Include Files Outside Wordpress Directory - wordpress

I'm trying to do something simple, though I can't find an answer for this anywhere.
I have a directory /blog/ where I have wordpress installed. I'm creating a theme to handle the blog within that directory.
I have all my styles in /style/, includes in /includes/, and scripts in /scripts/. There has to be a way for me to include these files into my wordpress theme. So basically, I want to include my stylesheet that the rest of the site (non-wordpress) is using. Yes, I'm aware wordpress requires a style.css in the theme root. However, I want to use this for other things as well. Such as including my header and footer, and also my compiled external javascript.
Summary: How do I access style / includes / scripts directories from within the wordpress theme.
It seems like a simple enough request, but I can't find anywhere that points me in the right direction. Thank you in advance.

In your functions.php you can do the following:
function yourtheme_enqueue_scripts() {
wp_enqueue_style( 'unique-id', $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/styles/style.css', false );
wp_enqueue_script( 'unique-id', $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/scripts/filename.js', false );
Replace yourtheme, unique-id, style.css, filename.js with whatever is suitable for your situation.

The easiest way is to use a symlink inside the Wordpress directory that points to the file outside of it.

You can do this inside any PHP file:
<?php include_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] .'/path/to/file.php'); ?>


Trouble Translating a WordPress theme

I've created an Arabic website and I am using the zippy theme from MageeWP the things is that I am trying to translate some strings in the theme, but I don't seem to get it working well.
In the theme functions file, there is a specification for the folder location for .PO and .MO files
I created a file and put it there, but it still not working, can anybody guide to a clue?
I checked in wp_config.php and indeed the WPLAND is set to ar
I also used the CodeStyling plugin to make the translation, and it didn't work, although the plugin does not problem a .po or .mo files for ONLY ar.
the source code of the zippy theme is here:
Looks like the theme is doing it wrong (simplified code):
define( 'ZIPPY_THEME_BASE_URL', get_template_directory_uri() );
$lang = ZIPPY_THEME_BASE_URL. '/lang';
load_theme_textdomain( 'zippy', $lang );
It's passing an URL and it should be a path, change the load_theme_textdomain line to:
load_theme_textdomain( 'zippy', get_template_directory() . '/lang');
I had a look at the Zippy theme. There are a template called en_US.po inside the lang folder. I had a look at that as well.
If you don't have poedit installed, download poedit now and install it on your computer. Now, make a copy of en_US.po and rename it ar.po. Open ar.po with poedit. Now you can do all your translations in this template. When you're done, just click save in poedit. Poedit will automatically create a template when your ar.po is saved.
Note, this is just a quick way of doing it, as there are already a language file available that isn't yet translated.
Hope this helps

wordpress. html/css to to images?

Im trying to create my own WP-theme from my html/css-site.
I managed to migrate the html/css but the images won´t show up.
I realise that i have to change the img src-path but do i also have to add som php?
What does the path look like?
Are the images intended to be part of the theme? If so, then I'd recommend making a directory called images or something similar (I've seen some people use assets) in the theme's root directory (ie, wp-content/themes/[theme]/images).
Then you should be able to access them using get_template_directory_uri(), like so:
<img src='<?php get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/images/your-image.ext'>
If you're creating a Child Theme, and want to allow overrides of the parent themes images, replace get_template_directory_uri() with get_stylesheet_directory_uri().
Child Themes

Can my WordPress custom templates be in the plugin folder or only in the theme folder?

A WordPress theme I am developing has an integrated custom post type called "albums" which utilizes a few custom templates (archive-albums.php, content-albums.php, etc.). What I want to do is transfer this functionality, along with the template files, into a plugin for the sake of portability.
I transferred the CPT code from the functions.php with success, but when I try to move the template files from the theme folder to the plugin folder, things fall apart. I feel like it should be simple to somehow register the templates so WordPress knows to load them.
Can my WordPress custom templates be in plugin folder or only theme folder?
Things are falling apart because when you move those files, you're violating WP's native template hierarchy. You'll need to explicitly declare the location of those files. Using the archive as an example, you could add something like this to functions.php (to tell WP to look elsewhere):
add_filter('template_include', 'include_album_template', 1);
function include_album_template($template_path) {
if(get_post_type() == 'albums') {
if(!is_single()) {
$theme_file = 'path-to-your-plugin-directory';
$template_path = $theme_file;
return $template_path;
Obviously you'd use your own path, and I wrote this hastily so you might want to refactor.
I have the same issue. I'm already using add_filter ('template_include', ...) problem is that I need to specify a file to return, and in this case being it,index.php. This raises an issue with the theme not running entirely as if installed via themes folder, because what I need is to have WP selecting the appropriate file to render without any conditional logic from my part. So if it is a post it will select the single.php and so on. Another problem raised with this method is that in header.php the call get_header (); ignores the local file header.php and loads the default theme installed file instead.

Warning: Cannot modify header information when using require or require_once

I'm WordPress newbie.
I'm creating a plugin that redirect to custom login page each unregistered user access a website, let say the custom login page : custom_login.php.
I am able to create a code to redirect it but it seems no wordpress functions work in custom_login.php. So, I think I have to load something through the file. I guess wp-load.php.
Then I add some codes below at the top of the page :
require( 'd:\xampp\htdocs\wordpress\wp-load.php' );
But then I got this error :
Warning: Cannot modify header information.....
I changed to require_once but still get similar error.
Some solutions of this forum threads advice to delete any whitespace. Frankly, I don't know what does it mean but I tried to delete all whitespace anyway so that the code become :
<?php require('d:\xampp\htdocs\wordpress\wp-load.php');?>
But it does not solve anything. The error is still exist.
Please help me, the expert ones.
Thanks in advance
Try inserting a system path relative to localhost, like this:
require( '/wp-load.php' ); // or just
require( 'wp-load.php' ); //
All depends on the location you are trying to include wp-load.php from.
On the other hand, you don't have to include wp-load.php if you place the file custom_login.php. in the stylesheet directory as a template or as a custom page. The way to do it is:
.1 Rename the file to page-custom-login.php
.2 Move the file to the stylesheet directory (The theme directory)
.3 Go to admin and create a new page with the title "custom login"
That's all. Now WP will treat that file as a single custom page.
They are correct - you have a space before the opening php tag in one of your files. It can be a bit tricky to find, but look hard.
If you can't find it, try looking for ob_clean() php function to help.

style.css in css directory (i.e. not in theme root)

I'm new to WordPress and this is my first attempt to migrate a static website to WordPress. The websites layout must remain unchanged so I intend to develop a theme for it.
I'm used to having css files in the css directory, but the WordPress Theme Development page states that there has to be a style.css in the theme root.
Can I setup WP to get css/style.css instead? What is the recommended way to organise css files in WP?
You can use Wordpress' wp_enqueue_style.
function addMyScript() {
wp_enqueue_style( 'my-style', get_template_directory_uri() . '/css/my-style.css', false, '1.0', 'all' );
add_action('wp_head', 'addMyScript');
Just remember that you still need to have a style.css inside your theme root, even if it only has the details about the Theme in the form of comments.
Please refer to:
