is it possible for users to choose any email at the time of password reset in frebase? - firebase

I am using ionic 3 and firebase for the backend.In my app I am trying to let users sign up with just username and password. Well firebase by default doesn't provide that option. So I am getting user's input as username (for example: 'mike123') then i add so it looks like an email: ''. That is all fine, but a problem just came up when user's want to reset their passwords. Is it possible to let users type in any valid email address at the time they want to reset their password?.

You can change the password of the user by Note that this is in the Firebase Admin SDK, so will require that you run code in a trusted environment, such as a server you control or Cloud Functions.
But faking username+password by faking an email address is non-ideal. I'd consider creating a custom auth provider for your needs.

If the email provided when sending the Reset Password request doesn't exist for any user, then it will fail.
In Android, calling sendPasswordResetEmail with a non-existing email, it would return a:
FirebaseAuthInvalidUserException: There is no user record corresponding to this identifier. The user may have been deleted.
You should ask for a valid email from the user and save their preferred username separately upon the user creation.


Set password and verify email in one step

Lots of questions about email verification here on SO, but none seem to cover my scenario.
We would like to add users ourselves after an intake meeting. Our representative has a form to enter some details like company name, VAT number, contact data (which contains an email field), ... This data is saved in Firestore.
After this, an email is sent to the supplied email address which contains a link that takes the user to a form where his/her email address is displayed with a password and a password confirmation input field. When submitting this field, the user is created.
But now the user receives an email asking to confirm their email address. I assume, for security and privacy reasons, there's no way I can set the user's email address as verified.
I've looked at customizing the verification email, but that doesn't seem to solve my problem.
Creating the user with a random password after the intake meeting also doesn't seem to be a solution, as the user still has to verify and then reset the password in 2 steps. Or can I somehow redirect after the email verification to the 'set password' page? That would be an acceptable solution.
Is there any way to achieve the desired flow described above?
As a general workflow, you could achieve this using a Cloud Function along with either database system. You can also make use of App Check to further secure this process.
Representative adds base user information in their portal. Store the data securely in the database of your choice.
Send the user an invite email containing a short-lived verification token linked with the email added by the representative (this could be generated and fired off using an onCreate Cloud Function once the invitee's data is added to the database). This token should follow some standard like JWT so you can deserialize the contained email address or be exchangeable for the underlying email address.
When user clicks/copies the link to their browser, present them with an input form asking for the desired email and password. Note: the email field should be editable! The rep may have used an email the new user doesn't want to use with your platform.
If the token is still valid and not consumed, continue with the next steps.
If the token has expired and not consumed, send another email to reconfirm their email and restart this step.
If the token is already consumed, show an error and don't continue.
Submit the email, password and emailed token to your backend via a Callable Cloud Function.
Sign the user in using the authentication token returned by the function on success. Show an error otherwise.
In the callable function for creating the user:
Confirm the request comes from your app (if using App Check)
Confirm the validity of the emailed token
Pull the data the representative entered from the database linked with the emailed token's original email address.
Using that data, the updated email, the new password, and emailVerified=true, call the createUser API.
Using the User ID from the returned UserRecord, create the user's profile data in the database and also create a Custom Authentication Token.
Once their data has been created and the token generated, return the authentication token as the result of the request.

Firebase Authentication Provider for a User changed automatically to E-Mail. How to change back?

In a Firebase project, I have activated multiple sign-in methods (e-mail, Google, and Microsoft), which all work fine. I also have it activated to only allow one account per e-mail address.
The problem arises when a user successfully signs in via Google or Microsoft, then signs out and then signs in via e-mail, using the same e-mail address as before using Google or Microsoft. Then his account type changes to e-Mail and it seems like a no way back.
Is there a way to change user account types from e-mail back to Microsoft or Google?
Your code must have different functions written for different signin's. When the user first logs in, store his login method on firestore. You can get this from the signin function triggered or simply by the button user clicked. Then during each login add a check that if user exists and user's current signin method is not the same as the one stored on firestore, notify the user to use the correct one.
Or you can let the user signin using whatever they please but ultimately in your code, the function which is triggered will tell you the current signin method and you'd have the first/previous method stored. So you can do stuff accordingly.
What you are writing in question seams not how it works. When you sign in using Google provider your email is verified automatly and if you try to sign in using same email authentication will throw error that account with that email allredy exists.
If you created first account using email and password and didn't verify your email addres then if you sign in using google provider with same email address in it, email and password provider will gone because of was not verified and you wont be able to login using email end password unless you will setup a new password for this email.
If email was verified and you sign in using google provider with same email address. This provider will be added to providers array and you will be able to login using email and password and google provider.
To add multiple providers to your accaunt you can use linkWithPopup() function. If you created accound with diferent email address and want to be able to log in on this account with provider who has diferent email address for example.

Firebase : How can I access the new password created from Firebase's sendPasswordResetEmail()

I'm working on a Node js project using Firebase. Currently, I store several User fields in the database under their email address. (Users > Email Address > (five different fields)). One of these fields is the user's password.
In my Reset Password workflow, I have Firebase send the User a reset password email. After the user goes through the link in that email, they successfully change their password and can now log in with their new password. My question is how can I grab that new password, and update the Users > Email Address > password field in my database right away? Currently, this field is holding the old password that doesn't have any use any longer.
I don't believe we will need this field for the project, but I want to keep it updated for now in case another member on my team needs it. Thank you
My question is how can I grab that new password, and update the Users
-> Email Address -> password field in my database right away?
By using the standard reset password email mechanism proposed by Firebase you cannot "grab" the password.
You would need to implement your own mechanism as explained in the "Create custom email action handlers" page in the doc.
As evocated by #Kiran in his comment, storing users' passwords in your Firebase DB (Firestore or the RTDB) can be dangerous: you should take care that they cannot be read by some malicious users, typically by using security rules.
It can make sense, from a specific business/admin/organisational reason, to store users' password in a Firebase DB but then you should correctly protect them.

Firebase authentication without email

Currently, I am trying to develop a web portal where I want to allow specific users to enter in the site. This means I want to use specific username and password to enter my side without using any email address. How it is possible? I see that for custom login I have to use an authentication server and it is allowed in the Functions tab in Firebase. But I have to purchase it. Is there any workaround available to create my custom login without an email.?
Firebase Authentication has no username-password authentication. The best you can do is whenever user enters the user name you can append #yourapp-com to make the format like an email and use it with the password.
Use the same method when user tries to login, when they enter their username, append with that domain and use signInWithEmailAndPassword method. So technically you are using email and password (but the email cannot receive emails) but your users enter username and password only.
That was the easy work around but you can also store usernames and passwords in database. However make sure you properly hash the password in the database. You can use cloud functions to authenticate user. The auth flow would be like:
User enters username and password
A cloud function is triggered which then verifies the username and password
If the password matches, use the Admin SDK to generate a Custom Token and send it back to client
Use the signInWithCustomToken method and log the user in with that token.

Firebase recover password transforms account type

we are building an angular 5 app with Firebase.
We allow users to login with email+password or google account and we don't allow to have multiple accounts related to the same email address.
We built a form to allow users to ask for a Password Reset Email if they forgot their email password credentials and works perfectly if the user has an email+password account.
The problem arises when the reset email is asked for a google account. We'd expect for firebase to throw an error, not allowing to send the email, but the email is sent and if the user proceeds resetting the email the account is transformed from google type to an email+password.
Is there a way to prevent this behaviour ?
There is no way to prevent this. When a user resets their password, they are making a conscious decision to do so. Firebase is providing a way to recover an email account, in case it was hijacked. In the process all providers are unlinked and a password is set on the account.
You have a way to check if the email is associated with google provider or not. Checkout the fetchSignInMethodsForEmail and fetchProvidersForEmail APIs. These APIs would return the array of sign in methods or providers associated with an email.
