Viewing Ractive events in browser console - ractivejs

I've been reading the RactiveJS docs on event management at, and had a question around rendering of events:
Instead, the on- directive will bind a shared callback directly to the element using addEventListener when it is rendered.
Is it possible to see what the rendered event would look like? I know it won't appear within console, but it would be nice to see if there is a way of viewing an example of how a rendered event would appear.

What that portion of the tutorials meant to say is that the on-* directive doesn't render inline JS nor render on the DOM at all. It's a directive that simply signals Ractive what to do. Even if the template looks like this:
<button on-click="#global.alert( 'Activating!' )">Activate!</button>
What ends up in the DOM is a button with an event handler.
Under the hood, the on-* is processed from the parsed template and is converted to something roughly similar to the following:
buttonReference.addEventListener('click', function(){
theGlobalDependingOnTheEnv.alert( 'Activating!' );


Execute route change before event function

I've got a list of menu items and each is an a tag. Inside those, I've got notification bubbles insides a div. When the notification div is clicked, I'd like to first follow the a tag (the hash is always to a Meteor route, using Iron Router) before it executes the click event attached to the div. Since reverse-propagation hasn't existed since the netscape days, I thought maybe that click event could store a function as a callback when the route changes? Has anyone tried to do something similar? Couldn't find anything in the Iron Router docs about it. I'm currently mitigating the problem with a few Session vars, but would like to clean it up.
Without seeing what your code is currently doing (or even better, a simplified example), I am guessing a bit at what you are trying to do. Maybe you have something like this:
<div id="bubblething">Click Me!</div>
With a click event:
'click #bubblething': function() {
// Do the bubble thing.
But the problem is you'd like to trigger the click event after you route but the click is happening to early. Would it be possible to change it to something more like this:
<div id="bubblething">Click Me!</div> //no <a> tag.
With the click event handling the actually routing first then moving on:
'click #bubblething': function(){
Router.go('/yourroute'); // First you route
{ ... } // Code to handle the notification bubble.
You may have to update your styling a bit do to the lack of am <a> tag but that should be pretty simple. The routing is handled by the click and then other things happen. You can parameterize this so that instead of calling an id you call a class and inject the route.

Component initialization with Iron Router, Jquery, Materialize

Struggling here with what would otherwise be a simple $( document ).ready().
Not sure what I'm doing wrong.
Materialize needs jquery components to be initialized on DOM ready. Finding a way to initialize components on all views is surprisingly tricky.
Here is the online DEMO
From reading the docs: this should initialize everything the sub-templates require:
Template.layout.rendered = function(){
However, this only works on a hard page refresh, and not with links routing the views.
So instead you would have to initialize on each template that element will be used
Template.x.rendered ...
Template.y.rendered ...
Here is the github code
BTW We've tried iron-router events:
All of these seem to happen before the route's template content is present. I noticed that onBeforeAction required a call to to go on, I even tried looking for the DOM content after the next call.
I also tried rewriting our routes like this:
Router.route('someRoute', function() {
// look for DOM content, still not found
Just to be clear, the reason this is happening is because your layout is only firing the rendered hook once. When you switch routes the layout template will not be rerendered, only the templates in the yield region will be. The previous template in that region gets destroyed and the next one rerendered. This means you have to run $('ul.tabs').tabs() again for that Template as the DOM elements it contains are rerendered.
Putting that code in the rendered function of the template that uses it works because that rendered hook gets run every time that particular template gets rendered again.
A way you could get around this could be to create a Template specifically for your tabs, like a control in a way, that calls $('ul.tabs').tabs() in its own rendered function. You could then put this control on a template that needed it and pass the required arguments, like number of tabs and content for each tab etc. It's a bit of work though, and I'd only consider it if I had a really large number of templates that used the tab control.

Meteor JS Template rendered function called before template is rendered?

I'm trying to use the Buttonset widget in JQuery UI. I've got the package loaded and my template renders the radio buttons fine. I have a "rendered" function to call the JQ UI routine to setup the buttonset:
Template.teamList.rendered = function () {
But it looks like the rendered function is being called before the template is rendered! I stick a console.log in the function and it prints out to the console before there's anything on the screen. So none of the radio buttons are set up, therefore the .buttonset() call does nothing. If I make that call in the console after the page is rendered, JQuery UI does the right thing and my button set appears.
Isn't the .rendered function supposed to be called after everything's set up? Am I doing something wrong?
As an example, the same thing is seen in the leaderboard example.
If you add:
Template.leaderboard.rendered = function() {
When the page is displayed, it will show 0. This makes it difficult to access the DOM items if you need to add some JQuery events or, in this case, a JQuery UI element.
rendered only works for elements which will appear in the DOM the very first time the template is added to the page. Assume that subscription data takes infinitely long to arrive, then look at the template and see which elements would appear in the default state.
Using the leaderboard example, we can't assume that players are available when the leaderboard template renders (it depends on a subscription). To target a player, you should use the rendered callback on the player template.
It's hard to generalize a strategy for when to apply jQuery plugins, but here are some ideas:
Use the rendered callback if the element will always be added in the default state (e.g. the element is hard-coded and doesn't depend on a conditional).
Use the rendered callback of the most specific child template to target that child (e.g. the player template from above).
Consider using an event handler callback to target the element if it's appearance depends on an event (e.g. a button click).
Consider using a template autorun callback to target the element if it's appearance depends on reactive state. See this question for an example.

How can I react to DOM events that Meteor Templates don't support?

Currently meteor supports a limited number of events that we can react to from our template definitions. I would like a way to react to events beyond this predefined list. I want the freedom to add any event, even custom events, to the list of possible events in a template.
One idea I had would be to set up a jquery event handler somewhere that listens for the unsupported event and have it set a session variable:
$(form).submit( ->
Session.set('formSubmitted', true)
And then use that session variable when rendering a template:
Template.confirmation.submitted = ->
return Session.get('formSubmitted')
<template name="confirmation">
{{#if submitted}}
<!-- do whatever -->
But this is just a workaround and doesn't really address the issue. Is there a real Meteor-way of doing this? Is this something I can do with the new Spark implementations?
NOTE: Please ignore the fact that I'm using the submit event here. I know I can just bind a click event to the submit button, but that's beside the point.
NOTE 2: The accepted answer to this question is also just a workaround.
The rendered callback is what I use to do this.
The callback gives you template instance you should use to find the dom elements you need:
Untested example below ;) = ->
$(this.find("form")).submit ->
Session.set 'formSubmitted', true
Using a Session variable than to switch the view is a matter of taste I think.
I have an app State stored in the Session, that toggles Templates. Additionally the backbone package is very useful to provide some meaningful urls.

jquery .load( ) and trigger function AFTER new content loads? just like JavaScript onload event

Using jquery, I am swapping some content in a web page by use of jquery's .load() function. I want to trigger an event immediately once the content has actually been loaded, but not before and not after. I'm up for any graceful solution! Why? In this instance, I'm doing the old "fade out, swap content, fade in" approach. My problem? I want to fade back in AS SOON AS the new content is loaded.
Using a callback function as in $('#object').load(url, callback) triggers as soon as .load() function successfully executes (before the content is actually loaded). Useless here.
Using a timed delay for fading back in is not a graceful solution. Very "clunky", especially for those with faster Internet connectivity.
JavaScript's onload event trigger does not work, as the element that .load() is altering has already loaded into the HTML DOM.
jquery's .ready() function also does not work, as the actual element is already loaded.
I do not want to create an onload or .ready() sub-container element, because that's a workaround for what I'm actually trying, though it might be as graceful or more.
How can I fire a function when (and only when) the new .load() content is finally loaded, just like JavaScript's onload event does? Thanks much.
EDIT As it turns out, the jquery .load() function is working flawlessly, and I'm approaching this wrong.
Once the .load() function completes successfully, it calls any "callback" function included by the programmer, just like any other jquery function that accepts a callback as one of its "arguments".
The .load() function is complete once it either errors or successfully begins the HTML replacement and loading of new content, but that is IT! The content will then take however long it takes to load, but your .load call is already complete before that. Therefore, expecting the callback to run after the .load content has loaded will only disappoint you. ;)
I hope others can learn from this just as I did, including those who thought what I thought was the case. Proof: as stated in the jquery ajax .load page, the callback is executed when the request completes, not when the load completes. Eureka. Whoops. /EDIT
Try using a different method rather than load(), I would suggesting using get(). Something like this may be more useful to you...
var jqxhr = jQuery.get(url,vars);
# This will only be called once the remote content has been loaded in
# The data will then be stored in the data param and can be used within your site
# Something went wrong, never mind lets just handle it gracefully below...
I hope this is a solution to your problem!
For more information see
I have quickly created this function below that may be of help to you... its not refined!
jQuery.fn.loadNewData = function() {
var object = jQuery(this);
var jqxhr = jQuery.get(arguments[0]);
// check for success
jqxhr.success(function(data) {
// load the data in
alert('Failed to load data');
Using this you can call how similarly to how you would call the load() function.
I think you might be misinterpreting what you are seeing. Depending on the browser you are using you won't see the new elements in the browser if you pop up an alert in the callback because it won't rerender the DOM until you cede control back to the browser. That doesn't mean you can't grab the new elements from the DOM and start fading them in. Take the following jsfiddle: in Chrome it will show the first div when the second alert is up, then fade in the second div. In IE it won't show the first div when the second alert is up, this is the state I think you are in after load during the callback, but it still works once you hit ok because everything was in the DOM as promised.
Upon reading the jQuery docs pages for jQuery.get() and jQuery.load(), the callback argument is quoted as the following:
"A callback function that is executed if the request succeeds."
Let me stress the terms "request" and "succeeds". The request may succeed, but that does not mean that the content is loaded. Same problem as .load() — the functions aren't built the way I was thinking.
If I want to trigger an event once the new content finally loads, I'll need to take a different approach.
I could use the JS onload event, and trigger it by completely replacing an HTML element (having the replaced code contain an onload property). EDIT: Note that using HTML iframe elements is pretty awful, primitive, and "clunky". I just need to find a better way to trigger a function as soon as loading the new content finishes.
Also, I could use jQuery to check the .ready() state of new content, but ("AFAIK" / as far as I know) that will only work if the checked content is a new HTML element, not a preexisting HTML element whose interior content is changed. The jQuery .ready() status of any preexisting element will (AFAIK) already be shown as "ready" despite if new content is loading. Perhaps I am wrong about this, and I would like to be corrected if so.
Unless otherwise notified, this answer will be marked as the correct one. The original question was mistaken that .load() was all I needed. Cheers!
