Range of columns from table based on user input - r

I have a table with columns ranging from foo1...... foo999 . Could you give me a code in R to extract a set number of columns as needed by the user. The user should be able to decide about what range of columns he needs i.e from 1 to 60 in a separate table or maybe its 1 to 565 that the user needs. I tried a couple of methods. This is what I have currently. The solution seems to be quite basic but I can't find it anywhere.
number <- readline(prompt="Enter the number of columns: ")
subset(data, select=foo1:foo(number))
The expected output is the contents of the columns from the range that the user needs preferably stored in another variable so that I could use the data for further analysis.

Here's a construct that could do it:
number <- readline(prompt="Enter the number of columns: ")
columns<- eval(parse(text=number))
df_selected <- df[,columns]
This will handle the user entering something like 3:8 or c(1,4,9), etc.


R:how to extract the first integer or decimal number from a text, and if the first number equal to specific numbers extract the second integer/decimal

The data is like this:
example - name of database
detail - the first column the contain sting with number in it (the number can be attached to $ etc. like 25m$ and also can be decimal like 1.2m$ or $1.2M)
lets say the datatable look like this:
example$detail<- c("The cole mine market worth every year 100M$ and the equipment they use worth 30$m per capita", "In 2017 the first enterpenur realized there is a potential of 500$M in cole mining", "The cole can make 23b$ per year ans help 1000000 familys living on it")
i want to add a column to the example data table - named: "number" that will extract the first number in the string in column "detail". BUT if this number is equal to one of the numbers in vector "year" (its not in the example database - its a seprate list i created) i want it to extract the second number of the string example$detail.
so i create another years list (separate from the database),
years<-c(2016:2030 )
im trying to create new column - number
what i did so far:
I managed to add variable that extract the first number of a string, by writing the following command:
example$number<-as.integer( sub("\\D*(\\d+).*", "\\1", example$detail) ) # EXTRACT ONLT INTEGERS
example$number1<-format(round(as.numeric(str_extract(example$detail, "\\d+\\.*\\d*")), 2), nsmall = 2) #EXTRACT THE NUMBERS AS DECIMALS WITH TWO DIGITS AFTER THE . (ITS ENOUGH FOR ME)
example$number1<-ifelse(example$number %in% years, TRUE, example$number1 ) #IF THE FIRST NUMBER EXTRACTED ARE IN THE YEARS VECTOR RETURN "TRUE"
and then i tried to write a code that extract the second number according to this if and its not working, just return me errors
i tried:
gsub("[^\d]*[\d]+[^\d]+([\d]+)", example$detail)
str_extract(example$detail, "\d+(?=[A-Z\s.]+$)",[[2]])
as.integer( sub("\\D*(\\d+).*", "\\1", example$detail) )
as.numeric(strsplit(example$detail, "\\D+")[1])
i didnt understand how i symbolized any number (integer\digits) or how i symbolized THE SECOND number in string.
thanks a lot!!
List item
Since no good example data is provided I'm just going to 'wing-it' here.
Imagine the dataframe df has the columns year (int) and details (char), then
df = mutate(clean_details = sub("[^0-9.-]", "",details),
clean_details_part1 = as.integer(strsplit(clean_details,"[.]")[[1]][1]),
clean_details_part2 = as.integer(strsplit(clean_details,"[.]")[[1]][2])
This works with the code I wrote up. I didn't apply the logic because I see you're proficient enough to do that. I believe a simple ifelse statement would do to create a boolean and then you can filter on that boolean, or a most direct way.

How to check for the presence of multiple strings for each value of a particular column in R Dataframe?

How do we identify all those row entries in a particular column that contain a specific set of keywords?
For example, I have the following dataframe:
test <- data.frame(nom = 1:5, name = c("ser bla", "onlybla", "inspectiongfa serdafds", "inspection", "serbla blainspection"))
My keywords of interest are "ser" & "inspection"
What I'm looking for is to enlist all the values of the second column (i.e. name) in which both the keywords are present together.
So basically, my output should enlist the name values of rows 3 and 4 viz. "inspectiongfa serdafds" & "serbla blainspection"
What I have tried is the following:
I first generate a truth table to enlist the presence of each of the keywords for each row in the dataframe as follows:
as.data.frame(sapply(c("ser", "inspection"), grepl, test$name))
Once I get this, all I have to do is identify all those row entries where the values are a pair of TRUE TRUE. Hence, they'll correspond to the cases where the keywords of interest are present. Here it's the same rows 3 & 4.
But, I'm not able to figure out how to identify such row entries with the TRUE TRUE pair and whether this whole process is a bit of an overkill and it can be done in a much efficient manner.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
You're almost there :)
Here's a solution extending what you have done:
# store your logic test outcomes
conditions_df <- as.data.frame(sapply(c("ser", "inspection"), grepl, test$name))
# False=0 & True=1. Can use rowSums to get the total and find ones that =2 ie True+True
# which gives you the indices of the TRUE outcomes ie the rows we need to filter test
locate_rows <- which(rowSums(conditions_df) == 2)
[1] "inspectiongfa serdafds"
[2] "serbla blainspection"

Create a simple range/values in range table

I am working on a simple project to help me get to know R, coming from javascript.
I have imported a list of numbers, and all I simply want to do, is to export a table that looks like the following:
where the ranges are in 10 steps, from the smallest to the largest value, the "range" and "number" are the top rows, and the columns going down are the different ranges and number of occurrences in this range.
This is my attempt so far:
list <- read.csv(file = "results/solarSystem.data")
range <- (max(list) - min(list)) / 10
However, I get an error that
'Error in cut.default(list, breaks = c(min(list), min(list) + 1 * range...
'x' must be numeric'
This is the file I am importing, what looks like just a simple list of numbers, so I don't understand how it cannot be numeric?
Any advice on this would be appreciated!

TraMineR, Extract all present combination of events as dummy variables

Lets say I have this data. My objective is to extraxt combinations of sequences.
I have one constraint, the time between two events may not be more than 5, lets call this maxGap.
User <- c(rep(1,3)) # One users
Event <- c("C","B","C") # Say this is random events could be anything from LETTERS[1:4]
Time <- c(c(1,12,13)) # This is a timeline
df <- data.frame(User=User,
If want to use these sequences as binary explanatory variables for analysis.
Given this dataframe the result should be like this.
res.df <- data.frame(User=1,
(CB) and (CBC) will be 0 since the maxGap > 5.
I was trying to write a function for this using many for-loops, but it becomes very complex if the sequence becomes larger and the different number of evets also becomes larger. And also if the number of different User grows to 100 000.
Is it possible of doing this in TraMineR with the help of seqeconstraint?
Here is how you would do that with TraMineR
df.seqe <- seqecreate(id=df$User, timestamp=df$Time, event=df$Event)
constr <- seqeconstraint(maxGap=5)
subseq <- seqefsub(df.seqe, minSupport=0, constraint=constr)
(presence <- seqeapplysub(subseq, method="presence"))
which gives
(B) (B)-(C) (C)
1-(C)-11-(B)-1-(C) 1 1 1
presence is a table with a column for each subsequence that occurs at least once in the data set. So, if you have several individuals (event sequences), the table will have one row per individual and the columns will be the binary variable you are looking for. (See also TraMineR: Can I get the complete sequence if I give an event sub sequence? )
However, be aware that TraMineR works fine only with subsequences of length up to about 4 or 5. We suggest to set maxK=3 or 4 in seqefsub. The number of individuals should not be a problem, nor should the number of different possible events (the alphabet) as long as you restrict the maximal subsequence length you are looking for.
Hope this helps

Return matching names instead of binary variables in R

I'm new here and diving into R, and I'm encountering a problem while trying to solve a knapsack problem.
For optimization purposes I wrote a dynamic program in R, however, now that I am at the point of returning the items, which I succeeded in, I only get the binary numbers saying whether the item has been selected or not (1 = yes). Like this:
[1] 1 0 0 1
However, now I would like the Select function to return the names of values instead of these binary values. Underneath I created an example of what my problem looks like.
This would be the data and a related data frame.
items <- c("Glasses","gloves","shoes")
grams <- c(4,2,3)
value <- c(100,20,50)
data <- data.frame(items,grams,value)
Now, I created various functions, with the final one clarifying whether a product has been selected by 1 (yes) or 0 (no). Like above. However, I would really like for it to return the related name of the item. Is there a manner to go around this by linking back to the dataframe created?
So that it would say instead of (in case all products are selected)
[1] 1 1 1
[1] Glasses gloves shoes
I believe I would have to create a new function. But as I mentioned, is there a good way to refer back to the data frame to take related values from another column in the data frame in case of a 1 (yes)?
I really hope my question is more clear now and someone can direct me in the right direction.
Best, Berber
Lets say your binary vector is
idx <- [1, 0, 1, 0, 1]
just use,
will give you the name for selected items, and
will give you name for unselected items
