Wildcard sub domains in IIS10 - asp.net

I want to access the application www.testsite.com using different wildcard Sub-domain such as :
I have installed IIS Express 10 on windows 10 Machine and followed below steps:
Created an simple Asp.net MVC web application and published in local folder
Added an website in local IIS as www.testsite.com
Mapped the website to the published folder.
Added binding as *.testsite.com
Edited host file with www.testsite.com and
Now I am able to access www.testsite.com but not using any other sub domains
Am I missing anything ?

You can add wildcard entry on IIS, but you have to specify the list of subdomains that you are going to map. Ultimately host file will not support any wildcard entry.


IIS intranet link directly to hard disc folder

I'm trying to use IIS 7 to run an HTML5 app via localhost directly out of the folder of the GIT repository where I am developing files (e.g. I go to [ip address]/myApp and it runs C:/git/myApp/index.html).
So I set up a new web site in IIS that has the following advanced settings:
Application Pool: myApp
Bindings: http:*:80:newAutoDemo
ID: 2
Name: myApp
Physical Path: C:/git/myApp
Physical Path Credentials Login type: Interactive
Start Automatically: true
However, when I try to go to [ip address]/myApp, it looks for files in C:/inetpub/wwwroot/myApp instead of my GIT directory (throwing a 404 error). Any idea how to fix it so that it links directly?
Note: I would like this to run on other computers on the same LAN as well as the computer with IIS running.
A new WebSite in IIS means that it's no longer under the default http://localhost/ site. Looks like you've got it set up to respond to http://newAutoDemo, so you'd need to make sure your DNS points that domain name to this IP address (if you're testing from a single machine, you can do it in the hosts file).
If you want to access it as http://{ipaddress}/myApp, then rather than creating a brand new website in IIS, you'll just want a new virtual directory or application underneath Default Web Site.

specify a domain when deploying on iis

I am deploying a web application to a windows server 2008 named jonny521 using IIS7. The domain for most applications on this server is jonny521 however one of the application's domain is jonny521.development.local and I'm not sure how the application got that domain. I want to deploy another application to the domain jonny521.development.local so that it has access to the same cookies.
Does anyone know how I can put my web application in the domain jonny521.development.local?
You can put an application on arbitary domain on your Iis. Just create a new website and in website properties, set the domain as the host name.
The remaining part is resolving the host name by your os so that when you navigate, you get to correct server. You can use a dns server but you can also modify the local host file (system32/drivers/etc/hosts).

configure hostname for wordpress site using webmatrix

How can I configure a wordpress site built using webmatrix on windows to run on a specific hostname instead of localhost with a port number.
For example my site is currently running on http://localhost:64044/
I need to be able to view it via http://www.mydomain.co.uk
I know I can edit my hosts file in windows to point my domain to my local pc like so: www.mydomain.co.uk
but I cant see how or where to configure hostname bindings for the wordpress site in webmatrix?
probably you can't do it directly from WebMatrix. But you can do it manually by editing IIS Express configuration file %userprofile%\documents\iisexpress\config\applicationhost.config (WebMatrix uses IIS Express web server). Take a look at following posts
Binding IIS Express to an IP Address
Is it possible to use custom host headers / bindings with IIS7 Express?

Is it possible to run ASP.NET in IIS 7.5 without creating Virtual Directories or Applications?

I have a Continuous Integration server with dozens of ASP.NET applications hosted on IIS. Everytime I want to deploy a new application, I have to create a new Website or virtual Directory and configure it as an application in IIS.
I would really love to have only one website listening in a specific port (say, 80) serving multiple ASP.NET sites according to wildcard host headers.
For instance:
*.dev.mydomain.int -> my server's ip address (eg:
IIS web site reads the host header and try to find a local folder with the same name. Ex: when a request uses the host header "helloworld.dev.mydomain.int" IIS tries to open a preconfigured folder appending the host header site name (e.g: D:\dev\helloworld)
IIS serves the contents of the folder as an ASP.NET application, using preset configurations (Application Pool, ASP.NET version, and so on).
My goal here is not to create a web site or virtual directory for each and every project in our CI server. I know I can create them programmatically, but I'd prefer a more dynamic solution.
Thanks in advance
You can use MSBuild tasks to create Virtual Directories / Web sites automatically.
I had it working on a large application with many branches (we had an environment for each branch) and I didn't have to open IIS settings at all. Just pure hands-off process.

Setup local domain with IIS7

I want to setup local domains like sub1.mydomain.dev and www.mydomain.dev on my local IIS on Windows 7 to test cross-domain things (asp.net app)... is there anyway to do that ?
This should not be done in IIS, but in the DNS server.
You can spoof this by updating your hosts file and add entries for the additional domain names, pointing them to the same server.
