I follwing the step from https://kaaproject.github.io/kaa/docs/v0.10.0/Programming-guide/Your-first-Kaa-application/
First error occur from step "Create schemas" when I upload and add my schemas like this...
Then I rename "Namespace" from [ org.kaaproject.kaa.schema.sample ]
to [ org.kaaproject.kaa.sample ]
And it work no error
Question: Should I do that? I do something wrong?
That happends because 'Your first Kaa application' resembles the Data Collection sample application which is already in the Sandbox. Thus, the name is already there.
You should either use the existing schema or create another with a different name (what you actually did to make it work).
I am working on a project with a 'database first' approach rest API backend. I am using ASP .Net Core 3.1 and Entity Framework 3.1.1.
I ran a script to scaffold the database into the models and db context class. However, some of the model building functions have tables/models without keys x.hasnokey(). I thought this would be fine but I get an error trying to hit the endpoint that states
ERROR : InvalidOperationException:
The navigation '' cannot be added because it targets the keyless entity type 'AAA'
Navigations can only target entity types with keys
This happens in a few different locations and this originally ran okay in the past. This is running on SQL Server 2012 (version 11). I am not sure how I can solve this issue, I have limited entity/sql experience and I just don't know where to begin. Here is the offending lines (inside DB Context):
modelBuilder.Entity<AAA>(entity =>
entity.HasOne(d => d.BBB)
.WithMany(p => p.AAA)
.HasForeignKey(d => d.CCC)
The script I used to scaffold the models and db context was (generic version):
PM> Scaffold-DbContext "Server=.\SQLExpress;Database=SchoolDB;Trusted_Connection=True;" Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer -OutputDir Models
I believe this might be that the database that was originally created about 10-15 years ago, cannot be made into an ORM so easily as I would have hoped. It could also a versioning issue, the scaffolding script I ran is incorrect, or if I just am out of my depth but I would appreciate being pointed in the right direction. Thank you!
This error usually comes because of Primary Key issue.
In my Case I was running this query and result was same problem you mentioned
var exists = await _dbDontext.Students.FindAsync(Id);
My Student table has relations with other tables and one of other tables was missing Primary Key.
So two Possible Solutions .
Solution 1 :
Make Primary Key column in your table that is mentioned in your error.
Solution 2 :
If things are complicated , just delete the table and Re Create It. It would work fine
I think you have two options,
1- Go and add key to the table.
2- check the following link
If there's already answer to my question then sorry and please point me in the right direction because I can't find anything.
Let's say I have two Bundles. Each bundle has fixures.yml file and loader file.
Loaders and fixtures are working fine when they are not depending on each other.
However when I am referencing fixtureA from fixtureB I get duplicated record in database.
email (unique): '<firstName()>+<randomNumber()>#gmail.com'
plainPassword: 'secret'
user: "#user_<current()>"
title: '<word>'
When they are in separated files - duplicated row. When they are in the same file everything is ok.
Why it's being loaded twice?
I even tried this:
$objects = Fixtures::load(__DIR__ . '/fixtures.yml', $manager, ['persist_once'=>true]);
No luck.
Evey time I am trying to use user object in story fixtures alice tries to save it into db again.
Best Regards,
I did a little research and talked to people - it looks like it's a possible bug. You can learn more here:
Nelmio/Alice 2.x Duplicated Row
Also I would like to share my work around:
I wanted to keep things separated and clean. Instead of keeping all fixtures in one file in one bundle you can move it to App/DataFixtures/ORM directory. However Symfony will not look for fixtures in this directory. You can:
add path to the fixtures in console command:
doctrine:fixtures:load --fixtures=/var/www/story/app/DataFixtures/ORM
create alias for above solution
override DoctrineFixturesBundle - how to do this
I hope this will help if you have similar issue.
In our system , DiagnosticOrder.Item has many attributes. Example,
1. Code
2. Name
3. Parent Code
4. Problem with the code
5. Automatically added code ... and many more.
Seems to me , it will be more appropriate to create a new resource here. I see that DiagnosticOrder.Item is a backbone element.
Question is , should I create a new resource or should I use extension here for DiagnosticOrder.Item?
I am more inclined to create a new resource - but not sure how to create one ? If I have to create one , can you please guide me to create a new resource ?
At the moment, creating your own resource is non-compliant, though you could profile the Basic resource. What you're looking for sounds like an extension to me, though you could also look at DataElement.
I'm looking to use the Artifactory property search
Currently this will pull json listing any artifact that matches my properties.
"results" : [
"uri": "http://localhost:8080/artifactory/api/storage/libs-release-local/org/acme/lib/ver/lib-ver.pom"
"uri": "http://localhost:8080/artifactory/api/storage/libs-release-local/org/acme/lib/ver2/lib-ver2.pom"
I need to be able to filter the artifacts I get back as i'm only interested in a certain classifier. The GAVC Search has this with &c=classifier
I can do it in code if this isn't possible via the interface
Any help appreciated
Since the release of AQL in Artifactory 3.5, it's now the official and the preferred way to find artifacts.
Here's an example similar to your needs:
To run the query in Artifactory, copy the query to a file and name it aql.query
Run the following command from the directory that contains the aql.query file
curl -X POST -uUSER:PASSWORD 'http://HOST:PORT/artifactory/api/search/aql' -Taql.query
Don't forget to replace the templates (USER, PASSWORD,HOST and PORT) to real values.
In the example
The first two criteria are used to filter items by properties.
The third criteria filters items by the artifact name (in our case the artifact name should end with .jar)
For more details on how to write AQL query are in AQL
Old answer
Currently you can't combine the property search with GAVC search.
So you have two options:
Executing one of them (whichever gives you more precise results) and then filter the JSON list on the client by a script
Writing an execution user plugin that will execute the search by using the Searches service and then filter the results on the server side.
Of course, the later is preferable.
I've been trying to figure out how to programmatically add files to an Xcode4 project and it seemed like AppleScript would be the way to go, however I'm running into "missing value" errors.
Here's the code I've got:
tell application "Xcode"
set theProject to first project
set theTarget to first target of theProject
set theBuildPhase to compile sources phase of theTarget
tell first group of theProject
set theFileRef to make new file reference with properties {full path:"/Users/jeff/Projects/XcodeTest/XcodeTest/MyViewController.h", name:"MyViewController.h", path:"XcodeTest/MyViewController.h", path type:group relative}
add theFileRef to theProject
end tell
--tell theBuildPhase to make new build file with properties {build phase:theBuildPhase, name:"MyViewController.h", file reference:theFileRef, target:theTarget, project:theProject}
end tell
I've tried the commented-out line instead of the add-command as well, but that doesn't work either (I get "missing value").
The 'add' error is:
error "Xcode got an error: file reference id \"251AD3431432472E006E300F\" of Xcode 3 group id \"251AD32C14324645006E300F\" of project \"XcodeTest\" of workspace document \"XcodeTest.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace\" doesn’t understand the add message." number -1708 from file reference id "251AD3431432472E006E300F" of Xcode 3 group id "251AD32C14324645006E300F" of project "XcodeTest" of workspace document "XcodeTest.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace"
The "make new reference" does add the file to the list of files in Xcode, but I also need it to be added to the project target so that I can add actions and outlets to the file from Xcode w/o having to first check the checkbox to add it to the "target membership".
I ended up sending this question to the devs on the xcode developer list and the response I got was effectively "you can't".
This appears to be completely broken in Xcode4, but I've seen a project that does it. I think what they are doing is parsing and modifying the "project.pbxproj" file directly. (this file is hidden inside the xcodeproj bundle)
The file is a GUID soup, but once you look at it for a while it seems possible to safely modify it, especially if you are only adding stuff.
Found this stackoverflow answer that might help.
Tutorial or Guide for Scripting XCode Build Phases
There is a poorly documented user defined build setting that can be added. Files can be both excluded and included from compilation
Go to your target's Build Settings > Tap the + button > Add User-Defined Setting
The value is a space separated list of file paths
See reference: