gnuplot - How can I save a graphics file of a plot that is the same as I designed it in xterminal? - plot

I have been making plots for some time now, and they are precisely the way I like them, on screen. The data is coming in from sensors related to solar power collection and storage.
Plotted on screen they look great so I do a screen region capture to save them.
So now I would like to automate the saving process.
Here is what I have done so far:
I set up a cron job so they would be run right at midnight, capturing the whole day and saving it as a .png file
Then it moves the "today.dat" data file to the archive named by date.
This part is all working as designed.
EXCEPT, by using .PNG the images do not look the same.
I really thought png would be the best option, but it turns out that the font used for the X-axis (HH:MM ticks) is too thick and they run together. It looks like a crayon-drawn version of my plot designs.
Can someone please give me some guidance on how to best programatically generate the plots for saving so they look like the way I designed them?

As pointed out in the comments above, the best way is probably to use a different terminal for output to an image file, and simply ignore the fact that the generated images are not identical to what you see on your screen when using the x11 terminal. However, if you really need an exact copy, there are (at least) two options:
You could automate the process of taking a screenshot. You can even do this from within gnuplot, where it might come handy that the GPVAL_TERM_WINDOWID variable contains the X Windows ID for the current plot window. You can use that to make a screenshot of the window after you made the plot:
system(sprintf("xwd -id 0x%x | convert xwd:- screenshot.png", GPVAL_TERM_WINDOWID))
Here I included a call to convert to convert the xwd file format to png.
Another option is to use the xlib terminal, which saves the sequence of commands that the gnuplot_x11 helper application turns into the window you see on the screen. For example,
set term push; set term xlib; set output "file.xlib"; replot; set output; set term pop
will create the file file.xlib that has all the information of the last plot. To later view this plot, use
gnuplot_x11 -noevents -persist < file.xlib
where you might have to specify the path to gnuplot_x11.

Similar as #user8153 suggested for x11, you can use import, which is as convert an imagemagick tool
system("import -window ".GPVAL_TERM_WINDOWID." screenshot.png")
Convenient is also a shortcut to copy the image into clipboard and paste it with Ctrl+v elsewhere:
bind Ctrl-c 'system("import -window ".GPVAL_TERM_WINDOWID." png:- | xclip -sel clip -t image/png")'
See also Show graph on display and save it to file simultaneously in gnuplot.


Changing the vector file type with inkscape causes the new vector file to have a different size

I am using inkscape to change the file type from a pdf to an emf. I noticed when I open the files in corel (to check that it was outputted correctly) that they are different sizes than each other - the pdf is the size I set it to be initially (as you'd expect), while the emf is a plain letter size (8.5 x 11).
If I am only using
inkscape 49.pdf -o 49.emf
on the command line, why is it changing the document size? Is there a way to preserve it? Has any one else had this problem? I've checked the man page for options and I haven't seen an explicit command to preserve page size (though I don't believe I should have to even do).
Thank you so much for your input!

How can I reduce the file size of my iPython notebook?

I have an IPython notebook which is several megabytes big although the code inside is just about 100 lines. I think it is that huge because I load several images inside.
I would like to add this notebook to a git repository. However, I don't want to upload something that big which can easily be generated again.
Is it possible to save just the code of an IPython notebook to reduce its size?
You can try following steps since it worked for me:
Select the "Cell" -> then select "All Outputs" -> There you will find "Clear" option select that.
And then save the file.
This will reduce the size of your file (From MBs to kbs). It will also reduce the time to load the notebook next time you open it in your browser.
As per my understanding this will clear all the output created after execution of the code. Since Notebook is holding code+images+comments in addition to this its also holding the out put in that file therefore it will increase the size of the notebook.
I run into the exact same problem with one of my notebooks, which I solved by changing my df to df.head(5). I did this instead of clearing all outputs as I still wanted to show on GitHub how my code changed data inside the columns in my df.
You also can run !ls -lh in the last cell of your notebook to check size of your notebook before saving. This will give you an idea if you need to clear outputs/replace df with df.head()/remove images in order to reduce the size and be able to save on the GitHub.
Now you generate a simple script linked to the notebook with jupytext which others can rerun.
If you need to keep the images within (because, for example, you are sharing the notebook with someone who does not want to/can not rerun it) you might want to try to reduce the images.
I found this module ipynbcompress which seems to do exactly this, but so far I could not install it.

Displaying png files from R into spotfire

I want to pass data from Spotfire to R and then display the plot constructed by R.
What is the best way to do this?
I’ve figured out the trick of putting images into Spotfire. It’s not hard if you follow these directions, but it’s done in a way very different from how you guess you would do it in Spotfire, and that’s why it took me awhile to figure out.
Here’s an overview of how to do it. You create a DocumentProperty which is a binary object, you write some Spotfire code that gives a value to that Document Property, and you display that binary object using a Spotfire Property Control of the “Label” type.
The confusing parts are that you DON’T use the Spotfire “Insert Image” tool at all, and that you DON’T use the filename generated inside the R code in Spotfire at all. Once you get used to the idea that the two most obvious ways you think you would approach the problem in Spotfire are entirely useless and wrong, you can make some progress.
I’ll leave out the spiderplot specifics because the code’s pretty long.
Here’s what you do.
1) Create a document Property in Spotfire of type “Binary”, e.g., “imageThatGoesBackToSpotfire”
2) You write some R code that generates an image and writes it to a file:
# get a temporary directory name on the local machine. You wouldn’t need to do this is you were just
# going to run it on your own, but you need to do it if you intend to let anybody else run it on their own machine.
tempfilebase = tempfile()
# take the tempfilebase and prepend it to a filename.
myFullFilename <- paste(tempfilebase,myFilename,sep="")
#open a jpeg
# generate the image, however you normally would in R
# close the file
# open a connection to that file.
imageThatGoesBackToSpotfire<- data.frame(r=readBin(myConnection, what="raw", n=($size)))
3) Run your R script, above. Select some columns that are the “input” to the plot, and make the R script return outputs to the “imageThatGoesBackToSpotfire” DocumentProperties.
4) Create a text area in Spotfire.
5) Insert a Property Control into the text area of type “label”. (Click on the icon that’s circled in the picture below). This opens a dialog,
You need to register a data function with inputs and outputs, and the specific PNG data needs to be returned as a binary label.
Some details:

How to save or copy in the clipboard a graph made with Statet/R/Eclipse?

My setup: Eclipse, R and Statet
I am using R from inside Eclipse using Statet.
I have made a graph (this is the plot of a time series, in case this is relevant information).
I now wish to save this graph as a JPG image (or BMP, or the like ...), or to copy this image in the clipboard. I need my graph in a PowerPoint presentation.
Does anyone know how to do that?
Thank you
jpeg('foo.png') more help is available by typing ?jpeg at the statet prompt. You may also be able to write to the clipboard, using a destination of clipboard instead of the filename, depending on your platform -- see ?connections for further details.

R: dev.copy2pdf, multiple graphic devices to a single file, how to append to file?

I have a script that makes barplots, and opens a new window when 6 barplots have been written to the screen and keeps opening new graphic devices whenever necessary.
Depending on the input, this leaves me with a potential large number of openened windows (graphic devices) which I would like to write to a single PDF file.
Considering my Perl background, I decided to iterate over the different graphics devices, printing them out one by one. I would like to keep appending to a single PDF file, but I do not know how to do this, or if this is even possible. I would like to avoid looping in R. :)
The code I use:
for (i in 1:length(dev.list())
dev.set(which = dev.list()[i]
dev.copy2pdf(device = quartz, file = "/Users/Tim/Desktop/R/Filename.pdf")
However, this is not working as it will overwrite the file each time. Now is there an append function in R, like there is in Perl. Which allows me to keep adding pages to the existing pdf file?
Or is there a way to contain the information in a graphic window to a object, and keep adding new graphic devices to this object and finally print the whole thing to a file?
Other possible solutions I thought about:
writing different pdf files, combining them after creation (perhaps even possible in R, with the right libraries installed?)
copying the information in all different windows to one big graphic device and then print this to a pdf file.
Quick comments:
use the onefile=TRUE argument which gets passed through to pdf(), see the help pages for dev.copypdf and pdf
as a general rule, you may find it easier to open the devices directly; again see help(pdf)
So in sum, add onefile=TRUE to you call and you should be fine but consider using pdf() directly.
To further elaborate on the possibility to append to a pdf. Although, multiples graphs can be put easaly into one file it turns out that it is impossiple or at least not simple to really append a pdf once finished by - see here.
I generate many separate pages and then join them with something like system('pdfjam pages.pdf -o output.pdf' )*
