Polymer supports CSS mixins, which can be set like this:
scope1 {
--mixin1: {
attr1: val1;
and applied like this:
scope2 {
#apply --mixin1; /* sets attr1 */
Is there a way to set the value of a mixin from inside a mixin? I tried this, but it doesn't work:
scope1 {
--mixin1: {
attr1: val1;
--mixin2: {
attr2: val2;
scope2 {
#apply --mixin1; /* sets attr1 */
#apply --mixin2; /* is attr2 set? */
A real case of why this would be useful: Say you have an app that uses several custom components based on paper-listbox and paper-item. You would like to style all of the lists in your custom components with a different spacing and font. You could set the --paper-listbox and --paper-item mixins in a global scope. But that would affect every occurrence of the two elements relying on defaults. Instead in your custom components, you would simply #apply --custom-list; and set that mixin in a global :root {--custom-list: {/*set list style, set item style*/}; }.
Workaround: Instead of nesting mixins, refactor into selectors:
scope1 {
--mixin1: {
attr1: val1;
scope1 scope2 {
--mixin2: {
attr2: val2;
In the use case above, instead of --custom-list with nesting:
:root custom-list {
--paper-input-container: {/*set list style*/};
--paper-item: {/*set item style*/};
I am converting a custom element dropdown over to lit-element. The way the existing element shows the dropdown options is by setting an expanded boolean attribute on the element, and the options are shown/hidden via css:
my-element:not([expanded]) .options-container {
display: none;
my-element[expanded] .options-container {
display: block;
The component doesn't need to do any rerenders because the logic is all in the css.
How can I achieve this behavior with lit-element, and not rerender the component? Rerendering can be costly if there are a lot of dropdown options.
I have tried implementing a shouldUpdate that returns false if only expanded has changed - but this causes lit-element not to reflect expanded to the attribute when set via a property, which is necessary in order to show/hide via css.
This is what I have, which doesn't work:
class MyDropdown extends LitElement {
static get properties() {
return {
expanded: { type: Boolean, reflect: true },
shouldUpdate(changedProperties) {
if (changedProperties.has('expanded') && changedProperties.size === 1) {
return false;
return true;
// disable shadow-dom
createRenderRoot() {
return this;
Note that I am not using shadow dom yet, not sure if that would change the solution. I'm on lit-element 2.2.1.
The idea is to not use LitElement's static properties or #Property decorator. Write your own property implementation like this:
class MyDropdown extends LitElement {
_expanded = false;
get expanded() {
return this._expanded;
set expanded(val) {
this._expanded = val;
// Manually setting the property and reflecting attribute.
if (val) {
this.setAttribute('expanded', '');
} else {
// disable shadow-dom
createRenderRoot() {
return this;
Similarly, you can listen for attributeChangedCallback lifecycle event and adjust _expanded property whenever user changes the attribute and not property.
I'm writing some sass to generate a set of icons based on a series of parameters. I have a function that analyses a set of variables and then returns a 'scenario' variable which in turn is used to filter the information taken from the nested map where everything is stored.
The code which retreives the information from the nested map is as follows:
#each $key-lv0, $lv0 in $icon-config {
#if($key-lv0 == $scenario) {
#each $key-lv1, $lv1 in $lv0 {
#if type-of($lv1) != "map" {
#{$key-lv1}: $lv1;
#each $key-lv2, $lv2 in $lv1 {
#if type-of($lv2) != "map" {
.#{$key-lv1} {
#{$key-lv2}: $lv2;
#each $key-lv3, $lv3 in $lv2 {
#if($key-lv2 == "hover") {
.#{$key-lv1}:#{$key-lv2} {
#{$key-lv3}: $lv3;
} #else {
.#{$key-lv1} #{$key-lv2} {
#{$key-lv3}: $lv3;
... and this produces something along these lines:
.icon .icon-header {
background-color: #00a9f0;
.icon .icon-header:hover {
border-color: #040100;
... etc ...
... which is fine - repeated statements aside whicvh I'll deal with later.
The problem is the cap between ".icon" and ".icon-header". These classes will all be used in a single element and for the css to be interpretted correctly it needs to generate something like this:
.icon.icon-header {
background-color: #00a9f0;
.icon.icon-header:hover {
border-color: #040100;
I've tried bringing ".icon" down like so:
#if type-of($lv1) != "map" {
.icon#{$key-lv1}: $lv1;
and removing it from the top but sass rejects this with the following error:
Error: Properties are only allowed within rules, directives, mixin includes, or other properties.
It seems such a minor thing but it's nagging me and I can't seem to find an answer.
I've started using CSS modules, however I cannot find any examples of how exactly this works:
/* some property */
All classes are local by default, so what does :local or :global mean?
That's right, all classes are local by default. But if you switched a block to global and you need a local selector inside, this where you need local applied.
:global {
.a {
:local(.b) {
compiles to
.a {
.b___1bJNe {
I've used guard expressions elsewhere in my CSS to achieve IF statements in LESS, however these don't work for me when trying to declare variables like so...
#neutral: false;
#warm: true;
when (#neutral = true) {
#green: #91C95B;
#red: #F15647;
when (#warm = true) {
#green: #91AD3C;
#red: #BF2A23;
This is an example of how I would like to be able to use that variable
h1 {
This is how I would expect it to compile down to CSS
h1 {
color: #91AD3C;
Is this possible with LESS or would I need to modify my code to use mixin guards?
You can use Guarded Mixins like this :
#neutral: false;
#warm: true;
.color() when (#neutral) {
#green: #91C95B;
.color() when (#warm) {
#green: #91AD3C;
h1 {
Is there any way to pass a function or a mixin by reference to another function or mixin in SASS, and then call the referenced function or mixin?
For example:
#function foo($value) {
#return $value;
#mixin bob($fn: null) {
a {
b: $fn(c); // is there a way to call a referenced function here?
#include bob(foo); // is there any way I can pass the function "foo" here?
Functions and mixins are not first-class in Sass, meaning you can't pass them around as arguments like you can with variables.
Sass 3.2 and older
The closest you can get is with the #content directive (Sass 3.2+).
#mixin foo {
a {
#include bob {
b: foo(c); // this replaces `#content` in the foo mixin
The only caveat is that the #content can't see what's inside your mixin. In other words, if c was only defined inside the bob mixin, it essentially wouldn't exist because it isn't considered in scope.
Sass 3.3 and newer
Starting with 3.3, you can use the call() function, but it is only for use with functions, not mixins. This requires passing string containing the name of the function as the first argument.
#function foo($value) {
#return $value;
#mixin bob($fn: null) {
a {
b: call($fn, c);
#include bob('foo');