Migrating site to wordpress - wordpress

A client asked me to migrate a website to wordpress. The theme is made, everything is working fine locally and now im thinking the best way to make the migration. I'm thinking on makeing the instalation on a subfolder for testing and then moving it to the root of the server. Is there anything i need to do other than copy the files from wordpress folder to the root? Anyone know a good tutorial or a better way to make the migration?

Take a look at this tutorial from Sitepoint I'm always referring to it when I want to move WP websites and it works.

Example: yourlocalwebsite.com
Example: yourlivewebsite.com
Step 1 Upload you all local files or WordPress setup to the live server.
Step 2 Export your localhost database and edit it with notpad++ editor.
Step 3 find your local website name into notpad++ something yourlocalwebsite.com then go to replace tab and all replace tab your yourlocalwebsite.com with yourlivewebsite.com. now save it.
Step 4 check database name username and password into wp-config.php it should be correct which one you using live server database.
Step 5 go to you live database and take backup it then removes it and then imports your local database now.
Step 6 for making sure go to wp_options table and check the URL it should be now yourlivewebsite.com if not then change it
Step 7 go to wp-admin and set the permalinks to the post name
and check it is working fine or not.
local site comes properly but when we deploy same folder on server ... it shows broken pages

In order to migrate a Wordpress website you should
1. Copy your www folder using FTP Client (FileZilla, Fire FTP or WinSCP).
2. Export you database (important!) and then import the database in your new Web Hosting (Like OVH or other..).
Let me know if you have any others question !

Yes, you have to do lot more things than you specified.
Follow below steps :-
Download "Wp Migrate DB" plugin from https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-migrate-db/ to your existing site
Open db migrator. When you will try migrating, it will prompt you to give folder path and website url for new site(old site is already filled by plugin so don't change them)
After adding folder path and URL start db migration
Copy files and folders from your local to live
Import migrated db to new database
Copy new credentials for db connect to wp-config file
Re save permalinks, as it may won't work after migration
After this you are all set to go...
Let me know if you need further assistance.

followed this tutorial and worked like a charm. Wordpress installation moved to the root of the server and everythig works fine. Themes and plugins. Just made the test right now.
Thanks for the answers.


wordpress database not showing in PhpMyAdmin

I am new to wordpress and have bought udesign theme from themeforest. from my Plesk I have installed WP and then from the dashboard of WP tried to upload the theme, but failed. hence went directly to dedicated server and hosted on the root folder.
Theme started reflecting on the dashboard and I have started customization. Once site completes I need to move the site to production server. When I check PhpMyAdmin from the plesk, it shows there is no DB table. how do I copy/move the site without DB?
Can i manage site without PhpMyAdmin? like copying the entire assets to new server and it starts working automatically?
Please help me to find DB or Let me know how to work with the themes to make sure everything in right place.
Many Thanks,
If you’ve ever had the need to find the name of your WordPress database, then there’s an easy way to do that – simply look for it in your wp-config.php file located in the root folder of your WordPress install.
Accessing Your WP-Config.php File
If you are doing something where you need the name of your database, then I’m assuming you have access to your server.
Simply go to the main folder of your WordPress install and locate the file called wp-config.php.
Edit file and find name in:
define('db_name','your database here');

Moving WordPress from localhost to a live server

Have successfully moved my WordPress website from my localhost to a live server but the images are not showing and some pages as well. Some pages are still showing the localhost URL while another error message am getting is "That page can't be found".
I already changed my siteurl and Home column in my database table (wp_option) to the live server, but still the images are not showing yet. What should I do?
You have to replace all localhost url in your database.
You should follow the steps below to move your database from local to live server:
Export your database to sql file
Use notepad++ open that sql file
Replace all localhost url to your live domain and save the file
Import the saved file to the live database
Note: make sure that you uploaded all the images to the live server
I would definitely recommend to use an automated plugin for the task. The one I use is Duplicator, by LifeInTheGrid. It is free and works perfectly to move a site from development to production and viceversa. Here is the link to it:
I use it with all my sites and so far it has worked flawlessly.
I finally discovered a wonderful plugin that did it all.
The plugin is called Velvet Blues Update URLs .
Just Download the package. Extract it to the "plugins" folder of your WordPress directory. In the Admin Panel, go to "Plugins" and activate it.
Go to Tools -> Update URLs to use it and then tick all the boxes to replace the old URLs with the new URLs.

Migrate the wordpress site

I have a wordpress site with some my edits. I need to remove it from www.firstserver.sk to www.secondserver.sk
Is there any manner to do that? I thought It should be enough, If I copy the whole FTP and the database and change information in wp_config.php
If you want to move WordPress to a new server or to a different location on your server, you do not need to reinstall. WordPress can handle this situation. Please refer this link for more info. http://codex.wordpress.org/Moving_WordPress#Moving_WordPress_to_a_New_Server
It's fairly straightforward. You need to ensure that:
You copy all your files via FTP
Update the info in wp-config.php
Import your database
IMPORTANT: Update your database as your URLs will now be different.
These steps are covered in more detail in this article
Yes you are right.
First of all make Database in www.secondserver.sk .Name should be same so you won't find any difficulty.
2)Change siteurl and homeurl from wp_option table in the database of www.fisrtserver.sk. Export database from www.fisrtserver.sk and import it in www.secondserver.sk.
3)Also upload everything through FTP to new location.
Also Add in wp-config.php Define('WP_SITEURL','http://your-site-url.com'); Define('WP_HOME','http://your-site-url.com');
Second Option :
You can use Duplicator plugin as well.
https://wordpress.org/plugins/duplicator/ Download and install this plugin on server 1, active the plugin select it from the menu, run through the steps.
You will get 2 files, an installer and a file zip. upload both to server 2. go to http://yoursite.co.uk/installer.php and run through the steps
Bingo site has moved.

How to move Wordpress to another domain without the chance to make a proper backup first?

So my webhoster closed down, where I hosted my Wordpress blog. I was able to receive a zip file containing all my data. I now have a new webhoster and I extracted the zip file to its root directory.
Trying to open my website now gives me "Error establishing database connection". The web tells me it may be related to hardcoded urls in the Wordpress database, which I need to replace by the new url.
However the tutorials usually tell you to use the Wordpress interface to create a backup of my database first, which can then be edited in tools like phpmyadmin. I can not access the Wordpress interface anymore and so far did not manage to edit the database otherwise.
I tried placing a local copy of the blog in the "C:\xampp\htdocs" folder, hoping phpmyadmin would recognize the database and allow me to edit it. Not working, maybe I am doing something wrong?
Any ideas to revive my Wordpress blog?
Okay I think I got it working. For people having the same issue:
I loaded the database locally by copying the *.myd, *.myi, *.frm files to a new folder in my local xampp installation (e.g. C:\xampp\mysql\data\myDatabase).
I then used phpmyadmin to export this database to a .sql file.
On my webserver I then installed a fresh wordpress blog. It might be enough to copy your existing wordpress stuff, without needing to do this step afterwards, not sure.
My webhost has phpmyadmin preinstalled, so I used that to delete the fresh wordpress databases and import the .sql file instead. Now everything is in place, but since I changed my domain I need to change the URL paths in the database.
I used this script (use it by placing it on your webserver in the wordpress root folder and calling it in the browser) to do a search&replace of my old url to the new url: https://interconnectit.com/products/search-and-replace-for-wordpress-databases/
After that I only had to manually fix the path to my header image that I had edited in the past in the theme's header.php file.
Phew. Thanks for your help f00644.

Mirroring a Wordpress *configuration* between local and remote

Ok, so I'm familiar with creating local Wordpress builds, and have been chugging along happily with the technique outlined in Smashing's MAMP-based article. My question goes a step beyond this.
The article is great for developing generic themes, but when developing sites (not necessarily blogs) based in Wordpress, for me at least, it's a little painful come launch day.
I have to go back in and reconfigure the server's Wordpress to match what I've already done locally. Settings have to be entered again, plugins need be installed again, menus recreated, and css will have to be altered to reference the unique classes/id's Wordpress generates for posts/pages/custom taxonomies…sometimes things are missed in the process. What I want to know is this:
Is there an easy way to automate cloning or mirroring the build on my local machine to the remote server?
Even if you have to just LMGTFY me, that would help. I don't exactly know what I should be searching for. Searches dealing with 'mirroring wordpress configuration' and 'cloning wordpress configuration' returns tutorials on moving content, which I know how to do.
If it helps, I'm running OSX 10.6.8 with xcode dev tools, git, ruby, node, and homebrew. All of my live servers have ssh access as well as ftp, and I build with the most current versions of Wordpress.
Here are some easy steps to follow:
Download and install the WP Migrate DB plugin.
Go to Tools > WP Migrate DB and fill-in the blank fields(New address (URL), New file path and optionally check/uncheck the other options). Click on Export Database and save the export file to your computer.
Make a .zip archive with ALL of your files(the /wp-admin, /wp-content, /wp-includes directories and all files in the root directory).
Upload that file to your production server, where you want your WordPress site to reside.
Go to your cPanel(or use the unzip command through SSH) File Manager(or any other alternative that you might have) and unzip the file that you just uploaded.
If you don't already have a Database set-up on your production server - create one through the hosting control panel(for cPanel, it would be Creating a mySQL database in cPanel, for plesk it would be Plesk 7 Tutorial: Creating a database, for anything else, just google it up, or try your hosting's FAQ). Remember/write-down your Database Name, Database User and Password.
Edit the wp-config.php file and change the values for the DB_NAME, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD and optionally DB_HOST - but this is usually localhost - if that doesn't work try asking your web host, or if you have phpMyAdmin, log-in to it and look at the very top of the page - in this case the DB_HOST would be localhost.
After you've done all of that, log-in to your DB administration tool(most of the time this would be phpMyAdmin, but it could be something else as well) and upload the database export file that you save to your computer in step 2. Note: If your hosting hasn't provided you with a DB administration tool, I would suggest that you upload the phpMiniAdmin(click on the "Download latest version" link and save the file to your computer) script to your production server. Then go to that script(if your website is located at http://example.com/, go to http://example.com/phpminiadmin.php) and enter your DB details. On top of that page, you will see an import link. Click on it and upload your DB export file. Note 2: phpMiniAdmin doesn't support gzip-compressed files, so if you did check the Compress file with gzip option in step 2, you will have to re-do that step with this option unchecked.
Log-in to your site and go to Settings > Permalinks in order to update your permalink structure.
Check the permissions of the /wp-content/uploads and /wp-content/plugins directories - make sure that you will be able to upload images and plugins without any problems.
That's pretty much it. It might seem like a lot, but I follow this process for almost every site that I upload to production servers and it can take me as less as a bit under 10 minutes to do all of that(considering that I usually use custom MySQL commands, instead of the WP Migrate DB plugin - I should probably start using it :) ). Once you get used to the process and you don't encounter any low-quality web hostings, you should be perfectly fine with these steps.
Note: Since you used ssh as one of your tags, I assume that you usually have ssh access to the production server. If you don't I'm still assuming that you have a cPanel access(if that's not true and you can't unzip files on the server, then upload all files manually via FTP client, instead of doing steps 3 and 4).
I guess the only way is to copy the database or part of it.
What I do is to copy the relevant tables and modify manually the site URLs in table options. There are only 2. There is also a nice plugin velvet-blues-update-urls to modify all links, after the site URLs are set manually to be able to access the backend, in case posts are also copied.
Next, copy all theme directory files to the same directory in the site, assuming you are using the same theme.
Both processes can be automated with a PHP script.
I am not sure this is what you want, but hope this helps.
Not sure that this is exactly what you need, but to move a site you can use the built in Wordpress "export" and "import" options. As far as I remember there was an option when importing to change URL's and the import would change a few things for you.
Even if this does not answer your exact question, hope it helps.
