Oozie sample on EMR - oozie

Can someone please explain me what is a name node and job tracker for oozie action when working on EMR(EMRFS). I do understand that name node is specific to hdfs but if i'm using EMRFS then what should be the value of it in oozie.

name-node should be the namenode FQDN:port or IP:port of the EMR master where HDFS namenode daemon runs. job-tracker is the YARN resource managers address. They remain unchanged with or without EMRFS because OOZIE still uses HDFS(not S3). Based on the Action , the YARN containers(mappers/reducers) might use EMRFS and you do not need to set anything for it.
You can see this ports list to find the necessary ports for EMR :
You can also find them in fs.default.name ,mapred.job.tracker settings of core-site.xml / yarn-site.xml / mapred-site.xml files.


Camera (/dev/video0) dependencies in systemd service Ubuntu 16.04

I need to run some services on boot up which I have successfully accomplished using systemd services. (Lots of answers already available).
Now, one of my service requires access to /dev/video0 while bootup when a certain user is logged in. (I am doing auto login which is working fine).
So how do I check that whether the /dev/video0 is available before starting my systemd service while bootup.
I came across something called udev for doing this, I followed this link
but I am not getting desired output as after editing /lib/udev/rules.d/99-systemd.rules files as mentioned in the link and starting my service manually it's not starting, any help is appreciated.
Finally after struggling for a day I found the answer -
I made a script in /etc/systemd/system which contains
Description='some description of my file write according to you'
ExecStart='path to script'
and It executes a script which contains
modprobe uvcvideo
Now after rebooting all the services are running properly
mod probe uvcvideo command check for running video driver and enable it at the time of bootup so that It is available for my systemd process

HAAst terminating with exit code 158

I'm just trying to do a POC test with Telium's HAAst before we offer it to a customer, but I've stalled before I start the haast daemon. Currently I have a single VM with Ubuntu 16.04 LTS with Digium's basic Asterisk 13 installation. I've configured haast.conf, it seems good, but I cannot start haast daemon, it stops after a few seconds. Here is the relevant log output:
General, HAAst version starting as daemon under process ID 2409
Controller, Local peer HAAst state changing to service start
License, License file not found. Switching to Free Edition
General, Settings contained 0 information; 0 warning; and 0 error messages.
Asterisk Controller, Unable to located executable to control Asterisk
Controller, Local peer HAAst state changing to service stop
Controller, Stopped
General, HAAst terminating with exit code 158 (failure to find asterisk control files) after running for 2 seconds
It seems, haast misses the event controller to start Asterisk daemon, unfortunately it didn't contain the installation package. I've tried to make these files (asterisk.start & asterisk.stop) based on the other sample event files, I've set the executable bit, I've wrote the shebang to the first line based on the installation guide, but nothing helped.
Is somebody experienced about this case?
Thanks, Zsolt
This error means that High Availability for Asterisk (HAAst) is unable to find the service/executable file needed to control Asterisk. Since the 'distribution' setting in the [asterisk] stanza of the haast.conf file is it to 2 (Digium Asterisk), it means there's a problem with the Asterisk service file.
Ubuntu 16 uses systemd so have you installed Digium's asterisk.service (systemd) file? If you chose to install an initd service file for Asterisk instead then you may have to explicitly tell HAAst which to look for. If you installed neither then that's your problem. The maker of HAAst (Telium) has a support forum where this topic is addressed (click here).
The pre and post Asterisk event handlers are available in the commercial versions of HAAst only - so that won't help (but it's also the wrong way to solve the problem). There are also a few Ubuntu specific topics on the support forum https://www.telium.io/haast in case that helps.
If you can't find an Asterisk systemd service file here's a sample:
Description=Asterisk PBX and telephony daemon
ExecStart=/usr/bin/asterisk -f -C /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf
ExecStop=/usr/bin/asterisk -rx 'core stop now'
ExecReload=/usr/bin/asterisk -rx 'core reload'
Just save that file as 'asterisk.service' and place in /etc/systemd/system/ and ensure permissions match other service/unit files.
Haast configuration is missing or not correct:
Unable to located executable to control Asterisk

openMPI/mpich2 doesn't run on multiple nodes

I am trying to use install openMPI and mpich2 on a multi-node cluster and I am having trouble running on multiple machines in both cases. Using mpich2 I am able to run on an specific host from the head node, but if I try to run something from the compute nodes to a different node I get:
HYDU_sock_connect (utils/sock/sock.c:172): unable to connect from "destination_node" to "parent_node" (No route to host)
[proxy:0:0#destination_node] main (pm/pmiserv/pmip.c:189): unable to connect to server parent_node at port 56411 (check for firewalls!)
If I try to use sge to set up a job I get similar errors.
On the other hand, if I try to use openMPI to run jobs, I am not able to run in any remote machine, even from the head node. I get:
ORTE was unable to reliably start one or more daemons.
This usually is caused by:
* not finding the required libraries and/or binaries on
one or more nodes. Please check your PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH
settings, or configure OMPI with --enable-orterun-prefix-by-default
* lack of authority to execute on one or more specified nodes.
Please verify your allocation and authorities.
* the inability to write startup files into /tmp (--tmpdir/orte_tmpdir_base).
Please check with your sys admin to determine the correct location to use.
* compilation of the orted with dynamic libraries when static are required
(e.g., on Cray). Please check your configure cmd line and consider using
one of the contrib/platform definitions for your system type.
* an inability to create a connection back to mpirun due to a
lack of common network interfaces and/or no route found between
them. Please check network connectivity (including firewalls
and network routing requirements).
The machines are connected to each other, I can ping, ssh passwordlessly etc from any of them to any other, MPI_LIB and the PATH are well set in all machines.
Usually this is caused because you didn't set up a hostfile or pass the list of hosts on the command line.
For MPICH, you do this by passing the flag -host on the command line, followed by a list of hosts (host1,host2,host3,etc.).
mpiexec -host host1,host2,host3 -n 3 <executable>
You can also put these in a file:
Then you pass that file on the command line like so:
mpiexec -f <hostfile> -n 3 <executable>
Similarly, with Open MPI, you would use:
mpiexec --host host1,host2,host3 -n 3 <executable>
mpiexec --hostfile hostfile -n 3 <executable>
You can get more information at these links:
MPICH - https://wiki.mpich.org/mpich/index.php/Using_the_Hydra_Process_Manager#Hydra_with_Non-Ethernet_Networks
Open MPI - http://www.open-mpi.org/faq/?category=running#mpirun-hostfile

SaltStack : is it possible to apply states on the master and if so, how?

I am a total beginner with SaltStack but I have managed to setup some states on a machine and run them on a minion.
What I have right now is a Debian machine setup with salt-master as well as another Debian setup as salt-minion.
Since I am using the salt-master also as a development machine, I would like to know if I can somehow apply the states on the master itself as well. And if so, how?
Is there a command I can run to apply the states on the master? (so far I was unable to find it)
Should I install salt-minion on the same machine as well to be able to do this and simply register the same machine as a minion on itself?
Since I am using the salt-master also as a development machine, I would like to know if I can somehow apply the states on the master itself as well. And if so, how?
You can do that by following the following steps:
Install salt-minion on your development machine
Edit /etc/salt/minion to point to your master (vi /etc/salt/minion and change the following : master: salt -> master:
(optional) Edit /etc/salt/minion_id to something that is meaningful to you
Start up your salt-minion
Use salt-key to accept your minion's key
Use your salt-master to control your minion as if it were any other salt-minion
Is there a command I can run to apply the states on the master?
The salt-master doesn't really run the the state files, the salt-minions do. If you followed the above steps then you can target your salt-master to run highstate with the following command:
salt 'the_value_of_/etc/salt/minion_id' state.highstate
Should I install salt-minion on the same machine as well to be able to do this and simply register the same machine as a minion on itself?
Yup. I think you have an idea as to what you need to do and just need a push in the right direction.
Install both Minion and Master on single node
I call such node Master Minion. No steps provided - you already know it based on the question.
Some conceptual info instead:
In short, Master never applies states. Instead, it triggers Minions (the local Master Minion in this case).
Salt Minion and Master are two separate services with independent runtime & configuration.
While instances use common software, runtime talk over the network (location-independent).
If you can apply states on remote Minion, the same mechanism will be used for local Minion one as well.
Additional info
There are two ways to apply states:
Master-side salt command to "push" states to multiple remote minions.
rpm -qf $(which salt)
Minion-side salt-call command to "pull" states on single local minion.
rpm -qf $(which salt-call)
Until more than one minion is involved, it's better to use salt-call for the same effect:
salt-call state.highstate
Minion-side salt-call provides advantages especially for testing, isolation, troubleshooting:
It makes network issues (if any) more obvious.
It safely applies states only on single local minion (no way to specify more than one).
It shows debug output directly in the local terminal:
salt-call -l debug test.ping
The last point, salt-call--local can also be used in masterless setup using no network.
Now it's near end of 2015. Let's review some more possibilities to salt master self-control:
Install a minion aside with salt master on the same box
This one has been widely discussed as above two answers.
Use salt-ssh + salt-run state.orchestrate
Setup steps:
Step 1: install salt-ssh
Step 2: modify roster file (e.g. /etc/salt/roster in CentOS 6). The default installation already provide you some example. Since you probably ssh into salt master, of course username / password / private key setup should not be a problem for you. For example to control salt master vagrant box, this sample should do:
user: vagrant
passwd: vagrant
sudo: True
Now, steal from official tutorial with a little bit twist:
# /srv/salt/orch/cleanfoo.sls
- tgt: 'localhost'
- ssh: 'true'
- arg:
- touch /tmp/test.txt
And run it with:
salt-run state.orchestrate orch.cleanfoo
Check your salt master vagrant box /tmp directory if test.txt file is there.
This approach should also work for state. Either way you need to install something. I prefer the second way since in general, calling salt master self control (to provision some work) is just a step before I actually call minion to process other state(s).

Boot script execution order (rc.local)?

With some great help from another user on here I've managed to create a script which writes the necessary network configurations required to /etc/network/interfaces and allow public access to a DomU server.
I’ve placed this script in the /etc/rc.local file, and executed chmod u+x /etc/rc.local to enable it.
The server is a DomU Ubuntu server on the a host (Dom0). And rc.local doesn't seem to be executing before the network is brought up at boot/creation time.
So the configuration changes are being made to the /etc/network/interfaces file, but are not active once the boot process completes. I have to reboot once more before the changes take effect.
I've tried adding /etc/init.d/networking restart to the the end of the rc.local script (before exit 0), but with no joy.
I also tried adding the script to the S35networking file, but again without success.
Any advice or suggestions on getting this script to execute before the network device is brought up would be greatly appreciated.?
