NoSuchMethodError when deploy an icefaces 3 app - glassfish-3

I'm refactoring a simple web project that originally uses icefaces-ee 1.8 with icepush, then was uploaded to icefaces-ee 3.3.0 with icepush, but never actually require them. I'm replacing the 'ee' libraries to community libraries, and droping the icepush funtionality to a simple icefaces project.
My maven icefaces dependencies are:
it compiles but when I try to deploy the war into glassfish 3, I get this error
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.icefaces.util.EnvUtils.getWarnBeforeExpiryInterval(Ljavax/faces/context/FacesContext;)
effectively, I see that the class EnvUtils, in the icefaces-3.3.0.jar, lacks that method.
which functionality uses this? how can I avoid this error?

One of the workaround is to upgrade ICEfaces to 4.0.0. EnvUtils.getWarnBeforeExpiryInterval(FacesContext)has been introduced since version 4.0.0.
See also:
EnvUtils of version 3.3.0
EnvUtils of version 4.0.0


Why can't I import in my java app after upgrading firebase-admin from 6.12.2 to 9.1.0

My java application creates Google Cloud Functions. It works when the pom.xml is:
However after upgrading the version in the pom.xml to:
These import statements no longer work.
How do I use the latest version and import these dependencies?
Here are the dependencies in the pom:
<!-- -->
I also tried removing the version number of the dependency hoping the BOM would take over the version numbers, but that didn't work.
What is strange is that I have looked at the code in github ( ) and can see the class exists in the code ( )
If I look at the maven dependency I can also see the class as shown here:
Thanks in advance for the help.

How the spring-boot-starter-data-redis works?

I find the jar only three common files, no java file, no pom.xml file. How it works? I'am confused, thanks~
➜ jar -tf spring-boot-starter-data-redis-2.5.1.jar
The package also includes a pom.xml which defines some dependencies on other projects like spring-data-redis, lettuce-core. These dependencies will be included in your build process.
So there's no actual code in the jar.
Example from the spring-boot-starter-data-redis 2.0.6-RELEASE pom.xml:
As Luc said, if you look inside the artifact you'll see a POM that brings all the needed dependencies.
Baeldung has a good article on how starters work
It's code in jar spring-boot-autoconfigure, in package , the core class is RedisAutoConfiguration

Where did org.apache.poi.POIXMLDocument class go in version 4.0.1?

I have a Tomcat application that writes out spreadsheets and it was using the following JAR files:
I saw there was a version 4.0.1 of poi, and in looking at I think I have the prerequisites set up, but I get an Exception when running:
25-Mar-2019 22:33:37.117 SEVERE [http-nio-8181-exec-10] org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke Servlet.service() for servlet [xxx.ApplicationConfig] in context with path [/DataLoaderREST] threw exception [org.glassfish.jersey.server.ContainerException: java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError] with root cause
java.lang.RuntimeException: Uncompilable source code - cannot find symbol
symbol: class POIXMLDocument
location: package org.apache.poi
Apparently when I built my .WAR file that gave the above error, it looks like NetBeans found the old 3.16 jar files and compiled my code, but I didn't have the 3.16 jar files on the server. Now that I've done a clean in NetBeans, I cannot compile in NetBeans.
--- maven-compiler-plugin:2.3.2:compile (default-compile) # DataModules ---
Compiling 44 source files to C:\xxx\xxx\10 Software\Java\LoaderFramework\DataModules\target\classes
com/xxx/billing/loader/parser/[36,21] error: cannot find symbol
And ExcelParser.jara line 36 is:
import org.apache.poi.POIXMLDocument;
Here is my pom.xml, referencing the 4.0.1 jars:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<!-- POI artifacts See -->
<!-- type>bundle</type -->
I have checked my NetBeans .m2 repository, and I have both 3.16 and 4.0.1 directories inC:\Users\mstewart\.m2\repository\org\apache\poi\poi\ and poi\ooxml and poi\ooxml-schemas
I stared at the compiler error
import org.apache.poi.POIXMLDocument;
for days, and just noticed it was missing the ooxml part of the package; changed it to
import org.apache.poi.ooxml.POIXMLDocument;
And all is well. Thanks Axel for the links; that helped me eventually find the issue.

How can I deploy a project in tomcat server with dependencies(new dependencies)

Hi I added my Mavan Spring webapp to my server.. I change some dependencies... The localhost works fine and when run on the server it gives the error... How can I download dependencies(build wih dependencies) in tomcat 8.5.11 to the server. I use the same version on the localhost and it works fine.
When I check WEB-INF/lib path in my server it shows the previous dependies... How can I download them...
<!--handle servlet-->
<!--<Email Dependency>-->
<!--Add mysql dependency-->
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Seems like there is some mis-match in the dependencies on the server.
This is how a web application looks for its dependencies:
First the dependencies are searched inside the web-inf/lib folder of the web application itself.
If not found, it will search it for in the lib of the tomcat.
If there is some conflicts in the dependencies, then an the web application does not starts.
The approach to resolve this should be:
Note: Keep the backup of all folders first.
Provide all the dependencies in the web-inf/lib folder.
If there is some issue, cut all the dependencies from web-inf/lib and paste in lib folder of tomcat. There could be some warnings for the duplicates or a dependency having multiple versions. In that case choose the best version which matches your requirements.
If still it does not works, copy the web-inf/lib and tomcat lib from the localhost and paste it on the server.
Looks like versioning problem to me. Please check the jars in the lib folder, on local and on server and compare them. Specifically check, whats the version of jersey-*.jar files.
Another place you can check is the tomcat lib directory. what all jar are present in local vs server. Tomcat lib folder as used as "provided" dependency scope.

How to get a Server.log in Embedded Glassfish

I'm using Embedded Glassfish to do some In-Container-Tests with Arquillian. Now, when my test fails, i always get stacktraces from the tests that are cluttered with Arquillian-specific stuff. But there are few informations about what the real reason for failing tests is.
With regular Glassfish, i could check the server.log for more informations. Unfortunately, Embedded Glassfish seems not to provide a Server.log.
I also looked into the temporary directory that is created by Arquillian/Embedded Glassfish, but it doesn't contain any logfiles.
How can i activate logging in Embedded Glassfish?
By the way, i have the following dependencies in my pom:
I had a lot of difficulty with exactly the same problem using arquillian , testng and embedded glassfish. After a few hours I managed to get it working
What I found was that arquillian has a dependency on version 1.5.9.RC1 of slf4j-simple which uses the slf4j-api.
To get it working I added the property
and the dependencies
and then under dependency management
once I had this I added my usual file to src/test/resources and everything worked fine.
