Wordpress Login Dashboard too many redirects - wordpress

Just added a 301 redirect code inside my htaccess file and now I can't even access my own dashboard for WordPress. It says:
This page isn’t working
website.com redirected you too many times.
Try clearing your cookies.
I already cleared everything, even my advanced settings for cache and cookies.
Can anyone help me with this?
I have no ftp access on this also :(


Redirection Error When Accessing the wp-admin Page on a WordPress Site Hosted on GCP App Engine

I have a problem with my WordPress site hosted on GCP App Engine. When I try to access the wp-admin page, I first receive a 302 followed by a 301 that redirects me to the homepage.
I have already tried to deactivate my theme and all the plugins from the database, but that has not changed anything. I also added var_dumps to index.php in the wp-admin folder, but none of them are executed because the redirection happens before.
I also deleted my .htaccess file to make sure the redirection is not coming from there. Could you give me some leads to solve this problem? Thank you in advance.

Wordpress Login page redirects back to itself

I’m trying to log in to wordpress dashboard but it redirects back to login page causing 302 error.
I’ve tried all solutions suggested in the internet including clearing caches, deactivating plugins and themes, changing url in wp-confing.php and deleting .htaccess file but none of above did't help… How can I solve this?
Thanks in advance!
Open your domain manager backup your site from cpanel and reinstall wordpress using cpanel. I think it should work

Wordpress 404 error on domain.com/wp-admin

My WordPress site having issue so not able to reach out to the domain.com/wp-admin, it's redirect to 404 error. I have been tried out for delete ".htaccess" file however it's not working.Cache and cookies of the browser also have been clear out. Would need some advise how can I reach out to my domain.com/wp-admin.
I have been tried for using domain.com/wp-admin.php. Disable plugin however it's also not working from my end to redirect on my side
Usually, a 404 error on /wp-admin/ is caused due to missing .htaccess in your website's root directory, so first thing first, make sure that you have a valid WordPress .htaccess ( https://wordpress.org/support/article/htaccess/ ).
After that, make sure that you do not have a plugin for a custom admin login as it might also cause this behavior. If the issue still persists after that, try accessing the admin login page at: yourdomain.com/wp-login.php
If none of the above work, you should ask your hosting provider for further help.

Cache keeps making users go to my old web url

My home page used to be www.example.com/index.html, because I was on the Weebly platform. I then switched to Wordpress, where the home page should simply be www.example.com/home.
However, I realized if I visit the URL on a browser where cache hasn't been cleared for the past 24 hours, the website automatically redirects the user to www.example.com/index.html. Is there a way to fix this? I've Googled ways for about 2 hours and tried various Wordpress plugins...
Create a redirect in your wordpress site from /home.html to /home
Just delete old index.html and add this to your .htaccess file in root
RewriteEngine On
Redirect 301 /index.html http://www.example.com/home

301 redirect vs. wordpress

I am getting really desperate over here.
In order to make up some SEO I want to redirect my none-www into www site. Of course simple 301 redirect ill d the trick, and it also work.
What doesn't work, at all, is a wordpress. I have my own VPS, and I am installing wordpress by application manager in plesk panel. But if i activate the htaccess file, wordpress cannot be installed anymore (strangely enough it tells me that mysql extension is not activated) and existing wordpress pages will stop orking with infinite loop error. Once I delete htaccess everything works fine.
Please if anyine has idea how can i redirect and have wordpress at the same, it would me much appreciated
Bypass the problem. Set up a simple example.com domain/site in Apache, and force it to unconditionally redirct to www.example.com. Wordpress would only be active in the www.example.com site's setup, and example.com exists ONLY to redirect to the www version.
That way you're not trying to get your .htaccess stuff to coexist with Wordpress', and the redirection occurs far outside of Wordpress' domain.
