Using using dynamically - julia

I want to use modules dynamically and I know their name, but creating a module and then applying using like this:
using PyPlot
a = Module(:Plots)
using a
will yield an excpetion telling me that a is not definied. Which is a very unintuitive error message, since when you do this on the repl you can use 'a' afterwards. Just in combination with using it tells you that it is not defined.

The error message is emitted by Base.require, so you should use using Main.a or using .a instead:
This function is part of the implementation of using / import, if a module is not already
defined in Main. It can also be called directly to force reloading a module, regardless of
whether it has been loaded before (for example, when interactively developing libraries).
When searching for files, require first looks for package code under Pkg.dir(), then tries paths
in the global array LOAD_PATH. require is case-sensitive on all platforms, including those with
case-insensitive filesystems like macOS and Windows.
Or just use module keyword to define a module on the fly:
module A
using A
For an existing module, you could also dynamically use it via eval(using module-name).


PySide: Inconsistent file dialogs

I'm working on an application that requires saving and loading of files.
To load files, I'm using QtGui.QFileDialog(), and then calling file_browser.exec_(). That gives this result:
To save a file, I'm calling file_browser.getSaveFileName() which gives a completely different looking window:
Is there any way to make both of these windows look consistent?
The static functions like getSaveFileName will always use a native dialog, unless you include DontUseNativeDialog in the options argument.
On the other hand, the QFileDialog constructor will always create an instance of Qt's built-in file dialog, no matter what options are set. You can change the file-mode to get the type of dialog you want.

In Meteor, using an object (defined in one file) in another file without global scoping?

I've got a prices.js file with a ShoppingCartContents object that is defined in this file.
I'd like to access this ShoppingCartContents object inside my helpers.js file, where I will be using it to create a global helper.
I can easily do this by just setting ShoppingCartContents to global, but I don't want to do that. Is there a better way? According to the docs there's package scope and file scope. These two scopes don't seem granular enough to me (there's also a package export feature but I'm doing everything inside one package)
Things can only be scoped to:
one and only one file
the entire package
Shouldn't there be a file export feature maybe?
If you're working inside a package, make the variable global. That way you can access it in all your files, for your package.
If you want a truly global variable, you have to explicitly export it, so there's no problem in using globals.

trying to use Symfony component and having name space issues

So i am starting a new project and want to use some of the Symfony Components. I have not used name spaces before with PHP, put i am familiar with the concept from my work in java.
i have this simple piece of code and when i run it i get the error:
PHP Fatal error: Class 'Symfony\Component\CssSelector\XPath\Translator' not found in /home/me/scrapes/Symfony/Component/CssSelector/CssSelector/CssSelector.php on line 52
I am thinking it my lack of knowledge of the name space thing.
/home/me/scrapes/Symfony/Component/CssSelector/CssSelector/XPath/Translator.php does exist.
require 'functions.php';
require 'Symfony/Component/DomCrawler/Crawler/Crawler.php';
require 'Symfony/Component/CssSelector/CssSelector/CssSelector.php';
use Symfony\Component\DomCrawler\Crawler;
use Symfony\Component\CssSelector\CssSelector;
$crawler = new Crawler();
$crawler->addContent('<html><body><p>Hello World!</p></body></html>');
print $crawler->filter('body > p')->text();
require 'cleanup.php';
thanks for any help
I think this is caused because, if you look in the files you required (for example Symfony/Component/DomCrawler/Crawler/Crawler.php) you'll see that those files use their own use statements (to load other classes).
Let's start with the namespaces. A namespace is used to easily create classes with the same name in different packages. Let's say I have a package called Foo and a package called Bar. Both packages contain a Client class that is used to do some client work (one to call the Google Maps API for example and the other to call the Facebook Graph API). Let's also assume neither of the packages uses namespaces.
If I execute the following code:
require 'Foo/Client.php';
require 'Bar/Client.php';
This is not going to work, because both packages declare a Client class. Oops, how is PHP going to know which Client class to use if you do this?
$client = new Client();
It's not going to know which Client to use, so it gives up and throws an error.
If you use namespaces (declared using the namespace keyword in PHP at the top of your file, directly below <?php) you can prevent this from happening. The Foo package can create a Client class in the Foo namespace and the Bar package in the Bar namespace. Now we can
actually use both files and create a client:
require 'Foo/Client.php'
require 'Bar/Client.php'
$fooClient = new Foo\Client();
$barClient = new Bar\Client();
This will work fine.
I think you might have encountered the Foo_Client notation in older PHP libraries. This is an old way to create namespaces before PHP natively supported them.
"But", I hear you say, "it's quite cumbersome to write Foo\Bar\Baz\Client() every time I want to instantiated a class".
It is, and that's where the use keyword comes in. When using the use keyword, I can tell PHP I want to use a specific client and just use the class name, like so:
require 'Foo/Bar/Baz/Client.php'
use Foo\Bar\Baz\Client;
$client = new Client();
This will work, if you use the use Foo\Bar\Baz\Client statement, because you tell PHP "Okay, I want to use the Client class from the Foo\Bar\Baz namespace to be used when I use the Client class.
Now, what happens if you use a lot of different classes and you seperated them into several files (which you should do). You get a lot of different require and use statements on the top of a file. That's where autoloading comes in.
There has been a spl_register_autoloader function for quite some time in PHP. This function is used by PHP to find out which files to use when you instantiate a class that is not known because you did not require the file. This function is used both when creating a class, or, and this is the key part when you use a class.
And that's what's happening in your code. You don't have an autoloader registered that can translate the use statements in the files you required to actual class declarations.
Great, how do I fix it?
To fix it, I suggest you read up on the PHP-FIG and PSR-4. These people created standards (which you can follow but are not obliged to). To create easy to use libraries, such as the Symfony component. After you've done that, read up on Composer. After you've done this, you can drop the require statements from your code and use Composer to autoload all the classes you need.

How to get brackets to ignore particular repeating errors?

I get JSLint errors in a file for undeclared functions and variables referenced from another file. Does brackets have a configuration/menu to remove these while keeping other linting errors?
JSLint complains whenever you reference an identifier that it can't see any declaration for in the file. So if you're using global variables/functions that were set by some other file, you'll get these warnings.
You can stop the warnings by individually specifying which undeclared globals you want to allow. To do that, place a directive like this at the top of your file:
/*jslint indent: 4 */
/*global ClassFoo, ClassBar, someFunction */
But of course, it's a pain to list things manually in each file.
Perhaps the best way to clean this up is to use a module loader like RequireJS. Then most your references to other files won't be through globals, and you'll only have to tell JSLint to ignore the few globals needed for RequireJS itself (usually just define).
Using a module loader has other benefits too. It eliminates "dependency spaghetti" by making cross-file dependencies very explicit, and it automatically load modules in proper dependency order. And there are easy tools that automatically concatenate all your modules into one file when you're ready for deployment.

How can a Tridion command extension find out the command it extends?

Tridion's user interface allows you to extend specific commands, which is a great way to modify the behavior of certain existing commands. In the configuration file of the editor this is done with a section like this:
<ext:command name="TextUnderline" extendingcommand="MyTextUnderline"/>
<ext:command name="TextStrikethrough" extendingcommand="MyTextStrikethrough"/>
I am working on a generic command extension class that can be used to modify the behavior of a number of commands:
<ext:command name="TextUnderline" extendingcommand="MyCommandExtension"/>
<ext:command name="TextStrikethrough" extendingcommand="MyCommandExtension"/>
So in this second configuration fragment, we have the same MyCommandExtension extending both TextUnderline and TextStrikethrough.
But now in the JavaScript for my MyCommandExtension, how can I determine which command was originally fired?
MyCommandExtension.prototype.isAvailable = function (selection, pipeline) {
In this scenario the will be logged as a less-than-useful-but-completely-correct:
I suspect that the information is available somewhere in the pipeline parameter, but haven't found it yet.
How can I find out the original command from MyCommandExtension?
Short answer: I couldn't.
I had to do something similar, and ended up having to extend various commands and set the "current" command as part of my "_execute" call (so I would now call _execute(selection, pipeline, originalCommand) for my command.
You cannot find out what the original command is. The assumption is that an extending command is specific to the command it extends and so would know which one it is extending. When creating generic extensions that work on different commands, I can see how it might be useful to know what the configuration would be.
Maybe you could add this as an Enhancement Request?
To work around it for now, you could create a base command with your logic - which takes the name of the command that it extends as a parameter. And then create specific classes for each command you which to extend, which just call the base command and pass in the name.
To put it differently, create a BaseExtendingCommand with all of the required methods - and then both a TextUnderlineExtendingCommand and TextStrikethroughExtendingCommand which call the methods on BaseExtendingCommand (and pass in "TextUnderline" and "TextStrikethrough", respectively, as arguments)
