I have an app that holds people and notes about them. The notes are such that they could relate to many people (e.g. Note1 will appear for Person1 and Person 3).
I am using NGRX to hold my state in memory.
Now looking at the ngrx example app you can get a good example of a collection of books. There they use a state that holds an array of objects indexed by the bookId (for fast retrieval).
How would one do that when the items in the collection (in my case the notes) could relate to many people?
I started out by indexing the array of objects with the uid of the person:
export interface NoteCollection {
[uid: string]: Note[];
To consider:
over time there will be many notes, so that state data can be rather large
creating a note object for each referenced person seem then a rather bad idea (data redundancy)
notes will be added/ edited/ deleted often, so there is a need for up-to-date data
there will be an offline db involved in the future
storing the entire notes in state will need some .filter() function for each person page accessed. With the state growing this could become slow:
export const getPersonNotes: any = createSelector(getNotes,
getSelectedPerson, (notes: any, selectedPersonId: string) => {
return notes.filter((note: Note) => note.refUid === selectedId);
do not store the notes in state at all by making an api call each time you need notes related to person
Any suggestions? The alternative feels odd, because why use ngrx at all then when half the state is not in redux?
You could do something like this to remove the Note redundancy problem:
interface NoteCollection {
[noteId: string]: Note[];
interface PersonCollection {
[personId: string]: Person;
interface Person {
noteIds: string[]; // an array of noteIds.
I'm quite new to Firebase Flutter. I'm developing a mobile application to share books among others.
In firebase firestore,
I have 'users' collections which contain all the user data with unique id
I have 'books' collection which contain all the book data with unique id created automatically
Also I have 'global' collection with single document with one integer field called 'bookcount'.
Users can can have many books.
Now I want to create a another unique id field for book. idea is to have simple integer id.
One way of doing this is get list of books and find the length (count) and add 1 when creating a new record. I have ruled out this method as if many users using simultaneously, I think this can lead to duplicate ids.
So I have created a another collection global with single document and field name bookcount. Which hold number of books (rough count) on books collection. So idea is each time when adding a book to a collection increase bookcount and use this value as simple unique id for a book. This bookcount may not represent actual books as user can discard the book entry before saving it, which is okay as I only need a simple unique id.
class DatabaseService {
//final CollectionReference bookCollection = Firestore.instance.collection('users');
//final CollectionReference bookCollection = Firestore.instance.collection('books');
final CollectionReference globalData = Firestore.instance.collection('global');
Future<String> bookId() async
String uniquebookid = await globalData.document('SomeHardcodedID').updateData(
'bookcount': FieldValue.increment(1)
}).then((voidvalue) async
String cid = await globalData.getDocuments().then((bookvalue) => bookvalue.documents.single.data['bookcount'].toString());
return cid;
return uniquebookid;
}//future bookId
Now this works. well somewhat, Can we do this better? In here there are two parts, first increment the value bookcount, and then retrieve it.
Can we do this in one go?
If I try to call this method consecutively really fast when returning a value it might skip few numbers. I have call this from a button and try to press as fast I could. I think counter increase but it return
same number few times. and then skip some when press again. for example 1,2,3,4,8,8,8,8,9,10,... So at counter 4 I try to press the button multiple times. I wonder how this will behave when multiple users adding multiple books at the same time.
How Can I fix this?
Please Help, Thanks.
I think the problem was since await globalData.document('SomeHardcodedID').updateData is not producing a return value (void), as soon as this fired next call also execute which is okay, which okay for most scenarios.
However if bookId called few times within very short period (milliseconds) this produce number before FieldValue.increment(1) process.
Say I have a music store app where the user searches for guitars. On initial page load, I fetch a few varieties of guitars to display: (acoustic, electric, and bass). Pages of guitar results are returned together from a single API call but will never be displayed together. Therefore, they must be filtered at some point. To view different categories of guitars, the user will toggle the category they view from a react component.
There seems to be two major ways I can approach this problem with immutable and redux.
In Strategy 1, I filter the data on category when it arrives, and store it separately in the redux store. When I want to retrieve the data, I specify the category in the selector.
In Strategy 2, all API data that comes in is stored in an aggregate List "all". When I want to retrieve a particular category of guitars, I used a selector to filter and display from the aggregated data.
export const GuitarReducer = (state, action) => {
const { payload, type } = state;
switch (type) {
case "acoustic": {
let existing = // GET EXISTING
return state.set("acoustic",
existing.concat(payload.filter(result => (result.category === "acoustic")))
case "electric": {
let existing = // GET EXISTING
return state.set("electric",
existing.concat(payload.filter(result => (result.category === "electric")))
case "bass": {
let existing = // GET EXISTING
return state.set("bass",
existing.concat(payload.filter(result => (result.category === "bass")))
export const selectCategory = createSelector(
[getCategory, getGuitarReducer],
(category, guitarReducer) => {
return GuitarReducer.get(category);
export const GuitarReducer = (state, action) => {
const { payload, type } = state;
let existing = // GET EXISTING
return state.set("all",
export const selectCategory = createSelector(
(category, guitars) => {
return guitars.filter(guitar => (guitar.category = category));
Will one pattern give better performance than another? What pattern better follows best practices for redux?
I have heard that it is best to prefer selectors for computing derived data, and that memoization will cache the results to use when another action is performed on the data such as toggling between tabs. Because of this, it is not clear to me which strategy to prefer.
I think selectors mainly focused of not re-computing derived data in your components (and the benefit of reusing it across other components).
Both in your example are good practices, so I would reframe it as follows. Do you want your datastore to look like in choice one or choice two (original API response). Do you want it to lazily load (choice two), or load categories for all guitars.
Choice 1
Stores in datastore in format more useful to your application.
Choice two recomputes on category change, choice one is computed at start and most likely more performant.
No access to original API response.
Performs filtering and categorizing on API request instead of lazily (Honestly not a big problem).
Choice 2
Stores in datastore original API response.
Lazily computes the required guitar category.
Performs computation again on category change. (Note reselect only has a cache size of 1).
Memoizing also takes additional memory.
I'm working with Firestore and Typescript.
For the data models I have types definitions. For example User could be this:
interface User {
name: string;
age: number;
The users are stored in the database in the users collection under a unique name/id.
In Firebase when you query a collection, the ids of the documents are available on the document reference, and do not come with the data. In a common use-case for front-end, you want to retrieve an array of records with their ids, because you probably want to interact with them and need to identify each.
So I made a query similar to the code below, where the id is merged into the resulting array:
async function getUsers(): Promise<any[]> {
const query = db.collection("users")
const snapshot = await query.get();
const results = snapshot.docs.map(doc => {
return { ...doc.data(), id: doc.id };
Now the problem is, that I have a User type, but it can't be used here because it does not contain an id field.
A naïve solution could be to create a new type:
interface UserWithId extends User {
id: string
And write the function like:
async function getUsers(): Promise<UserWithId[]> {}
But this doesn't feel right to me, because you would have to potentially do this for many types.
A better solution I think would be to create a generic type:
type DatabaseRecord<T> = {
id: string,
data: T
Thus keeping data and ids separate in the returning results:
const results = snapshot.docs.map(doc => {
return { data: doc.data(), id: doc.id };
... and use the function signature:
async function getUsers(): Promise<DatabaseRecord<User>[]> {}
I would favour the second over the first solution, because creating new types for each case feels silly. But I am still not sure if that is the best approach.
This seems like such a common scenario but I didn't manage to find any documentation on this. I have seen developers simply write the id in the model data, essentially duplicating the document name in its data, but that to me seems like a big mistake.
I can imagine that if you don't use Typescript (of Flow) that you just don't care about the resulting structure and simply merge the id with the data, but this is one of the reasons I really love using type annotation in JS. It forces you think more about your data and you end up writing cleaner code.
I have several instances of state where I need to support actions that duplicate some slice of state. For example, my product is a survey builder, so when I duplicate a question, I'd also like to duplicate its answers, rather than have multiple questions pointing to the same answer instances.
The state is normalized:
questionsById: {
q01: {
answers: ["a01"],
answersById: {
a01: {...}
When dispatching an action of QUESTION_DUPLICATE, I'd like to also duplicate any answers. Currently my QUESTION_DUPLICATE action creator also creates a mapped list of new answer keys, and then the answer reducer consumes this.
This pattern seems unwieldy to me, especially when considering the possibility of deeper duplications (for example, duplicating a Page, which contains Questions, which contain Answers...). Is there a better pattern for deeply duplicating normalized data?
The answer may revolve around how you normally handle normalizing and denormalizing your data. For example, in my blog post Practical Redux, Part 8: Form Draft Data Management, I reuse my existing normalization logic (which leverages the redux-orm library) to copy an item to be edited between the "current" and "draft" slices in my state. So, similarly, one approach would be to denormalize the question you want to duplicate, and then re-normalize it (in either the action creator or the reducer, as you see fit).
I settled on using normalizr & I came up with a recursive duplicator function. It accepts an entity, schema, and keygen function, & recursively updates any nested entities based on the schemata by giving them new ids. In the base case (when there are no further nested entities) it will return the basic thing with its key updated.
const duplicator = (entity, schema, keygen) => {
const newEntity = {
[schema._idAttribute]: keygen(entity, schema)
if (Object.keys(schema.schema).length === 0) {
return newEntity;
return Object.keys(schema.schema).reduce(
(acc, nestedKey) => {
if (!entity.hasOwnProperty(nestedKey)) {
return acc;
if (!Array.isArray(schema.schema[nestedKey])) {
return {
[nestedKey]: duplicator(
return {
[nestedKey]: acc[nestedKey].map((nestedEntity, index) =>
duplicator(nestedEntity, schema.schema[nestedKey][0], keygen)
{ ...newEntity }
export default duplicator;
This currently doesn't support the schema.Array setup of normalizr for multiple entity types in an array. I'm not currently using schema.Array and this case would be pretty non-trivial to support, but I'll consider it in the future.
I wanted to implement an LRU for a react-redux application, however I'm not sure what the best strategy of reading and writing data to the store via reducer so that I can maintain the LRU structure.
The goal is to implement an LRU for a most recent list of users. Effectively, whenever the application click on a specific contact, they get added to the most recent list of users. Let's say the list max out at 10 users, so effectively when it hit the max i'll pop off the oldest access user on the list.
I could associate a timestamp for each user in the list, but that means every time I read the state from the store, I would have to sort and find the oldest time stamp which i feel is slow.
I'm new to React/Redux, so please bear with me.
Any suggestions appreciated!
I would just have a seperate reducer that acts on the "select contact" action (there is probably another reducer that will also act on to set the currently selected user). It will maintain the array and just push to the front, and if the max is reachers, pop off the end.
Something like:
const initialState = []
export const lruReducer = (state = initialState, action) => {
switch(action.type) {
// copy the previous array (I'm assuming ES6 syntax here, but you could use Object.assign or ImmutableJS or something if preferred)
// this is important to keep the state immutable
let newState = [...state]
// add the new contact (this is where you would do any de-duping logic
// keep removing items until constraint is met
while (newState.length > 10) {
// return new array
return newState
return state
Then just combine this with your other reducers like normal.