I'm trying in R to get the list of tickers from every exchange covered by Quandl.
There are 2 ways:
1) For every exchange the provide the zipped csv with all ticker. The URL looks like this (XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX - API key, YYY - code of exchange):
This looks pretty promissing, but I was not able to read the file with read.table or e.g fread. Don't know why. Is it because of the API key? read.table is supposed to read zip files with no problem.
2) I was able to go further with the 2nd way. They provide URL to the csv of tickers. E.g.:
As you see, URL contains page number. The problem is they only mention it below in text, that you need to run this URL many time (e.g. 56 for LSE) in order to get the full list. I was able to do it like this:
pages <- 1:100 # "100" is taken just to be big enough
Source <- c("LSE","FSE", ...) # vector of exchange codes
TICKERS = lapply(sprintf(
TICKERS <- do.call(rbind, TICKERS)
The problem is I just put 100 pages, but when R tryies to get the non-existing page (e.g. #57) it delivers an error and do not go further. I was trying to do smth like iferror, but failed.
Could you pls give some hints?
I am scraping OpenFDA (https://open.fda.gov/apis). I know my particular inquiry has 6974 hits, which is organized into 100 hits per page (max download of the API). I am trying to use R (rvest, jsonlite, purr, tidyverse, httr) to download all of this data.
I checked the website information with curl in terminal and downloaded a couple of sites to see a pattern.
I've tried a few lines of code and I can only get 100 entries to download. This code seems to work decently, but it will only pull 100 entries, so one page To skip the fisrt 100, which I can pull down and merge later, here is the code that I have used:
url_json <- "https://api.fda.gov/drug/label.json?api_key=YOULLHAVETOGETAKEY&search=grapefruit&limit=100&skip=6973"
raw_json <- httr::GET(url_json, accept_json())
data<- httr::content(raw_json, "text")
my_content_from_json <- jsonlite::fromJSON(data)
dataframe1 <- my_content_from_json$results
SOLUTION below in the responses. Thanks!
From the comments:
It looks like the API parameters skip and limit work better than the search_after parameter. They allow pulling down 1,000 entries simultaneously according to the documentation (open.fda.gov/apis/query-parameters). To provide these parameters into the query string, an example URL would be
after which you can loop to get the remaining entries with skip=1000, skip=2000, etc. as you've done above.
Thanks in advance for any feedback.
As part of my dissertation I'm trying to scrape data from the web (been working on this for months). I have a couple issues:
-Each document I want to scrape has a document number. However, the numbers don't always go up in order. For example, one document number is 2022, but the next one is not necessarily 2023, it could be 2038, 2040, etc. I don't want to hand go through to get each document number. I have tried to wrap download.file in purrr::safely(), but once it hits a document that does not exist it stops.
-Second, I'm still fairly new to R, and am having a hard time setting up destfile for multiple documents. Indexing the path for where to store downloaded data ends up with the first document stored in the named place, the next document as NA.
Here's the code I've been working on:
base.url <- "https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/"
document.name.1 <- "P-9-2022-00"
document.extension <- "_EN.docx"
#document.number <- 2321
document.numbers <- c(2330:2333)
for (i in 1:length(document.numbers)) {
temp.doc.name <- paste0(base.url,
#download and save data
safely <- purrr::safely(download.file(temp.doc.name,
destfile = "/Users/...[i]"))
Ultimately, I need to scrape about 120,000 documents from the site. Where is the best place to store the data? I'm thinking I might run the code for each of the 15 years I'm interested in separately, in order to (hopefully) keep it manageable.
Note: I've tried several different ways to scrape the data. Unfortunately for me, the RSS feed only has the most recent 25. Because there are multiple dropdown menus to navigate before you reach the .docx file, my workaround is to use document numbers. I am however, open to more efficient way to scrape these written questions.
Again, thanks for any feedback!
After quickly checking out the site, I agree that I can't see any easier ways to do this, because the search function doesn't appear to be URL-based. So what you need to do is poll each candidate URL and see if it returns a "good" status (usually 200) and don't download when it returns a "bad" status (like 404). The following code block does that.
Note that purrr::safely doesn't run a function -- it creates another function that is safe and which you then can call. The created function returns a list with two slots: result and error.
base.url <- "https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/"
document.name.1 <- "P-9-2022-00"
document.extension <- "_EN.docx"
#document.number <- 2321
document.numbers <- c(2330:2333,2552,2321)
sHEAD = purrr::safely(httr::HEAD)
sdownload = purrr::safely(download.file)
for (i in seq_along(document.numbers)) {
file_name = paste0(document.name.1,document.numbers[i],document.extension)
temp.doc.name <- paste0(base.url,file_name)
if(sHEAD(temp.doc.name)$result$status %in% 200:299){
It might not be as simple as all of the valid URLs returning a '200' status. I think in general URLs in the range 200:299 are ok (edited answer to reflect this).
I used parts of this answer in my answer.
If the file does not exists, tryCatch simply skips it
get_data <- function(index) {
) %>%
download.file(url = .,
destfile = paste0(index, ".docx"),
mode = "wb",
quiet = TRUE) %>%
error = function(e) print(paste(index, "does not exists - SKIPS")))
map(2000:5000, get_data)
I want to import json data from some kind of fitness tracker in order to run some analysis on them. The single json files are quite large, while I am only interested in specific numbers per training session (each json file is a training session).
I managed to read in the names of the files & to grab the interesting content out of the files. Unfortunately my code does obviously not work correctly if one or more information are missing in some of the json files (e.g. distance is not availaible as it was an indoor training).
I stored all json files with training sessions in a folder (=path in the code) and asked R to get a list of the files in that folder:
json_files<- list.files(path,pattern = ".json",full.names = TRUE) #this is the list of files
Then I wrote this function to get the data im interested in from each single file (as reading in all the content for each file exceeded my available RAM capacity...)
importPFData <- function(x)
maxHRsession <- testimport$exercises$heartRate$max
minHRsession <- testimport$exercises$heartRate$min
avgHRsession <- testimport$exercises$heartRate$avg
calories <- testimport$exercises$kiloCalories
VO2max_overall <- testimport$physicalInformationSnapshot$vo2Max
Next I applied this function to all elements of my list of files:
dataTest<-sapply(jlist, importPFData)
I receive a list with one entry per file, as expected. Unfortunately not all of the data was available per file, which results in some entries having 7, other having 8,9 or 10 entries.
I struggle with getting this into a proper dataframe as the infomation is not shown as NA or 0, its just left out.
Is there an easy way to include NA in the function above if no information is found in the individual json file for that specific detail (e.g. distance not available --> "NA" for distance for this single entry)?
Example (csv) of the content of a file with 10 entries:
Example (csv) for a file with only 7 entries (columns won´t macht to Example 1):
Hi first of all thanks for the help. I would like to know if there’s a way to extract specific data that is allocated in the same place in all pages from a pdf editable file.
The file (modified to comply with privacy concerns) contains a series of payroll receipts, all pages contain the same format and data. I would like to extract only the SSN (No. IMSS) of each employee and put them on a data frame. I have searched for how to do this but I have only found cases where the data is not properly structered and since in this file all pages are exactly equal, I would like to know if there's a less troublesome way.
Using pdf tools and the steps bellow I was able to isolate the data I wanted (allocated on line 9), but only from an individual page. I would like to know if it’s possible to enter a command that works for all pages. Thank you.
> library(pdftools)
> test <- pdf_text("pruebas.pdf")
> orden <- strsplit(test,"\r\n")
> required <- c(unlist(strsplit(orden2[[1]],"\r\n")))
> nss <- required[9]
> result <- as.data.frame(nss)
This is a text parsing task and there are several ways to do it. Perhaps the quickest way is to split the output at every No. IMSS:, select the second fragments, split the result at the line break, then take the first fragment. The code isn't pretty, but it works:
"No\\. IMSS: +"), `[`, 2), "\r"), `[`, 1)
#> [1] "12-34-56-7895-5" "12-34-56-7895-9" "12-34-56-7895-7" "12-34-56-7895-1"
I am learning python (using 3.5). I realize I will probably take a bit of heat for posting my question. Here goes: I have literally reviewed several hundred posts, help docs, etc. all in an attempt to construct the code I need. No luck thus far. I hope someone can help me. I have a set of URLs say, 18 or more. Only 2 illustrated here:
[1] "http://www.senate.mo.gov/media/15info/Chappelle-Nadal/releases/111915.html"
[2] "http://www.senate.mo.gov/media/15info/Chappelle-Nadal/releases/092215.htm"
I need to scrape all the data (text) behind each url and write out to individual text files (one for each URL) for future topic model analysis. Right now, I pull in the urls through R using rvest. I then take each url (one at a time, by code) into python and do the following:
soup = BeautifulSoup(urlopen('http://www.senate.mo.gov/media/14info/chappelle-nadal/Columns/012314-Condensed.html').read())
txt = soup.find('div', {'class' : 'body'})
#print(soup.prettify()) not much help
#store the info in an object, then write out the object
#below does write a file
#how to take my BS object and get it in
open_file = open('23Jan2014cplNadal1.txt', 'w')
The above gets me partially to my target. It leaves me just a little clean up regarding the text, but that's okay. The problem is that it is labor intensive.
Is there a way to
Write a clean text file (without invisibles, etc.) out from R with all listed urls?
For python 3.5: Is there a way to take all the urls, once they are in a clean single file (the clean text file, one url per line), and have some iterative process retrieve the text behind each url and write out a text file for each URL's data(text) to a location on my hard drive?
I have to do this process for approximately 1000 state-level senators. Any help or direction is greatly appreciated.
Edit to original: Thank you so much all. To N. Velasquez: I tried the following:
for (url in urls) {
download.file(url, destfile = basename(url), method="curl", mode ="w", extra="-k")
html files are then written out to my working directory. However, is there a way to write out text files instead of html files? I've read download.file info and can't seem to figure out a way to push out individual text files. Regarding the suggestion for a for loop: Is what I illustrate what you mean for me to attempt? Thank you!
The answer for 1 is: Sure!
The following code will loop you through the html list and export atomic TXTs, as per your request.
Note that through rvest and html_node() you could get a much more structure datset, with recurring parts of the html stored separately. (header, office info, main body, URL, etc...)
urls <- (c("http://www.senate.mo.gov/media/15info/Chappelle-Nadal/releases/111915.html", "http://www.senate.mo.gov/media/15info/Chappelle-Nadal/releases/092215.htm"))
for (i in 1:length(urls))
ht <- list()
ht[i] <- html_text(html_node(read_html(urls[i]), xpath = '//*[#id="mainContent"]'), trim = TRUE)
ht <- gsub("[\r\n]","",ht)
writeLines(ht[i], paste("DOC_", i, ".txt", sep =""))
Look for the DOC_1.txt and DOC_2.txt in your working directory.