)
This seems fine. We now need to cbind the *t variant of these three:
select(df, id, matches(paste0(grp, "[0-9]+t$"))) %>%
gather(debt, type, -id) %>%
filter(! %>%
mutate(debt = gsub("t$", "", debt))
# id debt type
# 1 1 educDebt1 student loan
# 2 2 educDebt1 student loan
# 3 1 educDebt2 student fund
# 4 2 educDebt2 bank credit
# 5 2 educDebt3 bank credit
I changed debt to remove the trailing t, as I'm going to use that as a merging column later. I do the same thing for the third group of three (for "educDebt"), the t_r columns.
These three columns need to be combined, so here I place them in a list and Reduce them:
Reduce(function(x,y) left_join(x, y, by = c("id", "debt")),
select(df, id, matches(paste0(grp, "[0-9]+$"))) %>%
gather(debt, order, -id) %>%
filter(! %>%
arrange(id, order),
select(df, id, matches(paste0(grp, "[0-9]+t$"))) %>%
gather(debt, type, -id) %>%
filter(! %>%
mutate(debt = gsub("t$", "", debt)),
select(df, id, matches(paste0(grp, "[0-9]+t_r$"))) %>%
gather(debt, r, -id) %>%
filter(! %>%
mutate(debt = gsub("t_r$", "", debt))
# id debt order type r
# 1 1 educDebt1 1 student loan yes
# 2 1 educDebt2 3 student fund no
# 3 2 educDebt1 3 student loan no
# 4 2 educDebt3 4 bank credit yes
# 5 2 educDebt2 5 bank credit no
I'll need to rename the last two columns, and since I'm done combining the type and r columns, I can drop debt. (I'd normally suggest dplyr::rename_, but since it is being deprecated shortly, I'm doing it manually. If you have significantly more columns than shown here, you may need to adjust the column numbering, etc.)
Lastly, we need to do this for each of "educDebt" and "bankDebt", join these by id and order (using another Reduce), and finally re-merge in the age.
Reduce(function(x,y) left_join(x, y, by = c("id", "order")),
lapply(c("educDebt", "bankDebt"), function(grp) {
ret <- Reduce(function(x,y) left_join(x, y, by = c("id", "debt")),
select(df, id, matches(paste0(grp, "[0-9]+$"))) %>%
gather(debt, order, -id) %>%
filter(! %>%
arrange(id, order),
select(df, id, matches(paste0(grp, "[0-9]+t$"))) %>%
gather(debt, type, -id) %>%
filter(! %>%
mutate(debt = gsub("t$", "", debt)),
select(df, id, matches(paste0(grp, "[0-9]+t_r$"))) %>%
gather(debt, r, -id) %>%
filter(! %>%
mutate(debt = gsub("t_r$", "", debt))
names(ret)[4:5] <- c(grp, paste0(grp, "_r"))
select(ret, -debt)
) %>%
left_join(maintbl, ., by = c("id", "order"))
# id order age educDebt educDebt_r bankDebt bankDebt_r
# 1 1 1 54 student loan yes car loan yes
# 2 1 2 20 <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA>
# 3 1 3 23 student fund no <NA> <NA>
# 4 1 4 17 <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA>
# 5 2 1 60 <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA>
# 6 2 2 57 <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA>
# 7 2 3 28 student loan no consumer loan yes
# 8 2 4 33 bank credit yes <NA> <NA>
# 9 2 5 19 bank credit no <NA> <NA>

R: Select only one element in each row that meets a specific criteria

I have a data frame that looks like this
x <- data.frame("a.1" = c(NA, NA, 101, 101, NA),
"a.2" = c(NA, NA, 101, NA, NA),
"a.3" = c(101, NA, NA, NA, 103),
"a.4" = c(NA, NA , NA, NA, 103))
Each row contains either NA's and/or some 10x value. This value is unique to each row, such that one row cannot contain e.g. 101 and 103 at the same time.
Now I want to create a column containing the value found in each row, irrespective of whether it appears one or many times. Each row that has only NA should also have NA. In my case this should look like this
new column
1 101
2 NA
3 101
4 101
5 103
Any idea how I can do this in an efficient way! My orginial data frame is pretty large so I'd like to avoid computationally expensive for-loops and murky ifelse statements.
Thanks in advance
Using rowMeans() is a pretty nice solution as #akrun pointed out. However, in my orginial data set, the values 101, 102, ... are in fact character strings indicating some industry. I could, of course, convert them via as.numeric, yet I have some industry indicators with leading zeros such as 013, 0201 etc. Those zeros get killed (logically) when converted to numeric, hence I cannot convert them.
What to do in this case?
We can use pmax
x$newcolumn <-, c(x, list(na.rm=TRUE)))
#[1] 101 NA 101 101 103
Or another option is rowMeans as there is only a single unique element in a row.
rowMeans(x, na.rm=TRUE)
If the columns are character class and don't want to convert to numeric, one option is max.col
x1[cbind(1:nrow(x1),max.col(!, 'first'))]
#[1] "012" NA "012" "011" "011"
The pmax approach should also work, c(x1, na.rm=TRUE))
#[1] "012" NA "012" "011" "011"
x1 <- data.frame(a.1 = c(NA, NA, '012', '011', NA),
a.2 = c(NA, NA, '012', NA, NA),
a.3 = c('012', NA, NA, NA, '011'),
a.4 = c(NA, NA , NA, NA, '011'), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
Okay i found a solution using apply, lapply and `ifelse`` statement...not as clean as I would like it but its reasonably fast and works
x1 <- data.frame(a.1 = c(NA, NA, '012', '011', NA),
a.2 = c(NA, NA, '012', NA, NA),
a.3 = c('012', NA, NA, NA, '011'),
a.4 = c(NA, NA , NA, NA, '011'), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
new.column <- x1 %>%
apply(1, function(i) unique(i[!])) %>%
lapply(function(i) ifelse(length(i) == 0, NA, i)) %>%
