Getting error when running Point Cloud Library tutorial - point-cloud-library

I am running this tutorial here:-
but I get this error
[pcl::PLYReader] cube.ply:1: parse error: couldn't read the magic string
[pcl::PLYReader::read] problem parsing header!
[pcl::PLYReader::read] problem parsing header!
Error loading point cloud cube.ply
I am a complete newbie and I have no idea about this.
Please Help

It looks the .ply you are using is not correctly formated. Try loading a .pcd file.

after a lot of research, I found the cube.ply
Just save this file and run it.It works!


Unable to start device (svg)

I am getting following Knitting error.
I understand that it is related with my chunk, however I am unable to fix it. Any help would be highly appreciated.
I encountered the same error. restarting RStudio solved it. It seems that it tries to find some temp files which are not available anymore.

Is there a way to resolve repeated server error problem in LaTex (Overleaf)?

I ran into this error while trying to compile my overleaf latex;
"Server Error Sorry, something went wrong and your project could not be compiled. Please try again in a few moments".
Your response will be helpful. Thanks
This problem may arise as a result of the internet connection. The simple way to resolve this problem is to reload the Overleaf editor by refreshing your browser.

SQLite file unable to be found, even though it is in directory EXPO

I have been trying to connect my SQLite DB with my Expo file and have been reading some documentation online to get a good basis and understanding so that I could begin my own coding. I ran across this example snack linked here: However, when I downloaded the file onto the EXPO XDE, but I got this error message: 'Unable to resolve "./assets/db/test.sqlite" from "App.js"', even though the file is clearly in the assets/db/ file.
I have been really frustrated trying to figure it out, so anyone help would be really appreciated.

Rstudio outputs an error into the console while editing script

I am working on a project on Rstudio and something wired has become to happen: each time I write something into a script Rstudio automatically writes the following error into the console:
Error in[i], length(vector[[i]])) :
unimplemented type 'NULL' in 'rep3'
and a label appears under the cursor: "R code execution error".
Appart form this visual bug, everything is working properly. Does anyone have the same issue ?
I've just experienced this issue. In my case, I guess it must be related to the NAMESPACE file from the package.
I can see a discussion about this subject here on R Studio support site.
Citation from the source mentioned above:
There are two times when we run the code that could be emitting this error:
When attempting to retrieve completions from the package's NAMESPACE file,
When attempting to retrieve completions for native routines (e.g. for within a '.Call()' call).
Can you recall if you had been editing the package's NAMESPACE file before seeing this error? Alternatively, have you been using 'devtools::load_all()' or other similar machinery?
And to clearly answer your question:
Yes! I am having the same issue! (Damn it! :) )
I've got rid of the problem by closing the project and reopening it again.

writing VBA code to call R script

I've downloaded and installed Rconn as well as Rexcel. The API appears to be working as I am able to copy my code from R into Excel and then, through the use of the API GUI I am able to extract values for one of my matrices.
The problem I'm having is within VBA. When I try and run the following line:
I get the following error message: "Run-time error'424': Object required"
Would anyone be able to help me understand why I'm getting this error? Am I perhaps meant to load something from "Tools/References"?
Any help would be greatly appreciated
I managed to sort it out. It was a reference problem. Once the rconn and RExcel are install you have to go to tools>References>RExcelVBAlib.
This will then allow you to use RExcel within VBA
