Whats wrong with this Async HystrixCommand? - asynchronous

I need to send notifications from time to time, I perform this task asynchronously. I'm using HystrixCommand as below to perform an asynchronous RestTemplate call which is not working:
public Future<String> notify(final Query query) {
return new AsyncResult<String>() {
public String invoke() {
String result = null;
try {
ResponseEntity<HashMap> restExchange = restTemplate.exchange(url,
new HttpEntity<String>(mapper.writeValueAsString(queryMap), httpHeaders),
LOGGER.info("Response code from " + url + " = " + restExchange.getStatusCodeValue());
result = ""+ restExchange.getStatusCodeValue();
} catch(Exception e) {
LOGGER.error("Exception while sending notification! Message = " + e.getMessage(), e);
return result;
This is what I was trying to do earlier(which didn't work either):
public String notify(final Query query) {
new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
ResponseEntity<HashMap> restExchange = restTemplate.exchange(url, HttpMethod.POST,
new HttpEntity<String>(mapper.writeValueAsString(queryMap), httpHeaders), HashMap.class);
LOGGER.info("Response code from " + url + " = " + restExchange.getStatusCodeValue());
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.error("Exception while sending notification! Message = " + e.getMessage(), e);
P.S: Reason for adding sleuth to the tags is, performing this in a new Thread does not propagate the headers(baggage-*) so trying this hoping the Hystrix command will do the trick

Is the method notify being called from a method in the same class? If that is the case, try calling the method notify directly from a different class where the notify method's enclosing class is injected as a dependency.
Basically, try doing this:
Instead of this:

When using Runnable you have to wrap them in a trace representation. i.e. TraceRunnable. It's there in the docs - http://cloud.spring.io/spring-cloud-sleuth/spring-cloud-sleuth.html#_runnable_and_callable .
As for why the Hystrix stuff doesn't work - most likely it's related to https://github.com/spring-cloud/spring-cloud-sleuth/issues/612 .


How to print subcommand result automatically?

I have Java CLI application based on cliche library and I want to migrate it to picocli.
My application was based on cliche so I have a lot of methods with asg.cliche.Command annotation which return some result. cliche prints command methods's result automatically so result was printed in command line. I replaced asg.cliche.Command annotations by picocli.CommandLine.Command and I see that picocli does not print command methods's results.
I have following class:
import picocli.CommandLine;
#CommandLine.Command(subcommandsRepeatable = true)
public class Foo
public static void main( String[] args )
new CommandLine( new Foo() ).execute( args );
public String sayHello()
return "Hello";
public String sayGoodbye()
return "GoodBye";
when I call java -cp myJar.jar Foo sayHello sayGoodbye I do not see any output.
I see three solutions:
1. Modify each methods to print result instead of return it.
import picocli.CommandLine;
#CommandLine.Command( subcommandsRepeatable = true )
public class Foo2
public static void main( String[] args )
new CommandLine( new Foo2() ).execute( args );
public void sayHello()
System.out.println( "Hello" );
public void sayGoodbye()
System.out.println( "GoodBye" );
I am not happy with this solution. I prefer not modify my methods.
Retrieve results after execution.
public static void main( String[] args )
final CommandLine commandLine = new CommandLine( new Foo() );
commandLine.execute( args );
CommandLine.ParseResult parseResult = commandLine.getParseResult();
for( CommandLine.ParseResult pr : parseResult.subcommands() )
System.out.println( pr.commandSpec().commandLine()
.toString() );
I see a few problems with this solution. The main problem is formatting. Execution result can be null, array, collection. The second problem is that results are printed after execution of all subcommands. If second subcommand throws exception then I firstly see exception stack trace and after that I see result of first subcommand.
Ask on stackoverflow if there is some better solution. I do not believe that there is no any configuration option in picocli which enable results printing.
Personally, I like your first solution best, it is simple and easy to maintain. Maybe introduce a helper method for the printing and formatting so the command methods can look like this:
public String sayGoodbye()
return printValue("GoodBye");
You already found the CommandLine.getParseResult method; perhaps a helper method could assist with the formatting there as well.
There is a third option, but it is unfortunately quite a bit more complex: you can create a custom IExecutionStrategy that prints the result of each command after executing it. It involves copying a lot of code from the picocli internals and it’s not really a realistic solution; I just mention it for completeness.
// extend RunLast to handle requests for help/version and exit code stuff
class PrintingExecutionStrategy extends CommandLine.RunLast {
protected List<Object> handle(ParseResult parseResult) throws ExecutionException {
// Simplified: executes only the last subcommand (so no repeating subcommands).
// Look at RunLast.executeUserObjectOfLastSubcommandWithSameParent if you need repeating subcommands.
List<CommandLine> parsedCommands = parseResult.asCommandLineList();
CommandLine last = parsedCommands.get(parsedCommands.size() - 1);
return execute(last, new ArrayList<Object>());
// copied from CommandLine.executeUserObject,
// modified to print the execution result
private List<Object> execute(CommandLine cmd, List<Object> executionResultList) throws Exception {
Object command = parsed.getCommand();
if (command instanceof Runnable) {
try {
((Runnable) command).run();
parsed.setExecutionResult(null); // 4.0
executionResultList.add(null); // for compatibility with picocli 2.x
return executionResultList;
} catch (ParameterException ex) {
throw ex;
} catch (ExecutionException ex) {
throw ex;
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new ExecutionException(parsed, "Error while running command (" + command + "): " + ex, ex);
} else if (command instanceof Callable) {
try {
#SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Callable<Object> callable = (Callable<Object>) command;
Object executionResult = callable.call();
System.out.println(executionResult); <-------- print result
return executionResultList;
} catch (ParameterException ex) {
throw ex;
} catch (ExecutionException ex) {
throw ex;
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new ExecutionException(parsed, "Error while calling command (" + command + "): " + ex, ex);
} else if (command instanceof Method) {
try {
Method method = (Method) command;
Object[] parsedArgs = parsed.getCommandSpec().argValues();
Object executionResult;
if (Modifier.isStatic(method.getModifiers())) {
executionResult = method.invoke(null, parsedArgs); // invoke static method
} else if (parsed.getCommandSpec().parent() != null) {
executionResult = method.invoke(parsed.getCommandSpec().parent().userObject(), parsedArgs);
} else {
executionResult = method.invoke(parsed.factory.create(method.getDeclaringClass()), parsedArgs);
System.out.println(executionResult); <-------- print result
return executionResultList;
} catch (InvocationTargetException ex) {
Throwable t = ex.getTargetException();
if (t instanceof ParameterException) {
throw (ParameterException) t;
} else if (t instanceof ExecutionException) {
throw (ExecutionException) t;
} else {
throw new ExecutionException(parsed, "Error while calling command (" + command + "): " + t, t);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new ExecutionException(parsed, "Unhandled error while calling command (" + command + "): " + ex, ex);
throw new ExecutionException(parsed, "Parsed command (" + command + ") is not a Method, Runnable or Callable");
Use it like this:
public static void main(String... args) {
new CommandLine(new Foo())
.setExecutionStrategy(new PrintingExecutionStrategy())
I wouldn’t recommend the above.
Update: I thought of another, fourth, option (actually a variation of your 2nd solution). You can specify a custom IExecutionExceptionHandler that doesn’t print the stacktrace, but instead stores the exception so you can print the stacktrace after printing the command results. Something like this:
class MyHandler extends IExecutionExceptionHandler() {
Exception exception;
public int handleExecutionException(Exception ex,
CommandLine commandLine,
ParseResult parseResult) {
//ex.printStackTrace(); // no stack trace
exception = ex;
Use it like this:
public static void main(String... args) {
MyHandler handler = new MyHandler();
CommandLine cmd = new CommandLine(new Foo())
ParseResult parseResult = cmd.getParseResult();
for( ParseResult pr : parseResult.subcommands() )
System.out.println( pr.commandSpec().commandLine()
.toString() );
if (handler.exception != null) {

Why cant change textbox text in client function SignalR

I just start testing signalr and I am trying to add text to a rich text box after I got a response from my HUB class , but it doesn't work (no text is shown in my richtextbox) I don't know why...(the code run with no errors)
public class ConnectByHub : Hub
public void testFunc(mas) {
string ans = mas + " got it";
} }
private async void connectToServer()
Connection = new HubConnection(LocalClient);
HubProxy = Connection.CreateHubProxy("ConnectByHub");
await Connection.Start();
catch (Exception ex)
string msg = "Hello friend!";
HubProxy.Invoke("testFunc", (msg)).Wait();
// Option one - doesn't work
HubProxy.On<string>("testFunc", (param) => Invoke((Action)(() => { MsgTxtBox.Text = "something happened"; })));
//Option two - doesn't work
HubProxy.On<string>("testFunc", (param) => this.Invoke((Action)(() => { MsgTxtBox.AppendText("Something happend " + Environment.NewLine); })));
I think part of the problem is trying to send a message from the same Async method (connectToServer) in which your listener is running.
I mostly used the same code from the question but moved a couple things around:
Moved HubProxy.Invoke() out of the Async method and called it from a button_click event
Called string.format() on the parameter
public class ConnectByHub : Hub
public void Send(string message)
// Added button event
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string msg = "Hello friend!";
HubProxy.Invoke("Send", msg).Wait();
private async void ConnectToServerAsync()
Connection = new HubConnection(LocalClient);
HubProxy = Connection.CreateHubProxy("ConnectByHub");
// Put the parmater in string.format()
HubProxy.On<string>("testFunc", (param) => this.Invoke((Action)(() => MsgTxtBox.AppendText(string.Format("{0}", param)))));
await Connection.Start();
catch (Exception ex)
richTextBox1.AppendText(string.Format("Unable to Connect to server ({0})", ServerURI));

GWT: unable to access xml

I'm trying to access a XML file from client side in GWT. But it looks like the sendRequest method is not getting fired at all.
I'm able to see the xml in the browser. Do I need to do any thing in the server side?
Any help is appreciated.
Here's my code
String xmlurl = "http://localhost:8888/test.xml";
RequestBuilder builder = new RequestBuilder(RequestBuilder.GET, URL.encode(xmlurl));
try {
Request request = builder.sendRequest(null, new RequestCallback() {
public void onError(Request request, Throwable exception) {
public void onResponseReceived(Request request, Response response) {
if (200 == response.getStatusCode()) {
} else {
} catch (RequestException e) {
I tried the following code too, but have the same problem. The developer tool shows response status as 200 and correct response text. Only, its not working in the code.
String xmlurl = "";
httpGetFile(xmlurl, new AsyncCallback<String>() {
public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {
xmlData = "Error";
public void onSuccess(String xmlText) {
xmlData = xmlText;
public static void httpGetFile(final String url, final AsyncCallback<String> callback) {
final RequestBuilder rb = new RequestBuilder(RequestBuilder.GET, url);
rb.setCallback(new RequestCallback() {
public void onResponseReceived(Request request, Response response) {
try {
final int responseCode = response.getStatusCode() / 100;
if (url.startsWith("file:/") || (responseCode == 2)) {
} else {
callback.onFailure(new IllegalStateException("HttpError#" + response.getStatusCode() + " - " + response.getStatusText()));
} catch (Throwable e) {
public void onError(Request request, Throwable exception) {
try {
} catch (RequestException e) {
Always Use logging instead of System.out.print statements https://developers.google.com/web-toolkit/doc/latest/DevGuideLogging
Step 1 - Add logging statements to failure, success and try catch statements. Clean up the exception.
Step 2 - "Parsing the XML" should be done inside the "onSuccess" method of the rb callback.
You do not need a RequestBuilder at all to access an XML file. You can use an ExternalTextResource for this:

DatabaseIOException When Executing Query "Delete"

Can anybody help telling me what is wrong with my code? I am trying to connect to SQLite database, and executing some queries. when trying to create and open the database, create and insert the table, no exception returned. but when I try to execute delete statement,
DatabaseIOException: File system error (12)
always returned. I don't know the cause of the exception exactly. would you tell me what usually cause this kind of exception? I don't even know when I need to close the database and when I don't need to. this solution also makes me confused.
here is my code:
public class DatabaseManager {
Logger log = new Logger();
Database db;
public DatabaseManager() {
private void createDatabase() {
// Determine if an SDCard is present
boolean sdCardPresent = false;
String root = null;
Enumeration enum = FileSystemRegistry.listRoots();
while (enum.hasMoreElements()) {
root = (String) enum.nextElement();
if(root.equalsIgnoreCase("sdcard/")) {
sdCardPresent = true;
if(!sdCardPresent) {
alert("This application requires an SD card to be present. Exiting application...");
else {
try {
URI uri = URI.create("/SDCard/databases/MyAdvanceUI/myadvanceui.db");
db = DatabaseFactory.openOrCreate(uri);
//alert("Database OK!");
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
//alert("Exception in createDatabase(): " + e);
private void alert(final String message) {
UiApplication.getUiApplication().invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
private void createTableTask() {
try {
URI uri = URI.create("/SDCard/databases/MyAdvanceUI/myadvanceui.db");
db = DatabaseFactory.open(uri);
Statement st = db.createStatement("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS t_task (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, "
+ "client TEXT, task TEXT)");
//alert("Table Task created!");
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO: handle exception
//alert("Exception in createTableTask(): " + e);
private void insertTableTask() {
String[] clients = { "Budi Setiawan", "Dian Kusuma", "Joko Ahmad", "Titi Haryanto", "Wahyu" };
String[] tasks = {
"Penawaran terhadap instalasi server",
"Follow up untuk keperluan produk terbaru",
"Pendekatan untuk membina relasi",
"Penawaran jasa maintenance",
"Penawaran terhadap instalasi database"
try {
URI uri = URI.create("/SDCard/databases/MyAdvanceUI/myadvanceui.db");
db = DatabaseFactory.open(uri);
for(int i = 0; i < clients.length; i++) {
Statement st = db.createStatement("INSERT INTO t_task (client, task) VALUES (?, ?)");
st.bind(1, clients[i]);
st.bind(2, tasks[i]);
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO: handle exception
//alert("Exception in insertTableTask(): " + e);
public void loadInitialData() {
public Cursor getTasks() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
Cursor results = null;
try {
URI uri = URI.create("/SDCard/databases/MyAdvanceUI/myadvanceui.db");
db = DatabaseFactory.open(uri);
Statement st = db.createStatement("SELECT client, task FROM t_task");
results = st.getCursor();
return results;
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO: handle exception
//alert("Exception: " + e);
return results;
public void delete(String string) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
try {
URI uri = URI.create("/SDCard/databases/MyAdvanceUI/myadvanceui.db");
db = DatabaseFactory.open(uri);
Statement st = db.createStatement("DELETE FROM t_task WHERE client=?");
st.bind(1, string);
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO: handle exception
alert("Exception: " + e);
thank you for your help.
I don't see that you close the statement and close the database after select and delete actions. Most probably you can't open database because it wasn't closed correctly.
Big warning SD card isn't available when user mounted devices to PC as external drive. Some devices are going without SD card preinstalled. DB operations are really slow on 5 OS devices. Your alert method code wan't close db what could be issue to open it after on the next application start.
Warning As #pankar mentioned in comment you should add finally {} where you will close resources for sure. In your current implementation if you get exception in execution you will never close database.
Big improvements You don't need to create and prepare statement every loop. Just do it before for. Do bind and execute every loop. And close statement after for.
Improvements You could keep one opened db during application run cycle. It will save you some line of code and time for opening closing.
Notation It's bad practice to have parameter named like 'string'. I would rename it to something more meaningful.

interesting service behaviour in silverlight

I have a Silverlight project which takes some encrypted string thru its Service Reference: DataService (service which is done in an ASP.NET project).
The method from TransactionServices.cs to get the encrypted string is:
public void GetEncryptedString(string original)
DataService.DataServiceClient dataSvc = WebServiceHelper.Create();
dataSvc.GetEncryptedStringCompleted += new EventHandler<SpendAnalyzer.DataService.GetEncryptedStringCompletedEventArgs>(dataSvc_GetEncryptedStringCompleted);
On completing, put the result in encodedString var (which is initialized with an empty value):
void dataSvc_GetEncryptedStringCompleted(object sender, SpendAnalyzer.DataService.GetEncryptedStringCompletedEventArgs e)
if (e.Error == null)
if (e.Result == null) return;
this.encodedString = e.Result;
catch (Exception ex)
Logger.Error("TransactionService.cs: dataSvc_GetEncryptedStringCompleted: {0} - {1}",
ex.Message, ex.StackTrace);
Now I want to get the encoded string from my MainPage.xaml like:
TransactionService ts = new TransactionService();
I do not uderstand why ts.encodedString is empty. When I do the debug I see that it actually prints out empty and AFTER that it goes to the void dataSvc_GetEncryptedStringCompleted to take the result and fill it.
Can you point me what I've done wrong? Is there a way to wait for the encodedString to be fetched and only after that to continue?
Thanks a lot.
When you call the ts.GetEncryptedString(url); you just started async operation. And therefor the value you are accessing is will be set only in the callback method.
But you access it before the value is modified by the callback.
The solution which I am using will looks similar to folowing:
Redefine the GetEncryptedString method signature.
public void GetEncryptedString(string original, Action callback)
DataService.DataServiceClient dataSvc = WebServiceHelper.Create();
dataSvc.GetEncryptedStringCompleted += (o,e) =>
Call it like this:
ts.GetEncryptedString(url, OtherLogicDependantOnResult);
OtherLogicDependantOnResult is
void OtherLogicDependantOnResult()
//... Code
