DOXFX using Application Insights end-user user analytics - azure-application-insights

How can you add Application insights end-user user analytics to DocFx to track the usage of every documentation page?
The Application Insights documentation states you need to insert the JavaScript snippet listed below immediately before the closing tag, but I'm not sure if this is possible in DocFx or the best way to accomplish.
Would you need a postprocessor, or could you use a custom template?
To collect end-user usage analytics about your application,
insert the following script into each page you want to track.
Place this code immediately before the closing </head> tag,
and before any other scripts. Your first data will appear
automatically in just a few seconds.
<script type="text/javascript">
var appInsights=window.appInsights||function(config){
function i(config){t[config]=function(){var
i=arguments;t.queue.push(function(){t[config].apply(t,i)})}}var t={config:config},u=document,e=window,o="script",s="AuthenticatedUserContext",h="start",c="stop",l="Track",a=l+"Event",v=l+"Page",y=u.createElement(o),r,f;y.src=config.url||"";u.getElementsByTagName(o)[0].parentNode.appendChild(y);try{t.cookie=u.cookie}catch(p){}for(t.queue=[],t.version="1.0",r=["Event","Exception","Metric","PageView","Trace","Dependency"];r.length;)i("track"+r.pop());return i("set"+s),i("clear"+s),i(h+a),i(c+a),i(h+v),i(c+v),i("flush"),config.disableExceptionTracking||(r="onerror",i("_"+r),f=e[r],e[r]=function(config,i,u,e,o){var s=f&&f(config,i,u,e,o);return s!==!0&&t["_"+r](config,i,u,e,o),s}),t

No PostProcessor is needed. You can achieve this by customizing the template. More information can be found in official tutorial or this question. You can add your code in partials/head.tmpl.partial. It will affect all the generated page.


Adding Programmable Search through Tag Manager

Is there a way to add the following script, required by Google Programmable Search to Google Tag Manager? Just trying to minimize separate scripts included in my code.
<script async src=""></script>
NM, figured it out. In case someone cares, here's how you do it:
Keep the code part where you want to include your search in the page code.
The above script can be added to GTM via Custom HTML tag. Just drop it there and it's done.

Modify Css of Microsoft Qna Maker

So I have QnA maker set up and connected to our Azure (I am totally new to Azure). I need to change the CSS of the Iframe from QNA maker, it is currently blue (as the default). I am following this guide to make it our company's colors:
I need to be able to clone this: (which I already forked) into the current Azure build, which I am ultimately having a problem with.
I am sure I am overlooking something simple in Azure, but I just need to clone the source code to properly add the .css files I need to be able to edit the bot.
Currently, I have tried to grab the Iframe and change the CSS that way, but no dice (of course). All I need to do is change blue, to red, any way to do that will be helpful, whether that is changing the Iframe after it loads or by getting this guide to work for us. Thank you!
Refer to the github readme for more detail:
There are options:
Easiest: In any website, IFRAME the standard Web Chat channel
Easy: In your non-React website, run Web Chat inline
Easyish: In any website, IFRAME your Web Chat instance
Medium: In your React website, incorporate the Web Chat React
According to your requirements; running the bot in an iframe with custom style, you should read the Easyish section:
You can isolate your instance of Web Chat by running it inside an
IFRAME. This involves creating two web pages:
Your Web Chat instance, as shown above. (refer to Easy)
The hosting page, adding <iframe src="/path/to/your/webchat/instance" height="height" width="width" />
Based on the Easyish section (step 1), you need to first complete the Easy section. In your existing web app, add a new page with the following code (enable directline on Azure Bot settings):
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
<div id="bot"/>
<script src=""></script>
directLine: { secret: direct_line_secret },
user: { id: 'userid' },
bot: { id: 'botid' },
resize: 'detect'
}, document.getElementById("bot"));
CUSTOMIZE your chat box style by editing the botchat.css file. You make a copy from and edit to your liking and put your own customized botchat.css to somewhere in your web app and change the href in the header instead of using the default one.
Finally for Easyish section step 2, you can create an iframe (content is step 1 web chat page) and embed that in your hosting page.

Google tag manager adding async scripts in to head of page

I've recently moved some of our scripts into Google tag manager via Custom HTML with a document with write enabled. However, most, if not all scripts are being added to the head of the page as a async script.
For example:
<script async type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
Why are these being added to the head of the site, instead they should be loaded at the bottom of the page?
Am I missing a setting somewhere within GTM?
All Tag Manager Tags are loaded Async so no need to specify it.
You can not use the labels on the HTML Tag.
Since you can not control that i ll be load on the header you might want to do it as soon as possible. In order to do this just use a pageview trigger and firing priority. If any resourses depended on this script here is a nice post.

Meteor: localhost:3000/?_escaped_fragment_= is blank

I'm trying to make my meteor app visible to crawlers.
I've added the Spiderable package and installed Phantom.js.
When I to go localhost:3000/?_escaped_fragment_=, it's blank.
When I view the source, it's almost empty, and it ends right before the <script> tag that loads the Google Maps API:
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/eecc60f7c55db2915697d4beb05274f355ad19e4.css">
<!-- Google Maps -->
I haven't encountered any issues with this before, but it got me thinking that maybe I shouldn't be including custom <scrpit> (or <link>) tags in the app's <head>. If this is true - what is the correct way to load external assets? If it's not related to the issue, I'd appreciate any advice.
In relation to your first question, I am not 100% sure about this being the cause of your problem, but to answer the second, you shouldn't be including scripts/stylesheets in the head of your Meteor application.
Meteor combines all of the client-side js, css, and html for your app, and sends it all together to the client. This means you can just include your stylesheet and scripts in your app's client folder. I would try putting your stylesheets/scripts in the correct place and removing the links in your head and see if that solves your issue.
You can find more detailed descriptions of meteor here.

How to acquire request parameter from url from Oracle Porta HTML Page Skin?

I hope any of Oracle Portal experts here could help me out regarding this question.
I have a portal template/page that is using a HTML Page Skin. The skin may looks like:
By using Oracle Portal, I could add portlets (PL/SQL and Java portlet) to the body section, in its respective template/page. However there is no way that I am aware of that could enable me to add portlets to other section in the HTML Skin, eg in section.
I need to dynamically change the title with some value that I get from the page URL and query string.
eg. if the page's url is
so that the title will be 'param1', and it should be done without javascript technique.
How could I get the request parameter param1 from the URL so that it will be available to the head section? I am thinking of PL/SQL code to be used here, but, I do not how to access query string of current page.
Please comment here if clarification to the question is needed. Thanks.
The page title is a static attribute of the Portal page. There is no supported way for a portlet to change the page title dynamically at runtime. The rendering engine combines the HTML from each portlet with some HTML it builds itself, and the title is part of what the renderer builds.
What is possible is to dynamically build pages with specific names by calling WWSBR_API.ADD_FOLDER (a folder is the same as a page). See So your portlet could build a page and then redirect to it.
You find the Portal 10.1.4 API at
