Get a place from the Places here-api using the id - here-api

Although there is a place lookup from the ID of other Here Services ( I can't find a way to lookup place details using the actual placeID... I'd like to be able to cache the id and give my user recent places they've viewed.
Is this possible... in the detailed response or the searches all provide the ID... but is it useable as I describe?
Sample output from Autocomplete for the Atlanta Airport is below:
"title": "ATL",
"highlightedTitle": "<b>ATL</b>",
"vicinity": "6000 N Terminal Pkwy<br/>College Park, GA 30320",
"highlightedVicinity": "6000 N Terminal Pkwy<br/>College Park, GA 30320",
"position": [
"category": "airport",
"href": ";context=Zmxvdy1pZD05MmE2ZDVkNS05MDZiLTU3YTQtOGM3NC00MTMxYjY5YzllNDlfMTQ5NzE0NTc4ODAwNl83OTUzXzcwMjEmcmFuaz0w?app_id=eo36dAgbCSxzcLGxzyjZ&app_code=jDJSp_MrBeF6jbuZXUSQqw",
"type": "urn:nlp-types:place",
"resultType": "place",
"id": "840djgzq-aea3f677bbd744ab855203f2ba20281b"

To get details of particular place you need to use URL from href attribute. If you want, then you can create a map with key as a value of id attribute and value as URL from href attribute.


How can I request pinpoint accurate geocoding data using HERE Api

I am looking to use HEREs geocoding service to locate the Lat and Lon of a place based on a UK postcode. At the moment my request will return a rough location even though I have provided a full postcode.
The old "geocode" API that I used previously, would return relevant results however this has been put into maintenance and replaced with the "geocode and search" API. This new API seems like it just looks through a list of stored points of interest within HERE’s database and returns the closest it can to what you have searched for, rather than trying to find the exact location entered.
How can I get more accurate results using the below request? Bare in mind that I will only have access to the postcode.{postCode}&apiKey={key}
At the moment I receive a response similar to the below using postcode PE1 1QL. It should be pointing to a car park, however if you enter the lat and lon returned from the API into a map E.g Google Maps, it gives you a more general location, rather than an accurate one.
"title": "PE1 1, Peterborough, England",
"id": "here:cm:namedplace:22221149",
"resultType": "locality",
"localityType": "postalCode",
"address": {
"label": "PE1 1, Peterborough, England",
"countryCode": "GBR",
"countryName": "England",
"county": "Cambridgeshire",
"city": "Peterborough",
"postalCode": "PE1 1"
"position": {
"lat": 52.57362,
"lng": -0.24219
"mapView": {
"west": -0.23515,
"south": 52.56739,
"east": -0.25194,
"north": 52.57984
"scoring": {
"queryScore": 0.67,
"fieldScore": {
"postalCode": 0.95
I would expect the Lat and Lng to be much closer to the postcode entered than the above example.
Regarding on this release notes
you can read "High precision postal codes are not yet supported":
Known Issues
The following table lists issues known to be present in the current release.
Search for intersections is not yet supported
Search by telephone numbers is not yet supported
Political views are not yet supported. All views are “International”
Places detail views are not yet supported
High precision postal codes are not yet supported
The Geocoder API 6.2 will be supported at least until end of 2020 (maybe more) and "Maintenance" in documentation means: no new features.

Does the RingCentral Call Log API Return a "Missed" Value?

In the RingCentral Online Account Portal ( and endpoint apps, the call log display shows whether a call was Inbound, Outbound or Missed.
In looking at the API Reference for the Call Log API, it seems that it only sends back Inbound or Outbound for "Direction". Does the developer Call Log API return a "Missed" value? Is there another way to get this information via the Call Log API?
This question appears to be in reference to the Online Account Portal UI's "Type" column as shown in this screenshot:
The web UI's "Type" column shows Inbound, Outbound or Missed. This can be generated by using the response properties for both direction and result.
direction API response property will be Inbound or Outbound
result API response property is an enumerated value that includes Missed and other values including Voicemail which is the example screenshot. A full list is available in the link below:
Here is an example response:
"uri": "",
"records": [
"uri": "",
"id": "22222222",
"sessionId": "33333333",
"startTime": "2018-08-27T17:38:12.634Z",
"duration": 27,
"type": "Voice",
"direction": "Inbound",
"action": "Phone Call",
"result": "Missed",
"to": {
"phoneNumber": "+16505550101"
"from": {
"phoneNumber": "+16505550102",
"name": "LOS ALTOS CA",
"location": "Los Altos, CA"
Please read this blog to find out more information you can find from the call log.

Freebase MQL, check if Subject is an Entity

I want to know if a subject is a freebase entity (a topic) or not
and i have to do this with several names (1258 names). It does not
matter of which type the topic is it just matters if something with
a special name exists in the freebase database as a topic (not a
relation). The name could also be an alias.
So this is how far it is (Thx to Tom Morris)
"id": null,
"t:type": "/common/topic",
"type": [],
"name": "Bill Gates"
So there is only the part with the alias left.
The alias is optional. So from the example "Bill Gates" could
be a name OR an alias. If the name exists in one or both i want
to get a result.
Any ideas?
Changing your query to
"id": null,
"type": [],
"name": "Bill Gates"
Will fix the initial error (because an object can, and usually does, have multiple topics) and you can then check to see if it has the type /common/topic.
More directly, you could use
"id": null,
"t:type": "/common/topic",
"type": [],
"name": "Bill Gates"
to only return the 60 topics which are in Freebase with that name.
Of course, they're everything from a dead guy to books to audio recordings to the person most people would associate with the name. Are these really all equivalent for your purposes?
Also, if you instead searched for "William Gates," you wouldn't find the most famous one, because that's an alias for him, not the primary name.e

Relate two entities using properties in Freebase

I want to find out how Wenjin SU and Jimei University are related in Freebase. I have found out the Wenjin SU has a type /business/board_member/which has property/business/board_member/leader_of. How can I use this information in an Freebase MQL to extract the term or mid of Jimei University?
If you go to the Freebase page for Wenjin SU you see that he has the type /business/board_member/ and under that section it lists him as the /business/board_member/leader_of Jimei University
The first thing you should do is go to the Query Editor and create a skeleton MQL query for that relationship:
"id": "/m/0sxhm9v",
"name": null,
"/business/board_member/leader_of": [{}]
When you run this query you get the following result:
"result": {
"name": "Wenjin SU",
"/business/board_member/leader_of": [{
"name": null,
"type": [
"id": "/m/0sxhm9s"
"id": "/m/0sxhm9v"
This is not quite what you were asking for. It's saying that he is the leader_of an un-named topic /m/0sxhm9s. Now, if you visit the Freebase page for that topic you'll see that its a mediator node that connects a person and their role to an organization for a specific date range. You'll also notice that Jimei University is listed as the /organization/leadership/organization on this page.
We can now add this mediated property to our MQL query to get the full relationship that you're looking for:
"id": "/m/0sxhm9v",
"name": null,
"/business/board_member/leader_of": [{
"/organization/leadership/organization": {
If you're building an application that has a pre-determined set of relationships like this then you can use this process of exploring the Freebase data to build MQL queries for those relationships. If you're looking to find any arbitrary connection between any two entities in Freebase then you'll need to download the Freebase Data Dumps and run a shortest path algorithm over the entire graph.

Freebase beginner: getting an athlete's sport

I'm trying to use Freebase to find out what team a professional athlete belongs to.
So I'm trying to do something like this
"id": null,
"name": "Kobe Bryant",
"type": "/sports/pro_athlete",
"sports_played": []
query editor
and then extract the property "sport_played" to find out what sport the player belongs to. My plan is to then do a more specific query for "basketball_player" or so until I finde the team name. (Is a simpler way to do this?)
However, I already fail at the first step, because in the results, while the properties sport_played and sport_played_professionally contain a single entry, that entry is null:
"code": "/api/status/ok",
"result": [{
"id": "/en/kobe_bryant",
"name": "Kobe Bryant",
"sports_played": [
"type": "/sports/pro_athlete"
"status": "200 OK",
"transaction_id": "cache;cache03.p01.sjc1:8101;2012-06-13T13:30:20Z;0053"
I'm confused: I know from browsing the database that there should be a sport value for this player. And the result clearly shows that there is a single value in the "sports_played" list in the result.
But why is it null? Shouldn't is rather be a reference to a Basketball object?
Your query is asking for a list of sports_played but since you only used square braces it will only return a list of the names of all the matching topics.
If you add curly braces to the query you'll see that sports_played actually returns one topic with name = null (which is what your previous query was showing)
"id": null,
"name": "Kobe Bryant",
"type": "/sports/pro_athlete",
"sports_played": [{}]
This is because the expected value of sports_played is a CVT called Sports played which links athletes to sports for specific periods of time. This is so that we can keep track of athletes that have played multiple sports and know which one is the most current.
If you want to see the values inside the CVT object, you'll need to drill down further like this:
"id": null,
"name": "Kobe Bryant",
"type": "/sports/pro_athlete",
"sports_played": [{
"type": "/sports/pro_sports_played",
"sport": {
"id": null,
"name": null
"career_start": null,
"career_end": null
Try it in the Query Editor
The sports_played property isn't really what you want here since it's not necessarily correlated with the properties which contain the team information.
Instead you want to use something along the lines of:
"id": null,
"name": "Kobe Bryant",
"/basketball/basketball_player/team" : [{"team":null}],
if you wanted to get all the teams for all the Kobe Bryants you could use something like:
"id": null,
"name": "Kobe Bryant",
"/soccer/football_player/current_team" : [{"team":null,"optional":true}],
"/basketball/basketball_player/team" : [{"team":null,"optional":true}],
"/american_football/football_player/current_team" :[{"team":null,"optional":true}]
Unfortunately you'll need to go through the schema by hand and pull out the properties of interest by hand since they're not reliably regular enough to query automatically, but there really aren't that many sports to consider, so it shouldn't take very long to assemble your list.
