Migrating Data to Google Cloud - wordpress

I recently bought Google Cloud services and want to migrate my wordpress website from my current hosting service (which uses CPanel) to Google Cloud. I already have a project and instance created on Google Cloud but I can't seem to understand how to connect it with FTP or through webUI so that I can upload my already existing web files.

Well you can use a plugin for migrating your WordPress website. For example: https://wordpress.org/plugins/duplicator/


How do I make an existing WordPress blog available at a subdirectory/subpath of an existing Azure AppService website?

I have a Flask website (e.g. mysite.com) hosted on Microsoft Azure App Service. I have a WordPress blog hosted on another MS Azure App Service instance. I created this blog using the WordPress Azure Marketplace item by App Service in line with this doc. The current URL for the blog is the default app service URL (e.g. myblog.azurewebsites.net).
I want to integrate the blog into my website, so that the blog is available at mysite.com/blog/. For example, the page at myblog.azurewebsites.net/my-first-post should be available at mysite.com/blog/my-first-post. By integrate I mean make available; I don't mind having 2 different applications as present i.e. one for the main site, and one for the blog.
Is this even possible?
If so, can someone point me in the right direction or to the relevant docs so that I can figure things out?
Also, I am still exploring WordPress so the blog contains only test posts. If there is an alternative method of creating the blog from scratch so that it integrates into the website easily, I can work with that as well.

Google Cloud Storage - Restrict access to files to a specific domain

I am using Google Cloud Storage for my WordPress website and I would like to know if there is a way to restrict access to my files so that only my domain will be able to access them. I tried Google Search but I couldn't find anything. Could you please tell me if I can do that and how?
From your question it is not clear for which purpose you wish to use Cloud Storage for your website.
You can look at this article with respect to Cloud Storage access control. I would recommend looking at IAM since I believe your want to allow domain access to all the files in Cloud Storage.
In general, if you want to host your WordPress website on Google Cloud, several options are available:
WordPress Single Instance using Cloud Launcher
WordPress on Kubernetes Engine
WordPress on App Engine
If you want to integrate WordPress with Google Cloud products, like Cloud Storage, there are plugins available from the Google Cloud Platform GitHub repository.

Where does google cloud platform install wordpress when using template?

I have a google cloud compute engine instance with wordpress installed from their template. Where exactly do they install wordpress?
Google Cloud Launcher installs Wordpress within var/www/html you can access this by SSH'ing onto your server.

Can I mirror wordpress public REST API to my self hosted wordpress site?

I have a self hosted wordpress site, for example, www.example.com,
I can access the site's posts and other data through wordpress official REST API site "https://public-api.wordpress.com" via Jetpack plugin installed and enabled.
But I can not access "https://public-api.wordpress.com" this site in my country since it is blocked by firewall that deployed within my country.
So,my question is:
Can I mirror this feature to my self hosted wordpress site so that I can directly access contents in my local APP?
I have never used the official api, but i have used these plugins to create api for my wordpress. https://wordpress.org/plugins/json-api/ and https://wordpress.org/plugins/json-rest-api/.
The plugins are preety functional, you just need to install them and start using the REST API. There might not be too many features in them but they get the job done. for advance stuff you will have to modify the plugin to your needs.

How to upload themes to wordpress hosted on heroku

Google recently pulled the plug from Cloud SQL free quota and i am now looking for options other that Amazon EC2 as i don't have a credit yet.
I followed the project https://github.com/mhoofman/wordpress-heroku and i was able to
to get wordpress hosted on heroku for free http://calm-wave-7249.herokuapp.com/
The next thing that is bugging me is the ability to add new themes from sites like themeforest.com.
As heroku doesn't support file I/O i was wondering how to commit and push a theme enabled wordpress instance to my heroku repo.
Any help is this regard would be appreciated.
