Find n closest non-NA values to position t in vector - r

This is probably a simple question for those experienced in R, but it is something that I (a novice) am struggling with...
I have two examples of vectors that are common to the problem I am trying to solve, A and B:
A <- c(1,3,NA,3,NA,4,NA,1,7,NA,2,NA,9,9,10)
B <- c(1,3,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,2,NA,9)
#and three scalars
R <- 4
t <- 5
N <- 3
There is a fourth scalar, n, where 0<=n<=N. In general, N <= R.
I want to find the n closest non-NA values to t such that they fall within a radius R centered on t. I.e., the search radius, R comprises of R+1 values. For example A, the search radius sequence is (3,NA,3,NA,4,NA,1), where t=NA, the middle value in the search radius sequence.
The expected answer can be one of two results for A:
answerA1 <- c(3,4,1)
answerA2 <- c(3,4,3)
The expected answer for B:
answerB <- c(1,3)
How would I accomplish this task in the most time- and space-efficient manner? One liners, loops, etc. are welcome. If I have to choose a preference, it is for speed!
Thanks in advance!
For this case, I understand that the third closest non-NA value may involve choosing a preference for the third value to fall on either the right or left of t (as shown by the two possible answers above). I do not have a preference for whether this values falls to the left or the right of t but, if there is a way to leave it to random chance, (whether the third value falls to the right or the left) that would be ideal (but, again, it is not a requirement).

A relatively short solution is:
orderedA <- A[order(abs(seq_len(length(A)) - t))][seq_len(R*2)]
n_obj <- min(sum(, N, length(na.omit(orderedA)))
res <- na.omit(orderedA)[seq_len(n_obj)]
#[1] 3 4 3
Breaking this down a little more the steps are:
Order A, by the absolute distance from the position of interest, t.
Code is: A[order(abs(seq_len(length(A)) - t))]
Subset to the first R*2 elements (so this will get the elements on either side of t within R.
Code is: [seq_len(R*2)]
Get the first min(N, # of non-NA, len of non-NA) elements
Code is: min(sum(, N, length(na.omit(orderedA)))
Drop NA
Code is: na.omit()
Take first elements determined in step 3 (whichever is smaller)
Code is: [seq_len(n_obj)]

Something like this?
thingfinder <- function(A,R,t,n) {
left <- A[t:(t-R-1)]
right <- A[t:(t+R+1)]
leftrightmat <- cbind(left,right)
raw_ans <- as.vector(t(leftrightmat))
ans <- raw_ans[!]
thingfinder(A=c(1,3,NA,3,NA,4,NA,1,7,NA,2,NA,9,9,10), R=3, t=5, n=3)
## [1] 3 4 3
This would give priority to the left side, of course.

In case it is helpful to others, #Mike H. also provided me with a solution to return the index positions associated with the desired vector elements res:
A <- setNames(A, seq_len(length(A)))
orderedA <- A[order(abs(seq_len(length(A)) - t))][seq_len(R*2)]
n_obj <- min(sum(, N, length(na.omit(orderedA)))
res <- na.omit(orderedA)[seq_len(n_obj)]
positions <- as.numeric(names(res))


Finding the Proportion of a specific difference between the average of two vectors

I have a question for an assignment I'm doing.
"Set the seed at 1, then using a for-loop take a random sample of 5 mice 1,000 times. Save these averages.
What proportion of these 1,000 averages are more than 1 gram away from the average of x ?"
I understand that basically, I need to write a code that says: What percentage of "Nulls" is +or- 1 gram from the average of "x." I'm not really certain how to write that given that this course hasn't given us the information on how to do that yet is asking us to do so. Any help on how to do so?
url <- ""
filename <- basename(url)
download(url, destfile=filename)
x <- unlist( read.csv(filename) )
n <- 1000
nulls<-vector("numeric", n)
for(i in 1:n){
control <- sample(x, 5)
nulls[i] <-mean(control)
##I know my last line for this should be something like this
## mean(nulls "+ or - 1")> or < mean(x)
## not certain if they're asking for abs() to be involved.
## is the question asking only for those that are 1 gram MORE than the avg of x?
Thanks for any help.
I do think that the absolute distance is what they're after here.
Vectors in R are nice in that you can just perform arithmetic operations between a vector and a scalar and it will apply it element-wise, so computing the absolute value of nulls - mean(x) is easy. The abs function also takes vectors as arguments.
Logical operators (such as < and >) can also be used in the same way, making it equally simple to compare the result with 1. This will yield a vector of booleans (TRUE/FALSE) where TRUE means the value at that index was indeed greater than 1, but booleans are really just numbers (1 or 0), so you can just sum that vector to find the number of TRUE elements.
I don't know what programming level you are on, but I hope this helps without giving the solution away completely (since you said it's for an assignment).

Summing R Matrix ignoring NA's

I have the following claim counts data (triangular) by limits:
claims=matrix(c(2019,690,712,NA,773,574,NA,NA,232),nrow=3, byrow=T)
What would be the most elegant way to do the following simple things resembling Excel's sumif():
put the matrix into with column names: "100k", "250k", "500k"
sum all numbers except first row; (in this case summing 773,574, and 232). I am looking for a neat reference so I can easily generalize the notation to larger claim triangles.
Sum all numbers, ignoring the NA's. sum(claims, na.rm = T) - Thanks for Gregor's suggestion.
*I played around with the package ChainLadder a bit and enjoyed how it handles triangular data, especially in plotting and calculating link ratios. I wonder more generally if basic R suffices in doing some quick and dirty sumif() or pairwise link ratio kind of calculations? This would be a bonus for me if anyone out there could dispense some words of wisdom.
Thank you!
claims=matrix(c(2019,690,712,NA,773,574,NA,NA,232),nrow=3, byrow=T)
claims.df =
names(claims.df) <- c("100k", "250k", "500k")
# This isn't the best idea because standard column names don't start with numbers
# If you go non-standard, you'll have to always quote them, that is
claims.df$100k # doesn't work
claims.df$`100k` # works
# sum everything
sum(claims, na.rm = T)
# sum everything except for first row
sum(claims[-1, ], na.rm = T)
It's much easier to give specific advice to specific questions than general advice. As to " I wonder more generally if basic R suffices in doing some quick and dirty sumif() or pairwise link ratio kind of calculations?", at least as to the sumif comment, I'm reminded of fortunes::fortune(286)
...this is kind of like asking "will your Land Rover make it up my driveway?", but I'll assume the question was asked in all seriousness.
sum adds up whatever numbers you give it. Subsetting based on logicals so simple that there is no need for a separate sumif function. Say you have x = rnorm(100), y = runif(100).
# sum x if x > 0
sum(x[x > 0])
# sum x if y < 0.5
sum(x[y < 0.5])
# sum x if x > 0 and y < 0.5
sum(x[x > 0 & y < 0.5])
# sum every other x
sum(x[c(T, F)]
# sum all but the first 10 and last 10 x
sum(x[-c(1:10, 91:100)]
I don't know what a pairwise link ratio is, but I'm willing to bet base R can handle it easily.

Matlab or R: replace elements in matrix by values from another matrix in order

I have a problem to solve in either Matlab or R (preferably in R).
Imagine I have a vector A with 10 elements.
I have also a vector B with 30 elements, of which 10 have value 'x'.
Now, I want to replace all the 'x' in B by the corresponding values taken from A, in the order that is established in A. Once a value in A is taken, the next one is ready to be used when the next 'x' in B is found.
Note that the sizes of A and B are different, it's the number of 'x' cells that coincides with the size of A.
I have tried different ways to do it. Any suggestion on how to program this?
As long as the number of x entries in B matches the length of A, this will do what you want:
B[B=='x'] <- A
(It should be clear that this is the R solution.)
MATLAB Solution
In MATLAB it's quite simple, use logical indexing:
B(B == 'x') = A;

Aligning sequences with missing values

The language I'm using is R, but you don't necessarily need to know about R to answer the question.
I have a sequence that can be considered the ground truth, and another sequence that is a shifted version of the first, with some missing values. I'd like to know how to align the two.
I have a sequence ground.truth that is basically a set of times:
ground.truth <- rep( seq(1,by=4,length.out=10), 5 ) +
rep( seq(0,length.out=5,by=4*10+30), each=10 )
Think of ground.truth as times where I'm doing the following:
{take a sample every 4 seconds for 10 times, then wait 30 seconds} x 5
I have a second sequence observations, which is ground.truth shifted with 20% of the values missing:
nSamples <- length(ground.truth)
idx_to_keep <- sort(sample( 1:nSamples, .8*nSamples ))
theLag <- runif(1)*100
observations <- ground.truth[idx_to_keep] + theLag
nObs <- length(observations)
If I plot these vectors this is what it looks like (remember, think of these as times):
What I've tried. I want to:
calculate the shift (theLag in my example above)
calculate a vector idx such that ground.truth[idx] == observations - theLag
First, assume we know theLag. Note that ground.truth[1] is not necessarily observations[1]-theLag. In fact, we have ground.truth[1] == observations[1+lagI]-theLag for some lagI.
To calculate this, I thought I'd use cross-correlation (ccf function).
However, whenever I do this I get a lag with a max. cross-correlation of 0, meaning ground.truth[1] == observations[1] - theLag. But I've tried this in examples where I've explicitly made sure that observations[1] - theLag is not ground.truth[1] (i.e. modify idx_to_keep to make sure it doesn't have 1 in it).
The shift theLag shouldn't affect the cross-correlation (isn't ccf(x,y) == ccf(x,y-constant)?) so I was going to work it out later.
Perhaps I'm misunderstanding though, because observations doesn't have as many values in it as ground.truth? Even in the simpler case where I set theLag==0, the cross correlation function still fails to identify the correct lag, which leads me to believe I'm thinking about this wrong.
Does anyone have a general methodology for me to go about this, or know of some R functions/packages that could help?
Thanks a lot.
For the lag, you can compute all the differences (distances) between your two sets of points:
diffs <- outer(observations, ground.truth, '-')
Your lag should be the value that appears length(observations) times:
which(table(diffs) == length(observations))
# 55.715382960625
# 86
Double check:
# [1] 55.71538
The second part of your question is easy once you have found theLag:
idx <- which(ground.truth %in% (observations - theLag))
The following should work if your time series are not too long.
You have two vectors of time-stamps,
the second one being a shifted and incomplete copy of the first,
and you want to find by how much it was shifted.
# Sample data
n <- 10
x <- cumsum(rexp(n,.1))
theLag <- rnorm(1)
y <- theLag + x[sort(sample(1:n, floor(.8*n)))]
We can try all possible lags and, for each one,
compute how bad the alignment is,
by matching each observed timestamp with the closest
"truth" timestamp.
# Loss function
f <- function(u) {
# Put all the values in a data.frame
d1 <- data.frame(g="truth", value=x)
d2 <- data.frame(g="observed", value=y+u)
d <- rbind(d1,d2)
# For each observed value, find the next truth value
# (we could take the nearest, on either side,
# but it would be more complicated)
d <- sqldf("
SELECT A.g, A.value,
( SELECT MIN(B.value)
WHERE B.g='truth'
AND B.value >= A.value
) AS next
WHERE A.g = 'observed'
# If u is greater than the lag, there are missing values.
# If u is smaller, the differences decrease
# as we approach the lag.
if(any( {
} else {
return( sum(d$`next` - d$value, na.rm=TRUE) )
We can now search for the best lag.
# Look at the loss function
sapply( seq(-2,2,by=.1), f )
# Minimize the loss function.
# Change the interval if it does not converge,
# i.e., if it seems in contradiction with the values above
# or if the minimum is Inf
(r <- optimize(f, c(-3,3)))
theLag # Same value, most of the time

A more generalized expand.grid function?

expand.grid(a,b,c) produces all the combinations of the values in a,b, and c in a matrix - essentially filling the volume of a three-dimensional cube. What I want is a way of getting slices or lines out of that cube (or higher dimensional structure) centred on the cube.
So, given that a,b, c are all odd-length vectors (so they have a centre), and in this case let's say they are of length 5. My hypothetical slice.grid function:
returns a matrix of the coordinates of points along the three central lines. Almost equivalent to:
almost, because it has the centre point repeated three times. Furthermore:
should return a matrix equivalent to:
rbind(expand.grid(a,b,c[3]), expand.grid(a,b[3],c), expand.grid(a[3],b,c))
which is the three intersecting axis-aligned planes (with repeated points in the matrix at the intersections).
And then:
is the same as expand.grid(a,b,c).
This isn't so bad with three parameters, but ideally I'd like to do this with N parameters passed to the function expand.grid(a,b,c,d,e,f,dimension=4) - its unlikely I'd ever want dimension greater than 3 though.
It could be done by doing expand.grid and then extracting those points that are required, but I'm not sure how to build that criterion. And I always have the feeling that this function exists tucked in some package somewhere...
[Edit] Right, I think I have the criterion figured out now - its to do with how many times the central value appears in each row. If its less than or equal to your dimension+1...
But generating the full matrix gets big quickly. It'll do for now.
Assuming a, b and c each have length 3 (and if there are 4 variables then they each have length 4 and so on) try this. It works by using 1:3 in place of each of a, b and c and then counting how many 3's are in each row. If there are four variables then it uses 1:4 and counts how many 4's are in each row, etc. It uses this for the index to select out the appropriate rows from expand.grid(a, b, c) :
slice.expand <- function(..., dimension = 1) {
L <- lapply(list(...), seq_along)
n <- length(L)
ix <- rowSums(, L) == n) >= (n-dimension)
expand.grid(...)[ix, ]
# test
a <- b <- c <- LETTERS[1:3]
slice.expand(a, b, c, dimension = 1)
slice.expand(a, b, c, dimension = 2)
slice.expand(a, b, c, dimension = 3)
