IcCube - incremental load - new date not loaded - iccube

I am using the incremental load option for loading a schema and it calculates new rows (new data).
But the new data for a new date is not displayed properly.
The date dimension is using the default time dimension.
After an incremental load the new data is not mapped to a new date.
If there is a new data for an old date the data is mapped correctly.
The new date is not even shown in the report.
How can the new dates be shown in the reports?
Cheers J.

As incremental load of dimensions is not supported yet you cannot see the new date (and its associated facts). We're currently investigating this feature (http://issues.iccube.com/issue/ic3pub-281).
Hope that helps.


Google Calendar: how to retrieve a series that contains exceptions

I'm working on a client using the Google Calendar API, and I need to retrieve the full series of a recurring event.
https://developers.google.com/calendar/v3/reference/events/instances does that for pristine, unchanged series. Sending the eventId and some optional params like timeMin, timeMax and maxResults I get an iterable containing each instance in the series.
The problem is when the user edits one or more events in the series. When saving the changes a prompt asks for either apply the changes to the whole series, to only that instance or to that one and all following instances.
When you select one of the last two options, the series is literally converted into two distinct series: the original one is edited (UNTIL is shortened) and a new series is created with the instance or instances removed from the original series.
My question is how to retrieve the full original series starting from the eventId of one instance after the series has been modified/split.

Powerapps - get stuck with UpdateContext

I am trying to build a PowerApp to log setup times of our machines by our fitters.
This is what my app looks like:
There are buttons named "Uhrzeit". Pressing these will write the current date and time into the Date/Time fields. I am using the following code:
UpdateContext({Total8:(Text( Now(); "[$-de-DE]dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss" ))})
The Date/Time field is named Total8.
The code is working well but after saving the form and opening a new record the old data is still available in the fields. By clicking on the button "Zeiten zurücksetzen" I can "delete" the old data.
Problem: When I open one of the older records the old data is not available in the form. There is only the value of the last record. In the Common Data Service where my records are saved the values are correct.
As an example, I am saving this record:
When I open a new record, the values of the record 1 are still available. This should not be the case if my app worked properly.
For your Information:
If I enter the date/time without tapping the button, saving the record and opening a new record I don't have the problem. I think the "UpdateContext" code is not the code I should use here.
Can anyone help me solve the problem?
I don't think there's a problem with using the contexts in this way -- but remember that a context is just a variable. It isn't automatically linked to a datasource in any special way - so if you set it equal to Now(), it's going to keep that value until you do something different.
When you view an old record, you need to get the data from CDS and update your contexts to match the CDS data. Does this make sense?
Yeah thats my problem.
I want the variable to be linked to a datasource. Or is it possible to write the date/time into the fields without using a context variable?

Google App Maker: Add a field with the current date/time

new to app maker (and ready to fall in love)
I want every new row to have a field with the date+time that the row was created at. How can I do that?
If you'd like to base your answer on existing code, please base it on the project-list example
Add a new field to the Data model (e.g. Projects) called, say DateCreated, of type Date.
In the onCreate event of the Data Model ('Projects'), add the line:
record.DateCreated = new Date();
To check your work, add the DateCreated field to the Main page by copying the DueDate field and changing the data binding name to DateCreated.

icCube dateTime format and Excel PivotTable TimeLine

I have a flat file datasource that I'm using to construct a Dimension. One of the columns is a DateTime in the format: yyyy.MM.dd HH:MM, which I specified as the 'Date Converter Pattern'.
However, when I connect to my cube using an Excel Pivot Table, the date format defaults to: yyyy-MM-DDTHH:MM:ss.SSS and when I try to create a Timeline on my PivotTable, excel does not recognize this as a valid DateTime format.
is there any way to change this in the config files
To create a TimeLine Excel is using several DISCOVER requests and is more or less assuming it is talking to SSAS to discover an " attribute " hierarchy. Support has been added into icCube (from 6.0.1) to flag a hierarchy as an Excel TimeLine (new field in the hierarchy definition): this hierarchy must have an ALL level and a single DATE (i.e., days) level below.
I'm a bit lost, I understand you've converted to a DateTime the strings from the data source. Why do you see 'yyyy-MM-DDTHH:MM:ss.SSS' as the member names/labels ?
You can choose whatever you want to ?
My educated guess, Excel is taking for the timeline the key of the member not the label (that needs to be a DateTime object in the datasource).
Can you clarify ?

Graphs from Google Forms

I have a form which records electricity consumption over time. This will insert values in a sheet, where the first column is called Timestamp and is in the form: 04/02/2016 11:03:44.
I wanted to run some stats based on weeknumber and month from Timestamp and display updated graphs automatically. How would you easily achieve this?
Creating another column which references and formats the Timestamp column, does not work because each time a row is added by the form the references are skipped.
You could try using arrayformula in your other columns as these will automatically adjust to include new Form submissions. For example, try pasting these into row 2 of your response sheet:
