QTcpSocket KeepAliveOption on server side - qt

I would like to set QTcpSocket::KeepAliveOption on the server side, so that the connection gets automatically disconnected when the network connection is lost for some time.
However, the documentation says:
On Windows Runtime, QAbstractSocket::KeepAliveOption must be set before the socket is connected.
On a client, you would just create the socket, set the option, then connect it.
On the server side, you do not create the sockets, they are created and returned buy QTcpServer::nextPendingConnection(). These are already connected.
So am I basically stuck, and is the only viable option to implement "heartbeats" myself?
I have created a QTcpServer subclass as suggested by talamaki for setting the flag on incoming connection sockets:
class CustomTcpServer : public QTcpServer
CustomTcpServer(QObject * parent = 0) : QTcpServer(parent) { }
void incomingConnection(qintptr socketDescriptor)
QTcpSocket *socket = new QTcpSocket(this);
socket->setSocketOption(QAbstractSocket::KeepAliveOption, 1);
Then, i have set
To a DWORD value of 30000 (thirty seconds)
And rebooted the system to be sure it is used by the system
But, I still get no disconnected signal after several minutes, after having unplugged the ethernet cable of the remote client.
How to make the KeepAlive feature work?

You should be able override QTcpServer::incomingConnection and create QTcpSocket yourself instead of letting the framework do it.

On Windows, AFAIK there are three parameters that govern the timeout of a TCP connection. You have set the KeepAliveTime, which is the time until an idle connection will be starting to send keep-alive segments (the connection must be idle, no segments have been sent, no Acks received). Then there is the number of keep-alives that need to be unanswered to determine that it is dead, which is TcpMaxDataRetransmissions. Finally, the is the time between the keep-alive segments which is KeepAliveInterval. Check with Wireshark, if empty TCP segments are being sent (which are the Keep-Alives). Some versions of Windows might misbehave, too and ignore some of the settings.

Usually Servers re-starts the Listenning after a elapsed time without traffic. After close en re-open , new connections will arrive.
ALSO Client and Server can specify a test protocol like PING - PONG message on interval of X seconds, minutes, etc
In server side, when missing pings after X seconds, maybe indicate to restart the server.
Best regards!


Qt: Detect a QTcpSocket disconnection in a console app when the user closes it

My question title should be enough. I already tried (without success):
Using a C-style destructor in a function: __attribute__((destructor)):
void sendToServerAtExit() __attribute__((destructor)) {
The application destructor is called, but the socket is already disconnected and I can't write to the server.
Using the standard C function atexit(), but the TCP connection is already lost so I can't send anything to the server.
atexit(sendToServerAtExit); // is the same function of point 1
The solution I found is check every second if all connected sockets are still connected, but I don't want to do so inefficient thing. It's only a temporary solution. Also, I want that others apps (even web ones) can join the chat room of my console app, and I don't want to request data every second.
What should I do?
Handle the below signal (QTcpSocket is inherited from QAbstractSocket)
void QAbstractSocket::stateChanged(QAbstractSocket::SocketState socketState)
Inside the slot called, check if socketState is QAbstractSocket::ClosingState.
QAbstractSocket::ClosingState indicates the socket is about to close.
You can connect a slot to the disconnect signal.
connect(m_socket, &QTcpSocket::disconnected, this, &Class::clientDisconnected);
Check the documentation.
You can also know which user has been disconnected using a slot like this:
void Class::clientDisconnected
QTcpSocket* client = qobject_cast<QTcpSocket*>(sender());
// Do something
// Handle error
This method is usefull if you have a connections pool. You can use it as well if you have a single connection, but do not forget nullptr after client->deleteLater().
If I understand you question correctly, you want to send data over TCP to notify the remote computer that you are closing the socket.
Technically this can be done in Qt by listenning to the QIODevice::aboutToClose() or QAbstractSocket::stateChanged() signals.
However, if you graciously exit your program and close the QTcpSocket by sending a FIN packet to the remote computer. This means that on the remote computer,
the running program will be notified that the TCP connection finished. For instance, if the remote program is also using QTcpSocket, the QAbstractSocket::disconnected()
signal will be emitted.
The real issues arise when one of the program does not graciously exit (crash, hardware issue, cable unplugged, etc.). In this case, the TCP FIN packet will
not be sent and the remote computer will never get notified that the other side of the TCP connection is disconnected. The TCP connection will just time-out after a few minutes.
However, in this case you cannot send your final piece of data to the server either.
In the end the only solution is to send a "I am here" packet every now and then. Even though you claim it is ineficient, it is a widely used technique and it also has the advantage that it works.

Listening Application (winsock2) behavior towards Port scanning (Syn Scan)

Should a server application that listens on a port, able to detect and logs down any connection attempt done by Syn Scanning?
Test Scenario
I had written a windows program which i simply called it "simpleServer.exe".
This program is just a simulation of a very basic server application.
It listens on a port, and wait for incoming messages.
The listening Socket was defined to be a TCP Stream Socket.
that's all that this program is doing.
I had been deploying this exact same program on 2 different machines, both running on windows 7 professional 64bit.
This machine will act as a host.
and they are stationed in the same network area.
then, using the program "nmap",
i used another machine on the same network, to act as a client.
using the "-sS" parameter on "nmap", i do a Syn Scan, to the IP and Port of the listening simpleServer on both machine (one attempt at a time).
(note that the 2 hosts already had "wireshark" started, and is monitoring on tcp packets from the client's IP and to the listening port.)
In the "wireshark" entry, on both machine, i saw the expected tcp packet for Syn Scan:
client ----(SYN)----> host
client <--(SYN/ACK)-- host
client ----(RST)----> host
the above packet exchange suggests that the connection was not established.
But on the "simpleServer.exe", only one of it had "new incoming connection" printed in the logs, while the other instance was not alerted of any new incoming connection, hence no logs at all.
Code Snippets
// socket bind and listen was done above this loop
if(sClient == INVALID_SOCKET)
printf("Failed accept()");
dwSockOpt (sListen);
printf ("recv a connection: %s\n", inet_ntoa(remoteAddr.sin_addr));
side note:
yes, since it is just a simple program, the flow might be a little funny, such as no break in the while loop. so please don't mind this simple and flawed design.
Further Investigation
i had also put a getsockopt() in the "simpleServer" right after it went into listening state, to check the differences of both the listening socket's SOL_SOCKET option.
one notable difference i found between the two hosts, is the SO_MAX_MSG_SIZE.
the host that detects the incoming connection has a Hex value of 0x3FFFFFFF (1073741823), while the other one that has no logs is 0xFFFFFFFF (-1). not sure if this is related or not, but i just spammed whatever differences that i may found in my test environment. the other value of the SOL_SOCKET are more or less the same.
side note: i tested on some other machine, which covers another windows 7 professional, windows server 2008 r2, windows server 2003. i am not sure if it is coincidence or not, but machine that have SO_MAX_MSG_SIZE == -1, they all did not detect the connection of the Syn Scanning. but maybe it is just a coincidence. i have nothing to prove tho.
Help That I Needed
why is the different behavior from the 2 same of the same application on a different machine with the same OS?
what determines the value of the SO_MAX_MSG_SIZE? considering two same OS but having 2 different values.
If a connection is never established, accept() will never return. That disposes of 90% of your question.
The only explanation for the 'new incoming connection' (or 'recv a connection' or whatever it is) message is that something else connected.
SO_MAX_MSG_SIZE has no meaning for a TCP socket, let alone a listening TCP socket. So whatever variation you experienced is meaningless.

Reusing Client TCP Connection for HTTP

Why can't I reuse a http client socket in a C web client, since I don't call close(http_socket_fd)? The first write/read to the socket file descriptor works perfectly well. Any/all successive reads return zero (hardly any error).
Basically, I don't want to keep recreating new client connection sockets to the same host for successive requests. Is it not possible in C to reuse an open client socket (which already has HTTP keep-alive enabled) for successive read/writes? It seems possible with Java http://www.mail-archive.com/httpclient-dev#jakarta.apache.org/msg04687.html
Example: (PSEUDO_CODE)
//initial connection
} while(EACH_DOMAIN)
//successive connections - NO RECREATING TCP SOCKET!
You want to read up on persistent HTTP/1.1 connections.
The server may be closing the connection. Are you sending HTTP/1.1 headers? See http://www.io.com/~maus/HttpKeepAlive.html for a bit more.

Resume the same TCP connection

I have a multi-process TCPServer which creates (by fork() on linux) one process (child) per client's request, and in the meanwhile it is listening other connection's request. So I have a 1 to 1 mapping between client and server.
Suppose that one client crashes...is it possible to reconnect it to the same child server process?In other terms..is it possible to restore a pre-exhistent connection which is failed or the attempts to reconnect create a new connection (and then a new child server process)? thank you...
Without some knowledge (by the forker) of the interior session-related details (of the forkee), you have to make assumptions about external details being adequate to determine which remote connections get re-associated with which local connection end-points.
You could change the way things work in your application, though. Oracle SQL*Net does this on some platforms (due to platform limitations).
The initial connection to the TCPServer causes a fork and then opens up a new listening socket, sends back a redirection instruction to connect to the new listening socket & identifying details (to avoid someone else connecting and impersonating the original connector). The client then connects to the new socket, and uses this socket to do any re-connections upon disconnects before their time.
I have done something very similar to this in .NET platform. If you have something which is unique for every connection (for example IMEI of the connecting device this can be done).You should have some global two-dimensional array variable with combination of ProcessID and IMEI. So when device is disconnected and then the device reconnects you only search in this array for this IMEI and you have the process for this device. You should be very carefull with this global variable.
I gave an example of some unique identifier. In my case that was the IMEI of the devices. In your case that could be something else which you know it is unique.
I had to do this because I had very big problem with devices breaking up the connection. Every new device was new connection so afterward I ended up with very big CPU usage.
Maybe you can refer https://eternalterminal.dev/howitworks/. Both the client and the server need change.

How do I make a TCP connection between 2 servers if both can start the connection?

I have a defined number of servers that can locally process data in their own way. But after some time I want to synchronize some states that are common on each server. My idea was that establish a TCP connection from each server to the other servers like a mesh network.
My problem is that in what order do I make the connections since there is no "master" server here, so that each server is responsible for creating there own connections to each server.
My idea was that make each server connect and if the server that is getting connected already has a connection to the connecting server, then just drop the connection.
But how do I handle the fact that 2 servers is trying to connect at the same time? Because then I get 2 TCP connections instead of 1.
Any ideas?
You will need to have a handshake protocol when you're connection to a server so you can verify whether it's ok to start sending/receiving data, otherwise you might end up with one of the endpoint connecting and start sending data immediately only to have the other end drop the connection.
For ensuring only one connection is up to a server,you just need something like this pseudocode:
remote_server = accept_connection()
lock mutex;
if(already_connected(remote_server)) {
unlock mutex;
If your server isn't multithreaded you don't need any locks to guard you when you check whether you're already connected - as there won't be any "at the same time" issues.
You will also need to have a retry mechanism to connect to a server based on a small random grace period in the event the remote server closed the connection you just set up.
If the connection got closed, you wait a little while, check if you're already connected (maybe the other end set up a connection to you in the mean time) and try to connect again. This is to avoid the situation where both ends set up the connection at the same time but the other end closes it because of the above logic.
Just as an idea. Each server accept a connection, then find out that it has got two TCP connections between the same servers. Then one connection is chosen to be closed. The way to choose what connection to close you just need to implement. For example both servers should compare their names ( or their IP address or their UID) and connection initiated by the server whose name is less (or UID) should be closed.
While better solution implies making a separate "LoadBalancer" to which all your servers are connected here is the small suggestion to make sure that connections are not created simultaneously.
Your servers can start connections in different times by using
bool CreateConnection = (time() % i == 0)
if (CreateConnection){ ... }
where i is the ID of the particular server.
and time() could be in seconds or fractions of a second, depending on your requerements.
This will guarantee that you never get two servers connecting at the same time to each other. If you do not have IDs for servers, you can use a random value.
